Loki: Game of Thrones

By Lokiguru

458K 15.8K 1.2K

Loki is the banished Prince of Asgard. The accursed God of Mischief. He finds himself on the run from the m... More

Chapter 1 - Twist of Fate
Chapter 3 - Chess Masters
Chapter 4 - Meeting the King
Chapter 5 - The Journey Begins
Chapter 6 - Winterfell Welcomes
Chapter 7 - Arrangements Made
Chapter 8 - Saving Bran
Chapter 9 - On the Great Road
Chapter 10 - Facing Down the Prince
Chapter 11 - In the Lion's Den
Chapter 12 - The Joust
Chapter 13 - The Fathering Side
Chapter 14 - The Wolf & the Serpent
Chapter 15 - The Dancing Master
Chapter 16 - Subterfuge
Chapter 17 - Enter the Targaryens
Chapter 18 - The Waiting
Chapter 19 - Performance Review
Chapter 20 - Close Encounter
Chapter 21 - Mocking the Bird
Chapter 22 - Death of a Dragon
Chapter 23 - Meeting the Imp
Chapter 24 - Backlash
Chapter 25 - Precarious Positions
Chapter 26 - Preparing the Lambs
Chapter 27 - The King Is Dead
Chapter 28 - Advising a Dragon
Chapter 29 - Calling the Banners
Chapter 30 - Sansa Begs
Chapter 31 - A Beheading
Chapter 32 - Enter Loki, God of Mischief!
Chapter 33 - The Portis Satis Tuto
Chapter 34 - Pretended Allegiances
Chapter 35 - The Grand Design
Chapter 36 - A Chained Lion
Chapter 37 - A Talk with the Hand
Chapter 38 - Sansa Gets Her Feet Wet
Chapter 39 - Qarth Respite
Chapter 40 - Sansa's Companion
Chapter 41 - Meeting the Red Priestess
Chapter 42 - One Last Student
Chapter 43 - Womanly Whispers
Chapter 44 - Measures Taken
Chapter 45 - Sansa's Name Day
Chapter 46 - Disquiet
Chapter 47 - The Riot
Chapter 48 - Harsh Words
Chapter 49 - Evil Dreams
Chapter 50 - A Heart to Heart
Chapter 51 - Company Required
Chapter 52 - Mutual Comfort
Chapter 53 - Astapor Arrival
Chapter 54 - Two Stags Meet
Chapter 55 - Sansa Writes A Story
Chapter 56 - A Secret Communication
Chapter 57 - Losing A Lannister Head
Chapter 58 - A Deprived Father
Chapter 59 - Harrenhal
Chapter 60 - The Twins
Chapter 61 - Project Wildfire
Chapter 62 - Sword Master
Chapter 63 - A Double Agent
Chapter 64 - Loki Exposed
Chapter 65 - Sansa Helps
Chapter 66 - A Vigil Kept
Chapter 67 - Patient & Nurse
Chapter 68 - Chess Mates
Chapter 69 - Loki's Reprieve
Chapter 70 - Visiting A Friend
Chapter 71 - Licking Wounds
Chapter 72 - Icy Origins
Chapter 73 - Castle Black
Chapter 74 - A Child Enlightens
Chapter 75 - Dornish Day Stop
Chapter 76 - A Dornishman's Wife
Chapter 77 - The Ironborn
Chapter 78 - No Sobriety
Chapter 79 - Preparation for a Wedding
Chapter 80 - The Red Wedding
Chapter 81 - Returning a Favor
Chapter 82 - A Dornish Wedding
Chapter 83 - Bargains Explained
Chapter 84 - The Tale of the Seven
Chapter 85 - Loki Meets the Vanir
Chapter 86 - Strategies
Chapter 87 - The Boltons of the Dreadfort
Chapter 88 - Thorns & Roses
Chapter 89 - The Erie
Chapter 90 - Showing A Monster
Chapter 91 - First Love
Chapter 92 - Breakfast in Bed
Chapter 93 - An Afternoon Stroll
Chapter 94 - Loki's Dreadfort Plans
Chapter 95 - Game of Minds
Chapter 96 - Attention Span
Chapter 97 - A Thorny Conversation
Chapter 98 - New Methods
Chapter 99 - Sansa Infiltrates
Chapter 100 - Who Are You?
Chapter 101 - The Snake, the Wolf & the Dragon
Chapter 102 - A Friendly Chat
Chapter 103 - The Purple Wedding
Chapter 104 - Sansa's Continuing Education
Chapter 105 - Loki, Attorney at Law
Chapter 106 - New Lodgings
Chapter 107 - Spears Clash
Chapter 108 - The Lord of Light
Chapter 109 - Blind Wisdom
Chapter 110 - Two Bastards
Chapter 111 - The King
Chapter 112 - The Mockingbird Falls
Chapter 113 - Clipping the Wings
Chapter 114 -Dealing with a Bastard
Chapter 115 - The Wolf Girl & the Queen Mother
Chapter 116 - The Iron Bank
Chapter 117 - Fiery Red in a Night of Black
Chapter 118 - Advancing on All Fronts
Chapter 119 - No Cautions Taken
Chapter 120 - The Noose Tightens
Chapter 121 - A Gathering of Chiefs
Chapter 122 - Attempted Truce
Chapter 123 - Surprises
Chapter 124 - A Change of Plans
Chapter 125 - In the Godswood
Chapter 126 - The Siege of Kings Landing
Chapter 127 - Poisoned Tongues & Drinks
Chapter 128 - Remember This Day
Chapter 129 - The Last Stand
Chapter 130 - A Dragon is Crowned
Chapter 131 - The Hand, the Queen, & the All-Father
Chapter 132 - Heir of Mischief
Chapter 133 - Name Day

