Chapter 5 - The Journey Begins

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Loki looked on at the revelers that night inside Casterly Rock's great hall. Huge oaken tables were set out, and covered in rich food. The wine flowed freely, and Loki listened to the raucous laughter of the guests. Tywin had not spared any expense, that was for sure. As Loki walked toward the high table where Tywin was with the king and the royal family, the people parted for him. He was the only man to have bested the Mountain, the Hound, and Ser Jaime Lannister; three of the best and strongest fighters in Westeros. He was an enigma, that many people wanted to solve. Arriving at the table, he bowed to the king. Robert Baratheon waved him up, and Loki began to circle around. As he passed the royal children, he looked at them. The youngest boy, Tommen, seemed a gentle boy, and he was polite. Loki had noticed that about him instantly. Myrcella was also a lady, very well mannered, and he could tell she was going to be a beautiful young woman when she grew up. That was when he saw the oldest boy glowering at him. He looked as mean and peevish as his mother and uncle. Loki circled behind him, but the boy caught his arm.

"Everyone says you're some great swordsman, but, I've only seen you use knives, and tricks. Like a coward," the prince said. Loki felt his pulse beating in his temple as he desperately controlled his anger. It was phrases like that that made him think of all the negativity he got from the Asgardians when he was maturing.

"Well, how good are you? I haven't even seen you pick up a stick," Loki jabbed in return. That was when he put his thumb in between the prince's knuckles, and the boy cried out in pain.

"Joffrey!" said a voice, and Loki saw the queen glaring at them.

"Your highness," Loki said, giving Joffrey a mock bow. Walking away from him, he past behind Cersei, and she was giving him her evil eye. For sport, Loki shot his back at her, and she stiffened. Loki chuckled before he stood before King Robert Baratheon, and Tywin. He gave them a bow and waited for their reason for summoning him.

"I explained everything of your situation to his majesty, and he has a proposition for you," Tywin said. Loki turned to look at the piggish king, and his eyebrows quirked up.

"I want you to become my personal sells-sword," King Baratheon said. Loki was ready for it, so he was not surprised. Nodding his head, his eyes sidled over to Tywin. The older man shrugged his shoulders.

"You may do as you wish. You said you wanted to keep your options open," Tywin reminded him, and Loki puckered his lips. He would have more freedom working for King Robert, and, it would give him a chance to study those twins more closely. Loki knew something was fishy, and he wanted to find out, and use it for himself. Smirking slightly, he bowed to Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister.

"It would be my pleasure," Loki responded.

"Excellent! You shall be my sellsword, and stand beside Ser Jaime Lannister!" King Robert said cheerfully, clapping Loki on the back with a heavy hand. Loki had felt worse, so he smiled at the simple-minded king, and gladly accepted a goblet of wine.

Loki was back in his private chamber in the late hours of night. Taking his armor and weapons off, Loki was soon just in his soft trousers, an undershirt, and his boots. He sat at a desk he had, and opened his mother's journal. Turning the pages, he looked at the entries he had already read. Their information was his now, locked in his brain for later use. Loki was about to turn the page, when there was a knock on his chamber door. Loki sat up, quickly hiding the journal in the Nether Realm. Who would be visiting at this hour? Conjuring a knife in his hand, Loki approached the door. As he opened it, and carefully looked out, he was surprised to find Queen Cersei standing there, in her nightgown and robe. "Um... Can I help you with something?" Loki asked, as he put the knife behind his back.

"I was wondering if I could speak with you about a matter of importance," Cersei said, and it was more of a statement, than a question. She pushed by Loki and walked into the bedroom. Loki knew where this was going to go, and he rolled his eyes. Now, do not get me wrong! Loki was not one to turn down a free pass at sex, but, with this lady? He figured that strings upon strings would be attached. Besides, she was too pouty for his taste. And, he wanted the pleasure of finding a maiden, wearing down her defenses, and conquering her. Cersei sat on his bed, and parted her robe and nightgown, revealing her shapely legs. "Aha! A cougar!" Loki joked as he sat in his chair. Cersei frowned and Loki chuckled at her confusion. "It's a little term we apply where I'm from, to older women, who are chasing younger men," Loki said. Cersei frowned, and that only deepened his grin. Of course, he was way older than she was in actuality, but she appeared older than him.

"Your tongue is going to get cut out, if you keep talking like that," Cersei told him. Loki gave her a mock bow, and a few tendrils of his black hair fell from behind his ears.

"Please! Forgive me, your majesty!" Loki teased. When he raised his head, Cersei was standing in front of him. Her full lips met his, and Loki was taken by surprise. Quite a feat. Loki could feel her tongue fighting his for dominance. Loki could not allow that. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he lifted her up, and flung her onto the mattress. He pinned her down easily, and Loki took control. However, he heard Frigga's voice in his head.

Loki! Stop! Not her! And Loki separated from Cersei. She was staring up at him in amazement, her chest heaving as she breathed. Her head came up and she bit Loki's chest. Loki pushed her off and stepped away.

"What? I am the queen! Nobody refuses me," she said, sitting up, and bringing her hand back to slap him. Loki caught her wrist in his strong fingers, and twisted it slightly. Cersei winced.

"Listen to me, whore! I am not to be treated like this. I am not your sex slave, and I never want you in my private chambers again!" Loki threatened. His other hand came in, caught Cersei around the throat, and he picked her up. She choked as she struggled to breath. "And don't tell your brother! Or I'll kill him first!" Loki tossed Cersei to the side, and she struggled to her feet. Glaring at him, she viciously wiped the tears from her eyes, and left his room. Loki walked over to his mirror and looked at the mark he had on his one pectoral from her teeth. He frowned as he ran his fingers over it, and healed the imprints. Turning, he ran his fingers through his hair and growled. He had almost allowed his carnal instincts to take over.

Remember my son, you will find someone here. Someone for you to love. She will be unassuming and the daughter of the gods. Be patient, Frigga told him. Loki growled and straightened.

"It's easier said than done. The body wants what the body wants," Loki told her, before he went to bed. Tomorrow, he would be leaving with King Robert Baratheon, and journeying North. Tomorrow was when his real task began.

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