๐— ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜

By glitterbabezz

2.2M 106K 138K

๐•€๐•— ๐•€ ๐•ค๐•’๐•ช ๐•™๐• ๐•จ ๐•€ ๐•—๐•–๐•–๐• ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•ค๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•๐•• ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐•๐•๐•ช ๐•๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ, ๐•š๐•— ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ค ๐•’๐•๐• ๐•ž... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Sixty One
sixty two
Sixty three
Sixty four
Sixty five
Sixty six
Sixty seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty nine
Seventy One
Seventy two
Seventy three
Seventy four
Seventy five
Seventy six
Seventy seven
Seventy eight
Seventy nine
Eighty one
Eighty two
Eighty three
Eighty four
Eighty Five
Eighty six
Eighty Seven
Eighty eight
Eighty nine
Ninty one
Ninty two
Ninty three
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Ninty four

14.8K 723 1.3K
By glitterbabezz

Omniscient pov:

Dior sat on her couch watching tv as her door bell rung repeatedly.

Her kids was still with kd so she was having some alone time to herself.

She stood up pausing the tv throwing the remote on the couch then going to her front door looking through the peephole seeing her mom.

She opened the door letting her mom in as she scratched her head.

"Mom what you doing here why you didn't call first?" Dior asked walking to the kitchen and going in the refrigerator getting a water bottle.

"I came to check up on my child, how are you holding up?" She asked and Dior shrugged.

"I feel a little bit better after talking to Mya, I'm not really stressing it no more." Dior said opening her water bottle.

"To me it look like you are you don't even look like Dior anymore." Her mom said.

"Mom I'm fine I can't sit around and be hurt forever I got to move on." Dior said.

"Anyways I want you to come with me somewhere." Her mom said.

"I don't know. Is this something I should be trusting? You probably about to drop me off at a church to get married." Dior said shaking her head.

"Not likely but trust me come on this is going to be something good for you." She said and Dior grabbed her phone and purse following her mom out the door.

She got In the passenger seat of her mom car and sighed as her mom got in the car.

"So how are you and kd communication wise?" Her mom asked.

"We only talk about kori and kasani so good I guess." Dior shrugged.

"I'm talking about y'all." Her mom said as she ran a red light making Dior frown.

"We don't talk about us he just comes get the twins and leave then come back and drops them off." Dior said.

"Their is to many red lights out here I'm not sitting through this bullshit." Her mom honked her horn.

"Road rage much?" Dior asked.

"When your my age hell yes." Her mom said swerving to a different lane.

"Anyways what's up with all the questions about me and kd?" Dior asked.

"Because your all sad and depressed now your losing your glow ." Her mom said parking her car in front of a building.

"I'm okay, where are we?" Dior asked confused.

"Follow me." Her mom said getting out of the car and Dior frowned getting out behind her following her.

They reached the door that said "Klifforda Therapy facility." And Dior frowned.

"Mom what am I doing here?" Dior asked as they walked in.

"Dior I feel like this is best for you right now."

"Rather you say it or not your showing signs of depression and I don't want that for you because once your depressed that makes your kids depressed and others around you." Her mom said signing in.

"I don't need therapy." Dior snapped.

"No listen to me Dior Joy Taylor, I messed up in the past and it caused a lot of problems within your childhood and that same trauma you suffered could be affecting you now."

"If you don't let your past go your future is going to be bullshit and I refuse to let that happen."

"So your going to take your ass in that therapy class do what you got to do and we all gone be happy."

"And then tomorrow kd will be in there with you." Her mom said as the lady at the front door waited for them to finish talking.

"Maam Ms Kelly is ready for you." She said and Dior sighed.

"Where's her office?" Dior asked.

"Down the hall second door on the left." The front desk lady said as Dior mom sat down in the waiting room pulling out her magazines.

Dior walked down the hall to the door and seen it wide open.

"Hello you must be Ms. Dior Taylor." Kelly spoke out standing up shaking Dior hand.

"Yes I'm her." Dior sighed.

"Good have a seat, treat yourself to some of the refreshments on the table we have chips and drinks and all of that good stuff." Kelly said as she closed the door.

Dior sat down on the couch as Kelly sat in front of her smiling.

"This your first time in Therapy?" She asked Dior.

"Yeah." Dior said biting her nails.

"Well I'm not like other therapist I'm a cool fun therapist I make my classes and appointments fun so don't be scared to open up." Kelly said.

"So looking at the portfolio your mom wrote up she says your birthday is September 19 and your 19 also a Virgo."

"You have two children and you recently broke up with your boyfriend who is a pisces." She read frowning.

"You were messing with a Pisces?" Kelly asked shocked.

"Yeah." Dior said laughing.

"Their a lot of work." Kelly said laughing and Dior joined her.

"What's your sign?" Dior asked Kelly.

"I'm an Aquarius my birthday is February 4th." She said.

"Irrelevant ass sign." The voice in Dior head said and Dior eyes went wide.

"Anyways your portfolio starts off saying you suffer from childhood trauma so tell me about your childhood." Kelly said and Dior sighed.