Chapter 2 - Westeros Welcomes the Stranger

8.8K 200 28
By Lokiguru

Loki opened his eyes and found himself staring up at a thick roof of green leaves. His head was throbbing, and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. Loki sat up after a moment, and closed his eyes, trying to clear his vision. Once he was able to see, Loki stood up and looked around. He was on a dirt road, in the middle of no where, with his mother's journal in his vest, and no idea where he was. Find the Seven? What did Frigga mean by that? Loki ran his fingers through his hair, but straightened up when he heard the sound of horses. No vehicles. Must be a less modern country. Wherever I am, Loki thought to himself as he shifted into his green, gold, and black armor. Stepping carefully towards the noise, he saw a cavalcade of horses traveling down a more public road than the one he was on. Loki observed them, in their silver chainmail, and their fiery red tunics. The symbol of a lion was on their shields, and flags. "England? During the medieval period? Come on!" Loki complained, guessing his approximate time in history. He did not move. His green blended in well with the foliage, and he just wanted to observe them. If there was one thing Loki did not do, it was rush headlong into an unknown situation without the facts.

"Send word to Tywin Lannister! The Mountain will be arriving at Casterly Rock within the hour!" a soldier shouted, and Loki cocked his head at the mention of the name.

"Tywin Lannister? Don't remember him from English history," he muttered to himself. He leaned out a little closer to see who the 'Mountain' was, and a branch snapped right by his shoulder. The soldiers looked up, and suddenly, Loki saw a huge man in black armor come riding down the line. "The Black Knight. Classic." The man was certainly larger than any man Loki had ever seen. He raised his visor, and Loki was astonished to see black eyes, in a tan, and monstrous face. Ugly! was the first thought in Loki's mind. He broke and ran back from where he came, but the sudden movement of the bushes, caught the soldiers' eyes.

"In there! Get after it!" the huge man bellowed. Loki heard the branches crack behind him, and he knew that men were giving chase. Without glancing back, he knew there were horses, and soldiers on foot. Ducking down beneath a partially fallen tree, Loki waved his hand, and it collapsed the rest of the way, taking out two men on horseback. Loki jumped up, gripping a branch, and swinging himself into a tall tree. Being nimble, he was soon near the top, and completely out of sight. Crouching down, he watched the men do circles underneath him.

"Ha, ha!" Loki chuckled to himself as he watched them, cluck about like headless chickens.

"Did you find him?!" the burly man asked as he came riding up.

"He escaped us, Ser Clegane! Please forgive us!" the one soldier said. Loki watched everything play out beneath him. The huge man dismounted, and punched the poor unfortunate soldier in the face. Loki winced at the imagined pain. But, that was not the end of it. The brute of a man began to hit him and beat him, until he was a bloody puddle on the ground. When Loki thought he could not take another cry of pain from the soldier, the giant drew his claymore, and brought it crashing down on the man's neck. His head came clean off. Loki just stared, his mouth hanging open. There were no words to describe the animalistic cruelty he had just witnessed. The soldiers left with their commanding officer, and Loki was alone with the corpse. After almost an hour, he climbed down, and knelt beside the man.

