Chapter 69 - Loki's Reprieve

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Loki was grateful for the break from his hectic schedule, but at the same time he wished he was not bed ridden. Sansa was a strict nursemaid, and would not let him out of the bed for three days after he woke up. Finally, on the fourth day, Loki put his foot down. "Sansa, if you don't let me out of this bed right now, my muscles will atrophy, and I don't want to be as weak as a newborn babe," Loki told her when she brought him something to eat. Sansa tilted her head to one side, and a small smile fluttered across her face. Loki was looking healthier and she was contributing that to the fact that he was getting bedrest. But, if he wanted to get up, she was no longer going to stop him. Just irritate him for as long as possible.

"Very well then, Loki. You want to get up? You can get up when you've eaten your broth," Sansa promised as she sat down beside him. Spooning some of the warm, golden substance into his mouth, Sansa felt a glow of pride settle over herself as he hummed his approval.

"This is delicious, my lady. What did you put in it?" Loki asked as he took another mouthful.

"Water, a little bit of milk, butter, potatoes, pork, and seasoning. It's been steeping all morning," Sansa admitted as she gave him another spoonful. She was pleased when he ate it with gusto. Loki ate it quickly partially because it was tasty, and the other because he wanted to get out of his bed before he went mad. "Alright," Sansa said when he had finished, "I'll clean this up, and get you a change of clothes. We will change you before you go walking around." Loki wrinkled his nose up at her, muttering in Nordic. "Speak the Common Tongue if you're going to insult me, that way I have an even chance of retorting," Sansa ordered, and Loki shut his mouth. When Sansa returned from the kitchen, she pulled another pair of black pants from Loki's wardrobe. She selected velvet so it would be gentler on him than leather. Afterward, she snagged the blue shirt she had made for him. Returning to the bed, she helped him sit up, and put the shirt over his head.

"I can't change my trousers. You'll have to do that," Loki told her mischievously. Sansa felt a heat creep up her neck and into her cheeks. She knew that Loki could not bend himself over in order to change his pants because of his ribs, but the idea of possibly seeing 'him' was daunting. She swallowed and nodded her head.

"Let me," she said, trying to keep from squeaking, but the high pitched note still escaped her throat. Loki snickered as he leaned back, and started to push down on his trousers. Sansa grabbed hold of the hem and began to ease them down his body. Loki lifted his hips and bottom up as high as he could without causing himself discomfort in order to allow Sansa to remove them. As they slid down, Loki shielded himself with the sheet, and Sansa silently sent up a prayer of thanks to the gods. He saw her briefly close her eyes, and Loki started to chuckle. Sansa shot him a look, her mouth a thin line of disapproval. "Oh, shut up!" Sansa scolded as she yanked his pants off the last foot and half of his long legs. Loki laughed lightly again as Sansa eyed his trousers, the ones he had worn when he had been wounded by the Mountain. She folded them up and placed them on a seat, making a mental note to wash them later. Turning back, she grabbed the velvet trousers, and slid them on. Loki was smirking the whole time and she tried to ignore him. Finally, they were done and Loki swung his legs off the bed, trying to stand up. "And now you'll undo all my hard work!" Sansa shrieked, supporting him. Loki grinned at her concern, before he put his arm over her shoulder. Sansa was grateful that he was more in control of his motor skills this time, because the last time she had had to support him, his weight almost crushed her. "For a person who is lanky in build, you're heavy," Sansa suddenly pointed out as they left his chamber and walked down the hall. Loki shot her a look, and she glanced back. She shrugged her shoulders dismissively and said, "What? It's just an observation."

"Well, first, I'm a Jotun. Their...our... bone density is weightier than that of a mortal. I am heavier than most because it is supposed to be stretched over at least nine feet. I'm three feet off," Loki explained, and Sansa craned her neck to look up at him.

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