Chapter 125 - In the Godswood

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Loki was summoned to the Stark tent not long after everyone had retired. He was curious to see how Robb took the news of Sansa's condition. Of course, he was not worried about explaining himself or holding his own against the Young Wolf. When he pushed the flap of the tent aside, he saw Sansa sitting between Ygritte and Talisa. She was holding young Eddard, and smiling and cooing. Loki's eyes sidled over and saw Robb and Jon standing beside the table. He walked over and nodded his head to them in slight obeisance. "Sansa has told me of her condition and of your feelings for each other," Robb said coolly and Loki's lips twitched. "When were you planning on speaking to me about it?"

"When you could clear your busy schedule," Loki sarcastically responded. Robb sighed and Jon Snow put his glass down rather hard on the table. This made the women look up and Ygritte tutted.

"No fighting now! We're all peaceful folk here," she teased and Sansa and Talisa smiled. Jon shot his lover a look, and she wrinkled her nose in return.

"But you meant to do the honorable thing by Sansa?" Robb queried. Loki looked like he was about to get angry, and that was when Jon put his hand between them.

"I believe we can take that as an affirmation, Robb," he said. Loki came down and nodded his head firmly.

"I always meant to do the honorable thing by your sister. I love her absolutely. If you would give us your blessing, I would wed her this evening," Loki said with a hint of irritation. Robb looked to where Sansa was sitting, after having just passed Eddard off to Ygritte.

"Sansa," Robb said, waving to her. Sansa's brows furrowed together and she approached them.

"Wave me over like a servant again, and you won't get your hand back," Sansa commented stiffly and Jon had to chuckle dryly. Robb's eyes widened for a second before they returned to their natural size.

"And how would you do that?" he queried in amusement. He hardly saw Sansa withdraw a knife that had been strapped to her forearm. She flicked it quickly so they saw it, and returned it to its sheath.

"By the Stranger!" Jon exclaimed and Robb looked back at Loki. The god was grinning, mentally patting himself on the back for teaching Sansa how to stand her ground.

"Well, I am pleased that you no longer need to worry for you as I once did," Robb answered before he glanced back at Loki. "And I am more than happy to call you my brother by marriage." Robb took Sansa's hand and joined it with Loki's. "I will get Daenerys Targaryen and a septon and we will meet in the godswood."

Sansa adjusted the white veil she was wearing, while Talisa made sure a rope of pears was attached around her forehead and held the veil in place. Ygritte just watched with a raised eyebrow and confused look on her face. "Why do you get so dressed up for a simple meeting when he's just going to undress you the moment you're in your bedroom?" Ygritte queried. Talisa shot the Wildling a look and Sansa could feel a heat creeping up her neck.

"Hush, Ygritte! It's what they do here in the south. And as a custom, Robb has requested that they follow it. This whole affair is very hush hush, but it is the orders of my husband and the future Queen of Westeros that have made it so. At least for now," Talisa said, gently running her fingers over Sansa's stomach. Sansa smiled at Talisa. She did like her sister by marriage; and as a healer, she could be trusted to turn to for advice. She was also becoming fond of Ygritte for her bluntness and courage. The two women would be good friends to her in the years of peace that were sure to follow the siege of Kings Landing.

"Are you ready, sister?" asked Robb's voice from outside the tent.

"In a moment, my darling," Talisa called quietly back. Sansa was quick to take the silvery-grey cloak and place it over her shoulders. Talisa was quick to strap it together and gave her shoulder a friendly squeeze. Ygritte opened the flap of the tent and Sansa stepped out and took Robb's offered arm. Talisa and Ygritte were quick to go to the godswood by a separate route with Jon Snow escorting them. Robb winked at her and began to walk her through the camp. A few soldiers, mostly Unsullied, noticed and bowed to them. The men of Westeros who did see, all gave Sansa the seven blessings and wished her luck. Sansa thanked them and was grateful for their kindness. Most of them had been men of the North, and she was glad for their loyalty. However, she was happy when they reached the edge of the camp and entered the godswood. A few torches hung from the trees, and the salt air from Blackwater Bay still reached them there. Sansa felt a wave of happiness overcome her when she saw Loki standing under a great oak, waiting for her. Daenerys was present, along with Tyrion. She also caught of Jon Snow, Ygritte, and Talisa as they arrived. A septon had been brought from a town not far from the city. Loki turned and stepped forward as Robb approached with his sister.

"Who approaches the gods tree?" the septon asked.

"Robb, son of Eddard of House Stark," the Warden of Winterfell stated.

"Who do you bring?" the septon posed.

"Sansa, daughter of Catelyn of House Stark," Robb said and Sansa felt a flutter in her bosom. "Who receives her?"

"Loki of House Frostborn," Loki said, dispensing with the formality of naming a sire. Robb nodded before he handed Sansa over to Loki. Loki brought her under the tree and they began to small ceremony. Sansa and Loki listened to the septon drone on about all the gods watching them and expecting them to be faithful to each other. Sansa saw Loki's lips twitch at certain times and knew that he was amused.

"What has been bound today," the septon said as he draped a silk cloth over their joined hands, "let no man put asunder. Say your vows." Loki took Sansa's hand and placed it over his heart.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Crone, Stranger; I am yours, and you are mine from this day until the end of my days," both Loki and Sansa said in unison.

"And now, I want to introduce a custom for marriage that comes from my world," Loki said and he suddenly produced a golden band with an emerald stone. It was designed to look like vines clinging to the green gem. He slipped it on Sansa's finger, before handing another golden band to her. Sansa took his hand and put it on his finger. "With these bands, Yggdrasil has bound our souls as one. My life is yours and yours is mine; entwined like the vines on a tree. Let us plant roots and grow," Loki told her. Sansa then took his hand and placed it over her heart.

"And, I will add my sentiment to that," she said in a whisper. He smiled. "Loki Frostborn, I pledge my love, my devotion, my body, and my issue to you. I will devote my whole being to you. The children of this match are ours to raise and cherish." The other Westerosi listened to this with interest and watched as the emerald on Sansa's ring glowed. Loki gently placed his hand on the back of Sansa's neck and coaxed her to come to him. Sansa and Loki kissed tenderly and when they parted, they rested their foreheads together.

"Before gods and men, you are husband and wife," the septon said and he stepped back. Robb embraced them both, giving them his blessing as the head of his house. Everyone else also gave them their best wishes but saw how anxious they were to return to their tent. Finally, Daenerys, Talisa, and Ygritte all told the men to leave them alone and Loki was swift to take Sansa back. Once again, they ran into soldiers and Unsullied and there were some cheers and offers of alcohol. Sansa was about to accept, but Loki stopped her.

"Where I come from, pregnant women don't drink," he whispered as he brought her into his tent.

"What? For the entire pregnancy?" Sansa asked in disbelief as Loki started to undress her. Loki nodded and smiled, but assuaged her with another kiss.

"Don't worry. It'll pass in a flash," Loki assured as he brought her to his bed, his wife at last.

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