๐— ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜

By glitterbabezz

2.1M 106K 137K

๐•€๐•— ๐•€ ๐•ค๐•’๐•ช ๐•™๐• ๐•จ ๐•€ ๐•—๐•–๐•–๐• ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•ค๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•๐•• ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐•๐•๐•ช ๐•๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ, ๐•š๐•— ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ค ๐•’๐•๐• ๐•ž... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Sixty One
sixty two
Sixty three
Sixty four
Sixty five
Sixty six
Sixty seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty nine
Seventy One
Seventy two
Seventy three
Seventy four
Seventy five
Seventy six
Seventy seven
Seventy eight
Seventy nine
Eighty one
Eighty two
Eighty three
Eighty four
Eighty Five
Eighty six
Eighty Seven
Eighty eight
Eighty nine
Ninty one
Ninty two
Ninty three
Ninty four
Ninty five


14.8K 754 1.3K
By glitterbabezz

Omniscient pov:

Kd knocked on Jeremy front door and it swung open showing Mya.

"What up." He said and she blinked at him.

"What do you want?" She asked him. Kd called and asked to meet up with her cause he needed a favor.

"You going to let me in?" He asked and she rolled her eyes moving out the way.

"Wheres Jeremy?" Kd asked her and she pointed to the kitchen.

"He's in the kitchen eating now what favor do you need." Mya said sitting down on the couch.

"I need you to take Dior shopping with you." He said and she frowned.

"Me and her go shopping all the time what are you talking about?" She asked him confused.

"Act like you going to get your wedding dress and ask her which one she would wear and take a picture of it and send it to me." He said and her eyes went wide.

"Wait your going to marry her?" Mya asked squealing.

"How you gone just assume that?" He asked smacking his lips.

"Why else would you want her to pick out a dress?" Mya asked smirking.

"Alright whatever, but make sure she get some new clothes something to wear like some tropical shit." Kd said.

"Why?" Mya asked.

"Because I'm proposing to her over seas not out here." Kd said.

"Why should I do this for you? You told Jeremy I cheated on him and you knew he slept with Sierra." Mya said mugging him.

"Jeremy didn't sleep with no damn Sierra." Kd said frowning.

"Yes he did he told me." She said.

"Okay Mya then don't do it for me do it for Dior." Kd said.

"Mhm I'm only doing it cause I want to see her happy and that's my Bestfriend." She said squinting her eyes and kd nodded his head and getting up going to the kitchen seeing Jeremy eating some noodles.

"Wassup Rolling Ray." Kd said and Jeremy smacked his lips.

"Fuck you." Jeremy said as him and kd dapped up.

"Aye I need the contact of the person who sold you Mya ring." Kd said and Jeremy looked up at him as he blew his noodles.

"Why nigga?" Jeremy asked slurping his noodles and kd cringed at the sound.

"Why else bitch?" Kd asked smacking his lips.

"Her name kiyanna I'm about to send you her number but her rings expensive as fuck I spent almost half a mill on Mya ring." Jeremy said shaking his head.

"Speaking of Mya what the fuck she talking about you cheated and slept with Sierra." Kd asked.

"Nigga I didn't cheat on that girl I just wanted her to feel how I felt and to move out of Nasiyr house, and I would never stick my dick in Sierra." Jeremy said shaking his head.

"So what y'all getting back together?" Kd asked.

"I don't know honestly but ain't no trust and until it is we ain't gone be able to say no type of vows." Jeremy shrugged.

"Dior been wilding lately and snapping on me." Kd said.

"Maybe they forgot a baby in her stomach." Jeremy joked and they laughed.

"Nah." Kd said laughing.

"Anyways I just sent you kiyanna number, her rings Real and they don't rust." Jeremy said.

"Thank you." Kd said. He wrapped his conversation up then made his way to Dior house.

Walking into her house he seen her walking around with kasani on her hip as he pulled at her hair frowning.

"Wassup?" He spoke and she looked at him and sighed.

"Look there go your daddy pull his hair." Dior said handing him to kd and kasani mugged her.

"What y'all do today?" Kd asked her as she put her hair in a ponytail.

"Kasani did what he do everyday and abused me and Kori slept his little heart away." Dior said.

Their kids followed the same routine everyday.

Kori woke up ate, used the bathroom, then went back to sleep.

While kasani woke up, cried, used the bathroom, did some more crying, watched tv, abused Dior and then went to sleep.

"What did you do today?" Kd asked as they followed her into the kitchen seeing she was cooking something.

"Just watched them really and my mom came over to watch them while I went to get my nails done." She said and he nodded his head.