"Well it was just me, my cousin Kevin, and my father my mother wasn't in my life since her family didn't like my dad so she gave me up to him." Dior explained.

"How does that make you feel emotionally?"

"It makes me angry. My dad had to struggle to raise me and my cousin and my cousin not even his blood it was my mom blood."

"Growing up without a mom is hard I didn't have anyone to tell my biggest secrets too, I didn't know how to do certain stuff so I use to ask Kevin and he figured out for me."

"Who is this Kevin you speak of is he in your life still?" She asked.

"He was killed by his bestfriend so unfortunately no, but he was my cousin and bestfriend."

"I told him everything he was more like my brother then cousin." Dior said as a tear slipped down her face.

"How did you mourn his death?" She asked her.

"I didn't really get to mourn his death it was so much going on at once and I was being forced into all types of stuff." She said referring to being forced to live with kd.

"Like what?" She asked.

"I'll rather not say." Dior shrugged.

"You can open up to me it makes everything better." She said.

"I know but that's a topic I'll rather leave alone because I don't want to get to thinking to hard." She said.

"Okay. So tell me about your kids father what's he like?" She asked and Dior thought about it.

"He's very sweet and romantic he knows how to treat a woman." Dior said smiling as she reminisced.

"But he has his days where he can be bitchy." Dior said.

"How did you two meet?" She asked.

"Technically through my cousin." Dior said and Kelly nodded her head writing something down.

"How does he make you feel about yourself like do he make you feel good or like bad?" Kelly asked.

"Honestly I can't complain when it comes to him because like I said he's a sweet heart the only problem I have with him is females." She said.

"So he cheats on you?" Kelly asked Dior.

" not necessarily we had an situation where his ex came back in town after I had my kids and we had a family dinner."

"His ex was rude to me the whole night and only my bestfriend Mya was defending me she even kissed his cheek in front of me and all he did was smile." Dior said.

"That's why you guys are broken up?" Kelly asked.

"Actually after that we were cool up until he lied saying he was going to his dad house but my bestfriend seen him coming out of the ex hotel room."

"Then when I confronted him about it he said she kissed him and he left but that's not what had me bothered it was the fact he saw the disrespect she gave me and he lied about where he was going."

"So this was the point where y'all broke up?" Kelly asked and Dior shook her head.

"We broke up a couple of weeks ago because when said we both need to focus on ourself first." Dior said.

"Well I have a question." She said and Dior stared at her.

"Why did you keep taking him back if you didn't trust him?" She asked and Dior looked down sighing.

"I love him. He's my first love, my first everything, my kids father."

"I was trying to make it work because I love him and I don't want my kids growing up like me I want them to have an great childhood." She said.

"Dior a relationship without trust is not a relationship, it's selfish for you to be in a relationship with him and you don't even trust him that just creates arguments."

"For example I had a client her husband cheated on her and had a baby."

"She immediately took him back but if he went out somewhere she cussed him out and accused him of stuff he didn't do."

"They eventually got divorced because she didn't allow herself to heal from that situation properly."

"I think him asking you to take a break was for you to build up your trust again and for you guys to fix yourself to have a better relationship." She said and Dior just sat and listened.

"I understand your a young teenager but you have kids so people will look at you like and adult."

"If you want a big happy family you guys need to fix yourselfs and then go from there." Kelly said.

They wrapped up the meeting and Dior met her mom in the lobby.

"It went good she gave some good advice." Dior shrugged.

"Let's hope it goes good tomorrow when you and kd are in there." She said and Dior sighed.


Kd knocked on destiny door to drop kacey back off at home and it swung open making him lock eyes with some white man.

"Who are you?" Kd asked confused.

"Jake who's at the door?" Destiny yelled walking up to the door and kd raised his eyebrows seeing her all dressed up.

"Oh hey kd." She said smiling.

"Who's this?" Kd asked confused as Destiny scratched her head.

"Jake this is my son father and kd this is my boyfriend Jake." Destiny said getting nervous about how kd would react.

"Wassup." Kd sajd dapping him up and he returned the gesture.

"Jake give us a minute please." Destiny said and he nodded his head.

"Okay." He said walking off.

"Jake from State Farm." Kd joked making her laugh.

"So how you meet him?" Kd asked.

"He's a doctor, I'm a nurse it wasn't that hard." Destiny shrugged.

"So you like that raw meat?" Kd said shaking his head.

"That's none of your business." Destiny shrugged as she laughed and took kacey.

"As long as you happy and my son happy I don't care." Kd said kissing kacey forehead.

"Bye daddy." Kacey waved.

"Bye little man." Kd said.

"Bye kd." Destiny said as she rubbed her son hair.

"Bye destiny." He said getting in his car. He was just happy that she was happy.

Destiny really didn't cause any problems for him all she did was work and take care of her son so in his opinion her getting a boyfriend was good for her.


Next day.....

Dior sat in Kelly office as she seen kd walk in pulling his pants up as he stared at her.

"Good your here on time." Kelly said smiling as kd took a seat.

"Yeah how you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good." Kd said looking at Dior who bit her nails.

She had a bad habit of biting them when she was nervous or upset.

"Well I talked to Dior here yesterday and she told me some interesting facts about your relationships and opinions." She said.

"So kd how are you doing right now in your mental estate?" She asked.

"I'm good." Kd said honestly. After he broke up with Dior he just was focused on making himself better for when they got back together.

"What about you Dior?" Kelly asked and she shrugged.

"Well yesterday I had a conversation with Dior about you guys relationship so now I'm going to ask you some questions too and Dior I want you to just listen." She said.

"Kd how do you feel about you guys relationship?" She asked and dior looked at kd as she continued to bite her nails.

"I feel like we both need to grow up." He said.

"I'm not gone just put the blame on her cause I know I've done some fucked up shit like lied to her but it's not all me." He said looking at Dior.

"Can you explain to me what you mean?" She asked.

"She jump to conclusions first instead of communicating." He said and Dior frowned.

"Don't frown you know it's true like when we was out of town and the lady texted me about the ring and you immediately thought I was cheating." He said.

"But can you blame me the way the text was worded it was like you brought her a ring, and you can't expect me to not jump to conclusions and your constantly lying to me." She said and Kelly decided to be quiet and let them talk.

"Dior I lied to you once and when I lied to you I was going to confront Nadia about disrespecting you."

"Let's talk about how you didn't tell me you were on plan b nobody wants to talk about that." He said.

"Kd it's my body you acting like I went and got my tubes tied, why do you even want more kids right now?" She asked him.

"I don't want more kids Dior I understand what your saying and why your taking them I'm not forcing no babies on you but it's the principal."

"As your fiancé that's something I should've known it's not like I was going to be mad at it." He said.

"Why did you need to know kd? What's the big deal that you needed to know?" She asked.

"What if you would've had an allergic reaction or something? And then nobody knew what caused it and something would've happen to you because of those pills."

"If you told me we could've been aware if anything happened." He said.

"None of that was going to happen." Dior said.

"How do we know that? People out here overdosing on that shit Dior at least if you would've told me we could set a schedule for that shit."

"You know how often we have sex taking those pills everyday aren't healthy, you could've told me you were taking them and we could've cut back." He said.

"Everyday?" Kelly mumbled raising her eyebrows.

"Well I'm sorry." Dior said.

"I love you Dior, matter fact I'm in love with you and you know this but if you not ready to move pass that shit then we can't be together."

"I'm on your timing, I'm a better me now are you a better you?" He asked her.

She shook her head as tears started falling down her face and kd and Kelly stared at her.

"I'm fucked up all the way literally." She said putting her head in her hands.

"I'm trying to better myself but I can't I don't know it's like my past is haunting me." She said as she cried.

"I keep seeing semaj face everywhere." She said looking at kd.

"Who is Semaj?" Kelly asked.

"Somebody I use to be friends with." Dior lied. She didn't want to tell her she killed him and end up in jail.

"This was the time of the year that incident happened." She said and kd knew what she was talking about.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked her.

"Because i can't put all my issues off on everybody I have a bad habit of doing that." She said as she dried her tears.

"I know what I want kd and I want us, I want us to work everything out and I do trust you I'm just scared that your going to find somebody better then me." She said.

"Nobody is better than you Dior and I tell you that everyday."

"Everyday I see you I compliment you Dior from your looks to you being a mom so don't even do that." He said.

"Do you guys think your ready to move pass all of this and become a family again?" Kelly asked and kd looked at Dior.

"Like I said I'm on whatever she on." Kd said and Dior dried her tears as he got up sitting next to her.

"Yeah I am." Dior said.

"Are you sure Dior? Remember our conversation from yesterday don't lead him on." Kelly said.

"I'm positive, it's all about leaving things in the past and I want to be with you so if I have to move pass everything I will but it's going to take time to heal from certain stuff." She said.

"Okay well now that y'all talk how are y'all feeling?" Kd asked.

"I feel like we can make this work as long as she stay true and do everything she said." Kd said.

"I will and I feel like we have to move forward and stop looking back." Dior said and Kelly nodded her head.

"This was a good meeting you guys are free to leave and if you need me you can always book me." She said.

Kd and Dior walked out of Kelly office then out of the building in silence.

Kd noticed her walking to her car and stopped her.

"Dior." He said and she turned around.

"Yeah?" She asked drying her face.

"Did you mean all that shit you said in there that you ready to move forward?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"I want to be with you kd and if I want to be with you I have to accept the mistakes you have made so whenever you feel the need to cancel this break I'm ready." She said.

Kd looked at her and nodded his head. He wasn't going to cancel the break just yet he didn't think they had enough time apart.

"Alright Dior I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She said walking towards his car as he sighed.

He was just glad they talked all their issues out.

Author pov:

•What y'all think about Dior solo conversation with the therapist Kelly ?

•What do y'all think about kd and Dior conversation with the therapist Kelly ?

•How y'all feel about Destiny having her a new boo?


•200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!!

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