Shopping trip

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By the time you had finished breakfast you knew the girls were ready to go by the looks on their faces. They had a determined look in their eyes, and you knew you were in for a full day of shopping ahead of you. You heard Blue asking for you again, and reached out your arms to Bucky and he easily passed him to you.
"Thank you" you smiled at him, and cradled Blue close to you, giving him kisses on the tip of his nose. He gave a few barks and nuzzled into your neck.
"Come on, Y/N. You can snuggle him once you get home tonight" Nat gave you a knowing look.
"I wish I could just bring him" you cooed to Blue, and pouted a little bit.
"Gives him time to bond with his papa" Bucky winked at you with his flirty smile. You blushed, that look had won you over a long time ago.
"I never thought I'd see the day you would be referring to yourself in the third person" Steve chuckled.
"Shut up, punk. I can't help it, I love the little guy" Bucky flushed a little bit, but was looking at you when he said the word love you got butterflies in your stomach again.
"Don't forget he likes having his toys now" you handed him back to Bucky and stood up.
"I'll go in the bedroom and get them" Bucky nodded.
"Don't forget that he needs to eat every few hours" you reminded him and he chuckled.
"Doll, don't worry about Blue. I've got this" he promised, securing Blue with his flesh arm. You went to walk away and got as far as the end of the table with your purse in hand when you heard Bucky clear his throat. "You forgot something"
"What did I forget?" you asked innocently.
"This" Bucky grabbed your spare hand and pulled you so you were almost against his chest, he quickly put his vibranium hand in the center of your back and tipped you backwards quickly before his lips found yours. The kiss started out soft, but he quickly deepened the kiss by nipping slightly at your bottom lip. His tongue rubbed along yours in just the right away that made you want to throw caution to the wind and say you wanted to stay home for the day. You let out a soft moan, and heard Bucky growl slightly. Sam let out a cat call before laughing, and you heard Steve chuckle a bit. He finally put you back on your feet and you looked at him with hooded eyes.
"Earth to Y/N, we have some major shopping to do" Nat chuckled.
"That can wait..." you started to say, but trailed off still staring at Bucky's lips and wanting more all over again.
"Nope, you promised" Wanda came over and grabbed your hand that was holding your purse and pulled you away. "You can have time with Bucky and Blue when you get home later" she giggled.
"Don't forget to let the pack out" you called over your shoulder.
"Have fun doll, I'll be here waiting" Bucky called back while the girls rushed you out the front door.
"Did you finally tell her that you're in love with her?" Tony crossed his arms, looking at Bucky expectantly.
"I'm working up to it" Bucky flushed a bit.
"So... I still have a chance to woo her" Sam teased and Bucky gave him a warning look.
"I'll kick your ass birdman" Bucky retaliated quickly.

Pepper drove while Nat had shotgun, and Wanda sat with you in the back. She stopped at Starbucks for all of you to order, and insisted on paying for the drinks.
"We need all the caffeine we can get, Pepper loves shopping" Nat warned you and you giggled a little bit.
"I'm excited for this" you admitted softly. "I missed out on a lot by not living on the compound, I guess" you decided.
"We are so glad you are there now. I don't think I'll ever get those extra pounds off from all the sweets we've been eating" Pepper teased at you.
"Bruce calls them my love handles, and says he loves them" Nat proclaimed happily. "We can't wait to have you back in the gym next week. I haven't had a good spar for a bit"
"Hey!" Wanda exclaimed.
"You've been sparring with Vision all week" Nat reminded her.
"That's true" Wanda consented. "Subject change though, how was last night?" she looked at you knowingly.
"Wonderful, Clint's family is a dream" you cooed.
"Not at all what we are talking about. How was last night where you finally got to be alone with Bucky" Nat corrected you.
"Wonderful" you blushed. "He's a gentleman"
"I hope not too much of one" Pepper giggled.
"He was perfect" you rolled down the window, feeling like your face was on fire.
"You have love bites all over you" Wanda chuckled a little bit. "I think he was thoroughly marking his territory"
"I marked mine too" you admitted shyly.
"He was strutting around pretty proudly this morning" Pepper looked over her shoulder at you briefly. "I haven't seen him in that good of a mood in a long time"
"You too, you are positively glowing today" Wanda perked up.
"It's been over five years" you flushed. "He was worth the wait"
"Wait, you never slept with anyone for five years?" Nat turned in her seat to look at you.
"I was waiting for the right person" you felt your face getting heated again.
"Well, I think you found him" Wanda decided. "Both of you seemed to be in much better spirits after last night. It was much needed for both of you I think"
"Here we are, our first destination" Pepper pulled into a parking spot and you rolled up the window seeing that you were at a large outlet for Victoria's secret.
"Don't forget we are going all out" Wanda reminded you.
"I'm thinking satin and lace today" you decided as you got out of the car and followed them into the store. You grabbed a basket and started looking around. You found some sets that were both satin and lace at the same time, and picked out seven sets before you turned and saw only satin sets and picked out seven sets of those as well. You wanted to find something that would turn on Bucky, but you were spoiled with having everything match now. You admittedly went more for the darker colors, but found a few whites and light pinks for your lighter colored clothes. You made your way through the store and saw the girls were really going all out like they said they would. You found the nightgowns, and picked out seven satin negligees, giggling softly to yourself and trying to remind yourself not to worry too much about the price. You didn't have to pay to fix up the cabin anymore, so money wasn't something you had to worry about. You rarely spent money on yourself, so today was going to be a treat day. You saw Nat making her way to the cash register and realized you had been in your own musings for a while and followed her up to the check out. Her basket seemed to be literally overflowing and you smirked to yourself.
"The other girls aren't done yet, you should go pick out a few more things" Nat winked at you. "There are some pretty sexy negligees over there that Bucky would like". She pointed at the back wall, and you blushed.
"I don't know if I could wear any of those" you saw they were mainly transparent, and very open.
"The point is not to wear them for long" Nat chuckled and you flushed a bit. They weren't much different from the ones you had ordered online, just looked a lot fancier. You bit your bottom lip and went to grab a few in your own size. "That's my girl" she called to you as you walked over. You flushed again but had more skip in your step thinking of Bucky's reaction if you were to wear one of them. You grabbed three, and put them in your basket before going back. You saw a few lace thongs as you made your way to the lineup and stopped for a moment and grabbed seven of them, thinking it had been a while since you wore them and they could be comfortable.
When you got to the lineup the girls were already all standing behind Nat who was at the register.
"All set?" Pepper turned around and saw your basket was overflowing.
"I'm spoiling myself sufficiently" you admitted shyly.
"More like spoiling Bucky" she giggled looking pointedly at your basket. You flushed again and bit your bottom lip. "Don't worry, it's a girls day. We will talk about a lot of things today. You and Bucky are just the start of it"
"You'll be hearing about all of our sex lives by the end of the day" Wanda spoke up in her thick accent. "It's always fun" she winked at you. "We can talk more openly while we are out, than we can over just a cup of tea"
"I'll look forward to hearing about everyone else's I think. Mine isn't much to discuss" you blushed.
"You will" Nat looked over and gave a wink.

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