Chapter 26 - Preparing the Lambs

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Loki sensed that something was shifting. The very air of Kings Landing was changing, and the wind was carrying omens. Reading in Frigga's journal, Loki gathered what information she could give him.

Dark days are approaching for Westeros. The shadowy clouds of war are looming on the horizon, and everyone: from the king in the Red Keep, to the lowest peasant in the country, will feel its wrath. Where others wither and crack, you will thrive and rise up. Know why you do what you do, Loki. Self-gain is not a factor in the coming strife. It will begin as duty, and end as something far more rewarding.

Loki put the journal away, and decided that if things were going to get dicey, he was going to prepare those he cared about to weather the coming storm. The only people he cared about in Kings Landing were: Sansa and Arya Stark; and Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon. He had to make sure that no matter what, they were taken care of.

Loki asked Sirio Ferrell to step out one moment during class, and the Braavosi granted Loki the floor, after staring at him for several seconds. Arya looked at Loki as he put his hand on her shoulder, and knelt down to her level. "Arya, don't ask me how I know, by dark tides are coming. Your life is going to change, and I want to make sure that you are ready," Loki told her. Ayra's eyebrow went up, but she nodded her head. Loki reached inside his tunic and pulled out a bottle of green powder. He placed the vial in Arya's hand, and closed her fingers around it.

"Green powder? What is that going to do?" Arya asked. Loki grinned, and ran his fingers through her light brown hair. Arya huffed, waiting for him to explain.

"If you need to make an exit, and you don't want people to see where you're going, just take a pinch between your fingers, and throw it at your feet. It'll cover your tracks," Loki told her. Arya took the bottle, and tucked it inside her vest. Once that was secure, Loki pulled out a dagger, and held it out to her.

"I already have Needle," Arya told him. Loki sighed, and fixed her with one of his looks.

"Arya, do I only have one dagger, and not arm myself further because I already have one dagger?" Loki posed. Arya hung her head before she shook it.

"No, you don't," she said humbly.

"Uh huh," Loki responded, and he proceeded to lift her shirt up.

"What?" Arya queried, before Loki pressed his finger to her lips. Winking, he strapped it across her midsection, tightening it, and pulling her shirt down over top.

"Even if somebody takes Needle away, if you're covert, you'll be able to use that." Arya lifted her shirt back up, and looked at the dagger. The hilt was made of some kind of silver, carved into the shape of a snarling polar bear. Snowflakes were etched into the scabbard, along with runes. She glanced back up at Loki as he rose to his full height. Arya nodded, and suddenly threw her arms around his waist. Loki stooped down, and put his arms around her.

"I'll name it Frostbite," Arya told him, her eyes closed tightly. Loki chuckled, and she looked back up at him.

"Why, pray tell?" he asked. Arya grinned, before she took his hand, and compared it to her own. The size and skin color difference was obvious, but it only took Loki a second to realize she was comparing something else.

"Because it's original master is as cold as a snow storm, and just as deadly," Arya answered. Loki smiled at her, and kissed the top of her head.

"I won't be teaching you anything else. You've already had your training from me. From now on, listen to whatever wisdom Sirio Ferrell has left to impart on you," he told her. Arya could feel her hot tears pressing her eyes, and she did not know why. Loki was just saying that he would not teach her anymore, not that he was going away or anything like that. So, why was she upset?

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