๐— ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜

By glitterbabezz

2.2M 106K 138K

๐•€๐•— ๐•€ ๐•ค๐•’๐•ช ๐•™๐• ๐•จ ๐•€ ๐•—๐•–๐•–๐• ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•ค๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•๐•• ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐•๐•๐•ช ๐•๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ, ๐•š๐•— ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ค ๐•’๐•๐• ๐•ž... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Sixty One
sixty two
Sixty three
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Sixty five
Sixty six
Sixty seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty nine
Seventy One
Seventy two
Seventy three
Seventy four
Seventy five
Seventy six
Seventy seven
Seventy eight
Seventy nine
Eighty one
Eighty two
Eighty four
Eighty Five
Eighty six
Eighty Seven
Eighty eight
Eighty nine
Ninty one
Ninty two
Ninty three
Ninty four
Ninty five

Eighty three

14.9K 853 3.2K
By glitterbabezz

Omniscient pov:

"Okay dad open wide." The nurse said making Jeremy open his mouth as she swabbed it then dropped the cotton swab in a ziploc bag.

"Now your turn mommy can you lift your shirt up?" The nurse asked as Mya lifted up her shirt showing her small baby bump.

"This is going to pinch a bit." The nurse said as she stuck a needle through Mya stomach drawing blood.

"How long will these results take?" Jeremy asked as he sat in his wheel chair.

"24-48 hours sir we will let Mya know when she can pick them up." She said leaving out.

Mya looked at Jeremy who stared forward and she sighed.

"Mariah wants to see you." She said and he didn't say anything.

"I just want you to know if this baby mine, just because we having a child dont mean we getting back together." He said still not looking at her.

She was hoping that was exactly what it meant, but she learned from Nasiyr a baby don't keep no man.

"Okay." She said in a whisper as the nurse came back in.

"Mya if you want we can do your appointment right now and get it out the way." The nurse said.

"I get to find out the gender today right?" Mya asked.

"You are 13 weeks pregnant so yes." The nurse said as Mya laid back on the bed.

"Would you like me to tell you the gender or put it in an envelope ?" She asked.

"You can just tell me." Mya said pulling her shirt up.

The nurse squirted some gel on her stomach as Jeremy watched the process and she took the wand placing it on myas stomach.

"Okay momma let's see." The nurse said moving it around until she seen the baby private part.

"Awe it's a baby girl." The nurse said as Jeremy stared at the screen.

"Carissa thank you so much." Mya thanked the nurse.

"Girl you know I got you." She said. Carissa was the same nurse who helped Mya deliver Mariah.

"I'll be right back." She said leaving the room and Mya cleaned her stomach up standing up getting ready to go.

Jeremy pulled out his phone calling his mom so she could come pick him up as he stared at Mya who put on her jacket.

She looked over at him catching him staring at her and sighed as his face turned into a mug.

She just wanted her boyfriend back.


Kd and Dior walked in the front door holding two car seats, one a piece.

"And this is yAlL home where your going to live." Dior cooed to the babies.

"Dior they can't even understand you." Kd told her.

"Okay and?" Dior asked as they walked upstairs to the nursery.

"Their going to have to sleep together for now until we get another crib." Kd said as Dior took kori out of his car seat and kissed him.

"They so adorable." She whispered making sure not to wake up kasani.

"I'm glad They got my nose instead of yo meatball nose." Kd told Dior.

"My nose is cute." She said and they laughed as kd put kasani in the crib.

"Kori wide awake he said I'm not tired." Dior laughed as kori just looked up at his momma sucking his pacifier.

"You should feed him and try to put him back to sleep." Kd told her as she rocked the baby.

"Nah it's okay I'm going to hold him until he falls asleep." She said staring at her baby.

She couldn't believe she just had two kids, and by kd, somebody she use to hate.

"Don't you think it's funny how me and you have a family now?" She looked up at Kayden asking as he put up pampers and wipes.

"What's funny about it?" He asked her.

"Because the way we met each other and then we hated eachother now we all in love with two kids." She said.

