
By glitterbabezz

2.2M 106K 138K

𝕀𝕗 𝕀 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕟, 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Sixty One
sixty two
Sixty three
Sixty four
Sixty five
Sixty six
Sixty seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty nine
Seventy One
Seventy two
Seventy three
Seventy four
Seventy five
Seventy six
Seventy seven
Seventy eight
Seventy nine
Eighty one
Eighty two
Eighty three
Eighty four
Eighty Five
Eighty six
Eighty Seven
Eighty eight
Eighty nine
Ninty one
Ninty two
Ninty three
Ninty four
Ninty five

Fifty seven

27K 1.1K 3K
By glitterbabezz

Omniscient pov:

Kd walked up the stairs into his room seeing Dior still knocked out on his bed lightly snoring.

He was getting ready to go to the trap but monique was on the way with Kanari.

"Dior." He said lightly shaking her until she opened her eyes looking at him.

"What?" She said stretching and sitting up looking at him.

"I'm about to go to the trap real quick and Monique coming over here with kanari can you keep her until I come back?" He asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"How long are you going to be gone?" She asked him.

"To be honest I don't know my dad wants me to meet him." He said.

"I don't have time for Monique and her bullshit kayden." She said.

"She not gone be on none she done changed a lil bit." He said and Dior rolled her eyes.

"Okay I'll watch her." Dior said.

"Thank you." He said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mhm." She said laying back down and throwing the blanket over her head.

"Love you." He said as he was leaving the room and she sat silent for a little while then spoke.

"Love you too." She said trying to fall back asleep.


Kd walked in the trap seeing Jeremy and Chris talking and sat down.

"Look at this nigga glowing and shit." Jeremy said and kd laughed.

"Nigga why you so happy?" Chris asked and kd smacked his lips.

"I can't be happy?" He asked.

"Nah nigga if we gotta be depressed so do you." Chris said.

"What you mean depressed?" He asked frowning.

"Our females need to become back friends cause I'm tired of Jaylen ass being all under me she won't leave me alone." Chris shook his head.

"Mya attitude getting worse. she asked me to come over and bring her some food so I brought her ass McDonald's she gone ask me do she look like a Mcfat McDonald's eating hoe." Jeremy shook his head.

"Shit don't even make sense."

"Dior been clingy too but I'll rather her be clingy to me then another nigga." Kd shrugged.

"They all need to talk that shit out cause I'm tired of Jaylen complaining to me about shit she can talk to them about." Chris said.

"I don't think Mya gone talk anything out she don't even like hearing they name." Jeremy said.

"Nigga mya don't like nobody and if we want everything to go back to normal they need to talk." Chris said.

"I got a idea." Jeremy said and everybody looked at him.

"We could lock them in that interrogation room in the basement until they talk it out." He said and they all shook they head.

"That's a good idea." Kd said.

"We gotta do it tomorrow though because Dior got to go see her grandma or some shit." He said and they nodded their head as Bam came walking through the door.

"I'm glad all y'all here cause we got a problem." He said and they all looked at eachother.

"Jace people are looking for semaj, James,Dior, and Sierra since his people paid for them and he want the girls back."

"He has a hit on Semaj and James head, who are dead but they don't know that but they still are looking for the girls so we need to find a way to get the girls back in their possession then back out." He finished and kd frowned.

"Hell nah Dior ain't going back with them." He said.

"Well they know how she look and have her on camera in their trap so unless you won't her to be kidnapped, beaten, rapped, or sold yall will figure something out." Bam said leaving the room and kd smacked his lips.

"Mcht I'm tired of that confusing ass plan." Jeremy said.

"You not the only one all I know is we suppose to be robbing And taking over Jace trap I don't know how." Chris inputted as kd frowned.

"Hell nah they not finna pull Dior into that shit, we need to find two random females and give them to him." He said.

"Did you not just here your pops say they got her and Sierra on camera?" Jeremy asked.

"What we need to do is just raid they shit." Chris said.

"Jace has the biggest drug and sex trafficking line that exist and eventually he'll find out James and Semaj set them up if they can't find them or the girls." Kd said.

"I say we turn Sierra in and pretend Dior died." Jeremy said.

"Sierra would snitch under pressure." Kd said.

"Hell yeah and one thing we know is Dior not folding under pressure." Chris said.

"Well we only have one solution if you not gone give him the girls back." Jeremy said.

"And what is that?" Kd asked.

"We got to take out his entire crew."


Dior laid in kd bed asleep hearing the doorbell repeatedly ring.

"Oh my fucking gosh I'm coming." She said hopping up from his bed and slipping some shorts on and kd shirt.

She walked out of his room and down the stairs to the front door checking the peep hole seeing Monique.

She rolled her eyes as she opened the door and Monique mugged her.

"Ew Where's kd at?" She asked looking Dior up and down as kanari played with her yo-yo.

"He went to run some errands he wanted me to watch her until he got back." Dior said.

"Wait y'all are back together?" Monique asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah what's funny?" Dior asked curiously.

"That your so naive if you think he really wants to be with you." She said and Dior folded her arms.

"And what does that mean?" Dior asked.

"Look I've been in your position and played your roll. He's not trying to do nothing but make you a third baby momma."

"He did it to destiny and he did it to me now it's your turn." She said giving Dior a big smile.

"I'm not you and your most definitely not me." Dior snapped back.

"That's what you think but if I was you I'll go dope up on birth control because kd has a weak pull out game." She said.

"Anyways I'm not leaving my child with you who knows what you would do to her but tell your baby father to come pick her up if he wants to see her." She said walking away and Dior slammed the door in her face.

"Hate that bitch she not gone ever change." She said shaking her head going up to kd room grabbing all of her stuff.

She made up his bed and then grabbed her keys leaving his house locking it up and making her way back to hers.

She knew what Monique was saying wasn't true but it had her thinking.

Maybe Monique was telling the truth and kd was just using her.

But then again kd explained to her why he wasn't with either of his baby mothers.

She went home preparing to get dressed for her family dinner tonight.

She was hesitant about going but she was going.


Kd pulled up in front of his house seeing Dior car missing and pulled out his phone calling her getting no answer.

He was trying to keep a eye on her 24/7 just in case Jace and his people come looking for her.

He pressed her contact again calling her but going straight to voicemail and getting a question mark sent to his phone.

Mi Dior😻❤️:?

Kd🥴🖤:Why you ain't answer the phone?

Mi Dior😻❤️: idk I'm busy ig...

Kd🥴🖤:what's wrong with you?

Mi Dior😻❤️: nothing you wouldn't care anyways bye🤙🏼....

"Here she go." He said sighing and calling Monique.

"What?" She answered.

"Where kanari?" He asked and she smacked her lips.

"With me. Did you really think I was going to leave her with ole girl?" She asked.

"Monique You got issues. I'll come pick her up later." He said hanging up.

He started his car pulling back out of his driveway and making his way to Dior house.


He pulled up to her complex parking along side her car and getting out going to her apartment using his key to open her door.

He heard music playing in the back where her room at and locked the door.

He walked to the back seeing her putting on clothes and he licked his lips knocking on the door catching her attention.

"Why are you here?" She asked him.

"I'm trying see what's wrong with you." He said.

"Nothing I'm perfectly fine." She said walking pass him going to the bathroom brushing her hair into a slick ponytail.

"Why you acting like you mad at me?" He asked.

"I'm not mad at anybody but I need to get going so can you leave?" She asked him trying to walk pass her but he grabbed her.

"Dior we can play all day but we both know you mad about something so either you gone tell me or walk around mad as fuck." He said and she still ain't say nothing.

"Well since you not gone say nothing I got two things to tell you."

"First you need to be at the trap tomorrow around 2:30 and second the sex trafficker Jace is looking for you and Sierra so shit about to be hot for a while so after today you not allowed to go no where by yourself I got a security guard and a driver for you and you can't be in public until we figure this out." He said.

"What am I suppose to do stay in all day?" She asked him.

"If you want to live." He shrugged.

"Now when you ready to tell me why you mad call me." He said leaving out of her room then out of her house.

She took her brush out of her hand and sat it down.

What Monique said was on her heart heavy and she knew nothing good last forever.

She just wanted to distance herself from everybody.


Dior pulled up in front of her grandma house pulling out the card she brought for her and signed it.

She wasn't going to slip a dime inside the card being that they were all already rich.

She got out her car going to the door knocking.

The door swung open and she seen her older brother dre and he let her in.

