An Epic Goofy Movie

LovelyFairy18 által

64.7K 1.7K 754

Hi! Before I go into the summary, I just want to say that I love Disney movies, and A Goofy Movie was one of... Több

A Blast from the Past
Team 99
Triple Delight
The Red Car
Sore Eyes
Girl Encounter
Bradley Uppercrust the Third
If Only For 5 Minutes
We're Dead
Hey Goof
First Day of School
Cellular Biology
Dinner Party
Mission Impossible
An Unexpected Night
Sylvia's on the Case
Prom Night
The New Member
Epic Fail
The Aftermath
Is It Too Late To Say Sorry Now?
The X-Games: Try Outs
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Author's Note
More Wine Please
He's Real
One Month Later
The Long Night
Couple of the Year
Two Phone Calls
Homecoming 1996
Just One Night
She Let Her In
Pull or Be Pulled
The Demon
Girl Fight
Girl Fight- Round 2
Old Drama
Halloween Night
Halloween Night Part 2
The Meadow
The Tip
The State Crossing Ghouls
On the Edge
Stuck in the Middle
Two Men Down
Hidden Feelings
One Week Later
Who, What, When, Where and Why?
Jasmine 2.0
Past and Present
Let's Be Honest
A Rainy Night
One More Secret
Lost for Words
Senior Year Sucks So Far
Everyone's Confused
Deja Vu
Bradley's Birthday PT 1
Bradley's Birthday PT 2
Bradley's Birthday Part 3
January Q&A
Winter Blues
It's Always Been You
New Years Eve
New Years Day
Letters from the Past
One Lie and a Truth
Love and Friendship
The Secret is Out
An Old Friend Returns
Two Finally Become One
Tragedy on Campus
The Truth is Out


771 27 2
LovelyFairy18 által

Bradley heard a knock on his door. He turned over and looked at his clock, which read 3:38am. He groaned, annoyed. Who could be calling for him at this hour?

            “Sorry, boss. There’s someone at the door that wants to see you.” Jonny said, as Bradley looked down at him.

            “Who in the world would come looking for me at this time?” he said, making his way down the hall. The rest of the Gammas were still asleep, unaware that anything was going on. He was ready to yell at whoever had dared bother to wake him up at this time of night.

            Jonny opened the door and in stepped a short redhead, her face red. She was wearing jeans and a cropped top, revealing her firm stomach underneath.

            “Jasmine?” he said puzzled. She smiled weakly at him.

            “I’m sorry to bother you, I know you don’t like to be bothered at this time of night.” She said. “I just don’t know who to turn to. My friends don’t pick up, and I don’t blame them. They should be sleeping right now.”

            “And I wasn’t?” he asked, annoyed. He felt his heart thump against his chest, reminding him of his feelings for her. “What do you want?”           

            “I know you’ve been seeing that new girl- and I just wanted to know what you think of her… “ she said, as if she expected him to say anything to her. “Max and I got into a fight and-“

            “What makes you think I want to deal with you right now? I don’t owe you any favors, nor am I your friend for you to ask anything of me. Now get out and don’t bother me again.” He stated, hating how bad he felt for kicking her out. Some part of him, in fact, wanted to help her out. But she had hurt him a great deal and for that he wasn’t forgiving. She didn’t take mercy on him so why should he bother?

            “But Brad,” she pleaded, going up to him, her green eyes piercing at him through the darkness. He hesitated for a moment and then snapped his fingers, alerting Jonny.

            “Get her out of my sight. And next time don’t let her in the house.” He said, frowning. He was caught off guard when she threw herself at him, her hands wrapping around his torso.

            “Brad, please. I need someone right now.” She begged. He looked over at Jonny who was confused as to what to do next. Bradley wanted to push her off, yell at her for touching him, but he didn’t. He took a deep breath and grabbed her wrists, pushing her off gently. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

            “I don’t want to lose Max! I need to know if she’s planning something to get him back!” Jasmine yelled. If she were a dude, he would have slapped her.

            “Look at you. You look so pathetic. I’m done. Get out of my house.” He said, turning to leave. He closed his eyes as he went up the stairs, the scene replaying in his head.

            “Brad, we need to talk.”

            He looked at her, frowning, pissed at her. He struggled to move to his side, the hospital bed making it difficult for him to get comfortable. He had been there for a month now, and this was the first time she came to see him.

