Chapter 8 - Saving Bran

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The next morning, Loki heard that King Robert Baratheon, and Lord Eddard Stark were going hunting with several squires and few other nobles. He was offered the opportunity to go, but he refused. "All that feasting last night has given me a dreadful headache," Loki lied, and it was left at that. Of course, he was out and about the moment they left. The stable boys avoided him as he walked about, with his hands in his pockets, and a mischievous grin on his face. Soon, his feet took him just outside the walls, along the rim. Loki realized the quiet was a perfect time for him to read some more of his mother's journal. Sitting around one corner of the wall, he pulled it out of the Nether Realm and began to read.

The children of the Stark family are all destined for something great. Robb Stark is the eldest, and the heir of Winterfell. He is rather impetuous, but he is an excellent strategist and motivator. You will see how he will come in handy later on in your journeys. Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard Stark, whom he brought back with him from the war. Do not underestimate Jon's abilities as a leader as well. He is fiercely loyal to his brother, and would do anything to help him. Anything. Sansa is the first daughter of Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn. She is the naive child, dreaming of a perfect marriage to a dashing knight. You will have to show her the real world. But, be gentle. You already know the three younger ones well enough. Arya Stark is the feisty masculine girl of the family (every family has one). If she lived with us on Asgard, she could follow in Lady Sif's footsteps.

Loki closed the book for a minute, and thought that over. "Hopefully not in the 'I hate Loki' department. I rather like Arya," Loki said to himself, before he went back to the journal.

As long as you don't do something like when you cut Sif's hair, Arya Stark won't hate you.

Loki's head snapped up at this. Frigga had never been this sarcastic in life. "I guess death changes things," Loki commented. Right before a pebble fell from above, and landed on his head. Loki turned and looked up. "What the hell?" he asked as he saw that Bran was climbing overhead. Well, not climbing anymore. He seemed perched in a window above his head, but Loki saw him get pulled in slightly. Putting the journal in the Nether Realm, Loki stood up. He frowned, and guessed that Bran had been climbing and stumbled upon an occupied room. Loki shrugged, figuring Bran was fine and did not want to be disturbed. Putting his hands in his pockets, Loki began to walk away. He was going to find another private place to read his journal. Loki was about ten yards away, when he heard a dull thud. That was too heavy to be a pebble. Loki spun around, and saw Bran lying on the ground. "Bran!" Loki called, darting for him. Landing on his knees beside the boy, he listened for his breathing and heartbeat. "Thank the Norns!" Loki said when he felt it. "Bran! Bran! Can you hear me?!" Loki called, but the boy did not move. Glancing up, Loki found himself face to face with Bran's direwolf. The little pup blinked at him, before looking at its master. It licked Bran's face, but the young Stark did not respond. "He's injured. I'll take him back once I assess the damage," Loki told the wolf. Loki smirked after he realized he had spoken to the animal. It was because he was thinking of his own son, trapped in wolf form. Returning to the task at hand, Loki began to feel all over Bran to find the source of the problem. Finally, he was able to assess that Bran's spine was injured. "I can save him!" Loki said. Picking the boy up carefully, he carried him back inside the castle grounds.

Once in the courtyard, the servants called for Lady Catelyn at once. She emerged from the castle, followed by Sansa. "What have you done?!" she screamed at Loki. He frowned at her darkly.

"I found him when he fell. If you leave me alone, I can help him!" Loki snapped in her face. Catelyn would have continued, if Sansa had not caught her arm.

"Mother! If he says he can help Bran, let him!" she begged. Catelyn looked at her daughter, before glancing back at Loki.

"So, Ser Sells-sword is now a physician?" she asked, but she let him by. Loki took him to a room, and shut the door in the grand maester's face.

"I work better alone!" he said when he wanted an explanation. Loki placed Bran on his stomach so that he might better examine the break in his spine. Cutting through his clothes, Loki found it. Right at the base, near his tailbone. It would only affect Bran from the waist down. If Loki did nothing. Loki was terrible at doing nothing, unless it suited him. But, this boy was an innocent, and Loki could not bear to see him suffer. Loki's fingers lightly touched where the spine was severed. Closing his eyes, and concentrating his magic, he began to heal it. Loki could feel his own energy depleting temporarily. Loki shook his head, refusing to be distracted during this important task. His green magic flowed into Bran's body, and soon, the spine was repaired. Loki sagged against the bed, his elbows resting on the edge of the mattress, and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. When he raised his eyes, Bran was stirring, and his breathing was more audible. "Bran! Wake up! Open those eyes, boy!" Loki ordered, placing his hand on Bran's shoulder, and shaking him. Bran opened his eyes as Loki requested, and Loki saw that they were green for a moment, before they went back to being brown.

"Loki? What is going on? What happened?" Bran asked. Loki raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to one side.

"You don't remember how you fell?" Loki queried in return. Bran looked confused.

"Fell? I was climbing up the tower like I normally do. I never fall," Bran told Loki. Loki knew that Bran was telling the truth about not knowing, and about never falling. That could only mean one thing: amnesia.

"So... you must have been pushed," Loki told him, sitting next to him on the mattress. "What did you see?" Bran shook his head again, and his brow furrowed as he noticed the sweat that was sliding down Loki's one cheek.

"Did you just exert yourself?" Loki's hand went up and felt the perspiration there. Loki smiled slightly, and simply hugged Bran.

"I did, Bran. I just did."

Lord Eddard was relieved when Grand Maester Luwin informed him and his wife that Bran was perfectly fine when he returned from his hunt, and found out. Other than not remembering why he 'fell'. When Luwin asked him to walk, Bran was able to move about like he did before. "It is not possible that a person should survive a fall like that without losing the ability of one's legs. But, your son has done it," Maester Luwin told them. Lord Eddard simply kissed his son, and thanked the Seven that he was in one piece. Loki, on the other hand, thanked himself, and focused on finding out what had really transpired in that tower. He went up to investigate the next day after breakfast. Searching around, he found a few strands of hair. Golden hair. One long and wavy, and the other short and straight. Loki closed his hand around them and smirked. Only two people he knew had hair like that.

"Oh! The Lannister twins will hate me all the more!" Loki told himself as he left he abandoned tower.

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