"Hey Dior." He said looking at his little sister.

"Wassup." She said looking around the large house that filled with lots of people.

"We all over the place right now but you can come to the living room with mom and us." He said and she followed him.

She reached the living room seeing everybody staring at her and she didn't say anything.

"You can't speak?" Kevin mother asked her as she handed her grandmother her card.

"This is yall house and y'all invited me." Dior said.

"Happy birthday Darlene." She said to her grandmother.

"You can call me grandma baby and thank you." She said and Dior folded her lips.

"I haven't seen you in years Dior how you been? Any kids?" Her uncle asked her.

"I've been good and no I don't have any kids I'm only 19." She said.

"She can't even get a man." Her mom said in a joking tone.

"For you information I have a boyfriend." She said.

"Who? I hope it's not that Kayden he has two kids of his own." She chuckled.

"His name is kd to you and yes it's him." Dior said proudly.

People always threw kd kids in her face but she didn't care

She loved him for him she didn't care about the baggage he came with.

"If you insist." Her mom said.

"Well I'm starved can I get help to the dining area so we can eat?" She said and everybody nodded their head helping her.

Dior walked behind everybody until she felt a tap on her shoulders.

"Hey Dior." She heard and turned around seeing her family friend Neil.

"Omg Neil I haven't seen you in years." She said pulling him into a tight hug.

"I know but look at you." He said holding her waist look her up and down.

She stepped back from his touch and smiled at him.

"We gotta catch up." She said.

"Most definitely, you should sit by me at the table." He said and she nodded her head as they walked in the large dining room sitting at the long table that held almost 70 guest.

"So Dior you got a job?" One of her cousins asked.

"Yeah doing forensics." She said telling them the job she did at the trap.

"Well that's good your not living off that boy." Her mom said.

Dior glanced the table seeing familiar faces until her eyes landed on her uncle Gavin.

He gave her a small smile and she returned it looking down at her empty plate.

"Dior would you like to say grace?" Her grandma asked.

"I'm good I think you should since it is your birthday." She told her.

"I really think you should Dior you seem like you need a prayer more than us." Her mom said.

"And what do I need a prayer for?" Dior asked and the table got quiet.

"Well your not as fortunate as us so pray over some type of success for you." Her mom said.

"I would respond back negatively to that comment but I'm very humbled and I know anything I have can be taken from me." Dior said.

"If you say so." Her mom said.

"I'll say the prayer." Her mom said smiling and bowing her head along with everyone else.

"Dear Heavenly Father, we will like to thank you for bringing our family together to celebrate my mother's dinner and thank you for bringing my daughter here today to celebrate I want to pray over this meal and pray for many more events like this to come." She said.

"Amen." Everyone spoke except Dior.

Dior watched as everybody dug in the food in the middle of the table and she only grabbed a piece of chicken.

"Dior I like you hair." Her little 14 year old sister said and she smiled.

"Thank you." She said as she started eating her food.

"What's that on your neck?" Her aunt asked calling her out on purpose on the hickies she had.

"It's nothing." She said continuing to eat. She felt like she was getting picked in by her family so she chose to just ignore them.

"Look like hickies to me." Her older adult cousin said.

"We'll never know with her." Her mom said and Dior sat her fork down on her plate standing up.

"I really tried to come here and have a good time Darlene but I can't I'm sorry I hope you enjoy your birthday but I'm out." She said.

"Why are you leaving because of people opinions?" Her mom asked.

"I don't know why anyone in this room would have a opinion on me and none of y'all know me." She said leaving out the door with Neil following her.

"Wait up." He said and she turned around looking at him with tears falling down her face.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"Obviously not." She said during her face.

"You can't let them get to you." He said as he wiped one of her tears away then looked at her neck.

"So you got a boyfriend?" He asked her and she nodded her head.

"Yeah." She said trying to rush the conversation so she can leave.

"He's a lucky guy." He told Dior putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yea he is but I gotta go I'll catch up with you later." She said leaving him where he was standing getting in her car putting on her gps.

Meanwhile a petty Monique was raising hell on Instagram.

173.45k❤️ 4632 💬 235↗️
@MogetRatchet: He always come back but you been knew that🥴✌🏽.....

4625 more comments....

@TashagetRatchet: @ShesoDiorr This ya nigga??😂😂😂😂😂


@Theyh8.Myaa: @SierraDaDon bitch she beat both of y'all ass b4 whats so funny? What you love hoe?🤔

@Jer3my: @Kasher.Kd Please tell me you ain't going out like that bru😦 and how tf she getting all these likes and comments 😐 #Teamkior

@Tr1ppyChr1s: @jer3my this nigga settles for anything🤦🏽‍♂️ #StillTeamKior

@Destiiiny: Monique you are so miserable and messy it makes no sense you did not have to post this!!!

@SwervoRio: 🤔🤔🤔

@Jayllenn: hm.🤭


Omniscient pov:

Dior laid across her bed watching tv and eating popcorn as her phone vibrated.

She picked it up seeing a Instagram notification and clicked it seeing she was tagged in a picture on Monique page.

She looked at the picture seeing her rubbing a sleeping kd hair.

"This bitch is so messy." Dior rolled her eyes calling kd.

"You wanna talk now?" He answered with a little laugh.

"Bring yo ass to my house right now." She said frowning and chewing more popcorn.

"Damn Ight." He said and she hung up the phone.

She got out of her bed throwing on her sweater and sat down watching tv until she heard her front door open.

She picked her phone up walking to the living room seeing kd and put her hands on her hips.

"You went to see Monique today?" She asked him.

"Nah I went to go see kanari today." He said and she went to her Instagram.

"What's this?" She asked him showing him her phone.

"Damn she must've took that when I fell asleep with kanari in her bed." He said honestly.

"You slept in Monique bed?" She asked raising a eyebrow.

"Hell no I slept in kanari bed." She said.

"So you didnt cheat on me?" Dior asked him for reassurance and he nodded his head.

"Nah why would I cheat on you with Monique?" He asked and Dior put her hand up at him walking to her bathroom snapping a picture then coming back to the living room.

"Since your baby mother wanna be a Internet gangster and be petty so am I." She said and kd frowned in confusion.

"What you mean by that?" He asked her.

"You'll see." She said posting a picture to her feed.

375.6k❤️ 10,000💬 324↗️
@ShesoDiorr: real pretty in the face that's why that LAME BITCH want my place😌.

9,987 more comments..

@Kasher.Kd: Us Never them❤️

@Jer3my: @Kasher.Kd headass🤣🤣🤣

@SierraDaDon: I spy makeup🥴

@Theyh8.Myaa: @sierraDaDon bitch post ya self and show the world ya connect the dot face💀

@MogetRatchet: @Sierradadon facts! Tell a bitch to post without the makeup and we can argue👍🏾

@ShesoDiorr: @MogetRatchet Bitch you do it first!!

@jayllenn: 😍

"Sierra is a fucking dick rider I can't stand her." She said as kd scrolled through the comments defending Dior.

"I want this Bitch to say something else." Dior said typing away on her phone responding to comments defending Monique.

"This bitch has Stan accounts? I cannot." She said.

"Kd let me see your phone." She said and he tossed it to her.

She went to his camera roll sending herself the picture of Monique burnt down house then tossed his phone back to him.

"What you needed it for?" He asked her.

"You'll see in a minute." She mumbled seeing she was tagged in another post.

247.4K❤️ 5087💬 372↗️
@MogetRatchet: Yo turn let's compare face duck!! @shesoDiorr

5081 more comments..

@ShesoDiorr: okay😊

@TashagetRatchet: SHE CANT BEST!!!

@SierraDaDon: you so pretty 😍

@Meeshabefly: You winning with this face shit fasho🤪

@Jer3my: No cap I gotta bitch but I really hope you don't think you look better then Dior💀

@MogetRatchet: @Jer3my Fuck outta my comments

@Theyh8.Myaa: @MogetRatchet And if he don't hoe then what???

"Who the fuck is Tasha?" Dior snapped clicking her page seeing it was private.

"That's Monique bestfriend." Kd told her.

"That bitch got one more time to say something with all these slick ass jokes." Dior said getting ready to respond back to Monique.

"Calm down." Kd told her and she shot him a death glare.

"Don't tell me to calm down tell that to your loose pussy baby momma." She said.

"And Sierra dick riding all in these comments how she don't like me for being with you but Monique has a whole child with you? This bitch needs to make it make sense." She said shaking her leg up and down.

678.9k❤️ 184.75k💬 234.98k↗️
@ShesoDiorr: let's compare houses first bitch😁

184,62 More comments...

@jer3my: NAH YOU WON😭😭😭


@Tr1ppyChr1s: 😹😹😹😹😹😹

@MogetRatchet: Post yo daddy hoe😌

@ShesoDiorr: @Mogetratchet I got you Friend😁😁😁

@TashagetRatchet: you that ugly??You can't post yourself??but a house ??pathetic!😂

"This bitch just told me to post my daddy." She said angrily and kd picked up his phone going to check the comments.

Dior went through her camera roll looking for a certain picture then posted it with a smile.

"Let's see how the bitch like that." She said making kd phone ping.

435.9k ❤️ 7626💬 432↗️

@ShesoDiorr: "pOST yO dAdDy" here he go!! You mad doggy😁❤️??????@Kasher.Kd

7600 more comments...

@Theyh8.Myaa: you won all the way💀💀

@Kasher.Kd: She posted me and it wasn't in the close friends😧

@Jer3my: I don't even got shit smart to say but Dior won😭

@TashagetRatchet: girl fuck you and him!!

@niagetlitt: y'all lowkey ugly...

@MogetRatchet: @niagetlitt tbh..but idc abt this shit he still cheated with me numerous times...

"Damn you just posted me?" Kd asked getting ignored by Dior.

She was waiting for Monique to come at her again so she can say how she depended on child support checks.

215.4K❤️ 3201💬 123↗️

@MogetRatchet:Only person I care about tell ole girl keep the drama to herself❤️ #Mommyfirst #KanariChanel

3098 more comments....
@Jer3my: I know you fckin lying yo ass better leave my niece up out of this and go argue back!! Making my timeline dry and shi😐

@TashagetRatchet: They don't understand tho that drama shii for the birds✌🏾

@Siahpooh: I-

@Theyh8.Myaa: BITCH YOU IS HURT😂😂😂😂

"Did this bitch just try to flip the script?now all she care about is kanari? Fuck out of here." Dior said looking up at kd who sat on her couch.

"That's what she do." He said sighing.

"And why is Mya defending me in the comments?" Dior asked herself as she stood up.

"I don't know maybe because she not letting a argument fuck y'all up." Kd said pulling her into his lap.

"But I'll never cheat on you Dior I promise you." He said and she didn't say anything as she refreshed her comments seeing people laughing at the burnt down house.

Kd reached for her phone turning it off and lightly grabbing her chin.

"You hear me?" He asked her and she stared at him.

"I know you wouldn't." She said sighing.

"I had a feeling you didn't but Monique got so under my skin earlier." She said.

"By doing what?" He asked her.

"When she came to your house she was all like you just trying to make me a third baby momma and all that shit." She told him.

"And why you didn't tell me? You was acting funny all morning." He told her.

"I just didn't know how to react because what if it was true? I had to remind you to wear a condom and what makes me so different from any other girl?" She asked him.

"Your Dior that's what makes you different, ain't no other female gone help her nigga get over a drug addiction some of them would've let my ass struggle."

"you didn't and you not ever once folded on me or gave up on me, I don't want nobody else Dior and I'll never hurt you." He said kissing her cheek.

"But as for you if some shit happen like that you talk to me. A relationship ain't shit without communicating." He said and she nodded her head.

"Okay." She said.

"You had me thinking I did something all day." He said shaking his head.

"I'm sorry." She said with a pouty face and he shook his head.

He loved Dior he wasn't even planning on messing up.


"Why are you making me go in the basement with you?" Dior asked as kd covered her eyes.

"Girl you'll see." He said as they reached the interrogation room.

He quickly pushed her in and shut the door seeing Jaylen and Mya already in there and pissed off.

"Kd what the fuck." Dior yelled banging the glass.

"Y'all not coming out until y'all make up." Jeremy said into the mic.

"Well I guess I'm not coming out." Jaylen shrugged.

"Nigga why you put Jaylen in there with Mya anyways? That's asking for a fight to happen." Kd said to Chris.

"You right." Chris said opening the door.

"Jaylen you come out yall stay." He said and Jaylen walked out bumping his shoulder.

"We'll do two at a time so hurry up." Jeremy said as they watched the girls who couldn't see them stand on opposite sides of the room in silence.

