Chapter 12 - The Joust

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Loki was given nice chambers of his own near to King Robert Baratheon's. Loki was rather grateful for the space between himself and the Starks. Loki did not like to admit it, but Sansa Stark made him uncomfortable. The way those blue eyes looked at him. Maybe his mother's journal would enlighten him on that score. When he closed the door to his chambers, he looked around. A four poster bed stood near the window, where see-through curtains were billowing in the breeze. A desk was in one corner, with a high backed chair behind it. A shelf was against one wall, full of books. Loki was pleased at the sight of literature. He had not known a good book since Casterly Rock. Loki removed his thin plated armor, and his weapons, till only his trousers, boots, and loose shirt remained. Loki took a book from the shelf, and fell into his bed. He conjured his mother's journal from the Nether Realm, and crossed his legs at the ankles.

Loki, no. Loki frowned, shook his head, and glanced back at his mother's entry. No. I will not make it easy for you. You're confused by the Stark girl, and that's the way it should be for now. You are an enigma to everyone there. She is an enigma to you. I know you hate it when things confuse you, but you can't expect everything to go your way.

"No, but, it is nice," Loki commented out loud to himself. That was when somebody knocked on his door. Sitting up and casting Frigga's journal into the Nether Realm, Loki summoned a dagger into his hand. "Enter!" Loki called. The door opened, and a man entered the room. He was dressed in fancy robes, with a black goatee, that was starting to grey. His hair was also turning at the temples. He was carrying a binder of sorts, and was wearing a mockingbird pin at his throat. He bowed to Loki, and Loki's brow furrowed.

"Welcome, Ser Loki Sells-sword. I am Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin for the king. I was told by Lord Eddard to inform you of what your reward is for saving his highness," Baelish said. Loki cocked his head to one side, studying Baelish. The smile on his face was too perfect, his tone too formal.

"And what is to be my reward?" Loki queried, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned against the wall. Petyr Baelish looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows.

"You are to be given 100 gold pieces, and you will have a chance to participate in the joust to celebrate Lord Eddard's appointment as the Hand of the King," Baelish responded. Loki chuckled, and Baelish made a face.

"Oh, that's very generous. I'll have to thank his majesty," Loki commented as he turned around, and set the dagger down on the desk. Baelish noticed it for the first time.

"You really that suspicious?" Baelish asked. Loki turned back to face him, his arms folded across his chest.

"You can't be too careful. And where I come from, people would as soon stab me in the back, as offer me a reward," Loki responded.

"Are you not to be trusted?" Baelish queried.

"You're not," Loki said quickly in return. Baelish stepped forward, holding his folio close, and looking Loki firmly in the eyes.

"You've only just met me," Baelish told Loki, and the god snickered. Loki straightened up, and started walking towards Baelish.

"The tone of your voice is cool, hinting to a deep control over your emotions. Your collar is buttoned all the way. Signifies that you're shut off. You keep your secrets close. Your binder? You don't have to carry that around all the time," Loki rattled off. Baelish's eyebrows were rather neutral that whole time, until Loki mentioned the binder. Looking down at it, he adjusted it to no longer be in front of him, but hanging at his side.

"What makes you think I carry it around?" Loki chuckled and pointed to the edges of the leather casing.

"It's frayed and worn. If it was just lying around on your desk, it wouldn't look like that. You carry it everywhere. Meaning that you put some of your secrets to paper. Figures. Money," Loki said, finally standing right in front of Baelish. The man of many secrets faced the god of many secrets. But, Loki was a few inches taller than him, and he looked down his nose at the advisor.

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