Chapter 113 - Clipping the Wings

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Loki went to the cage in the center of the camp where Petyr Baelish had been taken after the council had fallen apart. The papers were legal, and as Lord of Winterfell, Robb Stark acknowledged Loki's position as Master of Harrenhal and Protector of the Vale. He sent a letter to remaining Arryns at the Erie to inform them of their new overlord. Meanwhile, the Blackfish was preparing the Northern troops for their final march to the south. Plans were progressing, and so was Loki. The camp was in a bustle, men darting around and orders being shouted. Nobody paid any attention to the god as he fazed through the bars and cast a spell to conceal him and Baelish from sight. The mockingbird looked up and beheld the snake. The two men sized each other up like they had the first day they met: not as potential rivals, but as proven enemies. Petyr Baelish chuckled dryly as he extended both his arms, alluding to his cage. "Masterfully done! You have managed to destroy the empire I've worked so hard to build. Hail Loki!" Baelish informed Loki before he gave him a mock bow. Loki observed the man closely, duly noting how his fine overcoat had been removed and even his mockingbird pin was missing. The Stark men had not even given him a good roughing up for his hand in the demise of their previous lord. Loki knew that Robb Stark would, eventually.

"Oh, come on now! Don't be so prosaic, Littlefinger. It doesn't suit you," Loki countered, beginning to pace and putting the man on edge. Baelish moved into the corner of the cage, his arms crossed in front of him. "Don't have your book to shield you now," Loki said and Baelish remembered what he said long ago. He dropped his arms immediately.

"What do you intend to do with me, Lord Frostborn?" Petyr Baelish asked, and Loki paused.

"What makes you think I'll do anything with you, Lord Baelish?" Loki posed in return and Baelish snickered derisively.

"Robb Stark might be Warden of the North, but you are the Orchestrator of Westeros, it would seem. And besides, I've got the feeling that this meeting is very unofficial," Baelish responded and Loki grinned.

"You're right there, Petyr Baelish. Everyone else is just a piece on the board to me. Their titles mean nothing in the grand scheme of things: Warden of the North, Lord of the Iron Islands, Master of Whispers, Queen Mother, King..." Loki let his voice trail off at the end and Petyr Baelish raised an eyebrow. "There is no King of Westeros at the present. And with Tommen secreted away in Dorne, there won't be another king." Baelish studied Loki as the god finally stopped walking and leaned his shoulders back against the cage. He folded his arms across his chest and grinned.

"You want to bring back a queen. Daenerys Stormborn or House Targaryen across the Narrow Sea," Baelish said and Loki snapped his fingers.

"Now you're getting it!" Loki said, leaning forward and a sneer plastering itself on his face. "There's a new world order coming, Petyr Baelish, and I'm going to be the author of all. Unfortunately, you won't be one of the ones who will enjoy the prosperity to come. Regrettably, my tide does not raise all boats," Loki informed him, using a Midgardian colloquialism.

"You are rather high and mighty. You were born into privilege. Me? I clawed my way up from the bottom. I earned the position I currently occupy," Baelish insulted and Loki rolled his eyes.

"You mean the position you used to occupy before I removed you? Oh, and just because I was born a prince, doesn't mean I was born with the respect. I had to earn that. And even after I almost killed myself for my king and realm, I still did not have all of it," Loki mused, his green eyes wandering. That was before they snapped back to Baelish and he stood to attention. "You think you know what it's like to fight for something?" Loki challenged as he slowly advanced. Petyr Baelish was afraid in that instant. He was slowly pressed into the corner as Loki closed in. "You think that because you are a self-made man that you are somehow better than others?" Petyr Baelish was gripping the wooden poles and Loki was looking down at him, his viridian irises scrutinizing Baelish, and making the mortal feel like his very soul was exposed. "You and I are from different circles in society: the peasantry," he said, indicating Baelish with a tilt of his head. "Or royalty." Loki and Baelish were looking each other in the eyes, and Baelish hated the grin that was on Loki's face. He wanted to take a knife and cut it off. "You see, the color of your blood doesn't make you who you are. It's the blood of others that you spill to get to the top. You think you've spilled more than me?" Loki's hand came out so fast that Petyr Baelish did not see it coming at all. Loki's dexterous fingers gripped Baelish's jaw, forcing his mouth open. "That evil tongue of yours has hurt many people. You betrayed me to Tywin Lannister. Trust me, Petyr, the wound the Mountain gave me hurt like hell! But more importantly, you hurt Sansa with your words. I blame you just as much for the death of Ned Stark as I do Joffrey Lannister or Ser Illyn Paine. As such, I can't trust you to open that foul mouth of yours again."

As Loki finished, he held up the mask he had shown previously. Petyr Baelish's eyes widened and he started to struggle. "Get off of me! What right have you-?!" he started to ask before Loki's fingers were in his mouth and he pushed the mask in. His fingers vacated the cavity left behind and Baelish felt the pincers take hold of his tongue. Loki finished fixing the torture device to Baelish's face, and there was a click as something slid into place behind both of Baelish's ears. Loki let the man fall to the ground, his scream muffled by the gag that was now in his mouth.

"I had to wear that for a long time before the All-Father removed it. You see, it can only be taken off by a divine being. How many of those to you think are in Westeros currently?" Loki teased. Baelish lifted his head and if looks could kill, Loki would be dead in that instant. Loki snickered before he squatted down to Petyr Baelish's level. He took hold of his chin and lifted his head up so that they were looking at each other. "You can stay alive while wearing this. There's a secret to getting water passed the seam of the mask." Loki leaned forward and whispered it in Baelish's ear. When he pulled away, Petyr Baelish looked even angrier than he had been before. "There, I just showed you mercy," Loki told him as he lightly stroked over the mask. He stood up and vanished from Baelish's sight. The Mockingbird blinked a few times, but that was when he heard Loki's voice in his head. Know that I showed you mercy!

Robb Stark glanced up as Loki appeared back in his tent, looking a little too suave and happy. "Where were you?" Robb asked and Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"Just saying goodbye to Baelish is all. I will be leaving you as I have more urgent and pressing matters," Loki said and Robb raised an eyebrow. "I might have crippled Kings Landing but not for long. Tywin will declare himself king before he sees either you or Daenerys on the throne."

"What about the last Targaryen?" Robb queried as he rested his hands on the table in front of him.

"That is a conversation for another time," Loki said.

"That is a conversation we should have now," Robb Stark insisted and Loki sighed. Theon Greyjoy, Lord Karstark, and Ser Cassell were also looking at him. Catelyn Stark had been taken back to her tent the moment the meeting was done, so at least he was spared her affronted gaze. Loki cracked his knuckles before he inhaled and exhaled to begin his explanation.

"I am preparing Westeros to be rejoined to Yggdrasil's branches; Daenerys is going to be crowned queen; you are all part of the major plan of removing her obstacles; getting rid of Baelish was more for personal satisfaction on my part; and I really am immortal." Loki grinned at their flabbergasted expressions and held his hand out, effectively silencing anyone who would have opened their mouth. "Like I said a conversation for another time." He smirked, waved his hand, and disappeared from the tent.

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