Getting closer

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You spend a majority of the morning making pies, you went overboard with ten pies. You sang softly to the music as you danced around the kitchen while making them. You made five apple, four peach, and one plum pie. You flushed at the thought of giving Bucky another pie, but Steve did say he loved plums. You knew the pies would be eaten easily. You had five baking at a time, and took the time to sit on one of the stools and sip at some coffee, while reading a book off of your phone while you waited for the baking to finish. Once the first set of pies were finished cooling, you grabbed the plum one and snuck down to Bucky's room. You knocked a few times, but didn't hear an answer so you figured he was in the gym. You opened the door and peeked in and didn't see him so you went and put it on his desk before making a hasty retreat. You made it back to the kitchen before the cook came in, and you pulled out the last of the pies. They gave you a smile, and let you finish what you needed before you made a hasty retreat back to the lab since you didn't know what else to do.
"Finish all your baking?" Tony asked as you came in.
"Yes, I was wondering if I could take Pup for his next feeding and bring him outside for a few minutes" you gave a soft smile. Tony stared at you for a moment before giving a small nod and passing you Pup.
"I know you're going stir crazy, I'll try to get you on some more missions. I know you're used to being very independent and self sufficient. I'm just asking you to please be careful when you are outside. You're with family, and we would all worry if anything were to happen" he spoke carefully.
"You're talking about the shopping trip idea too, aren't you?" you stopped for a moment cuddling Pup close to you.
"Yes" he nodded.
"We could catch him easily if you let me go as bait" you bit your bottom lip.
"Out of the question" Bruce perked up. "That's not something we do, we don't offer someone up on a silver platter just so some delusional psychopath can think they have the upper hand"
"I'd be protected by the team, there would be nothing to worry about" your bottom lip trembled a little bit, you weren't used to Bruce raising his voice even a little bit.
"We are searching for him, and we will find him and take him down as a team. He's bound to make a mistake at one point" Tony put his hand on your shoulder. "Just be patient"
"Sure Tony" you gave a weak smile. "Sorry to have bothered you two" you turned quickly and grabbed the three bottles off of Bruce's desk and headed out to the living room. You turned on some more of your more depressing music, and sat put it back in your back pocket before you headed down the stairs and sat in the grass with Pup and started feeding him. He took to the bottle quickly, even though he wasn't whining for food. You stayed with him until he finished the third bottle, then put him in the grass and let him waddle around a little bit before he went to the bathroom. You glanced over your shoulder and saw a police officer watching you, and he took a photo with his phone. You grabbed Pup and went back up the stairs and went into the living room putting your feet back up and put Pup on your stomach so he could find a comfortable spot to lay. He went up between your breasts again and whined until he got warm. You texted Morgan and asked him for the names of the police officers that were watching the building during the day, and he sent back a list. You thought about it for a moment. On one hand, you had a target that you could use to get to Shawn. On the other hand, you could give the data to Tony and tell him what you saw and see if he could do anything with it. "Save me" by Jelly roll came on and you started singing it a little bit louder while Pup curled up more around your neck and nuzzling in. You closed your eyes, and just let yourself feel the music.
"You need to cheer up Pup" you heard Cloud and opened your eyes, immediately stopped singing and saw both Melody and Cloud were sitting beside where your head was.
"I'm tired of being in a cage" you admitted internally.
"They want to keep you safe, as your companions we need you safe" Melody whined softly. "We can feel your sadness"
"And a touch of anger" Cloud mentioned gently.
"I saw a man taking a photo of me when I took Pup outside. I'm wondering if I should tell Tony, or if I should just start going towards the cars more to lure Shawn out" you admitted. "I want this over with"
"You need to tell Tony" Cloud growled.
"But I can take care of myself too" you sighed heavily.
"You need to rely on your pack" Melody growled as well.
"I'll tell Tony" you gave in. You hadn't realized that you had just been talking with them with your mind, or that anyone had come into the room. You felt a pull on your ankles and looked over in shock to see Bucky sitting down and putting your legs on his lap.
"You're sad today" he spoke the obvious. "You want to talk about it?" he whispered.
"I'm just going stir crazy. I'm tired of being looked at as some kind of victim, instead of a person" you turned onto your side facing the back of the couch, looking away from Cloud and Melody.
"We see you as a person" he looked at you confused, but you tried to curl up into yourself. "Hey, come on" he patted you along the calf and lower thigh. "What's really wrong?"
"You guys were right about going outside, its not safe" you sighed. "One of the police officers was taking pictures of me taking out Pup" you finally admitted. His face went to look like he was enraged.
"Which cop?" he demanded sitting forward.
"One of the ones in a car" you shrugged. "I texted Morgan, I have the list of police watching the compound"
"Did you bring it to Tony?" his voice was low, but sounded dangerous.
"No, I just needed a moment" you held Pup closer to your chest.
"Can I have your phone?" he asked gently. "I'll go give it to Tony, and explain it"
"I'll do it" you sat up slightly, and Pup gave out a small whine. Cloud and Melody both started to whine as well, feeling your sadness.
"Let me do it for you, its okay. I'll be right back" he promised and you handed him your phone. He got up silently and left the room.
"Come on pup, you need to get up" Cloud barked. "From now on go with a pack mate to go outside so they don't get any ideas"
"I have to go clean my room" you looked at your phone to check the time and saw it was almost lunch time.
"Get up" Melody jumped on the couch and stared at you. "Or are we waiting for Bucky?" she twitched her ears.
"I want to wait, but I know that's not proper" you sighed and started to sit up, cradling Pup closer to you. You sat in the middle of the couch for a moment and ran your hand through your hair before turning down your music and standing up. Bucky came back in and handed you your phone with a smile.
"Tony's looking into it" he promised. "Come on, you need to eat" he tilted his head and you stood up and followed him into the dining room. Instead of sitting where he normally does, or the area, he followed you to where you sat beside Clint and sat on your other side.
"I was wondering if you were going to show up" Clint looked at you with a grin. "I heard you blew up Tony's room again" he chuckled.
"I burnt the fireproof tiles off" you flushed.
"You should have seen the readings. It was fascinating" Bruce grinned. "I can't wait to fix the room to see her do it again" he looked to Nat who smiled at him.
"I wish there would have been a video or photo of Tony's face" Clint chuckled. "I'd pay to see that"
"I couldn't see it really well, he was pretty shocked though" you admitted as Clint filled your plate for you again and he passed the dish to Bucky.
"I guess that means your in the training room all day tomorrow then" Bucky grinned.
"Mama's coming tomorrow too" you bit your bottom lip.
"You'd better work out hard today, tomorrow we might have to take it easy on you" Clint shrugged.
"I'm kind of excited to see her" you admitted. "Its been over a year since I last made the trip to see her"
"You said she wants you to go home with her too though" Bucky reminded you.
"I don't want to leave" you shook your head. "I have reasons to stay" you looked at him and gave a small flush. Even if he only saw you as a friend, he was one of the reasons you wanted to stay. He made the world seem like a brighter place.
"I am running a trace on all those names" Tony came in the room and sat down. "Thank you for getting them from Morgan"
"Let me know if its just my imagination" you gave a sad smile.
"Just bring someone with you if you go outside from now on" Bucky spoke softly.
"What happened?" Steve looked over curiously.
"Someone was taking pictures of me outside with Pup" you admitted gently. "It was one of the police officers in the cars. It might be just my imagination"
"I'll keep you appraised" Tony looked to Steve who nodded in appreciation.
"Mind sparring me again today?" Bucky asked as you just finished chewing on a mouthful of food.
"Sure, don't go easy on me" you gave a smirk.
"I wouldn't dream of it. Clint yells when I do" he chuckled.
"So when am I getting invited to this music party you keep having every night? I'm a little hurt that you haven't come to get me for it" Scott looked over.
"I didn't want you to get squished" you giggled. "Its open invitation. We just play music and we all sit around"
"Sounds like my kinda scene" Sam smirked. "Beautiful woman and music is always nice"
Bucky stopped eating for a moment to glare at Sam who grinned even more.
"Its fun, we all get to take turns with Pup" Clint spoke up seeing how red your face was from Sam's comment.
"When do I get a turn with him?" Scott asked.
"You can hold him now, if you want. Just be careful" you offered and he came over and carried him like he had been doing it forever. You heard Pup start to whine and you bit your bottom lip. "Let me go get you some bottles. He eats three at a time now, and needs to go right outside once he's done" you warned him.
"Just like a normal baby, I got this" he grinned as you got up and brought your empty plate into the kitchen before mixing some bottles for Scott. You came back out a few minutes later and passed them to Scott who looked like he was having the time of his life. He quickly started feeding Pup and cooing to him.
"Melody did well in training this morning, I was thinking I would take her leash training outside for the afternoon" Steve offered.
"I'm coming" Cloud came around the corner.
"Cloud wants to join you for it" you smiled gently.
"He knows what she needs to do better than I do, sounds like a plan" Steve nodded and smiled to Cloud.

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