Chapter 130 - A Dragon is Crowned

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The months following the Third Siege of Kings Landing, the country of Westeros was put back to rights. Daenerys sent Loki into all corners of the country, instating her laws and removing the last clinging efforts at resistance. But, there was not much of that. Once any family or region learned the head of House Frostborn was coming, they were suddenly flying the Targaryen banners over their castles.

An official meeting was called to distribute rewards and to announce the new small council of the future Queen Daenerys. "I will preside at all meetings, as will my husband, the Lord Tyrion, the Master of Casterly Rock," Daenerys said, taking Tyrion's hand. The dwarf kissed her pale skin and she smiled at him. "The new Master of Coin, will be Prince Oberyn of House Martell." The Red Viper bowed deeply to her and winked at Loki. The god shook his head but smirked from where he was standing on the dais to the right of the Iron Throne. "The new Master of Law, shall be Robb of House Stark, the Warden of the North." The Northerners clapped as Robb bowed to his queen. Daenerys nodded back. "My choice for Master of Ships, is Yara of House Greyjoy, the Lord of Dragonstone," she announced, indicating the Greyjoy standing next to her brother at the front of the crowd. Theon and his sister shared a smile, before Theon looked back at Margaery standing next to him. "Lord Varys of Lys shall remain as Master of Whispers, a reward for his hard work during the War of Restoration." The eunuch gave her a hint of a smile, while looking at Tyrion. The dwarf tilted his head and his eyebrow wiggled. "My new maester shall be a younger and kinder soul, who has come highly recommend by the previous Lord Commander of the Night's Watch," Daenerys said, and that was when Jon pushed Samwell Tarly forward. "Samwell Tarly, son of Randyll Tarly, is now my Grand Maester." The pudgy young man bobbed his head awkwardly before being drawn back by Jon. "And finally, the announcement you've all been waiting for: the new Hand of the Queen." Everyone seemed to hold their breath as they waited. Obviously, the position was considered rather unlucky. After all, the last two had both been murdered. Whoever was to hold it now, had to have nerves of steel. "Ser Loki of House Frostborn, first of his name!"

The cheering was thunderous and the clapping made hearing impossible. Loki stepped forward and knelt before Daenerys Targaryen. She was holding the golden pin in her hand and extended it to him. Loki stood up and so did she. Daenerys pinned it to his green tunic and Tyrion rose to stand beside them. "Congratulations, my friend," Tyrion said and he extended his hand. Loki took it and he smiled, the joy reaching his eyes. Daenerys grinned at seeing the two most important men in her life showing their mutual affection. Loki turned back to her.

"My thanks, your most gracious and gorgeous majesty. Now, all we have to do is crown you." He whispered the last part and Daenerys nodded. Loki felt a quiver of anticipation flutter through him. Once the crown was placed on her head, Westeros would fall back into alignment within Yggdrasil's branches.

"One thing at a time, Loki. One thing at a time," Daenerys told him, and she took Tyrion's hand, stroking his knuckles. Loki grinned before he turned to where Sansa was sitting on one of the lower steps. Sandor Clegane was standing behind her, his hand always on the hilt of his sword. Loki had not been overly happy when he had found out that Sansa had made him her bodyguard, but decided that the Hound respected him enough not to make a play for her. Of course, his darker thoughts vanished when his eyes rested on Sansa's rounding belly. She was very heavy with his child, but made no complaints. She had a month left, and Loki could not wait to welcome their creation into the world. It was a mystery to him. For some reason whenever he tried to read the life force within Sansa, something blocked him. It worried him at first, until Frigga told him to stop worrying and to just let it happen. That was what he was going to do, just let it happen.

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