Chapter 58 - A Deprived Father

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Loki reappeared outside the camp of Tywin Lannister a week after Jaime's execution. He wanted to give the Stark's time to get his head down to Cersei, and for the news to reach Tywin. When Loki entered, he saw all the Lannister soldiers whispering amongst themselves. They were surprisingly quiet, and Loki guessed that even though he had been a Kingsguard, Jaime was still a favorite among the men. Loki snickered, comparing the situation to his old life in Asgard. All the Asgardian soldiers would have died for Thor. But not him. Loki brushed that thought from his head, when he saw the Mountain approaching him. Gregor Clegane immediately stood in his path. Loki looked up at him, and raised his eyebrow slightly. "I'm here to see your master, Mountain. Not you. That being said, please step aside," Loki told him. He still maintained that polite tone of voice, which was something he knew irritated people to no end. Gregor Clegane stooped down to his level, and the two men glared at each other.

"Mountain!" shouted a voice, and they both looked at Tywin Lannister standing at the entrance of his tent. Loki almost gasped. He had never seen Tywin look the way he was looking at that moment. His clothing was wrinkled in appearance, and he had not taken care of his beard and hair for a while. Tywin had dark circles under his eyes, and even from where he was standing, Loki could see cuts on his knuckles. "Let him pass. I need to speak to somebody worthwhile," Tywin told his prized fighter. Clegane still glared at Loki, but the God of Mischief simply snapped his fingers. The Mountain suddenly lost his footing and fell on his ass. Loki skirted around him, and entered Tywin's tent. Sure enough, the signs of his anger and sorrow were all there for Loki to behold. His desk had been hacked to pieces, his chair was in little bits, and everything was in a scattered, messy array on the floor.

"Lord Tywin, I'm sorry if I've come at a bad time," Loki told him, closing the flap of the tent behind him quickly. Tywin waved his hand, and sat on the one remaining, unbroken chair in the place. Loki stood before him, his hands behind his back.

"It would have happened sooner, or later. We had nothing to give them. Nothing in our possession was what the Starks wanted more than their girls. And now, my son is dead," Tywin said. Loki nodded, stooping down and beginning to clean up. "I know you did not like him," Tywin suddenly noted, and Loki paused in his picking up of the broken furniture. Tywin looked at him, but there was no judgment. Loki was actually surprised. He was so used to being judged for who he was, what he was, and the opinions he had. "You don't need to pretend. You did not like him, and he did not like you. It was a feeling bred by your fighting each other, and him losing to somebody he did not know. But, he and Cersei did not try to know you like I did." Loki dumped the wood into a corner and sighed.

"I did not like your son, Lord Tywin; but, I can understand the sorrow of your loss," Loki responded. Tywin raised an eyebrow, and Loki continued. "I had sons once. Legitimate, and illegitimate. Their rank and station made no difference to me. I loved each and every one of them. But, they were still taken from me." Loki looked at Tywin and saw the surprise on his face. Loki knew that what he had said had struck a chord with the head of the Lannister house. And the reason Loki was getting the reaction he wanted was because he had added a layer of truth to his words. He had lost his sons. Vali was manipulated into killing his own twin brother, Nari. Upon waking up, and realizing his crime, he had committed suicide. Fenris and Jormugandr had been cast out of Asgard because of their monstrous forms. They had been viewed as the animals Yggdrasil had cursed them as, rather than the innocent children they were. Loki wanted to look back to when he was actually happy in his life, but it was getting harder and harder to see it. Mostly because his memories were being filled with images of Sansa, and the time he was spending with her. That almost brought a smile to his face, but he suppressed it. Tywin looked at him seriously. Waving his hand, he signaled for Loki to come closer. Loki walked over, and stood before the older lion. Tywin reached over, grabbing his wrist, and pulling him down. Loki was now on his knees before Tywin, and they were looking each other in the eyes.

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