"I never hated you I just didn't trust you." He said and she laughed.

"Well I hated you but now I don't." She said as kori eyes started to close.

"We need to get some rest because they all cute now but they'll keep you up all night trust me." Kd said as she sat kori in the crib.

They turned on the baby monitor and then left the room going to theirs.

"I'm so tired." Dior said as she turned the shower on.

"Did you pump already?" Kd asked her and she smacked her lips.

"I forgot, but I'm going to give them formula anyways." Dior said.

"Breast feeding more healthier." He said.

"Well I don't want to breastfeed if I don't have to." Dior said taking her clothes off as kd stared at her.

"Why you staring at me?" She asked covering her body from him.

"Because the babies gave you some hips and dips and some more boobs." He said and she laughed.

"And made my hair grow." She said taking her hair out the bun letting it fall.

"Yeah that too." He said.

"How long I got to wait until we can have sex again?" He asked going behind her grabbing her waist.

"6 weeks but I'm going to say 7 weeks so I can heal properly." She said.

"That's all you care about anyways though." She shrugged and he sighed.

"Dior please don't try to start an argument right now." Kd sighed.

"I'm not just saying." She shrugged wrapping her towel around her.

"I miss my belly button piercing now." She complained as kd kissed her cheek.

"Hurry up and get in the shower so we can go to sleep." He told her.

"Boy you can go to sleep without me." I told him.

"No I can't now hurry up." He said smacking her butt and she punched his shoulder.

"That hurted." She complained.

"Hurted ain't a word." he said and she rolled her eyes as he left out.

"It's my word." She said.

She went and turned the shower off and ran her a bath instead.

She couldn't wait for her babies to wake up.


3 weeks later:

"Dior you dressed?" She heard kd ask as she dressed up her babies.

Today they was having a dinner at kd grandma house as a late gift for Dior and kd having the babies.

"Yeah I'm just putting kasani pants on." Dior said as kasani mugged her.

"You so mean, I carried you for 9 months and you come out acting like yo daddy." She said shaking her head.

"Look at my lil niggas they so clean in they fits." Kd said.

"Their legs are so long." Dior said as kasani pulled her hair.

"Aye stop." She said as he evilly laughed.

"Look what your son is doing Kayden." Dior said as she tried to move kasani hand.

"My lil nigga with all that." Kd laughed.

"Stop calling them niggas they are young gentleman." Dior said.

"Look at they skin Dior. They niggas." Kd said and she shook her head.

"Your very ignorant." She said strapping them in they car seat.

"Kasani I'm gone start putting socks on your hands." She told the baby who laughed at her as kori was sleep.

She went in his sock drawer grabbing two baby socks and put them on his hands.

"This nigga always sleep." Kd said and Dior glared at him.

"I mean he always sleep." He said.

"He just like his mommy." She said rubbing his tummy and picking up the car seats going to the car.

They strapped them in then double checked making their way to his grandma house.


Kd walked up to his grandma porches with his family and opened the door walking in.

"My Kayden." His grandma said walking over hugging him.

"Hey grandma." He said.

"Hey Dior, hey babies." His grandma cooed at the babies who were wide awake.

"Everybody's in the kitchen come on." She said and they followed her.

"Hey." Everybody spoke to kd and Dior.

"Wash yall hands before y'all touch my baby." Kd said.

"Awe look at my nephews." Kd auntie cooed as Dior took kori out his car seat handing him to her.

"Can I hold kasani?" Mya cooed and Dior laughed unbuckling kasani then handing him to Mya.

Kasani looked at Mya and then at her chest and smiled.

"They got big quick it's only been three weeks." Nsaya said confused.

"They be eating good." Kd said and they laughed.

"Y'all baby a little inappropriate." Mya said as kasani kept trying to reach his hand in her bra as he smirked.

"He don't know how to keep his hands to himself he beats me all day." Dior said as she took him from Mya.

"My baby girl kicks all day." Mya laughed as Mariah walked over.