"We got all day." Jeremy said in the mic and Dior looked at Mya who avoided eye contact with her.

"Thank you for defending me in my comments yesterday." Dior spoke.

"No problem." Mya said scratching her hair.

"So you and kd together officially now?" She asked and Dior nodded her head.

"Yeah." She said playing with her bracelet kd gave her.

"How's Mariah?" She asked.

"She's doing fine, she asked about you." She said and Dior smiled.

"You and Jeremy dating?" Dior asked and Mya shook her head.

"More like friends with benefits, I like him but he haven't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." She said and Dior nodded her head making the room get quiet again.

"Dior I apologize for everything I said." Mya said.

"I really didn't mean it I was talking out of anger because you accused me of wanting to have sex with your boyfriend."

"And the only reason I didn't tell you about the baby is because Rio said you already knew and he was taking you to meet him." She said.

"I'm so sorry dior if I hurt you and you know I don't do sap shit like this so I really mean it." She said and Dior just started at her then smiled.

"It's so much I've been wanting to tell you for months." Dior said hugging her.

"I know it's so much I want to tell you too." Mya said as a tear slipped her face but she quickly wiped it.

"Are you going to apologize to jaylen?" Dior whispered in jaylen ear.

"No I'll be cordial and apologize for what I said about her baby but I don't like her she gives me a bad feeling." Mya said.

"So you look different like you gain weight." Mya said pulling back from the hug and Dior frowned.

"Not in a bad way in a good way your getting thick." Mya said smirking.

"I've been hitting the gym." Dior said and mya made a "bitch now you know face."

"I'm serious but I've been doing other things too." Dior said and they laughed.

"I missed you so much." Mya said pulling her into a hug again and then the door opened.

"Y'all know we heard all that right?" Jeremy asked.

"Okay we didn't say anything." Mya told him.

"Yes yall did y'all lied and said Dior was thick." He said and everybody smacked they lips as he laughed.

"Well we're sending jaylen in here don't touch her." Chris said squinting his eyes as Jaylen slowly walked in and Mya folded her arms.

Dior stared at her not saying anything. She didn't like how Jaylen was in Monique comments and then came to hers playing
Both sides.

"Hey." She said with a small smile.

"Look you don't got to apologize to me about shit but I apologize about bringing up your child I was foul but I'm not trying to be friends with you we can be cordial." She said and Jaylen nodded her head looking at Dior.

"Dior I'm sorry for everything I said." She said.

"I don't care about what you said what I care about is why you were in Monique comments after she posted that bogus picture." Dior said.

"I was just doing it because I was mad, I felt like you were neglecting me for Mya and I just got jealous because I felt if y'all became bestfriends y'all would forget about me." She said.

"You were my first friend I made when I came to live with kd I'll never forget that but Mya and me are bestfriends and you have to respect that." She said and Jaylen nodded her head as Mya didn't say anything.

"Even though you said I don't have to apologize I apologize too for bringing up your sex trafficking story it wasn't my place." She said.

"Okay." Mya said and the door opened again.

"So y'all good?" Chris asked as all the boys walked in.

Kd went over to Dior putting his arm around her shoulder pulling her to him kissing her and the girls nodded their heads.

"We're good." Jaylen said.

"Dior we gotta hang out soon." Mya said.

"We can hangout tonight I want to see Mariah." She said and Mya was about to speak but kd whisper in Dior ear.

"You gone be busy tonight." He told her and her eyes went wide and she smirked nodding her head at him.

"Or this weekend sometime." She said and Mya nodded her head.

"Well we gotta get going." Chris said grabbing Jaylen hand.

"Bye." Dior said to jaylen who waved back leaving out with Mya and Jeremy shortly following behind.

"So all y'all good?" Kd asked Dior.

"Yeah, but one last thing." She said looking at him.

"What?" He asked her.

"What are y'all going to do about this Jace guy?" She asked him lowkey scared.

"We got it under control just make sure you stay with your security at all times." He said kissing her and she nodded her head.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you it's not called clear pee thingy it's called cum." He said making her feel embarrassed.

"Let's go." He smirked at her picking her up walking up the stairs.

Everything was falling back in place. She missed it like this.

Author pov:


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excuse all mistakes!!

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