Chapter 9 - On the Great Road

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Loki soon found out that King Robert Baratheon had asked Lord Eddard to be his Hand. A position that was the second highest in Westeros apparently. That was the main reason for this trip. Lord Eddard said yes, and Loki was pleased to hear that Sansa and Arya would be coming to Kings Landing with them. Loki still had to see the capital city of this realm. It would not be as magnificent as Asgard (obviously), but it should be great enough for a mortal king. Loki would definitely judge the structure, and wondered what other surprises would be in store.

Loki was saddling his own horse on the day they were departing for Kings Landing. He tightened the girth and adjusted the stirrups for his height. He heard the sound of somebody approaching him from behind, and Loki straightened up. "What could the sells-sword do for you today?" Loki asked, turning around, seeing the young man standing behind him. "Robb Stark."

"My sisters are going down with my father to Kings Landing," Robb said steadily, remaining business like in his tone. Loki nodded his head.

"I now have a firm grasp of the obvious,"Loki commented as he slung his saddle bags over the back of his horse. Robb Stark frowned at this, and Loki had to smirk. "Clearly there was something you wanted, so you might as well spit it out."

Robb Stark straightened up, and his lips quivered slightly as he said, "For some unknown reason, Arya trusts you. Sansa also seems to like you. Therefore, I expect you to behave honorably towards them." Loki raised his eyebrow slightly, and glanced over his shoulder at Robb.

"If I was anything but honorable to them, then may your Seven strike me down," Loki told him.

"My Seven? You don't believe in them?" Robb Stark asked. Loki smirked. Their seven gods, were in fact seven Vanir, who failed to return to the Nine Realms prior to this realm's separation. No, they were not his Seven anymore. Loki shook his head, and Robb Stark's eyebrow went up.

"No. They don't hold sway over me," Loki told him. Robb Stark's expression said it all. Loki had just committed blasphemy against his gods. But, Loki was not going to stand there and argue about it with him. He gave Robb his biggest, most mischievous grin, and swung into the saddle. Turning his horse's head, he trotted off towards the front. At the head of the column, he met Robert Baratheon, and Eddard Stark.

"Ned, I want you to know that I trust this young man with my life. That means, I want you two to get along," Robert Baratheon told the Warden of the North. Ned looked at Loki and Loki tilted his head in acknowledgement.

"After so short an acquaintance," Ned said, pointing out the obvious. Loki chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. He muttered something in ancient Norse, and both men raised their eyebrows upon hearing it. He turned to look at them, and smirked.

"Just one of many languages I know." With that, he turned his horse around, and rode back down the line. When he passed Jaime Lannister, Loki waved and grinned. Jaime Lannister glared at him and Loki thought, That makes my whole day! That was when he arrived where Sansa and Arya were being driven with their septa in a wagon. Loki redirected his horse, and rode next to them. "Ladies, I hope you are doing well on this fine and beautiful day?" Septa Mordane glared at Loki, while Arya giggled. Sansa just blushed. Loki admired how the pink bloomed on her cheeks, and down her graceful neck. Wait? Graceful? Loki shook his head and glanced back at Arya, the only person who seemed to want to talk to him.

"Bumpy. This wagon is bumpy, and I'd much rather climb on a horse beside you," Arya told him.

"Arya!" Septa Mordane said.

"Relax, Mother Superior! A girl can dream," Loki told her. Septa Mordane began to stutter, but Sansa put her hand over hers.

"It's alright, septa. The sells-sword does this to make people angry. You just have to rise above him," Sansa said, as she soothed her.

"Easier said than done," Septa Mordane commented dryly as she shot Loki another glare. Loki's eyebrows wiggled as he glanced back at Arya.

"Can you take me for a ride?" Arya whispered to him. Loki could see the glint in her eye that he knew he had as a small boy (hell, he still had it). She was just craving some fun.

"Later. When we've stopped for a while, and your nurse is no longer paying attention." Arya smiled brightly, and nodded conspiratorially. Loki turned and looked at Sansa. She raised her blue eyes to look back at him, and he gave her a slightly bow. With that, he reeled his horse around, and galloped towards the rear. Sansa found herself looking back at him, watching his long black hair fly in the wind.

He's so handsome, she thought to herself. A second later, Sansa shook her head, and looked away. No. She was going to marry Joffrey and become his queen. She was not going to be interested in Loki. However, Sansa still glanced back at him.

Loki sat on the branch of a tree overhanging a river that was near their campsite that night. The sound of soldiers and horses filled the air, but he ignored them. He also chose to ignore the drunken buffoonery of the men, and of their king. Pulling Frigga's journal out of the Nether Realm, Loki opened it. Brushing a gentle wrinkle out of the page, he continued his reading.

Loki, you have wandered this life alone. You play the rogue and pretend like normal people can't touch your heart. However, at this moment, you are coming to feel love for the Stark children. You would risk your own standing and good will with King Robert Baratheon to defend them against the onslaught of those who would do them evil. Just know this: a good deed never goes unpunished.

Loki closed the book and sighed, looking up at the moon. "That's what scares me," he commented. Loki jumped down from the tree, and began to walk back to his tent. As he passed one tent, the light from within, revealed Sansa Stark praying before her bed. Loki stopped outside, and his breath caught in throat. The light cast out by her lantern showed him everything. He could see her lips moving, and her long hair flowing down her back. Loki gasped. How could something as simple as a girl praying to her gods, stop his heart beating? So simple, and yet so beautiful.

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