            She took a seat near his bed, crossing her newly tanned legs. He noticed she had dark red lipstick on and a new necklace that he had never seen her wear before.

            “Why haven’t you come to see me?” he asked, folding his arm under his pillow. The doctor had said he had broken his collarbone and torn his leg muscle after the incident with the X-Games. Tank hand thrown him into a blimp, which, thankfully, had landed on a wheat field nearby. It was best for him to stay in the hospital until he had fully recovered. Another part of him didn’t want to leave and face the crowd that waited for him outside.

            “I’ve been busy.” She said, clearly hiding something.

            “Doing what? I was injured Jasmine and you act like it’s nothing!” he said firmly.

            “We need to talk. I came here to tell you that I want to end things… I don’t want to be with you anymore.” She said quickly, as if that was going to make it better. “We just don’t work out.”

            Bradley looked at her, surprised. He wasn’t expecting this. He laughed, and held out his hand. “You can’t be serious, Jasmine. We’ve been together since last year!”

            She rolled her eyes and stood up. “It’s your fault. You’re a laughing stock now. Maybe if you wouldn’t have throw away the X-Games we’d still be together. I can’t be seen with you.”

            His mouth hung open, shocked at her words. They stung, and he heard his heart rate on the machine near him speed up.

            Beep… Beep… Beep

            “What are you talking about? That’s all that matters to you? What about my feelings? Your feelings?” he asked, seeing his world crumble. This was the last thing he needed. He couldn’t lose Jasmine too. He had lost his title to the Goof kid. He had lost his right hand man. He had lost his pride.

            “My feelings have changed. I’ve met someone new,” she said softly, looking down at the floor. For a second she looked like she was pondering something, and Bradley hoped she was reconsidering her words. When she looked back up to him with her large green eyes, he knew.

            It was over.


            “No, Jasmine, you can’t do this.” He said, shaking his head. He threw his head back keeping the tears in place.

            “Sorry. That’s all I came to say. Good luck, Brad.” She turned to leave and he managed to get out of bed, tearing the IV out of his arm. He fell to the floor, his head dizzy.

            “WHO? WHO DID YOU MEET?” he managed to yell, looking up at her, his vision getting blurry. She gave him a small chuckle.

            “Max Goof.” Was all she said, walking out of the room.


            He reached his room, not tired at all. He walked over to his window and saw Jasmine walking away from his house. He watched her until he couldn’t see her anymore and banged his fist against the window, causing a crack. He didn’t feel the cut that was now there, blood trickling down his wrist.

            “This is all your fault, Max. You will pay for everything you’ve done. And so will you, my dear Jasmine. Watch... You guys will regret everything you’ve done to me. I’ll take everything you wanted Max, and as for you Jasmine, you’ll wish you never crossed me.” He laughed, hitting the window again.


            He hadn’t remembered falling asleep, but apparently he had. He got up, his arm sore. The cuts had closed, but were purple now, and oozing.

            “Dammit,” he got up and walked over to his bathroom, deciding it was best to clean it with some water as he showered.

            The water stung, causing the cuts to open again. He began bleeding and noticed little shards of glass stuck in between his skin. He’d have to go to the hospital and get it stitched up.

            He quickly got washed up, dressed and was out the door before the hour was over. Don, was waiting for him by the door, ready to drive him to school. The rest of the Gammas were outside, riding their skateboards down the street.

            “Looks like I’ll have to go to the hospital, Don.” He told him, showing him his arm.

            “What did you do, boss?” he asked alarmed.

            “I got angry. Have someone come and fix my window, okay? Tell Jonny to call house services.” He said, placing his sunglasses on. Don nodded and held the door open for him. Bradley walked out, and noticed a moving truck across the street, at the old sorority house. It had been empty for a few years now, no one wanting to occupy it after it was rumored to be haunted.

            He lowered his glasses, trying to get a better look. Could it be girls that were moving in? He walked toward his car, trying not to look like a creeper. Don followed him and he shooed him away, not wanting to make it obvious. He spotted the movers lowering what seemed like a dresser… followed by a bike.

            He became more curious now. He walked across the street, trying to look natural. He bumped into a runner and she shoved him, angrily. He ignored her, hiding behind a tree.

