
By glitterbabezz

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𝕀𝕗 𝕀 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕟, 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Sixty One
sixty two
Sixty three
Sixty four
Sixty five
Sixty six
Sixty seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty nine
Seventy One
Seventy two
Seventy three
Seventy four
Seventy five
Seventy six
Seventy seven
Seventy eight
Seventy nine
Eighty one
Eighty two
Eighty three
Eighty four
Eighty Five
Eighty six
Eighty Seven
Eighty eight
Eighty nine
Ninty one
Ninty two
Ninty three
Ninty four
Ninty five

Fourty Two

23.4K 1.1K 1.7K
By glitterbabezz

Omniscient pov:

"Okay so you basically study your cards and add the total of all the numbers in your head and if it adds up to 50 yell Tonk." Rio explained a card game to Dior.

He's been keeping her company for the last few hours since Mya still haven't came back yet and Mariah was sleep on the other side of Dior bed.

"Okay I think I got the concept now." Dior said adding up her cards.

"Are you sure this how we play?" Dior asked looking at him and he nodded his head.

"I learned this in school." He reassured her.

"Well then Tonk." She yelled and laughed.

"Damn you sneaky." He laughed taking her cards reshuffling them.

"When are they coming to take this damn iv out of me." Dior said tapping it.

"I can get your nurse if you want." Rio said.

"Please." She said and he nodded his head leaving out.

Dior sat back on the bed and lifting the covers up.

She couldn't see her wounds because she had a gown on but she wanted to see them.

She pulled the top of her shirt looking down seeing a patch on her stomach.

"Your finally up." Somebody caught her attention and she looked up seeing her nurse and Rio walking in.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked writing on a clipboard.

"I guess." Dior said as the lady came over to her looking at her iv.

"I'm going to remove this and place a bandaid it's going to hurt a little but you'll survive I promise." She said pulling it out of Dior arm.

"Can I take this out of my nose?" Dior asked and the nurse nodded her head.

"So how long she gotta be here?" Rio asked the nurse.

"Normally we keep patients like you for 6 months but we just gone keep her for 5 weeks." The nurse said and Dior face looked shocked.

"I have to stay here for 5 weeks?" Dior asked.

"Yes it's only to make sure your getting the proper care and treatment for your wounds." The nurse reassured her.

"I have to use the bathroom and I need a shower." Dior complained.

"Well there is a bathroom right there in the room but you can't walk yet it will put two much pressure on your stomach and open your wounds." She said.

"But your friend can help you, I will suggest you take a bath instead of a shower so you can be relaxed." The nurse said and Dior looked at Rio.

She didn't know Rio to let him see her naked. The only boy ever seen her naked was kd.

And she regretted that.

"Isnt there somebody here that can help her?" Rio asked as if he was reading diors mind.

"Yes but she's on labor duty right now." The nurse said.

"Why can't you do it?" Rio asked.

"I would but it's not my job I'm not certified to do that, I only was told to change her wound gauzes." The nurse shrugged and Dior mugged her.

"Whatever I'll figure it out." Dior said pulling out her phone calling Mya.

"I'll be back to change your gauzes in a couple hours." The nurse said leaving out.

Mya answered on the second ring and Dior began to talk.

"Mya are you on your way back?" Dior asked.

"Uhh in maybe a hour or two why wassup?." Mya asked.

Her, Jeremy, James, and Chris was busy trying to find omari and didn't need any distractions right now.

"I need somebody to help me with my hygeine and I need clothes." Dior whined.

"Dior have Rio or a nurse help you I'm doing something important right now." Mya told her.

"Whatever." Dior rolled her eyes hanging up.

Dior looked over at Rio who looked at her and she folded her arms.

"I need clothes, my hygiene products, and my hair stuff." Dior told him.

"You want me to help you?" Rio asked her shocked.

"I don't really have a choice." She told him.

"I guess I'll have to take a Uber to the house." Rio said pulling out his phone.

Dior carefully laid back in the bed staring at the ceiling.

Soon Rio uber came and he left to go get her stuff from the house.

She felt like a big ass burden right now.

20 minutes later:

Kd walked in the hospital looking around seeing nurses walk around.

People in wheelchairs, some with disabilities and more people just waiting.

He walked to the front desk and was met by some girl.

"May I help you sir?" She smiled at him.

"Yeah what room is Dior Taylor?" He asked her.

"She's in room 234 on the second floor but I need you to sign in here before you go and see her." She said handing him a clip board.

Kd eyed the sign in sheet and seen somebody named lucky, Mya, Mariah, and frowned at the last name.


Kd smacked his lips signing the paper and then got a visitors pass.

He walked to the elevator going up until he reached the second floor.

He went down reading each room number until he reached 234.

He stopped before walking in and licked his lips holding the door handle.

He twisted it pushing it lightly open seeing Dior laying down watching YouTube on her phone while drinking some water.

Kd closed the door putting his hands in his pockets catching her attention.

She stared at him as she paused her video and didn't say anything.

He stared back at her and noticed how pale she was.

She didn't look the same, her hair was all tangled and her skin looked as if it was breaking out.

"What are you doing here?" Dior asked him.

"I came to see about you." He said keeping it short.

"Well I'm good you can leave." She said folding her arms at him and poking her lips out.

"Damn that's how it is?" He asked her shocked at how she was acting.

"It's exactly like that." She snapped at him.

"Why you being so hostile? I came to see about yo ass." He said dragging the yo.