"Teetee Dior can I hold him?" Mariah asked.

"Wash your hands first baby." Dior said.

"Oh my god Nadia." They heard Kd grandma yell and everybody look at who just walked in.

"Hey everybody." kd ex girlfriend Nadia spoke.

"Grandma." Nadia said walking up to Kd grandma grace who hugged her.

"Awww Nadia you look so beautiful." Grace said as Nadia got hugs from a few of kd family members.

"Hey grandma." Nadia spoke to Bam mom and then looked at kd.

"Kayden is that you?" Nadia asked walking up to him hugging him and he returned the gesture making Mya and Dior look at eachother.

"Ummm hello." Dior spoke and they broke the hug.

"Oh you must be Dior I heard about you." Nadia smiled at her then looked down at kasani who stared at her with a mug.

"Awww is this you and Kayden baby he is so adorable." Nadia said touching kasani cheek.

"Don't touch his face please." Dior said stepping back with her baby.

"My bad, I'm also sorry for the loss of your other baby." She said with a small smile.

"He's very much still alive." Mya said and she looked at the other baby Mya was holding.

"Oh well I should've know they'll be beautiful their dad is handsome." She said laughing.

"So Nadia how long you in town?" Kd asked her.

"Well just for the week but it's nice to see everybody you know this is my original family." She said smiling at kd who smiled back making Dior frown.

"How about we sit at the table and eat dinner?" Kd grandma said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Chris said.

Before Dior could make any step she felt her arm getting grabbed and turned around seeing Monique.

"Look I'm gone just tell you this now that girl Nadia is kd first love, she be testing all his girlfriends when she meet them so don't let her get to you." Monique said.

"Thank you Monique." Dior said as she held her baby.

"No problem babymomma." Monique said walking to the table with Dior behind her.

Dior walked to the seat next to kd but before she could sit down Nadia sat.

"Oops were you going to sit here I'm so sorry I'll move- wait I can't my leg just fell asleep." Nadia frowned.

"It's okay I'm going to sit next to Mya." Dior said sitting down as she held her baby and stared at kd who was in conversation with Nadia.

"I don't like that bitch so you say the word and we can jump her." Mya whispered to Dior who laughed.

"I'm not worried about her." Dior lied.

"Grandma can I say prayers?" Nadia asked.

"Of course baby." Kd grandma smiled.

"Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for this meal and I'm thankful to be here today with this lovely family and my ex boyfriend and my bestfriend please remove bad spirits and bad vibes from our life amen." Nadia said.

"Amen." Everybody said in unison except Dior and Mya.

"Fuck that I'm praying over my own food she might be doing some spirit ritual." Mya said and they laughed.

"Can we know the joke I want to laugh too?" Nadia said and everybody looked at Mya and Dior.

"You talking to us?" Mya asked looking around for who she was talking to.

"Yeah I mean y'all are the only ones laughing so what's funny?" Nadia asked.

"Yeah we want to laugh too girls." Kd grandma said not peeping the shade.

"It was nothing." Dior said as she looked at kd.

"Oh okay I'm just in a laughing mood you know I was let go from my job." Nadia shrugged.

"Oh my gosh baby why?" Kd aunt asked.

"They closed down so now it's been kind of a struggle." Nadia said.

"If you need money I could loan some." Kd said and Mya looked at Dior as she cut up Mariah steak.

"Awe that's sweet but no thank you." Nadia said kissing his cheek making Dior heart drop.

"Y'all were so cute when y'all dated." Kd cousin sighed and most of the table agreed or nodded their heads.

"Y'all dated?" Mya asked.

"Uh yeah from 10th grade to 12th we were off and on." Nadia smiled.

"Why did y'all break up?" Kd grandma asked to be petty as she looked at Dior.

"I was leaving state for college and he was starting a new journey." Nadia shrugged.

"That didn't stop you from coming home and sleeping with him when me and him dated." Monique said making the table go quiet.

"Well I apologized for that, but if I recall y'all were on a break." She said.

"I was pregnant." Monique mugged her.

"Well I'm not going to keep apologizing for the past, but you guys had a beautiful baby. All three of kd kids are beautiful." Nadia nodded her head.

"Three?" Destiny questioned.

"Oh I'm sorry Destiny I forgot yours belong to him considering you had a boyfriend when you got pregnant by him." Nadia said.

"Oh hell nah this Bitch throwing mad shade and y'all not even addressing it." Mya said.

"I'm not throwing shade I haven't said anything wrong." Nadia shrugged.

"I don't see anything she said wrong." Kd grandma said.

"Me either." Others said in unison shrugging.

"So Dior what do you do for a living?" Nadia asked and Dior looked up at her.

Dior looked around the table at everybody staring at her.

"I do hair sometimes and help Mya with her job but I don't really have a job." She shrugged.

"And why not? How do you get money? There's plenty of jobs out there, you look like a McDonald's girl." Nadia said.

"If I'm not mistaken didn't you just get fired from your job? Why are you worried about what I got going on for?" Dior asked.

"No need to get hostile just asking questions jeesh." Nadia said.

"Shes So angry." Kd cousin whispered in Nadia ear and Nadia nodded her head.

"So your a stay at home mother? Do you even have a ring?" Nadia asked.

"Bitch do you have a Shutup button?" Mya asked her.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Nadia asked.

"That's my mommy she get active." Mariah said mugging Nadia.

"Oh your behavior explains your child's." Nadia said nodding her head.

"B-." Mya started but Dior cut her off.

"She not even worth it mya your pregnant calm down." She said.

"Count your blessing but make sure you count this one twice." Mya told Nadia who rolled her eyes.

"Anyways Dior where is your ring? I know you have one you don't seem like the type to settle to be the third baby mother." Nadia said and Dior looked at kd who looked unfazed by all of this.

"I don't have a ring." She said.

"Oh. okay." Nadia said nodding her head.

"Now that I think about it kd look." Nadia said pulling out a ring showing it to kd.

"You gave me this prom night when we were in that limo." She laughed.

"Damn I spent my first paycheck on this." Kd said looking at the 3,000 dollar ring.

"I still have all the stuff you brought me." She smiled and he smiled back.

"This has been an interesting dinner." Mya said looking down at her plate.

"Indeed it have been." Dior said staring at kd who stopped smiling looking at her seeing the death stare he was getting.


4 hours later.....

Dior laid her kids in they own separate cribs as they were sleep and then went in her and kd room getting into the bed.

"Dior." Kd called and she didn't say anything as she sat up scrolling through her phone on Twitter.

"Hello." He said.

"So you really ignoring me?" He asked and then snatched her phone.

"Give me my phone back." She told him.

"Not until you talk to me." He said to her and she folded her arms.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked and she looked at him like he was dumb.

"You sat right in front of my face and let that Bitch Nadia humiliate me." Dior said.

"How was she humiliating you?" He asked confused.

"The ring situation, the bitch kissing you, her touching and flirting with you, and you didn't defend me not once." She snapped.

"First of all she wasn't flirting with me she was just bringing up memories and she only kissed my cheek." He said.

"So if a nigga kissed me on a cheek you wouldn't get mad?" She asked him.

"Your making a big deal out of nothing." He told her and she mugged him.

"Are you really listening to yourself right now? You sound fucking dumb and if you think I'm going to put up with that shit you got another thing coming."

"I'm my daddy first child I come second to no nigga." Dior said snatching her phone and storming out the room going to the guest room slamming the door making the babies cry.

Kd shook his head then left the room going to the babies room and picking them up rocking them.

"Y'all mommy tripping right now lil niggas." Kd said making them calm down.

He couldn't understand why Dior was mad.

Author pov:

•Yall think Dior got the right to be mad?

•What y'all think about the stuff Nadia was saying?

Yall think kd should've defended her?

•What y'all think about Jeremy telling Mya the baby don't mean their going to get back together?


•200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!!

Kori and Kasani❤️.

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