            He saw another bike, and two more were taken out of the truck. They looked like mountain bikes, all purple and black with the words μεγάλος written on it. A boy came out of the house with curly black hair falling over his eyes. He had a strong physique, about his height, wearing a purple shirt with the same word μεγάλος written on it. Something in Bradley’s mind was telling him he had seen this word before, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

            “Βοήθησέ με να πάρει τα ποδήλατα μέσα στο σπίτι” the guy said, confusing Bradley.  He saw two more guys come out of the house and they went over to the bikes, grabbing them and taking them inside the house. The boy smiled, and grabbed the only bike with the gold chain and took it in.

            Bradley felt something wet trickle down his arm and he saw that his cuts were bleeding again, the blood falling onto the palm of his hand. He ran back towards his car and got in, Don already in the driver seat.

            “What did you see, boss?” he asked, starting the car. Bradley looked back and saw that they were carrying skateboards this time.

            “I think they ride.” He said, seeing the same words on the skateboard.

            “Oh my gosh!” Don said, startling Bradley.

            “What?” he yelled “Let’s get moving! I might die from blood loss.”

            “Yes sir,” Don said, taking the car out. “It’s just I know them! They’re the Megalos!”

            Bradley jumped up from his seat, lowering his window. That’s why the word had looked so familiar to him. Megalos was Greek for Great, which these guys were.

            “Why would they be here, though? They’re the kings of the European X-Games. It makes no sense.” He said, sitting back as they left their street. He grasped his hand in pain, the cuts oozing pus. “Drive faster Don, I can’t stand this arm anymore.”


            “Don’t get your arm wet, that includes sweat, Mr. Uppercrust.” The doctor said as he wrote something down.

            “What do you mean? How long will I have this hand wrapped?” he asked, scared of what the doctor was going to say.

            “Those cuts aren’t deep, but they are infected. You should have come to the hospital as soon as you got injured. You’re going to be on antibiotics for at least a month. We don’t want you getting a serious bacterial infection.” He said, handing him a bottle full of little blue pills. “Take these three times a day. Do not forget. We can’t have the bacteria becoming resistant, now can we?”

            “Uh, Doc, I think you forgot who I am… I am Bradley Uppercrust the Third. Leader of the Gammas. We have an event next week. I have to participate.” He said.

            “I’m sorry, Bradley but your health comes first-“

            “It doesn’t hurt to use it though-“

            The doctor stood up and shook his head. “You can’t get your cuts wet. That’s all I have to say.”

            Bradley shook his head. “Don’t worry, I won’t- I have to do this.”

            The doctor sighed and handed Bradley a slip. He took it, stuffing it into his pocket.

            “That’s for the pharmacy. Give it to them. It’s a special soap to clean out your wounds. Get it soon. All right?” the doctor said. “Well, that’s about it. Be more careful now, and next time don’t wait too long to seek help.”

            Bradley nodded and walked out of the room, frustrated. How much more could go wrong?

            “Hey, watch it.” He said, angrily as a girl bumped into him. She dropped the folders she was carrying and frowned at him.

            “Is that how you treat a lady?” she said with a British accent. She was wearing a white lab coat and her pitch-black hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She had bangs, with pink and blue strips dyed on the sides. Her face had a few freckles, bringing out her really tanned skin.

            “You bumped into me.” He said, picking up the papers. Their hands touched accidently and he pulled back, out of instinct. He handed them to her and she placed it back in her folder.

            “What happened to your arm?” She asked, noticing his bandages.

            “Oh, this- it was an accident.” He said, shrugging.

            “You’re Bradley.” She said, pointing at him.

            “Yep.” He said, used to it. Everyone knew who he was on this campus. He was infamous. “You are?”

            “I’m Cora.” She said extending her hand. He looked down and hesitated before taking it.

            “You’re too young to be a doctor.” He pointed out. She smiled.

            “I’m an intern here. I do work in the lab.” She pointed at her files. “I have to get going. Glad to finally meet you, Bradley.”

            He nodded and watched her walk away. Something about that girl seemed off to him. He couldn’t point his finger on it. He thought best not to linger on it any longer.



            “Great, I made it in time for cell bio.” He said sarcastically to himself as he walked into the classroom. Professor Kreutzer was already writing on the board. The class hadn’t started yet but she was one of those professors who had to start right on the dot. No minute late. He noticed Max was sitting in his wheelchair, looking up at Roxanne.

