Chapter 49 - Evil Dreams

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Sansa and Loki did not really talk to each other for the rest of that day. Sansa heard a knock on her door, and when she opened it, she saw her dinner on a tray: a leg of roast pheasant, a piece of berry pie, and potatoes decoratively prepared in spices. Sansa looked down the hallway, but did not see Loki in the shadows that were cast by the rising moon. Taking her supper inside, Sansa ate it on her bed. When she was done, Sansa put the tray on her stand, and finished preparing herself for sleep. Putting her candle out, Sansa lay down and pulled the covers up to her neck. Alfie snuggled next to her, and Sansa felt safe. At least until her dreams claimed her.

Sansa could feel the heat of the man's breath on her skin. She could only see his face, leering at her out of the darkness. She screamed for help, anybody. Nobody came. Not even Loki. Sansa hit the man on the chest, pounding him as hard as she could. He slapped her hard, and Sansa could taste blood in her mouth. He gripped her small clothes, and pulled them down. Sansa tried to crawl away, but suddenly, her hands were restrained. The man pushed himself between her legs, and Sansa could feel great pressure between her thighs, followed by pain, and wetness. Sansa screamed out wildly as the man plunged himself inside of her again and again. "Loki!"

Sansa sat up in bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Sansa glanced around, and saw that Alfie had disappeared from her bed. Sansa could still feel something wet between her legs, and she pushed the covers down, and pulled her nightgown up. The mattress and her inner thighs were stained red with blood. Sansa sobbed out in fear, and she scrambled out of her bed. Darting to the washroom, she began to fill the tub. Sansa ripped her gown off, and began to scrub the blood from her body. But more kept coming. Sansa cried violently, her delicate frame shaken by the sobs. "Sansa?" asked a voice, and Sansa spun around, her arms covering her breasts. "Oh!" Loki said as he turned around, and shielded his eyes. "I'm sorry. I just heard you crying."

"I'm bleeding!" Sansa wept, and she held her robe in front of her. Loki nodded, and turned around slowly. Seeing that she was more or less concealed, Loki slowly approached her.

"It's natural, Sansa. It means that you've flowered," he told her soothingly.

"I know that! I just had a nightmare that that man defiled me, and that's when I woke up and found this," Sansa said. Loki's eyebrow went up, and he stepped around her. Putting some soap in the water, he waved his hand and created bubbles.

"Climb in," he told her, as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. Sansa paused, wondering what he was going to do. But, she did as she was told, and dropped the robe. Loki turned his back on her as she climbed into the water. It almost immediately turned pink from her blood. She shivered despite its warmth, and wrapped her arms around herself. Loki knelt down on the ground beside her, and turned the water back on. Then, he reached down and pulled the drain cover out. The blood filled water was traded for fresh water, but Sansa was still concealed by the bubbles. He took a rag and looked into Sansa's blue eyes. "I'm going to touch you now," he told her quietly. Sansa nodded. Giving her a slight smile, Loki reached into the water, and began to rub her inner thighs with the rag. Sansa gripped the sides of the tub as he wiped the blood from her skin. Loki glanced up at her at one point, and Sansa's eyes were closed, and her mouth was moving slightly. His green eyes shifted back to what he was doing, staring at the bubbles that obscured her legs from him.

When he was done, Loki hung the rag off the side of the marble bath. Looking at Sansa again, he reached back in and massaged her ankles. Sansa looked at him as she slowly relaxed into the water. She had no idea that Loki was using his magic to heal the bruising she had received to her ankles. Loki's hands moved up to her knees a moment later, and Sansa closed her eyes, a moan of pleasure escaping her mouth. Loki smiled slightly. When he was finished with that, he took her wrists. Sansa opened her eyes again, and watched as Loki pulled her hands from beneath the surface of the water and bubbles. Loki sat on the edge of the tub to give himself a better position, and he gently stroked her wrists, hands, and fingers. Sansa found herself mesmerized by the simple movements he was making. He rubbed circles into the palms of her hands, and turned them over to massage the opposite side. When he was done, he put her hands together, like she was praying. Sansa looked back up at him, and she saw that he was already looking back at her. Sansa leaned forward in the water, and started to stand up, but Loki's cool hand on her bare shoulder stopped her. He gave her a soft smile, and stooped down to her level. His lips touched her forehead in a gentle kiss. "Good night, Lady Sansa," he told her. Sansa opened her mouth to say something nice to him, but Loki was already retreating. The water dripped from his fingertips, and onto the stone floor. The door closed behind him, leaving Sansa alone in the washroom. For some reason, Sansa felt cold without him being there. She shivered and stood up, the bubbles still clinging to her skin. She took hold of her dressing gown, and used that to shield herself as she returned to her room.

Upon entering, she stopped and gasped. The previously bloody mattress was gone, replaced by a fresh one. A new nightgown was lying on the coverlets, all white and immaculate. Sansa heard a meow, and saw Alfie approach her. The kitten rubbed its head against her ankles, and that was when Sansa saw the bruising from earlier had vanished. She smiled, knowing now what Loki had been doing to her in the bathtub. Sansa tossed her robe to the side, and put on the dressing gown. She also noticed a thicker pair of small clothes were there for her to wear. She slipped those on as well, and the eldest Stark daughter crawled back into bed. Pulling the covers up, and cuddling Alfie close, Sansa sighed. "Thank you, Loki Laufeyson," Sansa whispered to the darkness.

In his chamber, a few rooms down from hers, Loki opened his eyes. He sat up in his bed, and looked down at his hands. They had turned blue, and he could see the fine designs etched there. Loki looked around, wondering what could have caused it, his heart fluttering in his chest. That was when he heard the words of Frigga echoing in his head: The one who can see through your lies, and will love the 'monster' in you; is the woman who is destined to be tied to you. Loki balled his hands into fists, and his pale skin returned. Falling back on the mattress, he looked up at the ceiling. The rays of the moon could be seen reflecting off something, and casting a silver glow above his head. As he stared at the stone roof, his imagination conjured up an image of Sansa Stark's face, and she was smiling at him. Loki had to smile slightly, if only to himself. "You're welcome, Sansa Stark."

Loki: Game of ThronesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora