Chapter 81 - Returning a Favor

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Sansa knew what Loki had been planning for that evening. He had told her what would take place if he did not intercede and she had sent him on his way with her blessing. But, she had decided to remain awake until he returned. Sansa sat at the window seat, her legs pulled up under the violet nightgown she was wearing. She was fixing her story, adding bits and pieces to it, and trying to forget that Loki was saving the lives of her mother, brother, and sister-in-law. Alfie was asleep curled up, with his head on her hip. Sansa looked down at him and lightly stroked his fur. He was not a kitten anymore, but he was by no means less beloved by her. He was not another wolf, but Sansa knew no other wolf would have been able to replace Lady. Loki had chosen a cat for a reason: they were quiet and observant, and Alfie always seemed to be there when she needed him. Sansa kissed Alfie between the ears and went back to fixing her story.

The door opened and closed almost an hour later, and Sansa was certain it was after midnight. Putting her pages aside and shifting the cat, she crawled off of the window seat and stepped out into the hallway. Upon seeing Loki standing in the entryway, all bloody and bone tired, Sansa gasped. "If you say that's your blood, I swear to the gods-" Sansa started to say before Loki silenced her.

He waved his hand, shook his head, and said, "No, Sansa, tis not mine. But another poor, unfortunate bastard's." Loki almost lost his step and Sansa sprang forward. Her caring and compassionate nature came to life as she supported Loki. He looked at her and smiled. "Always the picture of devotion and love, my little wolf," Loki informed her.

"Thank you for the compliment, but now I must get you to the washroom and put you to bed. The gods! I feel like a mother!" Sansa said as she helped Loki walk.

"Would you kiss it and make it better?" Loki asked her mischievously. Sansa growled as she brought him to the washroom. Upon arrival, Loki dropped the knife he had been holding and Sansa watched as it hit the ground, and blood droplets splattered onto the tile.

"Did everything go according to plan?" Sansa asked as she began to unstrap his armor. Loki glanced at her. He had gone over lightly what he had hoped to accomplish, but he most certainly had not even touched the minutia of his scheme. Loki smiled and nodded his head.

"It went splendidly. Everything happened as I envisioned it," Loki told her as he allowed his light armor to fall to the ground. He pulled his shirt off and cast it aside. Sansa stopped him. They looked each other in the eyes for a second, before Sansa's hand accidentally touched a part of his scar across his torso. Sansa froze and turned to look at it. Loki watched as her fingers delicately touched the marred flesh. She seemed fascinated by the pink and puckered skin and her fingers lightly ran up, starting from his hip and going across his chest, ending at his shoulder. Sansa finally looked up at him, and his green eyes were twinkling.

"It hasn't healed enough for my liking. But, you were one to listen to yourself rather than my advice," Sansa pointed out dryly. She walked around him and began to fill the tub with warm water. Loki observed her closely, a slight smirk on his face. He was starting to remove his trousers and Sansa caught sight of him over her shoulder. A heat crept into her cheeks and she quickly turned away. Loki grinned at her embarrassment and stripped naked. He walked past her and climbed into the tub, submerging himself in the water. Sansa faced him again and knelt beside the tub. Loki raised his eyebrow and opened his mouth to protest, but Sansa pressed a finger to his lips. "You did this for me once. Let me do this for you," Sansa said. Loki nodded and Sansa took a wet rag. She put some sweet smelling oil on it and began to scrub the blood from Loki's skin. Loki leaned back and closed his eyes. "You tired?" Sansa asked.

"I had to use some of my life force to aid my magic and convince everyone they were interacting with real human beings. It is very tiring when all is said and done," Loki responded as he sank a little deeper into the water. Sansa nodded and continued to wipe the blood away. She moved from his neck to his face, cleaning his skin.

"This reminds me of when you came back wounded and I had to clean you up. It was worse then. You weren't exactly responsive," Sansa remarked and Loki smiled. He turned his head and his hand reached out. Sansa saw it coming, but pretended to be concentrated on her work. When she felt his wet fingers lightly stroking her cheek, she looked at him.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" Loki suddenly asked her. Sansa blinked a few times, wondering if with the draining of his life force, that he was a little addled. Sansa smiled after a second and shrugged her shoulders.

"I've been told that I am beautiful, ser. But, I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Sansa commented as she wrung the rag out. Loki turned her back towards him and leaned forward.

"This beholder trusts his eyes. You are beautiful," he insisted. Sansa opened her mouth to continue to protest, but Loki pressed his lips to hers. Sansa stiffened for a split second before she melted into Loki's embrace. The rag slipped from her hands and she rested them on Loki's shoulders. Loki's hands cupped the sides of her face as he deepened the kiss and Sansa moaned. She had never experienced anything like this before. Of course, she expected Loki to have practice since he had been alive for centuries, but nothing had prepared her for this. Sansa leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him. After a moment, they broke the kiss for want of air. Loki rested his forehead against Sansa Stark's, and they just panted. Sansa could feel her heart threatening to burst from her chest. She recalled when she kissed him after he had woken up, but that was a kiss of affection and gratitude. This was a kiss of passion and desire. Sansa wondered what was going through Loki's head as he closed his eyes and inhaled. She could feel his breath on her neck, and it sent shivers down her spine. She wanted him. Sansa wanted him more than anything. She wanted Loki more than life itself.

But when Loki broke the kiss, a little ember of doubt burned in his mind. She is not ready. She is still a child. You are not worthy of her. She is pure. And you are a monster. Thoughts like these were plaguing his subconscious at that moment, and Loki bit his lip.

"Loki?" Sansa asked and Loki looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed, and her irises were large. Her lips were parted and she leaned forward again, but Loki stopped her.

"No," he said and Sansa frowned.

"But, I thought... you and I-" she started to say before he interrupted her.

"No, Sansa. I won't. You are a child, and I am not what you think I am," Loki told her. Sansa pulled away from him, and Loki could see the dark and stormy expression on her face.

"I am a child? When will I grow up to you? Will you keep pushing me away like this?" Sansa queried, the anger creeping into her voice. Loki sighed and stood up, creating a towel with magic and concealing his nakedness with it. Of course, tapping into his magic like that caused his eyesight to blur and he stumbled. Sansa supported him and looked him in the eyes when he raised his head. "It has been a long time since you saved me from those ruffians in Kings Landing. I would never let that happen to myself again, now would I?" Sansa posed. Loki nodded his head tiredly. She had advanced quickly in her fencing, and she was very precise in her nerve knife attacks. Sansa Stark was definitely skilled and if anybody tried to harm her, they would regret it. But that was not what was troubling Loki so much. "I am almost eighteen years. And I am a woman," Sansa insisted, as she straightened up. "Despite what you might think, Loki Laufeyson, I am more than capable of handling you. Now, when you will finally realize this, is something I cannot say with surety, but I hope it is soon." Sansa began to help Loki to his bedroom, mumbling to herself about what a stubborn oaf he was. Loki listened with a hint of a smile on his face before Sansa placed him in his bed. She tucked him in and brushed a few strands of his black hair behind his ear. She turned to leave, but Loki's hand grasped hers. Sansa stopped and looked down at his hand before she glanced back at his face. Loki's eyes were closed, but she knew he was still awake.

"Stay with me," he said. Sansa nodded, grabbed a blanket from his chaise lounge, and crawled over him to the other side of the bed. She wrapped herself up and faced him. His chest was rising and falling steadily, and his hand went out for hers again. Sansa took it and brought it to her face.

"I love you, Loki Laufeyson. Sins and all," Sansa whispered, kissing hisknuckles before she fell asleep.

Loki: Game of ThronesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang