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My wording and grammar isn't the best- but I'm trying xD.. also some sentences might not make sense but that's why I'm trying to go for since there pirates and all..

And cause I'm bad at explaining things.


Dream slammed his hand against the desk.
"Fuck!" He crossed another area of the ocean out...

"Captain.. we've been searching for months.. there all dead.." the raven hair man leaned against the door frame, tightening his bandanna wrapped around his head.
"We've checked every town, isle, cove... we've checked everywhere... there gone... there no more mermaids."

Dream gritted his teeth slightly as he glared down at the map... he doesn't believe that there all dead.
"No.. we haven't" he tapped his finger on the map.

"That's impossible.. we've been everywhere Dre- I mean captain.." he stood up walking over toward his captain.

"It seems so not." Dream pointed to a small cove not so far from here.
"The Skull shore cove." He glanced up at the raven head man.

(My vocabulary is basically going to be like how pirates talk / normalish- if that makes sense, im not good at explaining stuff like that)

"Skull shore cove?! Are you fucking mad?! That place is filled with traps! Why do you think it's called skull shore cove!" The raven hair ran his fingers through his hair.
"No one rarely makes it out alive!"

"Sapnap, that's exactly why we are going.. if there are any mermaids left in these water.. there going to be there, it's the safest place for them to go, away from these waters." Dream grasped his cracked masked that was resting next to him.

Sapnap sighed as he gripped his hair.
"I'm guessing that's an order.." he knew there was no way he could change dreams mind.

"Yes, now let the crew know and set sail north.. we should be able to reach there by nightfall." Dream slid on his cracked mask.. hiding his scarred and damaged face.

"Yes sir.. we will let you know once we're there." Sapnap nodded before making his way over and out of the room.

"Good, i will be in my captains quarters, let me know when we have arrived." Dream rolled up his map and adjusted his dark green trench coat.

"Yes sir." Sapnap yelled from outside of the room.

Dream looked out a window.
"I know there are still out there.. and I will find one if it's the last thing I do."

~George POV~

George cheerfully guided through the water, his blue scales shinning from the light above, humming a fairly nice tune.
"Oooo! Shiny!" He noticed something shinning at the bottom of the sea.

He quickly swam down, dusting away the sand and dead shells.

"Oh..?.. what's this..?" George pulled out a golden doubloon with a skull on it.

George gasped as he noticed the skull.
"Pirates..... Neat!" He slid the doubloon in his side bag that he carried around... it was filled with trinkets of all sorts.

George didn't have anyone to talk to so he spends most of his days scavenging around for junk at the bottom of the ocean..

it's the only thing he could do since he was half merman and half siren after all..

he had no where to go since the mermaids won't except him for being half siren and the sirens don't except him for being half merman...

Stupid rivalry...But it made sense..Mermaids are more calm and rational and sirens...
They are blood thirsty animals willing to kill anything they see.. so it makes sense..

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora