Chapter 132 - Heir of Mischief

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Loki brought Sansa to their chamber and placed her on the bed. He rolled her dress up and looked between her legs so that he might further gauge the situation. "You're so lucky we're married! Otherwise, I would slap you for looking there!" Sansa groaned before she arched her back and cried out. Loki rolled his eyes as he knew it was the labor pains talking.

"And I would say this is not the worst thing I've done between your legs," Loki retorted, his voice still calm. He turned back to Oberyn and Sandor. "Summon Maester Tarly. He will assist, but I need to remain present for this. She is giving birth to a half Jotun baby. There could be complications," Loki explained. Oberyn left quickly to get Sam and Sandor stepped out of the chamber, allowing the midwives to swarm in with water, cloths, and a few samples of milk of the poppy. "Out!" Loki ordered and they fled once they had set everything up. He looked at the milk of the poppy and poured some of it into a glass. He added water to dilute it before he sat beside Sansa and gave her the cup. "Drink some of it. Just a little! I need you to be able to push when the time comes," Loki told her.

"Oh, it feels like I'm ready to push now," Sansa groaned after she drank a little of the opiate. She suddenly gripped Loki's hand very tightly and he stroked her skin with his thumb.

"It's just a contraction, darling. Once they get closer together, you'll be ready to push," he said before he kissed her forehead. Sansa looked up into his eyes and he saw that hers were filled with tears.

"I'm scared! What if something happens to the baby?" she asked in a tremulous voice.

"I'll make sure that nothing happens, to either of you," Loki promised. That was when Sam came lumbering in and Sandor Clegane closed the door and stood outside to keep the curious court away.

"Alright! This is my first birth, so, please no surprises?" the pudgy maester requested. Loki snorted as he remembered standing in for the births of Fenris and Jormungandr.

"I make no such promise," Loki informed him. Sam made a sad face before he made a move to look up Sansa's dress as well. She reacted by grabbing a pillow and slapping him with it.

"Ow! I was brought here for a reason, milady!" he admonished as he straightened his hair.

"Then ask my husband's permission before you go gawking!" Sansa hissed and Sam glanced at Loki.

"Look when I look, and not any other time," Loki said and Sam nodded.

"Ah! The Seven! This hurts so much!" Sansa cried out, gripping the coverlet tightly. Her knuckles went white and her entire body locked up.

"Sansa!" Loki cried out as he took her in his arms. "Something's wrong! Sam!" The maester jumped up as fast as his weight allowed. "You'll have to actually bring the baby into this world."

"What's happening?" Sam asked, bringing clothes over and waiting at the foot of the bed for more instructions.

"The infant is taking Sansa's magical aura, but that is connected to her life force. Unwittingly, the child is sucking the life from her!" Loki said as he climbed onto the bed behind her and slid his arms under her shoulders, his fingers connecting to her temples. "I've got to keep her alive by siphoning some of my own magic into her. She'll become lucid soon and she'll be able to push when the time comes." Loki tilted his head back and his eyes closed. A second later, they snapped open and they were burning green. Sam gasped as he saw Loki use his magic. He watched as tendrils of emerald leeched into Sansa's body and her muscles relaxed slightly. She moaned and opened her eyes, seeing Sam looking under her skirt.

"I should kick you right now," she mumbled.

"I'm trying to help! Your husband is trying to keep you alive so you can have this baby. In fact, I think you should push now," Sam said and Sansa began to push. Loki made no sound as he continued to pour his magic into her in order to keep the child from sucking her life from her and killing its own mother. Sansa gritted her teeth as she desperately worked to bring her baby into the world. She was going to give Loki an heir and they would be a family. Those were the thoughts that pervaded her mind as she struggled to push.

"Are Frost Giants rather large?" Sam asked as he waited to ease the child out once the head was through.

"With a word like 'giant' in their name? Maybe a little!" Sansa said as she pushed. "Oh! This baby is a giant in its own right!"

"I've got the head! Keep pushing, milady!" Sam encouraged. Sansa reached down and dug her fingernails into Loki's thighs and let out one final scream. Sam was amazed as he caught a blue baby in his arms. He disengaged the umbilical cord and looked in awe as he cradled the screaming, wiggling, and bloody infant in his arms. "A boy, milady! You have a son!" he proclaimed and Sansa let out a tired smile. However, that smile vanished when she felt another bolt of pain and more pressure between her legs.

"Sam! It's not the only one!" she declared and she cried as she started to push again. Sam had to quickly place the boy on the bed beside his mother in order to assist Sansa again. Twins? How is this possible? Sansa thought as she struggled once more to birth a second child. She could feel Loki slowly weakening behind her. Sansa had to hurry with this second baby or he would give her all his magic and die himself. Sansa bit her lip until it bled and pushed hard. Sam gasped quickly caught the second child as it left its mother's body. Sansa sagged back into Loki and the connection was broken. Loki fell back against the headboard, his eyes closed, and nonresponsive.

"A girl! Milady-!" Sam Tarly started to say until he saw both Loki and Sansa had passed out against the back of the bed. "Help! I need help!" Sam called and Clegane kicked the door down. Sam quickly handed the baby girl to a midwife, while another took the boy. Daenerys, Tyrion, and Robb came running in at that moment. Daenerys glanced over at the midwives cleaning the babies before she turned back to where Sandor Clegane and Robb were disentangling Loki and Sansa from one another.

"Clean everything up and prepare for when they wake up. We must welcome the new arrivals with great honors," she said. Robb took Sansa to be tended by her handmaidens, while Sandor took Loki. Tyrion was grinning down at the two little Frostborns and Daenerys joined him. Her arms encircled his neck and she pressed a kiss to the side of his head.

"Can we expect bundles of joy soon, as well?" Tyrion asked, turning his head so that he might look at her.

"I expect we will," Daenerys answered before she pressed her lips to his.

"Joyful news! News of great joy!" a herald announced as he rode through the streets of Kings Landing. "The Lady Sansa Stark has given Ser Loki Frostborn heirs! Twins have been born to the House Frostborn!" The people celebrated the news by dancing in the streets, singing, and feasting. Daenerys had the kitchens open to the public, and the wine flowed freely. Odin could see everything from his window, and he remembered the festivities when Thor had been born. The people in Asgard had rejoiced and feasted for a week. When Loki had been presented, the celebrations had been toned down, Odin recalled. No one had been very pleased when a second prince was brought in to possibly upstage the first. Now, Loki had gotten two for the price of one.

"Congratulations, Loki. You've got all the love and adoration you've ever wanted," Odin muttered to himself as he watched the celebrations in his honor.

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