Chapter 108 - The Lord of Light

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Melisandre closed her eyes and concentrated. She needed to speak to her master, and this was the only way to contact him. He was not happy with her work of late. Loki's interference at King's Landing had starved her lord of the souls he craved. Stannis had gone to the Iron Bank of Braavos to take out a loan and hire more men. His new plan was to come in from the North, sweeping down from Castle Black. Melisandre needed to know if her lord could see the future and predict Loki's next move. She breathed in for a few seconds before she opened her eyes and found herself standing before a fiery throne, and the being on it flaming as well. "You come for guidance? Again? You are fraying my patience, mortal," the giant said.

"I just want to ensure your words are spread. That everyone hears your wisdom and bows to you. I cannot do that without your help, my lord," Melisandre told him and the demon hummed.

"Well, not everyone will hear my word if my plans are continuously hampered. I speak, of course, of the God of Mischief," the Lord of Light told her.

"He has not been seen recently, but I suspect his hand in the death of King Joffrey. He did spirit the Imp away and take his place at his trial. All very clever. Up until that point, almost the entire realm thought him dead," Melisandre informed her master. The demon gripped the arm of his throne and Melisandre heard it crack.

"I knew that he wasn't. No matter what realm he's on, it is well-nigh impossible to kill Loki Odinson. He is like a pernicious cockroach that just won't go away," the Lord of Light said. Melisandre raised her eyebrow slightly and prostrated herself a little more in order to get the information she craved.

"You knew him in another kingdom, my lord?" Melisandre queried meekly. The Lord of Light looked down at her, and most of his face was concealed in shadow. The only thing Melisandre could see with any certainty, was his eyes.

"Not just another kingdom, my servant. Another realm! You think Westeros is the only world out there?" Melisandre felt her heartrate pick up as she contemplated the possibility of other worlds and realms. "You are very wrong."

"There are other worlds that you can conquer, my lord," Melisandre stated and the demon chuckled darkly.

"Not yet! The God of Mischief must first reconnect the worlds for me. I cannot leave Westeros until he does this for me. I came to this world centuries ago, but the path was closed behind me and I cannot go back. However, the whelp of Odin has been known to bypass such trivial things as realm boundaries and the Bifrost. Once he accomplishes this task, I can declare open war on him and expand my reach. His father, the 'All-Father', will not be able to stop me once his son opens the worlds to me. He banished me before, but not this time. The souls I swallow shall give me such strength, even Gungnir will not be able to stop me," the Lord of Light declared. Melisandre did not understand half of what her lord was saying, but she knew that as long as he understood what his future plans were, there was nothing to fear. Besides, he would tell her when she needed to know.

"So, you mean to use the mischief maker to your own ends?" she queried and the demon nodded his head.

"He is already doing that for me. He is tearing the houses apart, and stirring up trouble wherever he goes. His brother was destructive without purpose; but him? He always has a reason for his devastation. He paints it like a master," the Lord of Light said, almost in awe.

"Sounds like you respect him, my lord," Melisandre said with just a slight hint of irritation. She, of course, hated Loki and wanted him permanently removed as an advisory. More importantly, as her advisory.

"Oh, I do, Red Priestess! If you cannot respect Loki, God of Mischief, you do not fully understand him. You do not appreciate how he approaches a challenge. Loki is a challenge himself, and one I plan on overcoming. He is too valuable an asset to lose, unless he refuses to join me," the Lord of Light informed her.

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