(Y/N) Uzumaki

By Idk_wot_to_put

497K 11.7K 4.1K

*This will basically be the anime but another character in it.* (Y/n) and Naruto are fernernal twins, in whic... More

About You
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114

Chapter 54

3K 69 3
By Idk_wot_to_put

"No, no, no, not that guy." Naruro said as we held onto each other with fear. Naruto pointed at him shaking. "He's a what? What did you call him?" Kakashi asked. "You're kidding me! Of all the guys you could've picked, you picked this guy to train us? What a joke! He's weaker than I am." Naruto yelled. "What makes you say that?" Kakashi asked. "I'm serious. You should have seen him. He saw our Hatem jutsu once and he fell to pieces!" Naruto yelled.

Ebisu ran up behind Naruto and cover his mouth. Naruto struggled as he tried to yell. "Harem jutsu." Kakashi said. "Oh, it's nothing, just a little joke we all share." Ebisu said awkwardly laughing. "No! The harem jutsu is-!" I tried to say but he slapped his other hand over my mouth.

I sighed and didnt even struggle. Ebisu moved his hand and basically strangled Naruto. He whispered in his ear "Look, I'll make you a deal. Keep quiet about that and I'll buy you anything you want to eat. Barbecue, ramen, you name it." Ebisu said. Ooh, ramen.

"Anything we want?" Naruto choked out asked. "Well, well, I had no idea you three were acquainted." Kakashi said. Ebisu put his hand on our heads and laughed. Yes, we go way back." He patted our head and ruffled our hair. Naruto and I just stared at Ebisu. "I still don't get why it has to be him? I mean, anybody else." Naruto said.

"Look, you! If it hadn't been for Kakashi, who asked me this favor. I would never consider training you." Ebisu said pointing at Naruto. "Yeah, well then don't!" Naruto said. Ebisu turned to me and said "Why not be calm and kind like your sister here, hm?" I just stared blankly at him and slowly pointed my finger at him. "Pervert" He freaked for a second and screamed. He covered my mouth again.

"Hey, hey, come on, you two, let's calm down. Listen, Naruto, (Y/n), you're wrong about Ebisu Sensei. He's a special jonin. A private tutor, who only trains the elite. Frankly, he's a better teacher than I am." Kakashi whispered kneeling next to us. "Ehh" I said slouching.

Kakashi stood up "Anyway, you two, I've got to say that out of the four genin in squad 7, you're the ones whose basic skills need the most work. That's what I want you to focus on this time around." Kakashi said. "Wait! Hold on a second! Are you honestly saying that we're not as good as Sasuke or Sakura?" Naruto yelled.

Kakashi just stared at him a bit and sighed. "Naruto, no matter how many skills you master, the fundamentals are, well, fundamental and yours could be improved. So if you two really want to become strong then just be quiet and pay attention. Alright, Ebisu Sensei, I leave him in your capable hands." "I'll do what I can." Ebisu said and Kakashi turned around and walked off. Naruto groaned and I just sighed.

"Well, come on. Let's get started." Ebisu said looking down at us. Naruto just looked straight forward. "Okat, but I don't buy it. This whole thing is totally nuts! Even if I do need to work on my fundamentals, how the heck are they supposed to get better when I've got a teacher who's weaker at this stuff than I am?" Naruto yelled. "I beg your pardon but who do you think you're calling weak?" Ebisu asked. "Who do you think? Who else is standing here!" Naruto yelled.

"If this is all because of that ridiculous and inappropriate jutsu of yours, it took me by surprise, that's all. I wouldn't be too hasty to judge my abilities based on one incident a long time ago." Ebisu said sweating a bit. "Just cause you ended up flat on your back and out cold." I said squinting at him.

He seemed surprised for a second and looked down at both of us. "Alright, then, let's put it to a test, shall we?" He bent down to face us "Naruto, (Y/n), try and run away. I mean it. I want you two to try running as fast as you can. If you can get away from me, I'll resign as your trainer." "Is that a promise?" Naruto asked

"Certainly, and what's more, since I know how much you prefer Kakashi, I think I can arrange to take over enough of his other duties so that he can be your trainer." "Yeah? Really?" Naruto yelled. "Of course. An elite jonin never goes back on his word. But it's all contingent on you two being able to out run me." Ebisu said standing up. "Wait, do you have to catch both of us and it's over or just one of us?" I asked. "Hmm. Both of you."

"Man, this is the easiest deal I've ever made. So long, sucker!" Naruto yelled running. He really just left me here.. Ebisu looked down at me and I waved. I bolted out of the room as he looked in my direction.

I completely lost where Naruto was. I was running down all the shops. I tried to be quiet so I wouldn't draw attention towards me. I can hear Naruto yelling behind me going in a different direction. I would go run with him but then it would just be easier for Ebisu to catch us.

