Chapter 80 - The Red Wedding

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Loki strolled around the banqueting hall of Walder Frey, taking in everything. The people were feasting and behaving boisterously, which was something he expected at a wedding. And they were acting even wilder than they would have been normally because Loki had switched out the Westerosi wine for Asgardian mead. The illusions of Catelyn Stark, and Talisa were acting normally. Loki had actually taken the form of Robb Stark for this event, only because he knew it would be more fun. Loki was controlling Catelyn and Talisa and making them respond to the proper stimuli with a higher form of magic he had mastered a long time ago. Loki knew he was going to be drained when the evening was over. Using that much complicated magic was going to suck his own life force, and he would have to rest up for a couple of days.

Loki glanced about, taking in everything that was going on in the hall. Walder Frey sat on the dais, his young wife and another woman on his right; and Roslin and Edmure Tully on his left. His Catelyn clone was sitting between her uncle, the Blackfish, and Roose Bolton. Loki could not wait to deal with him, and then move his son out of the picture so as to make way for the Greyjoys. Once the Bolton's land was secure, Loki would have Balon Greyjoy send half his fleet to assist in moving Daenerys from the lands across the Narrow Sea to Westeros. Oh, Loki had big plans! That was when Walder Frey looked at him in Robb Stark's body and called out, "My lord!" Loki stood up and acknowledged the head of House Frey. "The sept has said his words, the vows have been made, but the marriage has not been consummated. There has been a wedding, there must now be a bedding!" Walder Frey ordered. All the nobles started pounding on the tables and there were a chorus of shouts and jeers.

"You are the lord. If you decide that it is time, then by all means, let us bed them," Robb Stark said. Some of the men rose and quickly went to the table. They took Roslin and hoisted her onto their shoulders and proceeded to carry her out of the hall. Loki watched as the women then swarmed Edmure Tully and dragged him out afterward.

"Careful there, ladies," Edmure warned. "Once you release that beast, there's no caging him again!" Loki rolled his eyes and shook his head, thinking about Fandral. He was the same way. One time Loki had seen him escorting five women to his chambers after a feast. While Loki believed in devoting all his attention to just one woman at a time, Fandral demanded all the attention on himself. Loki watched the whole event with a mixture of disgust and annoyance; he was glad that Asgard did not have such customs like this. On a couple's wedding night, they were allowed to slip away from the feast and make love in private. Loki waited until the doors were closed, and he watched as they were barred inconspicuously by one of Walder Frey's sons.

The treachery begins. Make ready. Upon my signal, eliminate the Boltons and the Freys, Loki mentally communicated to the Black Fish, who had left the hall prior to the doors being barred. The Blackfish was outside the castle with Ser Rickard Karstark and Ser Rodrick Cassel. They had been given express orders from Robb Stark to obey Loki's directive. Loki leaned against one of the pillars and watched as the men who worked for Frey and Bolton slowly tensed up, like a spring ready to uncoil.

Meanwhile, from the safety of Winterfell, Robb Stark, Talisa, and Catelyn Stark sat around the pool in the sacred grove. Loki had enchanted the waters so it could act as a way for them to observe the treachery of Roose Bolton and Walder Frey. Talisa leaned against Robb, and he had his arms around her. Catelyn just watched them for a second before her eyes drifted back to the hall in the Twins. They saw their clones take their positions just as Walder Frey raised his arm. "Your grace," he said, making everybody focus on him. "I feel I've been remiss in my duties. I've given you meat, wine, and music, but! I haven't shown you the hospitality that you deserve," Walder Frey said. Loki manipulated Catelyn's clone, who was sitting beside Roose Bolton, to pull up his sleeve. Talisa gasped when she saw he was wearing chainmail beneath his clothes; not something somebody does among friends, let alone at a wedding. "My king has married and I owe my new queen a wedding gift," he continued. Once the chainmail was revealed, one of Walder Frey's sons advanced on the illusion of Talisa, sitting with her back to him in her chair. He drew a dagger and stabbed down, aiming for Talisa's pregnant belly. Robb Stark held the real Talisa closer as they watched.

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