Chapter 105 - Loki, Attorney at Law

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Tyrion believed that he was abandoned by gods and men. He was accused of a crime he did not commit, and was locked away, pending his trial before the high lords of the land. He knew his father would be presiding as the Hand of the King, but he was not sure who else would be there. His sister would push and push until she had his head on a spike, and he was positive that she would demand trial by combat if she did not get what she wanted in the courtroom. And then, the Mountain would be her champion and Tyrion would have nobody. Where had all his friends gone? "Would you please stop moping. It really doesn't become that fugly mug of yours," said a voice and Tyrion spun around. Loki was admiring the sheen off his nails with a disinterested expression on his face. He finally glanced up at Tyrion and grinned mischievously. "Hello, old friend." Tyrion did not know who to respond upon seeing Loki again. He had not seen him in a long time and now, in his darkest time, Loki reappeared. That was when Tyrion grabbed his piss bucket and threw it at Loki's head. Loki simply teleported himself out of the way and the wooden bucket hit the opposite wall with a loud thud. "Now that wasn't nice."

"F—k nice! And f—k you!" Tyrion snapped angrily as he glanced around to find where Loki was currently hiding. Loki smirked before he slid behind one of the pillars, seemingly disappearing again. "Come out and talk to me like a man!" Tyrion hissed. That was when an arm wrapped around his neck and picked him up. Tyrion's air was cut off and he found himself staring up into piercing green eyes.

"I don't take kindly to being talked to like that. Especially since I'm being really nice and helping you escape," Loki countered before he put the dwarf down. Well, he unceremoniously dropped him. Tyrion coughed before he glanced up at Loki. Loki sat down on the cot that served as Tyrion's bed, his knees practically coming up to his chin as the bed was not meant for somebody his size.

"You're helping me escape? How?" Tyrion asked. Loki shrugged as he leaned back against the wall and stretched his long, lanky legs out in front of him.

"Ask me nicely and I might tell you," Loki challenged and Tyrion frowned. Loki's response was to grin.

"Would you please explain to me how you will aid me in my escape?" Tyrion finally said and Loki's lips widened in their smirk.

"Now wasn't that easy?" he posed as he cracked his knuckles.

"No, it wasn't," Tyrion muttered to himself.

The throne room in the Red Keep was packed with the nobility of Westeros, and a raised platform had been set up for the accused to stand in. A second and larger one was also present for the witnesses to speak from. Five chairs were set up on the dais. The Iron Throne was where Tywin Lannister would sit, with Oberyn Martell and Cersei on his right; with Mace and Margaery Tyrell on his left. When Tyrion was first brought in, Tywin traipsed the witness before him, all of them claiming how Tyrion lusted after Joffrey's blood. Grand Maester Pycelle went on and on about the poison he used until even the council wanted him to shut up. The talks went on and on and on, till finally the council withdrew to discuss the sentencing. Tyrion sat down in the little box where he was and the chains that held him there clanked together.

Just a little while longer, he thought to himself.

"The council returns!" shouted a voice, and Tywin Lannister came marching back out along with the rest of them. They all sat back down and Tyrion stood up, waiting for what they had to say.

"Tyrion of House Lannister," Tywin's voice boomed, filling the throne room. "You have been brought before us, accused of murdering your king, and treason. The witnesses have all spoken and given their testimony. With the evidence against you, the council has come to our decision. You are guilty." The verdict rang throughout the hall and everyone knew that Tywin Lannister had basically sentenced his own son, and only living son, to death. "Anything to say in your own defense?" Tywin asked.

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