"Remember what you said right? I should go be with my dad and Kevin? Pretend like I did that." She told him.

"Let's not act like yo ass ain't say nothing about my mom and sister Dior." He said.

"After the fact." She told him.

"Well what the fuck you expected me to do Dior? You knew some shit that could've got everybody hurt but ain't say nothing." He told her.

"I tried to explain to you why I ain't tell you but you were to busy manifesting death on me and now look at me in the fucking hospital and look at you visiting me." She shook her head.

"Ight Dior." He said.

"You can leave now." She told him.

"I'm trying talk to you." He said.

"Well I don't want to fucking talk to you, see you, or none of that shit so just leave." She told him getting on that phone.

"Didnt I buy you that phone?" He asked her chuckling.

She looked at him then at the phone taking it out the case then threw it making it shatter into pieces.

"I'll buy my own now get the fuck out." She told him as her chest heaved up and down.

The door to the room open and In walked Rio with all of Dior stuff.

"I brought the stuff you had on the sink and I just brought some long tshirts so your wounds can breathe." He said and kd mugged him.

"This why you wanted me to leave?" Kd asked her.

"Damn Dior you really are a hoe." He chuckled shaking his head.

"Let me be that then just get the fuck out." She said as Rio looked at kd.

"Bro she want you gone." Rio said and kd stood up.

"Man who the fuck was talking to you?" He yelled waking Mariah up.

"Nigga apparently she don't want you here so just leave." Rio said and kd stepped closer to him balling his fist.

"Ain't nobody even on all that you need to chill out my niece is right there." He said and kd unballed his fist seeing Mariah staring at him with a mug and tears streaming down her face.

"We don't got shit to talk about kd, go continue to do you." Dior told him and he shook his head leaving out.

"Mariah you okay?" Dior asked her and she nodded her head laying back down.

"I'm going back to sleep shhh." She said making them laugh.

"You ready?" Rio asked her and she nodded her head.

He helped her up and carried her to the bathroom.


Kd walked into the trap seeing everybody sitting down talking and sat next to Chris.

"How it go with Your shorty?" Jeremy asked and kd mugged him.

"Man fuck that hoe for real." Kd said.

He wasn't even mad at Dior no more. He was hurt.

"She gone tell me to leave but yo bitch ass brother bringing her lotion and clothes and shit." He said.

"My brother ain't no bitch so watch yo baritone cause ion talk about none of your folks." Mya said to him.

"Man whatever ion even care about her no more she can do what she do." Kd shrugged.

Jeremy got up and sat next to kd wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Bro it's okay to be hurt you know that right?" Jeremy asked and everybody laughed as kd mugged.

"Nah y'all I'm serious." Jeremy said raising his hand up and down.

"Like for real look at it like this, Dior pissed right now because a lot of shit just hit her at once."

"Her cousin funeral was shot up, she got shot by somebody she trusted, she found out her cousin bestfriend killed him, she don't know why he killed him, or why he shot her, it's a lot of shit on her plate so her worrying about you just adding on shit, so she can't forgive you right now she got so much other shit to be worried about." Jeremy finished.

"That nigga right though for real, just because she not talking to you and shit don't mean you gotta be calling her out her name and shit just give her some space then figure shit out." James said.

Kd nodded his head as they heard a phone ring.

They all checked there's until Chris pulled his out seeing Jaylen calling.

"Chris come home now please im bleeding it's blood everywhere." She cried in the phone loudly and Chris frowned.

"Baby I'm on my way, you called the ambulance?" Chris asked hopping up.

"No but it's a lot we need help." Jaylen screamed in pain.

"Everything good?" Mya asked.

"Baby I'm on the way stay on the phone." He said muting his end.

"She said it's lots of blood and shit I want y'all to come just in case it's somebody at my house or some shit." Chris said leaving out the door with them behind him.

He got in his car with kd in the front seat and Jeremy, Mya, and James in the back.

He sped off to his house running through red lights and all.

He hopped out his car without fully stopping it and ran to his front door.

Kd switched over to the drivers side putting the car in park and then hopped out the car with everybody else.

Chris got the door open and seen Jaylen at the bottom of the stairs with blood all over her.

"Baby what happen?" Chris asked horrified by the screaming and all the blood on the steps.

He looked at Jaylen stomach noticing it wasn't pudgy anymore.

"He pushed me down the stairs." Jaylen screamed holding her stomach.

"Who is he?" Chris asked confused but Jaylen just cried and screamed in agony.

"Come on we need to get her to the hospital." Mya said wrapping Jaylen in a blanket.

They walked outside putting her in the back seat and got in the car the best way they could driving to the hospital.

They pulled up in front of the hospital and James helped Chris carry her in.

"I need a doctor." Chris yelled and nurses fled over to him with a stretcher.

"What happen?" They asked.

"JUST FUCKING HELP HER." Chris yelled at one of the nurses.

They quickly ran the stretcher through the double doors and rushed her in a room.

"You think she loss the baby?" James asked Chris who sat down looking at Jaylen blood on his hands.

"I hope not." He said biting his bottom lip sitting back.

He loved Jaylen and he was ready to be a father so if she did it was going to hurt him.

"I hope not."

Author pov:

•Y'all think Dior wrong for treating kd like that?

•What y'all think of Jeremy advice to kd?

•Who y'all think pushed Jaylen down the stairs?

•Y'all think Jaylen lost the baby?

•How y'all feel about Rio helping Dior bathe? 👀

How y'all feel about kd not liking Rio?

200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!

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