"Well I got somewhere to go I'm gone take kasani with me." He said and she looked at him.

"Take him where? I hope not to the trap." She said and he smacked his lips.

"Do you think I'm fucking dumb?" He asked mugging her and she didn't say anything.

"I'm taking him to the mall with me." Kd said and she shook her head.

"Kd he's to young for all that." Dior said.

"He's 5 months Dior and I'm taking him rather you like it or not." He said and she sighed walking out the room.

"Let's go get you dressed." Kd said walking upstairs and putting kasani some clothes on and then grabbing his diaper bag.

He went in Dior room seeing her sitting on the bed with her knees to her chest as she cried.

"What are you crying for?" He asked getting annoyed as she sniffled and dried her tears.

"You act like you don't even care about me nomore all you do is yell at me now and act like my opinion doesn't even matter."

"I know I haven't been a parent as long as you but what I think is best for my babies should matter." She said and kd just left out of the room with kasani who was strapped in his car seat.

Dior dried her tears and then got up from the bed shutting her door.

She was tired of kd treating her like she was a terrible girlfriend. She did everything to keep him happy and pleased and he acted ungrateful.


Kd walked into the mall holding kasani as females started staring at them.

"Awe is this your son he's so cute." Some white girl walked over saying and kd nodded his head.

"Thanks." He said as she reached for kasani cheek making kd smack her hand.

"Don't touch my baby." Kd said walking off and she mugged him watching him go on the escalator.

He was at the mall buying Dior some clothes for the trip he was going to surprise her on.

"Alright lil nigga we gotta get yo momma bathing suit." Kd said walking into a store going to the women's aisle.

"Hell nah all this shit two pieces." He said looking for a one piece as kasani sucked on his pacifier and stared at the girls who walked pass.

"You like this one?" Kd asked kasani staring at a one piece bathing suit that was hot pink.

Kasani looked up at his dad then leaned his head against his shoulder.

"Yeah I like this one too." Kd said grabbing it.

He went and brought some more clothes and items for Dior and himself and then met the ring lady at his house.

"Would you like something to drink?" Kd asked her.

"No thank you." She said smiling as kasani stared at her and she stared back at him smiling.

"Okay so what are you looking for? What do you want your ring to say?" She asked kayden.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"If you had to describe your love you your girlfriend in one sentence what would you say?" She asked him.

"Our love indescribable." He said and she nodded her head opening her jewelry box.

"This ring is 32 karat gold it runs to 9,152 dollars." She said and kd gasped.

"What else you got?" He asked her and she pulled out another ring handing it to kd.

"This is a 24 karat ring it actually cost 8,000 dollars but I can do 5000 for you." She said as kd looked at the ring then at kasani.

"You like this one lil nigga?" He asked and kasani made baby noises.

"I like it too." Kd said grabbing a wad of cash out of his pocket and peeling back 5000 dollars handing it to her.

"You got a box I can put it in?" He asked her and she handed him a black box.

"Congrats she'll love it." Kiyanna said smiling and putting all her rings back.

"I hope so." Kd said. He already paid for the dress Mya said she liked.

He was just hoping she said yes to the proposal.

He went upstairs packing his suitcase up and putting the ring in there then loading it into his car.

He just hoped everything went as planned.


5 hours later...

Kd laid in Dior bed with her as she had her head on his chest letting out light snores.

He checked the time on his phone and heard the doorbell ring going downstairs.

He opened the door seeing Dior mom and allowing her to walk in.

"Hello." She spoke giving him a smile.

"Wassup." Kd said yawning. Kd was having her watch them while they went out of town.

"Is Dior still asleep?" She asked looking around the house.

"I'm about to go wake her up now." Kd said going upstairs turning on her room light.

"Dior." He said shaking her awake and she sat up.

"What's wrong?" She asked him as she yawned.

"Get up and put on some clothes we gotta go." He said and she frowned.

"Go where?" She asked confused.

"Just get dress." He said and she walked into her closet as he put his shoes on.

Dior came out with a new outfit on then went in the bathroom along with kd and brushed their teeth.

"What happen kd did somebody die?" She asked concern rinsing her mouth at.

"Nah but we need to get going." He said and left out the bathroom with her following.

They walked downstairs and seen Dior mom and frowned.

"Mom what you doing here?" Dior asked.

"She gone be watching the twins now come on." Kd said pulling her out the door to his car.

Dior got in the car putting her seat belt on as she looked over at kd who handed her a bandanna.

"What's this for?" She asked confused.

"Blind fold put it on." He told her.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"Girl put it on stop asking so many questions." He said and she rolled her eyes putting it on.