Maybe keeping some shadow clones running around while I hide will work. I have to find a little shop that I can hide in. I began to run faster as I dodged everyone. "Shadow clone jutsu!" I yelled as my clone went into a different direction. "You know, your brother is using the same trick." I was shocked to hear a voice yell to the right of me. I turned my head to see Ebisu standing on top of a building.

"Ehh!" I yelled out surprised. I ran in the other direction that my shadow clone was. As I was running I saw Naruto jumping on some buildings. Man, that's obvious. "Naruto, wait up!" I yelled. He stopped and turned to me "I'm a clone" he said pointing at himself. "Oh, hm." I turned around and looked closely at the surroundings. "Here. Shadow clone jutsu! Take my clone with you and maybe he'll think we're sticking with each other." I said and jumped off the building and began to run again.

As I was running I heard Narutos scream as they poofed away. As I continued to run I heard my shadow clone scream and poof away. It was very close, too much for my liking. I began to run faster but I saw a foot come out of a side of a building. I was running to fast to stop suddenly so I tripped, tripped right on to my face. I groaned in pain as I laid there with my legs up. Ebisu started chucking "Got you."

I sighed and slowly sat up. I wiped the dirt off my face stared at the floor blankly. "Are you just going to sit there?" Ebisu asked. "Yep." I said clicking my tongue. "Well, alright. I'm going to get your brother so just stay here." Ebisu said jumping off. "Heh, I really ended up getting caught first." I said chuckling a bit.


"One plain ramen and two miso ramen with barbecue pork." "There you go." The waiters said placing the bowls in front of us. Naruto got caught a few minutes after my face plant so we came over here to talk basically. I snapped my chopsticks apart and began to eat. "Now, Naruto, (Y/n), having had a chance to observe your technique firsthand and going off what Kakashi told me, it's clear to me that one of Narutos weak point is chakra control." Ebisu said. "Chakra control?" Naruto asked with his mouth full.

"Exactly. When we compare your abilities in this department with those of your teammates, Sakura and Sasuke, also your sister, (Y/n), your deficiency becomes obvious. As you may know, on order to successfully perform ninjutsu, genjutsu, and the like, a ninja must first build up his chakra."

"Yeah. Like you said, we already know that." Naruto said. Ebisu set his bowl down "I would hope so. Well, then, let's compare to your teammates in this department and perhaps you'll begin to see just how inferior your abilities really are." "You've got an annoying way of putting things." Naruto said side staring at him.

Ebisu continued "As agreed, I'm buying you two lunch so just be quiet and listen. First, lets examine how Sakura prepares for a clone jutsu. She perfect at building up her chakra to it's full extent and because she's so efficient, she can make clones without wasting any excess energy. And for Sasuke, it must be said hes not nearly as efficient when it comes to building supply of chakra. But you see, his control over the chakra itself is so flawless that he has no problem producing five clones as easily as Sakura. So the result is the same, even if Sasuke does waste more chakra in getting there."

"What do you know and I thought Sasuke was perfect in everything." Naruro said smiling. "Wipe that smile off your face. You are in no position to make fun of anyone else." Ebisu said. "Why?" Naruto asked. "You are no good at building up your chakra or controlling it. The result being require much more chakra to produce to any clones." "What the?" Naruto said. "You have to exert much more effort. And even then, after all the effort and wasting much more chakra than either Sakura or Sasuke. You can barely produce two clones at best. In fact, using the same amount of chakra you use, Sakura and Sasuke could come up with 10 clones."

I started giggling a bit. "Ebisu, what about me?" I asked pointing at myself. "You're not any much better. You use a little less chakra but it's still over the needed amount." Ebisu said taking a sip from his drink. "Oh" I said drooping my head low. Naruto slammed his bowl on the table. "You see how the four of you have very different levels of ability just on this one jutsu? Oh well, I may have been exaggerating a bit in my comparison, but the bottom line is you two waste too much of you're strength and build up too much chakra. You need to learn some control, that's all."

"Yeah, well if we're such a lame-o, how come there have been times when we've done better than they have?" Naruto yelled. "That's not the same thing. That's only because you two have reserves of energy and stamina that are hardly even human." Naruto and I widened our eyes. Ebisu looked forward and Naruto and I just looked down.

Ebisu stood up "The point is, we all know you two are strong, but you could be so much stronger if you'd let me show you how." "Really?" I asked lightening up "You mean it?" Naruto asked doing the same. "I not only mean it, I guarantee it. Now if you're ready, let's begin." Ebisu said turning around ready to walk off.

"Sir, your bill." The man said. I widened my eyes. "Oh, I forgot." Ebisu said. I looked at the amount of bowls stacked up next to Naruto, oh boy.. Ebisu looked back at all the bowls and looked incredibly shocked. Ebisu screamed "Naruto!" "Thank you, come again."


