Is it love?

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After you were done with the laundry, you and Bucky both went out to the porch swing on the balcony and read while cuddling and looking out at the view. Blue seemed content to be sitting beside you both on the swing for a while, before he started whining for cuddles. You had both made sure that he was fed when he asked for the bottle, and brought him down to the grass together to sit on the ground and just watch him walk around you both and bark. You were wondering why the pack was sitting around in the living room, but also knew if anyone walked in and they wanted outside, they knew how to ask. You left the balcony and bedroom door open for them just in case, but they never came. When you got back to the swing, you ended up holding Blue for a little while as he napped. He was getting bigger, and more independent, but still wanted to be held.
"You're going to have to take off your jewelry for training this week, I don't think you'll just be working on weapons" Bucky whispered to you after a while.
"I'm enjoying wearing it while it lasts" you gave a sweet smile. "I'm looking forward to being back in the gym though, that should be good. And I did enjoy the visit with Sunny" you admitted.
"While I'm on missions this week, try to be careful. Take some time to relax too" he looked at you.
"Of course, as long as you are careful" you looked at him meaningfully. "I want you back in one piece, and nothing missing"
"I'm always careful doll" he smirked. "So, what are we doing after supper?" he asked quickly.
"I was hoping for some couch time, some cuddles, and reading or a documentary. What about you?" you asked, gazing into his eyes.
"Hmm" he looked at your lips pointedly for a moment. "Cuddles" his eyes went up and matched your gaze. "Couch time" he brushed his thumb across your cheek and licked his lips. "The reading gets my imagination going to all the things I want to try with you" he admitted softly.
"You want to try something from the books?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Eventually, I'm still learning about your wonderland of a body" he grinned. "Finding the little things that make you tick" he whispered.
"The wolves might not want to go for that long of a walk tonight" you giggled.
"Then I'll take the cuddles for tonight" he shrugged. "And maybe steal a few kisses" he leaned in and brushed his lips against yours in a caress. You eagerly leaned in until Blue let out a whine, and you pulled back giving a small flush. He was still asleep, but seemed to know when you both were close.
"Steal all the kisses you like, I might steal some too" you smiled at him.
"It's time for supper" he looked at his watch and let out a sigh. You nodded and got up slowly, still holding Blue and rocking him slightly. Bucky brought in both your books and put them away on your nightstand before following you to the dining room. The boys were back from Aunt May's, but Clint and Scott were still gone. You quickly went around the table and gave them each a kiss on top of the head and sat beside them before Bucky took Clint's spot.
"What did we miss?" Pietro asked first as the chicken was being passed around.
"Tony and Pepper announced my cabin is ready, and most of the team will be on missions this week so I might have a hard time to go see you boys in the evening" you looked at them pointedly. "I'll be here in the gym, want to come home for supper for the week?" you asked with a smile.
"We can" Peter nodded. "That way we can still have dessert before heading back out again. We did a lot of studying this weekend" he updated you.
"Don't forget to bring your tests home for us to see boys" you smirked.
"I want to see them on the fridge" Wanda perked up.
"We know" Pietro rolled his eyes a bit.
"We are all proud of you, and want to see it as a pack" you looked at him pointedly and he gave a smile. "Family" you corrected yourself.
"It's the same thing" Peter shrugged. "What did you do this weekend?"
"Bucky and I went to the farmers market this morning" you smiled.
"I like the new earrings Princessa" Pietro looked at them more closely. "They suit you"
"Bucky has a good eye" you blushed. "He keeps surprising me with things" you admitted.
"Let him spoil you" Tony looked over. "Men like doing that sometimes"
"I like to do it all the time" Bucky looked at you with a wink.
"You should let me spoil you too" you looked at him pointedly.
"You do, you bought me all that stuff when you went for girls day" Bucky reminded you.
"That's going to likely continue" you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before going back to concentrate on your food.
"Are you two lovebirds going to the living room after we're finished?" Sam looked over expectantly.
"Yeah, I just need to go back and get my book" you were still rocking Blue while you were eating.
"I'll grab it, I put mine away with yours" Bucky shrugged. "You've got your hands full. I'll also grab Blue some toys" he promised.
"You spoil us" you cooed to him.
"We are pack, right?" he asked, looking at you, and you nodded with no hesitation.
"Is he coming to sleep with us tonight?" Cloud came over and put his head on your lap.
"Yes" you nodded, speaking internally. "Is that okay?"
"We were expecting it" he answered easily as you reached for a wash cloth and started wiping his face. "We won't be staying out as late tonight, since we have training all week" he spoke gently.
"You don't have to keep giving us space" you gave a small smile.
"We want to give you time as mates as well" he grunted. "Melody may be going into heat soon, and we have decided to become mates"
"That's fantastic news! You have a new mate" you smiled happily, and leaned forward to give him a kiss on the end of his nose. Blue let out a whine.
"I didn't see it coming, but I'm glad it's happened" he spoke to you confidently. "I'm glad you found a mate too"
"You saw him coming as my mate, didn't you?" you raised an eyebrow to him, going back to eating while you spoke through your mind to him.
"For a long time now" he admitted. "Especially once your secret was out, I knew you would become mates. Some things seem destined"
"I didn't used to believe in destiny, but I do now" you admitted softly.
"You should always believe in it, it believes in you. Now when are you going to tell him you love him?" he asked, looking at you directly. You felt a small flush and took a careful bite of your potato salad.
