Chapter 107 - Spears Clash

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Oberyn Martell twirled his spear in his hand and smirked at Ellaria Sand as she sat lounging on her cushions. She was nursing a cup of wine and fanning herself lightly. The Dorne heat was at its peak and even though they were under shaded canopies, they were still being scorched. Ellaria glanced over at Myrcella as she sat with Trystane. She was wearing a loose, Dornish costume that exposed her stomach and back. Trystane was feeding her grapes and slices of pomegranate, and they were giggling like the young lovers they were. "Did he give you a specific date?" Ellaria asked. Oberyn shook his head before he kissed his daughters on the cheek and sent them to sit with their mother.

"He has never said when, but I will come here every day until he shows to challenge me," Oberyn said. After the death of Joffrey and the phony trial of Tyrion, Oberyn had made a hasty retreat with his lover back to Dorne. They had no desire to linger and see just how mad Cersei would become. Oberyn had to admit, however, that he had enjoyed Loki's performance in the courtroom before Tywin, and had to restrain himself at the end. He had wanted to applaud the God of Mischief for making both Tywin and Cersei kneel before him. Now, he just wanted to fight and banter with the deity.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long," said a voice and they turned. Loki was standing at the other end of the training arena, wearing black pants and a green sleeveless tunic. He appeared to be unarmed, but Oberyn knew better than to assume that. He also saw that Sansa was behind him. She was wearing a dress of the southern style: a slit skirt, and midriff top. Both the skirt and the top were forest green with black and gold accents. Her hair was done up, and they all could see she had light makeup on her face. Myrcella smiled at Sansa and nodded her head. Sansa returned the gesture, as she bore no ill will towards the other children of Cersei. In all her dealings with Myrcella, the girl had been polite and gentle. There were free cushions off to the side and Sansa sat herself down. She leaned back against her pillows, propping her head up with her hand and casually crossing her legs at the knee.

"So you have finally accepted my challenge?" Oberyn asked and Loki nodded. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured up a spear and spun it across his shoulders. Oberyn grinned and swung his spear wide. Loki ducked and brought his spear up, meaning to smash Oberyn's nose across the shaft. The Prince of Dorne tilted his head back just far enough to avoid being smacked across the chops. He pivoted on his foot and swung the spear around, meaning to hit Loki in the side. Loki shifted his stance and trapped the spear to his side with his elbow. Loki turned hard and pulled the spear out of Oberyn's grasp. Oberyn was quick to take hold of Loki's and it was a battle of strength. Of course, Loki knew he could win easy enough, but, Loki wanted to see how far the mortal would go. Oberyn gave a dramatic push before he kicked Loki's knee. Loki went down slightly, but he allowed the change of position to flip Oberyn over his head. Oberyn landed flat on his back, his head smacking off the training ground floor. When his eyesight cleared, he found himself staring up a pair of shapely pale legs. Sansa raised her eyebrow at him, her lips puckered in disapproval. "You are truly beautiful from every angle, my lady," Oberyn complimented. Sansa's lips curled up slightly, but she did not have to retort as Loki grabbed hold of Oberyn and put him into a choke hold. "I thought this was practice?" Oberyn reminded and Loki snickered.

"It was, until you looked up my lady's skirts," Loki whispered. He eventually let Oberyn up when he tapped.

"So much for this being a spear match," Ellaria Sand said dryly as she sucked the juice of a pear from her fingers.

"I never believe in making a match about one weapon. Diversify and expand. I wouldn't necessarily call that my motto, but it's a saying I believe in," Loki responded coolly. He walked over to where Sansa was, sat down beside her, and allowed her to feed him a slice of orange. Ellaria Sand eyed them for an instant, seeing how they treated one another. The last time Ellaria Sand had seen them together was at Myrcella and Trystane's wedding, and they had been close, but now, all physical barriers had been dropped. Ellaria Sand made way for her lover and wrapped her arms around him.

"They've been joined since we last saw them. They are no longer shy about their affections," Ellaria whispered. Oberyn Martell nodded his head in agreement.

"Loki," Myrcella called and Loki glanced over at her. "I have news to give you, and I wanted to tell you before Trystane and I announced it to the court." Loki smiled at his ward, already knowing what she was going to say, but he wanted to hear her say it. "I am with Trystane's child." Sansa looked up at Loki and saw the bright expression on his face. He was clearly happy for her and he rose and approached her. Loki gathered Myrcella into his arms and lightly kissed her forehead.

"My felicitations, child. To you and your husband. An infant! What wonderful news!" Loki said. Myrcella brightened at having Loki congratulate her and she wrapped her arms around him. Sansa felt just a twinge of jealousy, but she remembered that Loki's love was solely for her. He was simply happy that a girl he had taken a liking to, was going to be receiving one of the greatest gifts a woman could have in her lifetime. Sansa smiled and allowed Myrcella to hug her as well.

"I hope that you soon share the same joy with Loki," Myrcella whispered in Sansa's ear. Sansa stiffened slightly at her mentioning this. Sansa cast a sideways glance at Loki. He was leaning across his cushions to speak to Trystane, maybe possible giving him parental advice. Sansa felt a little heat fill her cheeks as she thought of presenting Loki with a little black haired, green eyed baby. Sansa bit her lip and she smiled at that thought. She gave him a sneaky sideways look and giggled lightly. Of course, Sansa knew that giving Loki children right now was not in the cards for them. Loki used that spell he had mentioned before to keep her from conceiving. Sansa had made sure that it would not affect her abilities to have children with him later, and Loki had assured her it would not harm her capacities to conceive. That had been a load off Sansa's mind, but she knew they could not be parents yet. Loki had already told her that he would ask for her hand in marriage from her brother. He would say yes (because he owed him so much, Loki teased), Loki would wed her, and then they would have children.

"Sansa?" asked a voice and she glanced up quickly, seeing Loki looking at her with an amused expression on his face. "Thinking about Myrcella's well wish?" Sansa nodded before she gripped Loki's hand, lacing her fingers in his.

"I want us to have that someday, I'm..." Sansa started to say before Loki pressed a finger to her lips.

"You're not ready, and I'm not ready. Trust me, being a parent is not the faint of heart. When we're ready (and married with your brother's permission), then we'll have children. You don't have to worry about it till then," Loki assuaged. Sansa nodded her head, but could not stop herself from glancing at Myrcella and Trystane and wishing their happiness was hers. But, Loki was right. If he returned her to her family already carrying a child, her honor would be sullied and Loki would be held in contempt for siring a bastard with the daughter of a dignified house. That was something they could not afford. Loki could sweet talk his way out of it, but was he powerful enough to change opinions? Sansa did not want to think Loki's power had limits, but she was not stupid.

"Another round?" Oberyn suddenly called from his couch. Loki huffed and fell back, allowing Sansa to run her fingers through his hair. She massaged his temples before Loki finally nodded.

"Alright. Do you want to attempt spears again, or do you want to try something new?" Loki asked. Oberyn grinned as he held his hand out and one of his daughters gave him a whip. Loki hummed and cracked his neck slightly. "S&M? Okay," he commented slightly, and Sansa kicked his leg. He winced but was quick to duck when the whip cracked over his head. Loki waited until he flicked the whip again, and his hand went up and he caught it. He was quick to coil it around his wrist and pull. Oberyn came flying towards him and all Loki had to do was close line him.

Loki: Game of Thronesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें