Mama arrives

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You woke up in the morning to Pup letting out a few barks, and suddenly Sam was there picking him up from the bed beside you.
"Good morning sleeping beauty, how was your sleep?" Sam smiled at you as he held Pup close to his chest, and already had a bottle ready to feed him. Pup barked again and he gave him the bottle.
"A little too well, how late is it?" you yawned sitting up.
"Around seven, you still have time to go for a quick walk with me once this little guy is done eating" Sam grinned and walked out the balcony door to sit on the swing.
"Sure, that sounds good" you slipped out of bed and went directly to the bathroom. You took a few moments to brush your teeth and put on your makeup before coming back out and heading into the closet to change for the day. You checked your phone, and saw your mom said she would be landing at nine in the morning. You sighed, and changed into your normal workout clothes of black leggings, a sports bra, and a baggy t-shirt. You remembered to grab a sweater since you had forgotten one yesterday. You took the time to put on your sneakers and do a small stretch before you came out. You texted Happy and told him that your mom would be at the airport for nine, and gave him her full name. You then texted Tony and Steve to warn them ahead of time. "Come on you two, time for a quick walk this morning"
"I'm still tired from yesterday" Melody whined getting out of bed.
"You did good yesterday" Cloud jumped out of bed, and you made it quickly, looking around the room to make sure it still looked good. You went outside and Sam was just finishing up.
"You ready?" he smiled as he put the three bottles to the side.
"Yes, we are running a little late" you noticed he had his sweater back from yesterday too.
"Lets go then, this little man needs to pee" he led the way down the balcony steps, and you peered in Bucky's room for a moment and it looked like he was just getting out of the shower, he was walking around in a towel. You flushed and looked away quickly. You ran down the steps after Sam and once you hit the bottom you smiled as he set Pup down to do his business and he waddled around on the ground a little unsurely. He was getting stronger at least. Once he was done you picked him up and cradled him close to you and started following Cloud and Melody to the woods.
"So, Tinman..." Sam looked at you with a grin. "I think everyone see's it but him"
"See's what?" you asked curiously.
"That you like him" Sam stopped to look at you seriously.
"We barely just stopped fighting" you shook your head.
"Fighting doesn't mean there wasn't attraction there. Come on, you can admit it" he pried a little more and you couldn't stop blushing.
"We are friends, and that's the way he see's me. I'm not ruining that" you shook your head. "I don't want to go back to fighting again"
"You and I see different things" he shook his head. "You'll get there eventually, but you should be more honest with yourself"
"You need to swish that tail, and get his attention" Melody perked up.
"I doubt she needs to do that much" Cloud chuckled. "You swish your tail enough for both of you, its cute"
"Maybe I was trying to get your attention old man" Melody sung softly.
"You already have it" he bumped her with his head and the pair took off sprinting.
"What if that guy asks you on a date?" Sam suddenly asked.
"Who?" you looked at him. "I missed it"
"Timothy, the cop" he seemed to be deep in thought.
"I'm not really good for dating. I still have someone hunting me, remember?" you asked him.
"I think if he asks, you should go for it. Why not? Maybe Tinman will see what he's missing out on" Sam gave a mischievous grin.
"Bucky doesn't see me that way" you shook your head. "We barely stopped fighting just over a week ago. Besides, we are team mates"
"Nat and Bruce are team mates. Vision and Wanda are team mates. I don't think that stops feelings from happening" he shrugged as you both got close to the cop cars again.
"Y/N! Good morning beautiful" Timothy jumped out of his car and came over. "They are switching me to day shift soon" he grinned.
"You're too kind, you shouldn't burn yourself out though" you flushed a bit. Sam stood back this time, while Melody stood in front of you and then sat down glaring at him.
"Do you do your walks during the day too?" he asked with a grin.
"Sometimes, depends on the wolves. The rest of the team helps out with them a lot too" you admitted.
"Hopefully I'll see you more this way" he winked. "I better go, my shift is over. I just wanted to say hi. Good morning Falcon" he gave a grin and ran back to his car.
"Yeah, that boy has got it for you" Sam said once he was out of hearing distance.
"He's being friendly. You called me beautiful too. I think you both need your eyes checked mind you" you rolled your eyes.
"My eye sight is just fine" he started leading you to the front doors. "I call it like I see it"
"Who are you texting at night anyways?" you asked him seriously.
"My sister and her kids. I sent them some photo's of the wolves and they've been asking a lot of questions" he smirked. "I even sent a selfie of me feeding Pup"
"They must love that" you cooed.
"They did, they think its pretty amazing that someone can understand animals when they are speaking" he opened the door for you to walk in. Cloud and Melody brushed past you and ran towards the kitchen.
"It gets loud sometimes, like I said" you smiled at him. "Its hard to tell sometimes the difference between human and animal too"
"Are their thoughts always that concise?" he seemed surprised.
"Yes, they always seem to be" you admitted as you both got towards the dining room. Vision came over and held out his arms expectantly and you handed over Pup sitting beside Peter, where Pietro took the end this time. Clint came in a moment later and sat on your other side.
"We heard you made the pie" Peter looked at you excitedly. "And that you blew up Mister Starks room again"
"Both are true" you grinned at him. "You better ace that test today boys" you giggled as Peter leaned towards you a bit, and put his head on your shoulder. You immediately gave him a kiss on top of the head. "That's for luck" you added.
"We don't need it, we stayed up most of the night studying again" Pietro yawned a bit. "We could have been security detail for the amount of sleep we got" he admitted.
"Remember not to push yourselves too much, we talked about that" you started to sass them.
"We aren't. There was a few more robberies than usual last night with some black vans. We got them, and the cops came in time. Just wore us out a little, and took from our study time" Peter looked at you honestly. "I'm headed to see Aunt May tonight after supper for the weekend. Pietro is coming since one of my friends is having a party" he grinned.
"Try not to have too much fun" you giggled.
"I'm headed to see my girl and Cassie for the weekend too. I'm pretty excited, my daughters going to love all the extra pictures of Pup that I took" Scott grinned.
"Its going to be pretty dead around here" Clint looked at you. "Gives you more time with your mom"
"It should be fun" you smiled more to yourself.
"I'd better head to the airport to go pick her up" Happy finished his meal. "I'll be back with her shortly"
"Drive safe Happy" Pepper called to him as he got up. He gave a smile and put his dishes in the kitchen then headed to the front doors.
"How did you sleep?" Bucky looked up at you, sitting across from you with a smirk.
"Really well, I slept in" you admitted. "I woke up to Sam grabbing Pup for his breakfast"
"You should have come to get me for my shift Jerk" Steve looked at him.
"I was fine watching her on my own" Bucky shrugged and smiled at you.
"It's a good thing I set my alarm" Sam quipped.
"Did you get enough sleep?" you finally caught on.
"I did, more than enough" Bucky assured you.
"You are sparring me this morning" Steve warned you. "We need to focus on your defence again, you have another few missions next week we are sending you on and I want to make sure you can defend your ribs"
"I think I've got it down now" you grinned. "Clint's been keeping on top of my training as always"
"You sure you want to work today? We can give you the day since your mom is coming" Tony offered.
"I told you, I can't let it disrupt my work. Besides she will need time to settle in" you gave a small smile. "I'll come out to see her when she gets here though"
"We should let her watch, so she knows how well you do" Sam suggested.
"That's true, she gets in quite a few good hits when she manages it" Scott chuckled and you stuck your tongue out at him.
"Come on, you have Steve for the morning, and Bucky this afternoon" Clint grabbed your empty plate and you got up automatically to follow him. Melody and Cloud came out and went to Scott to get him to wash their faces and he chuckled to himself before helping them out.

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