"Soon" you decided. "But not now, not when he's about to head out on a mission. What if he doesn't feel the same? I don't want to rush his feelings" you admitted.
"You aren't rushing, I think he feels the same way. We can tell in the way he looks at you, for a long time" he rested his muzzle on your leg again. "Since your visit to your uncle especially"
"It hasn't been that long though" you shook your head.
"Talk to him, he deserves to know" Melody came around the corner. "You've swished the tail, now you need to make him talk"
"Y/N" Tony called your name, and you finally looked over with flushed cheeks.
"Sorry?" you asked, barely realizing most people were already done eating.
"Are you bringing all the wolves with you next weekend?" Tony laughed, looking at you expectantly.
"Yes, although I was just told that Melody might be going into heat soon..." you trailed off as you felt Melody nip at your ankle slightly. "Melody, it's normal. I'm just worried there might be other packs near there, so we would have to be careful"
"Don't jinx it" she growled slightly. "I've been waiting a long time for the right mate" she looked at you, and you grabbed a cloth and started wiping her face.
"You were saying?" Tony spoke a little louder, getting your attention back.
"Sorry, I'm just worried there's going to be other packs nearby, so I might run Cloud out there to do a quick check during the week" you flushed looking over.
"Melody going into heat, does that mean more puppies?" Nat asked quickly.
"Possibly" you nodded. "I've never fixed Cloud"
"And you won't be" Cloud spoke up quickly.
"And he says I wont be" you added, looking at him.
"I can't even imagine that" Bucky moved uncomfortably in his chair.
"It's more responsible as a pet owner..." Tony started.
"I've never seen them as pets" you shook your head. "Companion. Its their body, their choice"
"You finished eating?" Bucky asked gently, seeing you weren't touching your food.
"Yeah, I keep getting distracted" you nodded. He stood up quickly and brought both of your dishes into the kitchen.
"Go to the living room doll, I'll be right behind you" Bucky called out to you, and you nodded and headed there. You saw Jasper and Snow had gone to Sam to wipe their faces as you walked by, and Cloud went and pawed at the balcony door.
"We need the grass" Melody spoke softly to you. You nodded and opened the door with Cloud and Melody running out first, quickly followed by Jasper and Snow. You left the door open, enjoying the breeze that was coming in, and went to your seat and sat down while carefully rocking Blue.
"Grabbed you some bottles" Sam came in and put six in front of you along with a roll of paper towels.
"Thank you Sammy" you gave him a wide smile and continued to rock Blue slightly.
"Mind if I take him for a bit? I miss the snuggles" Sam asked softly.
"Sure, I don't mind. He's getting more independent" you admitted. "He likes just to play with his toys now more than he likes the cuddles"
"It won't be long now, that he's going to start on solids" Steve reminded you.
"I don't know if I'm ready for that" you laughed a little.
"You're going to have to be, it's part of them growing up" Steve gave a small smile. You curled into the couch, and Bucky suddenly vaulted himself over the couch and landed beside you causing you to bounce. You giggled as he put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. He set down the two teddy bears beside him and handed you one of your books, opening his as well.
"Alright, we've got snuggles and books" Bucky looked to you, and leaned forward kissing you softly on the lips. "Kisses" he grinned happily.
"Don't start that shit again" Sam chuckled.
"No, bring back the kisses" you leaned forward, and pushed your lips to his with a quick nip at his bottom nip before pulling away to look at him with his eyes closed releasing a pleased sigh.
"You make a man want to try tinder again" Sam sighed.
"Fall in love the old fashioned way" you said out loud, and turned a bright red, realizing you said it in front of Bucky. "That's the way I'd recommend it" you finished and looked to see Bucky's face was a little red as well. "That's what I've heard is the best way" you casually added and shrugged.
"Sure, that's what you've heard" Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes.
"The wolves are coming back to bed early tonight, and you need to go to bed early tonight since you are leaving for a mission in the morning hun" you reminded Bucky. Blue let out a small howl, and started asking for his papa. "He's looking for Bucky" you warned Sam.
"I got him" Sam shook his head, grabbing the bottles and putting Blue into the feeding position. Blue barked a few times before the nipple touched his muzzle and he started eating eagerly. You could hear Sam whispering his name to Blue while he rocked him and let him continue to eat.
"He needs his papa too, birdman" Bucky looked to Sam.
"He gets his mama and papa at night" Sam shrugged nonchalantly.
"You two should move into the couple suite together" Steve broke the silence. "I think the wolves would be good with it"
"They do call him Mate now" you gave a shy smile. "They've been giving us extra time alone on purpose"
"I figured as much" Steve chuckled. You nuzzled into Bucky's neck and flipped the page you were reading. "What are you two reading?" he asked, while he sketched Sam holding Blue.
"Romance" you blushed.
"A book on Mars Y/N bought me" Bucky looked up briefly, before giving you another soft kiss on the lips. You both read silently for a while, and Sam took Blue outside. You would happily kiss Bucky on the cheek once in a while, and he would chuckle and go to kiss you softly as well. Steve fed Blue next, and when he came back in from taking him out the pack followed him back in. You gave a large yawn, leaning more into Bucky and he gave you a soft smile.
"Come on doll, it's time for us to go to bed" Bucky took your book from your hands, and grabbed the toys for Blue.
"Here, you better take him before I take him for the night" Steve stood up and handed you Blue.
"Good night gentlemen" you waved, and cradled Blue close to you with Bucky close behind you.  

AN: Thank you G.S. for the edits!

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