"You did the same thing in Las Vegas so I'm assuming you taking me to a breakfast or something." She said folding her arms as he pulled off to the airport.

"You'll see." He said to her as she sat back on the sleep and going back to sleep.

Kd pulled up to the airport and got the suitcase out of the trunk then woke Dior up helping her out the car.

"You gone tell me where we at now?" She asked as he grabbed her hand and rolled the suit case into the airport and going to see about the private plane he rented.

"Hey i rented this out and I wanted to see if it was ready." Kd said talking in code and pointing so Dior wouldn't understand what he was talking about.

"Yes sir it's right through that door right there." She said and he grabbed Dior hand pulling her with him.

"You rented out another hotel room didn't you?" Dior asked.

"Nah I didn't." He said as they walked onto the plane.

"I'll take your bag sir." The flight attendant said taking kd suit case.

Kd sat down pulling Dior into his lap waiting for the plane to take off.

"Can I take my blind fold off now?" She asked him as he wrapped his arms around her.

"No not yet." He told her as the doors to the plane closed and it got ready to go into the air.

"Kd you really scaring me right now." She told him and he laughed kissing her cheek.

As the plane got up into the air kd reached under her hair and taking the blind fold off.

She opened her eyes and frowned looki by around.

"We're on a plane right now?" She asked shocked.

"Where are we going and what about the babies?" She asked growing nervous.

"Their in good hands and you'll see once we get there now stay calm." He said as she stood up from his lap and went to her own seat.

"Kd why can't you just tell me where we going now? And I didn't even pack no clothes." She said.

"I packed your clothes stop stressing." He said and she calmed down.

"Come here." He said and she stood up and walked over to him.

"Take a nap with me." He said reclining his chair back and she laid next to him.

"By time we wake up we'll be landed." He told her and she nodded her head as she put her head on his chest closing her eyes.


Kd shook Dior awake as the plane landed and they got ready to exit.

"We landed." Kd said as she sat up stretching.

"I was hoping I was dreaming." She said rolling her eyes as she followed kd off the plane.

"Now where are we?" She asked him and he pointed to a sign reading welcome to Jamaica.

"Oh my god how far is this from Chicago? What if something happen to the babies how are we going to get them?" Dior freaked out and kd grabbed her hands.

"Calm down Dior." Kd said grabbing their suitcase.

"How long are we going to be out here?" He asked her.

"Just a week calm down." Kd said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the car that was waiting for them.

"It's beautiful out here." Dior said as they drove and she stared out the window.

"Yeah it is." He told her as he checked his phone seeing the time.

They arrived at the house kd rented out and got out the car.

"Oooo let's go in." Dior squealed running to the door.

Kd went to the mailbox getting the key and then shaking his head at Dior.

"You was just complaining now you happy?" He asked her and she smacked her lips.

"Because I was worried for my babies but now I'm calm open the door." She told him and he opened the door allowing her to run in.

"Kd this house right on the beach." Dior squealed looking at the people outside dancing and some tanning.

"I know I rented it." Kd said.

"I want to go to the beach." She pouted at him.

"Let's go look at the rest of the house." He told her as he went upstairs looking for the master bedroom.

After finding it Dior went in the bathroom and looked around.

"I wish my tub was this big at home." Dior said looking at the tub as she was on her phone and kd took it.

"Let's make this a no phone vacation Ight?" He asked her powering her phone off and she hesitantly nodded her head.

"What about the babies?" She asked him.

"We'll power them on to call them then power them back off." He said and she nodded her head.

"Look water can fall from the ceiling of the tub too." Kd told her and she looked up on amaze.

"I love this kd thank you." She said hopping up on him and kissing him as he caught her.

"Want to test that tub out?" He asked smirking at her as he put her down.

"Why not?" She said taking her shirt off laughing.

They got in the tub and washed eachother off and talked about what they wanted to do while they were in Jamaica.

Meanwhile in Chicago kd great grandmother struggled to breathe.

"Gerald I can- I can't breathe." She said as her throat closed up on her and she gasped for air.

"The ambulance is on their way grace just look at me and stay calm." He said as she held her chest and made gasping noises.

Before they could make any more sudden movements she fell and started to have a seizure as Gerald tried to help his wife.

"Grace." He yelled picking her head up as he started to cry.

He been married to his wife for 32 years he didn't want to lose her.

Author pov:

•Ion like this chapter but Anyways....

•What y'all think about kd proposing to Dior?

•What y'all think about Jeremy lying about sleeping with Sierra?

•What y'all think about Kd great grandma having a seizure?🥺

How y'all think kd going to react/ or feel?


•200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!!

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