Ebisu, Naruto, and I were walking and Naruto asked "Okay, you mind explaining why you've dragged us up here to the hot springs? Is a bath part of my training? Not that I'd mind soaking my feet after that hike-" Naruto kept walking with me even though where I was going he wasnt awllowed. "Naruto!" Ebisu yelled randomly causing me to jump.

"Where do you think your going? That's the women's bath. I will not allow any disreputable behavior, young man." Ebisu yelled. But, the real pervert is you, Ebisu... Naruto and I walked back to him "What is it? What's that look. Nothing, nothing. Anyway, what in the world are we doing here? Are you going train us how to wash behind our ears?" Naruto asked and I giggled.

Ebisu lifted up his glasses and said "Not quite, but you're right, it is part of your training." Naruto and I tilted our heads confused.

"Right here. This is the place." Ebisu said. "A bath? Okay, what's going on?" Naruto asked loudly. "Don't take that tone with me. Like I told you before, this is all part of your training." Ebisu said. "Okay, maybe you ought to try taking it from the top." I said sighing. "What are we training for again?" Naruto asked.

Ebisu chuckled and pushed his glasses up "I'm going to teach you how to walk on water." Naruto and I widened our eyes. "Huh?" Naruto and I just took a step forward and stared at him. "What is it now?" Ebisu asked. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that you really know how to walk on water?" Naruto asked and I nodded my head. Ebisus head got big and he yelled "Of course I do!" His head got to regular size and he cleared hit throat. "According to what Kakashi told me, you've already been trained in how to climb a tree without using your hands, right? This is a variation of that."

"I dont know. That was a long time ago. I'm not so good at remembering stuff that far back." Naruto said. Ebisu looked towards and I just shrugged my shoulders "I remember." "Well, in tree climbing, the key is to build up chakra in the points of contact and then to maintain at a steady rate of discharge. Of course, trees are stationary objects so the discharge rate remains constant. All the same, it's an excellent exercise for developing basic chakra control. Now, to walk on water, you not only have to build up chakra at the points of contact, you must also constantly adjust the rate of discharge in order to maintain your balance on water's shifting surface. This is obviously more difficult than just maintaining a fixed flow of chakra. But that's what chakra control is all about, being able to discharge it at a steady aura to varying rate. You understand?"

"I wish I did." Naruto said. "Well, perhaps it would be easier if I just showed you. First, build up chakra in the soles of your feet. Then carefully calibrating the amount you discharge from each foot in order to maintain your balance." Ebisu just stepped onto the water and began walking. "There, you see? That's how its done." "Cool!" Naruto yelled "Woah.." I said staring.

Naruto put his hands up in a sign "Okay, let me give it a try now. First, build up chakra in your feet. And then calibrating a whatever it is." Naruto took a step on the water "Ah!" He yelled as he fell right through. "Not quite." Ebisu said. Naruto screamed from the pain of the random hot water. "Oh, by the way, dont forget it's a hot spring. You don't want to keep falling in like that. You'll be boiled like a lobster." Ebisu said "Very funny." Naruto said getting out.

"My turn!" Okay, I put my hands up in a sign. First, build up chakra in the soles of your feet. Then carefully calibrating the amount you discharge from each foot in order to maintain your balance. And.. I took a step forward on the water and stayed for about.. 1 seconds. I fell straight down and I jumped out from pain. I quickly jumped out of the hot spring and took a deep breath, I silently screamed as they both stared at me.

Naruto put his hands together again and yelled "I got it now!" He fell straight into the water. I put my hands together and began walking forward. After 2 seconds this time I fell straight down. Naruto yelled as he was about to go again. He fell straight down with a big splash. He started going over and over again with really no difference. I stayed back a bit just slowly trying to build up my chakra. After Naruto fell in again I slowly began to walk forward. I stepped onto the water and I was really shaky. I was about to get ahold of it but Naruto fell in the water and it caused me to fall too. We both jumped out from the pain yelling.

After a little bit of us falling we both just had our ankles in the water. "I'm actually starting to get this." Naruto said. We both began wobbling back and fourth so I put my hand on his back so it would somewhat balance us out. After a little bit of us wobbling Naruto and I looked to the left a little and pointed our finger screaming. We both fell back into the water with a big splash.

I popped my head back up. Ebisu pushed up his glasses and side stared at the guy. "Are you peeking in the women's bath, old man? I will not allow any disreputable behavior." Ebisu then began to run at him. The guy turned around "Oh please." He summoned a big..toad? "Huh? What on earth?" The toad opened its mouth and wrapped its tongue around Ebisu. "What are you doing?" The tongue lifted him up and slammed him into the floor. The tongue retreated back into its mouth.

"What's wrong with you? Keep it down. Do you want to get us busted, you idiot?" The guy asked. Woah, who is this guy? He totally destroyed Ebisu! But.. he's a bigger perv than Ebisu.

Word count- 1978

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