"May your soul find peace in Valhalla," Loki whispered. After he said it, he realized the sentimentality behind his words and he scoffed. "What was that for?! I didn't know the man! And, I didn't kill him." Dusting himself off, he began to walk away. A little bit of guilt gnawed at him, knowing it had been because of him that the man was dead. So, he waved his hand, and the man was magically buried. He began his long walk.

Loki marched into a camp filled with men wearing those red tunics, and old armor. Smirking at them, he passed through their ranks. Of course, they had to stare at this strange man. He was tall, lean, pale, with black hair. His clothing was unlike anything they had seen, and he seemed to be unarmed. Finally, a captain approached him. "Who are you?!" he asked indignantly. Loki turned to look at him, and he shrugged his shoulder. "Answer me! You insolent dog!" the man said, reaching for his sword. As he took a step closer, Loki raised his hand, and the man stiffened. Every muscle in his body rebelling.

"Listen to me, you lowly, mortal scum! My name is Loki, and I demand to speak to the person in charge. You will take me to him, or I will crush your heart," Loki told him. The other soldiers all raised their weapons. They want to dance with a god? Fine. Let's dance! Loki released the man he was currently holding, and tossed him at a group of two soldiers, who were approaching. Ducking down, he punched up, completely taking a guard from his place on the earth. The soldiers gasped at seeing him fly a few feet in the air. When he landed, he flattened a tent. "Come on you mewling quims! I haven't got all day to beat every single one of you!" Loki taunted. The men roared and charged at him again. Loki created an illusion of himself, and distracted them. While they were confused, he came up behind them, and swept their legs out from under them. They all hit the ground, and Loki brought his boot crashing down on one man's face, breaking the bones. Bending back at the hips, he avoided getting his head taken off by an over zealous sword. Spinning around, he drove his fist into a man's stomach, like he was not wearing any armor.

Suddenly, Loki was knocked down by somebody who was almost as strong as he was. Rolling over, he looked up at the man who had decapitated that soldier earlier that day. Loki smirked, his tongue touching his lips. He had wanted to hurt this man, just because he annoyed him. "Mountain! Mountain! Mountain!" the troops chanted, and Loki knew this man was obviously their champion. He propped himself up on his elbows and studied the giant before him.

"You're big. But big men, don't mean big brains," Loki teased. The man they called the Mountain, roared, and brought his claymore down. He split the turf, and not Loki. Loki had pushed himself back, so that the sword made impact between his legs. His dexterous feet came up, and caught the hilt of the sword. Twisting with all his might, he wrenched the blade from the Mountain's hands. Using his hands and arm strength, he lifted himself off the ground, and caught the Mountain under the chin with the hard toe of his boot. The man was knocked back several paces. The soldiers gasped. Only one other man in Westeros had the ability to possibly knock the Mountain off balance. Loki smirked as he kicked the sword into the air and caught it. Leveling it at the Mountain, he held the man at sword point. A clapping reached everyone's ears, and they all turned to see an older man, with pale blonde hair, and a dignified bearing approaching them. Loki kept the sword pointed at the Mountain, but he was now looking at the new gentleman. "You must be the person in charge of these 'soldiers'. I use the term loosely," Loki told him. The man smiled slightly and was soon standing in front of Loki.

"When a young sprite like you, defeats my meanest, and most powerful warrior; I have to wonder, who he is," the man said.

"Loki is my name," the God of Mischief introduced, tossing the sword back to the Mountain, and squaring off before the lord. The older man's eyebrow quirked up.

"A surname, possibly?"

"Just Loki. I am a bastard, if you are to call me something. I was abandoned as an infant. Guess no one appreciates my gifts," Loki explained smoothly. The older noble smiled again, his blue-grey eyes studying the younger, and obviously fit man before him.

"I am Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock. This is my land you're on," Tywin said. Loki glanced around at the trees, and the rolling hills and he grinned.

"Green. It's very green," Loki said snarkily, and Tywin smiled slightly. He waved his hand, and his soldiers stepped back.

"Come with me. I want to talk to you," Tywin said, and he started walking towards the castle that was positioned on a hill top. Loki glanced at the Mountain, and grinned; before he followed the intriguing Tywin Lannister.

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