Chapter 84 - The Tale of the Seven

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Sansa was not very happy that Loki was moving around so much, especially since he had used some of his life force to deal with the Red Wedding Incident. She was concerned that he would use too much magic and just drop down in a faint wherever he was. Something she could not afford. However, to distract herself, Sansa went to the library and searched for a book to read. She decided to find one that covered both her world and Loki's. Sansa found a book written several centuries ago about the Seven Gods of Westeros buried beneath other tomes in Loki's collection. Pulling the thick book down from the shelf, she curled up before the hearth with Alfie beside her, and began to read.

Westeros was formed by the seven gods: the Father, the Mother, the Warrior, the Maiden, the Crone, the Smith, and the Stranger. The seven gods, however, were not from the world they created. Through messages passed on to the septs and those they deemed worthy of knowing their origins, they imparted to the people their tale.

The seven gods were originally from another world, a realm. This realm was like others, nestled in the branches of the Tree of Life. Nine others existed in their varying branches, with their different rulers. The seven gods all came from one realm called Vanaheim. In Vanaheim, they were the ruling class again, powerful archmages and sorcereresses. Vanaheim was once the master realm, and its people the greatest rulers. But another realm, Asgard, rose up against them. It was a long and bloody war that killed thousands. Finally, Bor, King of Asgard, won the war and subdued the people of Vanaheim. However, the Vanirian council escaped the hunt that Bor put out to trap and enslave all magicians. They fled and found a bough on Yggdrasil's branches that was devoid of life. So, they made life where none had previously existed.

They called this world the Known Realm. There, they formed the land to the west, and thus it was named Westeros. The lands to the east were filled with diverse cities like Pentos, Mireen, and Qarth. The seven Vanir then set themselves up as the gods of the realm: the Father, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Smith, Warrior, and the Stranger. They disguised themselves in human form and walked among the mortals of this world. Finally, there was nothing to keep them in the physical worlds anymore. And so, they retreated to the spiritual. A few powerful warlocks have made it there, but they have never returned.

Sansa closed the book and thought about it. This long forgotten book was proof that the seven gods her people worshipped originated from the world Loki was from. He had mentioned that his mother was a Vanir. This made Sansa raise her eyebrow before she opened the book again.

The surviving Vanir were stripped of their power so that they might never be a threat to Asgard again. In order to keep a strangle hold and to ward of the seven Vanir who had escaped, Bor had the daughter of the King of Vanaheim, Frigga Versdaughter, marry the Crown Prince, Odin Borson. However, she maintained her magic, and is said to be the teacher of the greatest sorcerer in the Nine Realms.

Sansa smiled at this, knowing they were talking about Loki. He had been her son, even if only in bond rather than blood.

In the spirit world, the seven gods still watch over Westeros and all the lands they created. Sometimes, warlocks would try to speak to gods by entering the spirit world. They were not strong enough and because of it, they never returned. Their bodies would wither away without their minds. They were not powerful and skilled enough to leave the spirit world and return to the physical.

Sansa closed the book again and sat up quickly. These other warlocks had not had the magic necessary to make the journey back. But the book just said that Frigga was the mentor of the greatest sorcerer in all the Nine Realms. That was Loki. Maybe he was powerful enough to get to the spirit world and back again. He could speak to the Vanir and glean some wisdom from them. That was when Sansa snorted. Loki was loath to ask anybody for help. If he was to speak to the Seven, he was more likely to mock them than ask for guidance. Sansa smiled at a mental picture she got. But, it was something they should consider. They might be able to lend a hand in finding out who Loki's mysterious advisory was. The one that Melisandre hinted to. Loki had talked about the Red Priestess before, and Sansa did not like her. If the Stark girl ever got a chance to put her rapier through the priestess' heart, she would do so.

That was when she heard the door open, and Sansa immediately called out, "In the library!" A few seconds later, the door opened and Loki stepped in. He smiled at her before he joined her on the window seat. Alfie meowed at being disturbed, but scurried off to make room for Loki. Loki leaned against the stone wall and allowed Sansa to dump the thick book in his lap. He grunted with some discomfort when it landed on his thigh and Sansa smiled slightly. That was when she pointed to the paragraph that talked about warlocks attempted to communicate with the Seven by entering the spirit world. Loki's brow furrowed before he looked back up at her. He glanced back down at the book, then up at her again.

"You want me to meditate and enter the spirit world? For what? Tea time with the deity?" Loki queried. Sansa punched him in the arm and he grinned.

"You can ask them who the mysterious Lord of Light is," Sansa offered, and Loki's expression fell. Obviously it was something that he did not enjoy thinking of, but he knew he had no choice. If he wanted everything cleared out for Daenerys, he needed to remove Stannis, Melisandre, and the Lord of Light.

"Why would they help me? They seem perfectly fine letting the world fend for itself," Loki pointed out and Sansa nodded her head. She pulled the book out of his lap and closed it. Leaning her cheek against his shoulder, Sansa sighed. She could feel Loki stiffening beneath her at the close contact, but she rather enjoyed making him uncomfortable, since he had spent the entire first half of their relationship making her uncomfortable.

"I know how you feel about the gods, at least when the gods aren't you," Sansa said and Loki snorted. "But, could you try? It wouldn't hurt to ask them." Loki hummed as he thought about it. He ran his fingers through her red hair and Sansa could feel electricity go through her body. Loki leaned over and lightly pressed a kiss to her head.

"Since it is so important to you, I will speak to them. Anybody make it back from their own private tete a tete's with the gods?" Loki asked and Sansa shook her head sadly.

"Unfortunately any warlock that tried to enter the spirit world either failed and were laughing stocks; or they made it in, and never came back out. But, I know that you're strong enough to go in, speak to them, and get out. I have faith in you. And I know that you have faith in you," Sansa added, and Loki chortled. He started to tickle her and Sansa burst out laughing. The thick book fell to the floor with a thud, and Alfie meowed in fright, jumping away quickly. Loki pinned Sansa beneath him and proceeded to tickle her until she was red in the face. Tears were coming out of her eyes and she was begging for mercy. "Stop it, Loki! Please! Stop it! I've had enough!" Sansa cried out. Alfie paced back and forth on the floor, watching them. Loki just smirked and continued to tickle her. Finally, Sansa retaliated. She managed to free her legs out from underneath him, and Sansa wrapped them around Loki's waist. He was so surprised by it, and Sansa used that to leverage herself and Loki off the cushions and onto the floor. Now, Sansa was on top, straddling Loki's hips, her forearm pressed against Loki's throat. His hands were now resting on either side of his head, and he was smirking.

"You're defense moves are flawless, Sansa. I loved your tactics. Especially the part where your legs were around my hips," Loki said. Sansa straightened up at this, a soft pink filling her cheeks.

"Thank you for the compliment, Loki. And, by the way, you have wonderful hips." Loki's laugh filled the room.

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