Tony's surprise

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When you and Bucky got home, the first thing he did before he even got out of the car, was fasten the bracelet around your wrist, gracing your knuckles with a soft kiss and a flirty smile when he was done. You couldn't help the giggle that came out, and to coo over the new bracelet. He really seemed to know exactly what type of jewelry that you would enjoy. You both got out of the SUV and greeted the pack immediately who came over to see what new toys you had brought for them. Bucky was quick to throw a few of the balls you had both picked up and they started chasing after them quickly, loving the game of chase. Blue got one of his new stuffies and proudly walked towards the house with it in his mouth, growling playfully.
"Looks like we just need to eat our fruits before we head back, the pack looks like they are going to be busy" Bucky grinned at you.
"They'll only be busy if you keep playing with them," you reminded him. "I'll go make lunch, you keep playing with the pack. They're having fun" you smiled at him and got up on your tiptoes to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Will you come out and read with me for a bit before we go back to the compound, after lunch?" Bucky asked hopefully.
"Of course, I am almost done with my book," you giggled.
"You should let me read it to you" he wiggled his eyebrows and you flushed a bit.
"I don't know, it's at a pretty smutty part" you continued to giggle.
"My favorite" he leaned down and kissed you on the side of the neck, and nipped at the skin.
"You keep that up, and I'll ask the pack to babysit" you winked at him, and pulled away regretfully.
"Don't make promises you can't keep" Bucky chuckled and you looked over your shoulder and blew him a kiss as you went into the cabin. You heard Bucky talk to the pack, and continue to throw the four new balls for them, each a different color so they knew the difference between them. You took out the last of the lunch meats and made some sandwiches as well as a large fruit salad with whip cream, and the last of the vegetables as well. You didn't want anything to go to waste, and you were trying to keep in mind that you wouldn't be back until Friday night or Saturday morning, depending on how late you were back from Clint's place. You felt a little sad that you had missed out on going this week, but you also recognized the fact that you were in one hell of a state. You smiled secretly to yourself as you prepped the pack's lunch as well, thinking about how Bucky had made love to you more than once the night before. You felt insatiable when it came to him, and loved the fact that it almost seemed to be the same for him. You could still feel some of the delicious bruises and kiss marks as the fabric of your clothes rubbed against them. He was also always so attentive to your needs after, making sure that he took care of you afterwards. He had wanted to put a shirt back on you after the last time you made love, but you had begged it away saying you wanted just to cuddle and his body warmth had been enough.
You finished lunch and called everyone in to eat. Blue tried to bring his stuffy right over to his food dish, but you made him leave it in the living room, much to his dismay. Bucky was quick to sit at the table and you both ate, just talking briefly about the missions for the week. You had checked your email and you were going to be out for three of the five days with Clint, Bucky, Cloud and Jasper. Your heart warmed at the fact that they were trusting Jasper to go out on another mission with you. He had certainly proven himself in your eyes.
After lunch Bucky helped you tidy the cabin since there were discarded clothes all over the floor, and did a quick sweeping of the floors. You both washed the dishes from lunch, and unloaded the dishwasher so next weekend you came home to a clean house. Bucky grabbed the last of the plum pie, and a fork once you were both done and fed you a few bites, but you were full from lunch and told him as much. He shrugged and ate the rest of the pie before washing the glass pie pan and the fork he had used. You both went outside to let the wolves play and just read on the swing, enjoying one another's company.

"It's about time you two are home" Tony was sitting on the front steps of the compound waiting for you both. "Come on, I have a surprise for you" he grinned.
"What kind of surprise Tony?" you asked, hesitantly.
"I had some renovations done while you were gone, for the next time one of the wolves goes into heat" he smirked with a chuckle.
"We weren't that bad" you blushed a deep red.
"I could hear you two in my suite, Luna" Tony rolled his eyes, and your ears were even burning. You were carrying Blue, while Bucky had your laundry. You had both agreed that laundry needed to be done before you went to bed tonight, and you were feeling a little pressed for time. When you got in the front door, you saw your bedroom door was missing and looked at Tony curiously. The wall looked like it had just gotten a fresh coat of paint. Tony led you to Bucky's old bedroom door and opened it and you followed him in to see a small kitchenette with a small fridge, and a kettle, along with all of your living room furniture from your bedroom. You saw all the bookshelves lined the walls in the living room area and were already full. You saw a door to the side, and Tony led you towards the balcony doors and you saw there was also a washer and dryer so you had your own laundry room in a way. He led you back to the door that was in the direction of your bedroom and he opened it up and you were in shock. There was a lot more room in your bedroom, it was like the center wall was moved over a bit, or maybe it was because there was so much furniture missing now. You saw the walls looked freshly painted again and looked at Tony curiously. Even the closet looked a little bigger.
"They just finished an hour ago" Tony shrugged. "Your suite has been soundproofed, for at least all of our sanity. Instead of waiting on the couple's suite, I just had them change things around a little bit, but now you have more room for the pack" Tony smiled proudly. "There's still plenty of room if you want me to add a guest room..." he trailed off.
"Tony, this is perfect! Thank you" you rushed forward and gave him a hug. He held you for a moment before pulling back and tapping you twice on the shoulder.
"Thank you Tony, this really is something else" Bucky gave a smile.
"Anything for my protege" Tony shrugged. "Watch the walls for a few hours. The paint might not be fully dried yet" he warned you.
"At least this gives us some time to do laundry" you looked at Bucky.
"I had the cleaning team take care of your laundry, and had them change your bedding after last week" Tony spoke up.
"Oh, thank you" you smiled broadly.
"No problem. I'm going to go back and see Pepper. Don't be late for supper, there's some announcements" he warned you and went back through the bedroom door and headed out the suite door.
"I can't believe he did all this" you looked around at the bedroom astonished.
"Me neither. I guess we are fully moved into our own suite now" Bucky winked at you and you giggled, going to him and wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling into his chest. "Welcome home" he whispered to you and you blushed slightly into his shirt.
"Welcome home" you echoed back.
"We should christen the living room first" he pulled back, and wiggled his eyebrows at you and you burst out laughing.
"Not in front of the pack or the baby" you reminded him.
"We don't need to see your mating custom" Cloud got up on the couch with Melody quickly beside him. Blue took one of the dog beds on the floor and started ripping at his new stuffy.
"We had better go get the other ones, he's making quick work on them" you looked at Bucky.
"I'll go grab the box out of the bedroom and bring it out here" Bucky nodded in agreement and went back into the bedroom to come back with a large box. He carefully took out a few toys for Blue who barked happily and went to grab them to bring back to his little bed. Bucky finally took the backpack off and put it on top of the washer, and quickly started loading it with all your clothes.
"Don't forget my delicates do not go in the dryer" you reminded him quickly as he started up the washer.
"I won't doll" he chuckled. "I like them too much"
"You still replacing the ones you ripped?" you arched an eyebrow playfully.
"I'm not done ripping them" he chuckled darkly and you flushed a bit. "The pack is going for a run tonight, aren't they?"
"No, we have work tomorrow" Jasper spoke up and you repeated it quickly, telling him it came from Jasper.
"That's a pity, but now they have a living room to sleep in" he added playfully.
"Is he serious? We always sleep with our companion" Melody asked quickly and you giggled before repeating it.
"I won't keep you from your companion" Bucky promised. "But we are going to need human time during the week" he warned them.
"That we can give you" Snow barked.
"Snow says they can give us that" you smiled as he walked towards you and you wrapped your arms around him.
"It's time for supper" he whispered softly.
"Time to find out the big news" you sighed softly.

"Fury is bringing in a potential recruit onto the compound for a week" Tony announced halfway through supper. You and Bucky were having a hard time keeping your eyes off one another while trying to eat. You finally looked at Tony in surprise.
"Really? What are they like? Do they have powers?" you asked quickly.
"No, no powers. They are just top level at everything they do in the army. He was recruited into Shield, and he's one of their top agents. Fury think's he will be a good fit for us, but wants to give him a test run. He's going on one of your missions, one with Nat's team and one with Wanda's team. Since the boys are done school for the summer, they will be a part of missions for now" Tony shook his head. "I told him the team is full, but he wants us to give him a chance. We made the compound rules clear, he will be here tomorrow morning and is staying in one of the guest rooms"
"What's he like?" Wanda asked quickly.
"No idea, I haven't met him yet" Tony shook his head. "His name is John Walker, and a highly decorated soldier"
"Does he know about the wolves?" you asked worriedly. "I don't want him to freak out over the pack, they are still timid around strangers, except for Cloud of course"
"He knows that there are wolves on the compound, but he thinks they are pets" Tony gave a soft smile. "We don't need everyone knowing your business"
"Thank goodness, I'd rather the less people know the better" you sighed softly, and Bucky rubbed your back. "When are the boys, Scott and Clint, getting back? Do they know about this?"
"I emailed them, they are all scheduled to be back later on tonight. John will be joining us for breakfast, so he will be here first thing in the morning" Tony nodded.
"It might be a good thing. Maybe I can get him to come for runs with me in the morning" Sam was trying to see the brighter side of things.
"That would be good Sam" you gave a wan smile. "You've been wanting someone that will keep pace beside you for a while. I'm sorry I can't join you. My pack needs their morning walk"
"I know, I get it" he nodded with a small smile. "Maybe once Blue is older then you can join me" he gave a wink.
"Maybe" you nodded with a small smile. You were used to walking with the pack every morning, but the extra exercise wouldn't hurt either.
"You'll have to find some time this week to do some baking, we are all out" Happy pouted a little bit.
"Even all those cookies?" you were surprised.
"They were pretty good" Bruce chuckled.
"I'll see what I can do" you nodded happily. "When I'm not on missions of course" you added.
"We hanging out in your new suite tonight?" Steve gave a knowing grin.
"Of course, right after supper" you nodded.
"Mind if I stop by for some tea?" Wanda asked, looking excited at the prospect.
"I'd love that, we can sit out on the swing while the boys have their chat" you nodded enthusiastically.  

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