Chapter 64 - Loki Exposed

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Loki had a nagging feeling in his stomach that morning when he woke up. As he prepared himself, he put a little more armor on than he normally did. A few extra knives were put into place, and his letter to Sansa had a different tone to it that morning. Loki knew what his stops were that day, and Tywin Lannister had to be soothed. The head of the Lannister House had been edgy since his son, Jaime, was killed by the Starks, and Catelyn had insisted that they send his head back. When Loki vanished from the house, something, a little voice in his mind was telling him when he got back, he would not be leaving it for a little while.

Loki traveled to Harrenhal, the ruins of a once great castle. It had been built to withstand a normal siege, but not dragons. The Targaryens had rained fire down from above, and roasted all within. Now, it was a mess of black, and ivy covered stone. Loki walked through the mud, ignoring all the soldiers, and making his way to the main hall where Tywin had set up his headquarters. Upon arrival, he only found Arya there. "I've missed you!" Arya said, putting her tray down, and embracing her one time teacher. Loki laughed, and held her at arm's length to look at her.

"I almost didn't recognize you when I saw you again. But, I would know those determined eyes anywhere," Loki told her.

"If you hadn't spoken to Tywin Lannister, I'm sure I and my friends would be dead," Arya said. Loki shook his head, and squatted down to her level.

"If I had not been there, you would have impressed Tywin some other way, and still gotten this position. You're that good, Arya," Loki said. Arya smiled.

"When will you take me back?" she asked. Loki shrugged his shoulders and stood up.

"Once you think you can longer learn anything from this situation, I will remove you from here," he told her. Arya nodded, but that was when they heard somebody coming. Loki stepped away from her, giving her a quick wink. A soldier entered, and he saluted Loki.

"Tywin Lannister requests your presence in the dungeon tower," he ordered. Loki nodded, and walked away from Arya. He slid his one hand behind his back, and waved to her. Arya waved back, and knew that even though he had not been looking at her, he had seen it. Loki followed the guard to the dungeon tower, the only really complete structure in the old castle. Only the most dangerous prisoners were held there, as it was more secure. Loki entered, and walked down the twisted stairwell, to the lowest pits. A thick door was opened for him, and he entered an open, dirt area. The door was closed, and Loki looked around. Nobody else was there. He smirked, and glanced up to where an observatory was built into the wall.

"This was the old torture chamber here. All you're missing is the actual equipment," Loki commented loudly. A scraping sound alerted him to a door opening, he saw Tywin appear on the balcony. The older man looked down at him.

"There's no need for that, Ser Loki. You wouldn't talk anyway. I'm just very disappointed, and betrayed," Tywin said to him. Loki paced around the dirt arena, his hands tapping his thighs.

"Betrayed? You had to have known, Tywin Lannister. Passed a certain point, you should have figured it out. There are a very few intelligent people in this realm, and you are one of them. You can find comfort in the knowledge that I did respect you," Loki told him.

"You were like another son to me," Tywin said. Loki's expression remained amused, but on the inside, he was angry.

"You already have another son, but you ignore him because he's a dwarf!" Loki hissed back. A shuffling to Tywin's right drew Loki's eyes, and Petyr Baelish appeared beside the Lannister. Loki chuckled dryly, and he bowed to the Master of Coin. "Petyr Baelish! This whole thing reeked of you. I should congratulate you. If it weren't for the fact that I am still going to get out of here."

"Not this time, ser sells-sword. You will not be leaving here. Alive," Baelish responded. The door Loki had entered by creaked, and a figure ducked in order to come in. Loki stepped back as the Mountain walked inside. He was wearing his thick armor, his helm, and he was holding his claymore in his hand. Loki looked up at the larger man, before glancing back at Tywin and Petyr Baelish. "King Joffrey will pay enormously to have you brought back alive. Imagine the reward he would give for your head?" Loki snickered, drawing one of his knives, and using his magic to make it into a mid-length sword.

"Far better people have tried. If I didn't let them, what makes you think I'll let you?" Loki posed. Tywin flicked his head quickly, and that was when the Mountain came in. He was clearly tired of words. He swung his sword, and Loki dropped low. He was almost up against the wall, and the steel chipped the stone. Sparks went flying over Loki's head. He rose up, his blade about to enter the Mountain's ribcage. Gregor Clegane was able to swing his arm, and brush Loki's sword to the side. With his chest exposed, Loki forced himself to back up entirely against the wall. The Mountain aimed a punch at the center of Loki's sternum. Loki ducked to the side, and rolled along the dirt. Turning around, he brought his sword up in a reverse grip. The claymore came down, the ringing sound of swords clashing, echoed off the walls. Loki was kneeling, holding the Mountain in place. Clegane put all his weight into his sword, and Loki allowed himself to fall entirely to the ground. Taken by surprise, Clegane lost his balance. Loki flipped up, and sliced precisely, cutting the Mountain across his side. The larger man growled, and glared at Loki, all his hate in his eyes. Loki twirled his sword, and that was when he heard a whistle. Spinning around, he blocked a bolt from a small crossbow, in the hands of Petyr Baelish. Another whistle and Loki jumped back, the shaft embedding itself in the ground.

However, Loki accidentally stepped back into the Mountain. Clegane wrapped his arms around Loki, and picked him up. He began to squeeze, and an enormous amount of pressure was placed on Loki's ribs. He growled in frustration, and threw his head back, hitting the Mountain in the face. Gregor dropped him, and Loki hit the dirt. He just knelt there, inhaling loudly, trying to fill his lungs with air again. He knew he needed to do this. It was all part of his plan, but damn! It hurt! In his submissive position, the Mountain kicked him in the side, sending him into the nearby wall. Loki grimaced, and put his hand on the stone to support himself as he stood up. The Mountain punched him hard in the ribcage as Loki was dazed. Loki released a sharp cry of pain, as a few of his ribs cracked beneath the force of the blow. Another whizzing sound, and Loki jerked his head back a couple of inches. An arrow buried itself in the stone, right by his nose. Loki growled, pulling the shaft out of the wall. Turning around, he drove it into Gregor's shoulder, where his armor was parted. The Mountain bellowed in pain, and fell several steps back. With his sword in hand, Loki slashed Clegane's other shoulder, and danced around him. Two more slices were delivered to the back of his shoulder blades. Gregor Clegane turned on Loki, surprising the god. Despite the wounds to his arms, Clegane swung his sword up. Loki gasped as blood covered his neck, and he felt it oozing beneath his clothes.

Petyr Baelish could barely contain his growl of approval, while Tywin Lannister frowned. Loki was still standing, even though Gregor Clegane had just hacked him across the chest. Gregor was going to finish him, when Loki balled his hands into fists, and suddenly an ice wave covered everything in the room. The Mountain was knocked back, and Loki raised his crimson eyes to look at Tywin Lannister and Petyr Baelish. Both men gasped, and other Lannister soldiers pointed their weapons at him. His once pale skin was now blue, and the Jotun designs were now visible. "What are you?" Tywin asked. Loki breathed in deep, despite the injury to his side. He straightened up as best he could, determined not to be stooping.

"I am a Frost Giant!" With that, he disappeared in another cold blast, and only a freezing cold Gregor Clegane remained.

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