Chapter 104 - Sansa's Continuing Education

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Sansa had not been very surprised when they got back to the portis satis tuto, and Loki immediately left for some important business or other. He had kissed her and said he would return, but after her conversation with Daenerys, Sansa was eager to reconcile with him. As she pottered about, trying to find something to do, Sansa remembered that Loki had told her about a book that was completely devoted to the many ways to make love. Sansa felt a slight heat fill her cheeks and she knew the tips of her ears were red as she made her way to the library. What harm would it do her to read it? Surely she and Loki had already committed the gravest sin by copulating. Sansa pushed the high oak doors of the library open and was greeted by a meow as Alfie appeared from behind a shelf of books. "Good morning, Alfie. How were you while we were away?" Sansa asked. The cat meowed again before he sprang up at her and Sansa caught him. She scratched behind his ear and began her search. "Now... if I were sex book, where would I be hiding?" Sansa mumbled as she examined every book carefully. Alfie nuzzled her neck, his whiskers tickling her skin, but Sansa allowed him.

Finally, it had been almost two hours and Sansa's patience was almost gone. If she did not find that book soon, she was going to implode. Suddenly, Alfie wiggled from his position in her arms and jumped up. Sansa was startled but tried to catch him. Alfie landed on one of the book shelves, almost lost his balance, but scrambled up and pushed several books to the floor. Sansa growled in frustration as she began to pick the books up. If there was one thing Loki could not stand, it was a disorganized library, and any damage that befell his books was akin to sacrilege. "Sometimes, Alfie, I think you're more trouble than you're... worth..." Sansa's sentence trailed off as she picked up a very colorful book that was at the bottom of the pile. She opened it and saw the vibrant pictures and that was when she knew this was the book Loki had been talking about. What was it called? Sansa closed it and looked at the cover. It had been translated and she read the title out loud. "The Kama Sutra." She made a face. She had heard of the book while she was studying Midgard and its history. The Kama Sutra was a collection of mostly pictures that depicted the varying ways to make love. The translated portion described the best methods to use and how both the male and female could achieve sexual release. Sansa had never known her face could get so hot; she probably rivaled Daenerys Targeryn in her dragon claims.

Sansa thought she and Loki had done it all, but apparently, they had not even scratched the surface. Sansa went to the window seat and made herself comfortable. Satisfied that he had done his due diligence, Alfie climbed onto the window seat and curled up beside Sansa. The Stark stroked the cat as she began to peruse the work. She found a picture of what she and Loki had been doing previously: the missionary position. A few pages away, Sansa found the position Loki had wanted to try, with her riding him instead. Sansa could see how that would please the both of them: she was in control while he could just lay back and enjoy the show. Sansa flipped through the pages, each new page revealing a different enigma she knew she would have to unravel. Sansa came to one page where it showed two lovers pleasuring each other simultaneously with their mouths. She almost snapped the book closed, but pushed all her prudish thoughts aside. She loved Loki and she knew that a healthy relationship always started inside the bedroom and worked out from there. Loki wanted a fresh perspective in the bedroom, and Sansa was going to swallow any shame and inhibitions she had left and give him what he wanted. Of course, she was going to get some pleasure out of it as well. Sansa continued reading, the book drawing her in and keeping her there for the remainder of the day.

Loki returned to the portis satis tuto that night, a bounce in his step and a smile on his face. The little Lannister was dead! Joffrey had died in the fashion that befitted one as low as he. Of course, Loki knew his next step was getting Tyrion out of the prisons and setting him on a certain path, but he knew that would not be hard at all. Loki cracked his knuckles one by one before he realized that Sansa had not come out to greet him. He looked down the hall but did not see a light in the dining room. "Sansa! Are you here?" he called. If she was not, Loki actually was not going to worry. She had learned enough from him to operate safely in the streets of any city. When no answer was forth coming, Loki hummed and approached their bedroom so he might get out of his day clothes. Loki opened the door and was surprised when he was greeted by a room dimly lit by candles. He glanced down and saw several flower petals scattered on the floor, and he could smell a sweet scent from the incense burners.

