Chapter 109 - Blind Wisdom

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Sansa was afraid Loki would overreact when they both returned to the domus. She was terrified he would once more forbid her from leaving their quarters for fear of her being taken by Melisandre and the Lord of Light. Loki closed the door with a snap and Sansa observed him closely as she sheathed her daggers. Loki's skin had gone back to being pale and he eyed her quickly before he stalked off to his study. "Are you angry at me, love?" Sansa queried as she followed him. Loki paused for a second before he turned to face her.

"No, my darling. I am not angry at you," he told her. He opened his arms and drew Sansa into his embrace. "I am just afraid for your safety now. More than ever. The Lord of Light and the Red Priestess will try again. But I spoke the truth before. If she tries to lay her hands on you again, I will put her in a place so cold, her fire will not save her," Loki promised and Sansa smiled. She looked up at him and pressed her lips to his. Loki dominated it soon enough, challenging Sansa to try to defeat him. Sansa's response to that was to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist. When they finally parted to breath, Loki pressed his forehead to hers. "I swear, good lady, you shall undo me."

"Are you sure I haven't done it already?" Sansa posed and Loki snickered.

"I would have told you," he countered before he took her back to their chamber.

Loki was determined that Sansa would not fall victim to the evil plans of the Lord of Light, or his Red Priestess again. By attempting to take her, Melisandre had sped up her death in Loki's plans. He had already scheduled her execution for some time in the rather far future but now... He wanted her gone sooner rather than later. He had learned by spying around that Stannis had gone to the Iron Bank of Braavos. Loki knew he had to go to the bankers soon and take over. Once he had a strangle hold on the currency, he could make anybody kneel. Loki knew that the crown was in debt to Tywin Lannister; and he was in debt to the Iron Bank. If Loki met the Iron Bankers, and purchased Tywin's debt, he would be able to topple the Baratheon/Lannister standing in Westeros and give all the support necessary to Daenerys.

Loki closed his eyes for a split second before he opened them. He was standing before the keep at Castle Black. He was invisible to the eyes of the sworn brothers of the Nights Watch, only because he was not in the mood for another altercation. Loki used his mind to seek the one person he wanted to talk to. He found him and smirked as he teleported himself to the library. "I knew you would return eventually," said the old voice of Maester Aemon said as he raised his head and tilted it in Loki's general direction.

"What gave me away, ancient maester?" Loki asked mischievously.

"You seek Jon Snow. You feel something; a connection perhaps?" Maester Aemon suggested. Loki snickered as he walked around the blind healer.

"No more than I would for any other pawn of mine," Loki answered coolly, and Maester Aemon smiled widely at this.

"Ah! But is anyone really a pawn to you?" he countered. Loki frowned slightly and placed his hands on the maester's table, slightly disturbing the papers that were resting there.

"You do know a blind man in a library is such a waste," Loki said and Aemon grinned.

"She did that. State the obvious in order to cover up her feelings," Aemon remarked. Loki frowned and Aemon sensed it. "My great-niece."

"Rhaella Targaryen," Loki said in a disinterested tone of voice. Aemon's unfocused eyes seemed to find the source of the two words and he looked at Loki. Actually looked at Loki. The God of Mischief felt something unsettling take hold, but he kept his nervousness inside.

"Yes, Rhaella Targaryen; the mother of Daenerys Targaryen, and..." Aemon's voice trailed off and Loki made a face as he wondered what Aemon was going to say. "Young man, your past, present, and future are all connected. You think you came to this realm by accident from the world you originated?" Loki cocked his head to one side as he contemplated this.

"My mother sent me to this world to realign it with the remaining realms," Loki explained and Maester Aemon smiled.

"Your mother."

"Yes. My mother, Queen Frigga of Asgard, and Goddess of Motherhood," Loki said between clenched teeth. She had been the only mother he had known and the only one he would recognize.

"A powerful and kind-hearted woman," Aemon said and Loki nodded.

"She was," he mumbled, but being blind, Aemon heard him easily enough.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the maester told him. Loki glared slightly at this, as he had no desire to have anybody (outside of Sansa) knowing his mother was deceased.

"Yes, well... I'm not interested in discussing my personal life with you. I do wish to speak to Jon Snow, but he has not returned from his roaming," Loki commented dryly and Aemon moved in his seat.

"You know he's out of the keep?" Aemon queried.

"He went beyond the wall. Got mixed up with the Wildlings and fell in love, I believe..." Loki grinned. Of course, he had been keeping tabs on Jon Snow. Jon Snow would be a leader later on in Loki's plan and he knew he needed him alive.

"You have the gift of foresight, Ser Frostborn?" Aemon queried.

Loki shook his head and said, "No. I just like to remain informed with regards as to what my pawns are doing." That was when they both heard a shuffling sound and Loki turned. Samwell Tarly appeared from behind the shelves, carrying several tomes and scrolls. Upon seeing Loki, he froze and his jaw dropped open. "Please close your trap. You might catch something," Loki told him.

"I'm-I'm-I'm-" he stammered before Loki huffed.

"If you've got nothing intelligent to say, just shut up," Loki told him and Sam closed it quickly.

"Loki," Maester Aemon said, speaking his name and the god turned to look at him. "You are unique. And your mother always knew that. No one else can fulfill the task that has been set by the Goddess Frigga. I will not see the end of this war. But, the people who do survive, will sing your praises," Aemon told him and Loki grinned.

"That's all I ever wanted," Loki affirmed and made a move to leave. Maester Aemon reached out and managed to catch his hand. His gnarled fingers wrapped firmly around Loki's and held him with more strength than Loki thought possible for one his age. He was not exactly the All-Father, who maintained relatively good physical health because he was a god; but the grip still impressed him.

"That's not want you wanted," Aemon said.

"You claiming to know what I want?!" Loki challenged, the anger creeping into his voice. Sam Tarly cowered at his apparent wrath, but Aemon was not cowed.

"I can sense it. As I said to you before: I know you. Ice and fire, Ser Loki. Ice and fire," Aemon reminded.

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