Chapter 67 - Patient & Nurse

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Loki could feel a warm touch on his skin from the sun, as well as the pain that seemed to be radiating up and down his torso. It hurt him to try to move or to even breathe, but Loki still tried to open his eyes. When he was finally able to keep them open, he glanced around as much as his limited mobility allowed. Finally, his eyes rested on the disheveled redhead sitting beside him. Sansa's head had slipped from Loki's shoulder to his forearm, and her own hands were lightly resting on his. Loki could still see red beneath her fingernails, and that was when he looked down at himself. He saw the bandages, and the dismantled, brace-like corset. Loki sighed, and reached his one hand over his body and touched Sansa's hair. She stirred, muttering something before she went back to sleep. Loki huffed and winced when it sent a wave of pain through his chest. Reaching over again, he caught a strand of her hair and tugged. "Ouch!" Sansa said, raising her head quickly, and looking into his green eyes. She just stared for a moment, not sure at all what to do. After a second, Loki smiled.

"Please, keep staring. I'm sure I look wonderful right now." Upon hearing his voice, Sansa was fully awake, and wrapping her arms around his neck. Loki gently patted her back, rubbing small circles into the material of her dress. When she finally separated from him, Sansa did what Loki did not think her capable of. She kissed him on the lips! Loki was surprised at feeling Sansa's rose petal soft lips gracing his own, and he was too startled (and weak) to do anything else. Sansa finally realized what she was doing, and she pulled away from him.

"Sorry. You just... you had me so scared," Sansa said, justifying her actions as being the proper response for a concerned young girl. Loki blinked a couple of times, before he relaxed back into the mattress.

"No need to apologize. If anybody should apologize, it is I," Loki said. "I gave you that frightful scare. It would also seem that I owe you a thank you as well. For taking care of me," Loki continued, indicating the work Sansa had done with his free hand. Sansa blushed lightly, putting a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"I can't take full credit for your care. I wouldn't have been able to do anything if your mother had not been there to tell me what to do," Sansa admitted. This made Loki raise his eyebrow, and his mouth quirk up.

"My mother helped you?" he asked. It was not that he did not believe her, but he got the subtle nuances from his mother literally coming out of his mind to speak to Sansa.

"Yes, she guided me through everything. I can see why you love her so much," Sansa said, smoothing her blood stained dress as she stood up. "She seems like the perfect mother."

"If by perfect, you mean: enchantingly beautiful, and yet irritating and wise? Than yes. That perfectly describes my mother," Loki answered, and Sansa smiled. She stood up, and flattened her dress, the one that she had been wearing for several hours straight, and was wrinkled and covered in blood. Loki noticed, and his expression became amused. "Love your new style," he commented. Sansa glanced down, and saw what he was looking at. This made her put her hands on her hips, and she frowned at him.

"If I had taken the time to change, I wouldn't have taken such good care of you," Sansa pointed out, and Loki nodded his head. He tried to prop himself up on the pillows, but it hurt too much, and Sansa stepped forward. "Let me," she said, using the words he had often spoken to her. She brought the pillows up, and made him more comfortable. Of course, that was when she realized that the sheets were still stained with his blood. "Oops," Sansa mumbled, but Loki knew what she was looking at.

"I can move around a little if you want to get those off," he offered, and Sansa nodded. Loki adjusted his position by slowly rolling his body from side to side, allowing Sansa enough wiggle room to ease the coverlets out from under him. She gave Loki a blanket before she departed to get fresh linen. Sansa returned a moment later, carrying the sheets in her arms, and she began to dress the bed. Loki watched her, a slight smile on his face as she tucked the sheets in, and finally covered him up.

"I'll check the binding," Sansa said, and she slowly undid the corset that was acting as Loki's rib brace. He winced a little, but relaxed as best he could to allow her to work more freely. Sansa removed the bloody bandages, and checked on her stitchery and his ribs. Loki saw the damage that the Mountain had done to him, and he growled.

"I'll make him mincemeat when I see him again!" Loki promised under his breath, but since Sansa was bending over his torso, she could hear him. She shot him a look.

"You're not doing anything to anyone any time real soon. In fact, if you were to try, I would knock you out myself," Sansa threatened, and Loki raised an eyebrow. The fierce gleam in Sansa's eyes made him believe every word she just said. "So don't get any ideas," Sansa warned, and Loki nodded his head.

"Yes, nurse," he answered her, and Sansa smiled. Once she had put fresh bandages on, Sansa replaced the brace, and pulled the covers up.

"Would you like some water and food?" Sansa queried.

"That would be marvelous," Loki responded, and Sansa left the room. A meow reached Loki's ears, and he glanced down at Alfie sitting on the floor. The cat stared up at him, and Loki frowned. "Watch her," he ordered, and Alfie's eyes glowed green before he darted out of the room. Loki closed his eyes and watched through Alfie's as Sansa prepared some simple bread with cheese. She buttered the bread, and placed the cheese over top of that. Pouring a cup of water, she set everything on top of a tray, and admired her work for a moment. That was before she broke off to her chamber with Alfie on her heels. Through the cat's eyes, Loki watched as Sansa got out of her hideous dress, and into a sky blue one. She quickly ran a brush through her hair, and tightened her sash. When she was complete, she darted back to the kitchen and returned to Loki's chamber with the tray. Alfie followed her back, and she found Loki just lying where she had left him. He of course smiled at her quick wardrobe change, but said nothing. Sitting down beside him, she took some bread and held it out to him.

"Come on. You know you want to," Sansa teased mildly. Loki frowned at her.

"I'm almost regretting teaching you my ways, little grasshopper," Loki said, and Sansa laughed. She covered her mouth, almost as if her laughter had been a crime. "No, please laugh away. Laughter is the quickest cure I've been told," Loki told her. Sansa seemed to find this humorous and she started laughing again. Loki smiled, and he chuckled himself, before a small ember of pain began to burn in his chest. He winced, and Sansa noticed.

"Is there something I can do to make it more bearable?" Sansa asked, putting the plate down and standing up to adjust the pillows. Loki reached out and took her hand in his, stopping her where she was. They just stared at each other: green irises burning into blue depths. Loki pulled her back down onto the mattress, and Sansa adjusted her position so that their shoulders were touching.

"Just keep me company. And feed me," Loki added, making Sansa smile. She reached back and brought a piece of bread to his lips. Loki took it into his mouth, sucking her fingers in as well. Sansa felt a little bolt shoot up her arm, and enter her brain, making her melt. She shook her head as she held the cup of water to his lips.

"Even as an invalid, you still try to seduce the maiden," Sansa admonished, and Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"When you see a maiden, let me know," Loki countered, and Sansa gasped. He snickered at her blushing cheeks as he took a long sip from the cup. Sansa finally pulled it away, and some water fell down his chin and neck. Sansa took a handkerchief from Loki's nightstand, and wiped away the water. She saw that it was the one she had made for him.

"Look at that. We've made a mess," Sansa said quietly as she wiped away the trail that had trickled down his neck. Loki smiled and relaxed back into the mattress, watching Sansa's every move with his observant green eyes.

"We've got all the time in the world to clean it up."

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