Loki looked up and saw Sansa standing beside the bed. Her body was covered in a soft, green and slightly see-through robe. Her red hair was flowing down her back, and she was wearing the necklace Loki had given her for her name day. She was standing before a particular burner that had not been lit yet. Two cups of wine were there, along with grapes, cheese, and a new type of garlic bread Sansa had developed. She had prepared all of this for him. Loki closed the door behind him, completely aware that he had basically shut it in Alfie's face. "What is all this?" Loki asked as she slowly walked towards her. Sansa also took a step towards him, closing the gap between them. When they were standing in front of each other, Sansa took his one hand in hers and slowly traced the lines and scars he bore.

"This is me coming to a realization," she said as her hands meticulously moved up his arm and removed his vambrace. Once it was free, she let it fall to ground without giving it a second thought. She did the same for the second one. "You and I... are lovers. We are more than lovers, we are soulmates. And as such, we must give all of ourselves to the other." Sansa undid the straps that held his shoulder guards and removed them. Loki watched her curiously as she worked, and she had his full attention. "You have given me everything: your life, protection, love... I have fallen short of the mark."

"Sansa, you are still new at this-" Loki started to say before Sansa's finger pressed his lip and silenced him.

"I have not given you everything," Sansa informed him. She pushed the leather outer covering off his shoulders before she began to unlace the top of his shirt. She pushed it open and her hand traced the scar across his chest. Loki watched her as she studied it in the faint light. Sansa suddenly leaned forward and bit the tender skin of the wound from the Kursed. Loki growled in appreciation as it sent tingles through his body. Sansa immediately soothed it by licking it, making a trail up his chest, neck, until she reached his ear. She pulled his shirt apart, tearing it as she sucked on his earlobe. Loki wrapped his arms around her and drew her in close. Her leg immediately rose till she wrapped her long limb around his waist, making their pelvis' connect. She was not wearing any under clothes, and they could feel each others desire. When Sansa was done marking Loki's ear, she pulled away and looked up into his eyes. "I must give you my all, and tonight, Loki Laufeyson, you receive it." Loki made the rest of his clothes disappear before he yanked the laces of her robe apart. She was exposed to him and Loki believed he was really seeing her for the first time. Loki took one of her breasts into his mouth and let his tongue work its magic. Sansa carded her fingers through his hair and leaned back, giving him easier access.

Loki finally picked her up and placed her on the bed. He removed the remainder of the robe, tossing it aside like it was refuse he could not be bothered with. Sansa gripped him by his throat and stopped Loki, making him raise his eyebrow. "What is this?" he queried.

"Me taking charge," Sansa told him. Sansa switched their positions and took Loki's arms, pinning them over his head. He smirked at her. He had never allowed any woman to make him take the submissive position like that ever. All his previous liaisons, the women were beneath him. Not because he loved them any less; but because he had wanted to give them pleasure (and partially because he wanted to be in control of the pace and tempo). With Sansa, he trusted her completely and knew she would take what she wanted and give as good as she took. He was brought back to the present by Sansa carefully positioning herself above him. She released his hands, allowing her own to trail down his body. Loki observed her closely; he caught every single flicker of emotions that went across Sansa's face as she slowly took him in. When she was finally completely down, she leaned forward and rested herself on her elbows, her mouth a few inches from his. She was breathing heavily before she looked at him and smiled. "This is exhausting." Loki snickered as he lowered his hands, placing both of them on her hips and tilting his up. This movement caused Sansa to gasp as he went deep.

"Don't worry. You've just got to work on your stamina. You are only human, after all," Loki gently reminded her. Sansa frowned at his insinuation and rolled her hips, eliciting a gasp from the both of them.

"Only human? We shall see about that, Loki Laufeyson."

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