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When you woke up in the morning, you saw Sam was sitting in Bucky's spot on the swing wearing his sweater again, and nursing Pup. You could see the milk getting all over his clothes and Pup was squirming a lot more than usual, and your heart warmed at seeing it. You got out of bed to use the facilities, and wash up. You knew you would be spending the day with Bucky and wanted to pick something at least a little sexy, like Wanda suggested, but you didn't know what would be considered as much. You finally decided on a pair of ripped up light blue skinny jeans, so you could still feel his hand if he put his hand on your legs again. You found a low cut dark blue t-shirt, that was fairly form fitting and decided that it would have to do. You grabbed your sneakers and a white sweater and walked out.
"I was starting to wonder if you were going to come outside, you got up a few minutes ago" Sam looked up and grinned at you. "You look cute"
"I didn't put any makeup on" you shifted uncomfortably and sat down beside him.
"I like it better when you don't paint your face" Melody spoke up.
"She's pretty without it" Cloud joined in.
"You have some big plans for today?" Sam asked suddenly, and you clued into the fact you hadn't answered. He chuckled a bit and you looked at him, and he repeated the question.
"Bucky and I are going over base schematics in the living room for the week" you flushed a bit. "How about you?"
"I'm doing my laundry" he shrugged. "I might take a look at a few of the schematics in case I have to go in, but I think they split it up between Scott and I, where Clint is taking point on the missions. He seems to really enjoy training you in the field"
"I sometimes forget to listen to orders" you giggled a little.
"I heard about the last mission. You just jumped out of the back of the plane like it was nothing before Steve even agreed to it" he chuckled. "You are pretty head strong"
"I was worried we would miss out on the right data, and if there were wolves in there" you admitted. "Bucky jumped out without his chute"
"That's not like him. He normally gives Steve a hard time for forgetting his" he grinned at you. "He must have been worried" he added with a bigger grin.
"That's what friends do" you glared at him.
"Friends, is that what we are calling it?" he teased and you blushed again. You heard footsteps on the balcony and looked over to see your mom with Billy and Steve again.
"Good morning" you chirped and stood up.
"This little guy is just finishing up" Sam let you know.
"Good morning my little song bird" your mom came over to give you a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you Steven for the walk"
"My pleasure mam, I think I'll join you three this morning. I need to stretch" Steve gave a grin.

After Pup finished his business down on the grounds, your mom immediately took him to cuddle while you followed the wolves and Billy through the woods. Steve and Sam kept the conversation going pretty easily, Sam mainly making jokes and Steve bantering back and forth with him as best as he could. Your mom kept giving you knowing smiles as you walked, you were trying to not listen in too much to the wolves and Billy talking but it was hard.
"You need to watch your human closely" Billy continued to Melody. "As the bond gets stronger, you'll be able to see through her eyes, and find her from long distances, and she will be able to do the same with you. You need to make sure you don't let that bond go. Its important to protect your human, especially in your field of work"
"Can you see through her eyes?" Melody looked to Cloud.
"I can, it's a little hard to do sometimes, but when we are apart, I check to make sure she's safe. I like it better when we are together" Cloud admitted. "Now that the pack is growing, I can feel the bond even stronger to be honest"
"What's it like?" she looked to Billy.
"Its just like seeing the world you normally do, but suddenly you are somewhere else. You can only see where they look, but you feel what they are feeling. It gives you a better idea if they are safe" Billy looked over his shoulder to make sure you were paying attention.
"Cloud and I barely use our mind link for that, unless we get separated on a mission" you spoke internally. "One of our more dangerous missions, it really helped to be able to do that. We knew what needed to be done once we saw how bad things had gotten"
"How bad have things gotten?" Billy stopped and stood in front of you.
"We had to kill a lot of bad people" you said out loud for your mom's benefit. "I'm not proud of that, but it was the only way to get out alive"
"How?" your mom asked softly. You raised your hands were covered in flames and it started moving up your arms. "Are you sure you want to stay?" she asked again as you let go of the flames.
"She belongs with us" Steve spoke gently.
"How did Cloud get out of that bad mission?" your mom looked to him for a moment.
"Cloud goes for the throat, so its quick. We've had a few bad missions. Most of them are good, but not all of them" you admitted.
"Your girl gets in and out most of the time without the enemy being any wiser" Sam spoke up. "She's good at stealth. Sometimes Cloud stays outside and waits for her so she can be faster"
"That's true, the last mission we went on Bucky went inside with her instead of Cloud and she was in and out very quickly" Steve nodded.
"Is there anything else that you've done that would make me have a heart attack?" your mom raised her eyebrow.
"I jumped out of a plane while it was in the air, against orders once. That was last week" you giggled.
"She had a parachute, Bucky jumped out after her so she wasn't alone" Steve pointed out quickly, omitting that Bucky didn't have one.
"I want to hear from you more often, and I want you to text me this address so I can send care packages to the right place" your mom sighed. "You've chosen a dangerous life"
"It's the best job I've ever had" you grinned.
"Are you sure you can stay safe Pup? Maybe it would be a good idea to come home" Billy sounded worried. "You can bring your companions, and start fresh" he added gently.
"She's made up her mind Billy, even I can see that. Stop being a worry wart" your mom chuckled.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now