            “Bradley! What did you do?” He was surprised to see Roxanne walking toward him, alarmed. He looked over at Max who had frowned at her gesture. Jealous are we little Goof?       

            Might as well use this to my advantage, he thought.

            “Oh, Roxanne, it was horrible!” he said, trying to sound in pain. “ I fell practicing on my board, and I had to get stitches. The doctor told me I was lucky that I had gotten to him when I did.”

            She grabbed his hand and examined it. “You should have called me, I could have gone with you!”

            He looked over at Max whose face was red now with anger. He smirked. This was perfect.

            “Ow, Roxanne, careful honey, it’s still sore.” He said, pouting. She let go instantly, worried.

            “I’m sorry. If there’s anything I can do-“

            “Come, let’s go take a seat. Class is about to start.” He said, leading her up the steps. He felt Max’s eyes on him and he couldn’t help but feel victorious. One for Bradley. Zero for Max.

            The rest of class was a bore. Even Max’s glaring had become tiresome. He looked at the clock, wishing it would speed up. His arm wasn’t hurting anymore, but he found himself dozing off. He hadn’t slept well.

            “Bradley, Bradley wake up.”

            He looked up, slowly opening his eyes. He had leaned on Roxanne’s shoulder, falling asleep. She was smiling at him. “Class is over.”

            “Huh, oh, yes.” He said, embarrassed.

            “Do you want to go get something to eat with Stace and I?” she asked, putting her books away in her bag.

            “Can’t, I have practice to go to.” He said, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

            “Can you practice with that hand like that?” she asked. “I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t.”

            They walked out of the classroom, a herd of students rushing past them. They were all talking frantically and were running to the entrance of the building.

            “What’s going on?” he asked, taking Roxanne’s hand and leading her through the crowd. He pushed his way through and stopped when they were in the front steps, standing next to the losers of Team 99. He saw Max look over at him from his wheelchair, his mouth hanging open. Bradley found it strange and then realized he had still been holding Roxanne’s hand. He smiled.

            “Wow, look at them go.” Someone said. A large crowd had gathered in front of the building, all watching a group of 3 students wearing purple and black riding their skateboards, doing all sorts of tricks on the property around them. They were wearing masks, resembling the Greek Gods.

            “It’s Hades, Zeus and Athena” someone said and everyone started cheering.

            “Who?” Roxanne asked, confused.

            Bradley couldn’t believe it. Don had been right. It was Megalos who had moved in next door. The crowd was clapping as the trio stopped their tricks and stood on the benches in front of them. The one in the middle, wearing the Zeus mask took it off and stared at everyone, showing off his perfectly white teeth. It was the curly haired dude Bradley had seen earlier.

            “We are happy to be here, let me introduce ourselves. We are Megalos, which means Great in Greek. These are my main partners, Athena and Hades. We are known as the European X-Games Royal Court. I am Zeus, but you guys can call me Mikolaj.” He bowed and everyone started cheering even louder. The guy next to him, Hades, took off his mask to reveal long red hair, with a purple strip on it. He bowed, winking at a few girls standing nearby.

            “I’m Filip, master of the tornado. Let me demonstrate.” He said and jumped on his skateboard, taking turns around the students gathered on the sidewalk. He slid down a ramp and flew into the air, spinning so fast Bradley wouldn’t have believed it if he wasn’t watching it with his own eyes. He landed on his skateboard, and with perfect balance jumped back onto the bench where his other friends were standing. The crowd went crazy.

            The last masked figure jumped off the bench, landing with one hand on the board and doing a split in the air. They kept their balance like that for a while waiting for the crowd to cheer before jumping back on it with both legs. They took their mask off and Bradley gasped.

            “Hi! I’m Cora! Known as Athena in Megalos. I’m the third member, famous for my flexibility.” Her eyes found Bradley in the crowd. He couldn’t believe it. “We are happy to finally be able to participate in the college X-Games here in the States. We hope you come out and support us! We’re here to win!” She raised her mask into the air and the crowd ran up to them.

            Bradley looked over at Max, and for once, they both shared the same fear. Max stared back at him, shaking his head. Bradley shrugged.

            This College X-Games is going to be harder than I thought…




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