Chapter 32 - Enter Loki, God of Mischief!

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Joffrey felt strong sitting on the Iron Throne. He was the Protector of the Realm, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Everyone in that throne room answered to him. His eyes roved over the waiting nobles and ladies, and he knew he was going to entertain them that day. "Ser Meryn," he said to the knight beside him. The man bowed to him. "Bring the Stark girl to me," Joffrey ordered. Ser Meryn Trant nodded, and walked down from the dais. The courtiers parted before him, and the doors were opened to let him pass. Joffrey glanced to his right and his left, seeing that the Hound, and Ser Janos Slynt were still beside him. He waved his hand, and Slynt stepped up behind him. "Has any progress been made in finding that cursed sells-sword?" he asked. Slynt glanced over at the Hound at the mention of the man who had humiliated the both of them, before he looked back at his king.

He shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, he is still missing. But, we have the spies of Petyr Baelish, and Lord Varys searching the city and outlying towns for him. They have heard rumors that he was seen in Winterfell." Joffrey's head snapped up at this, and his eyes narrowed. The thought of Loki allying himself to the Starks was not a savory thought, but that was when Ser Meryn returned, dragging Sansa behind him. He tossed her forward, and Sansa almost stumbled, but she saved herself. Joffrey smirked a wicked smirk, and he reached for a crossbow that was next to his throne.

"My lady! So glad that you could join us!" he told her. Sansa raised her head, and gave him a small curtsy.

"You summoned me, your grace," she said obediently. Joffrey pulled up his crossbow, pointing it at her. Sansa did not move. If she was die, she would rather meet it bravely, and be remembered as they person who stood up to the little prick.

"Yes! You have heard that your brother has become a traitor like your father? He has gathered his bannermen, and is marching to Kings Landing," Joffrey told her. Sansa felt her heart leap with joy at the thought of Robb coming to avenge their father and rescue her.

"I have not heard, your grace," Sansa responded. Just give him simple answers, and always end with 'your grace', Sansa thought to herself.

"Well, he is! I will have you know, that before he gets here, I will have my armies assembled, and they will defeat him in combat!" Joffrey jeered. Sansa made no response to this, and Joffrey took that as insolence. "Ser Meryn," he said. Ser Meryn Trant nodded, and slapped the back of Sansa's head. She went forward, and her hand reached back to where her scalp was stinging. Ser Meryn then proceeded to rain blows down on her, till Sansa was on her knees on the stone floor, the tears falling silently to the ground. "Enough!" Joffrey said. Ser Meryn stepped away from Sansa, who had her hands shielding her head. "Look at me," Joffrey ordered. Sansa raised her red eyes to look upon him, but that was when the doors of the throne room suddenly swung open of their own accord. All the nobles and Joffrey looked to see what it was. The guards who had been positioned outside, were lying on their backs, dead!

"Protect the king!" Ser Meryn Trant ordered, and all the guards drew their swords. That was when they heard the thudding sound of boots approaching. Sansa turned to glance over her shoulder to see what had everyone so entranced. Finally, the person game into view, and the entire court gasped. He was tall, in green garb, under gold armor, and leather protective coverings. A flowing, green cloak billowed out behind him, and the light glinted off a horned helmet. But, everyone recognized the man wearing it.

"Loki!" Sansa panted.

"What is all this excitement? And why wasn't I included? Or did you just lose my invitation?" Loki asked as he walked through the nobles. They all stepped back from him quickly.

"What invitation?" Petyr Baelish asked, walking forward. Loki's green eyes sidled over to him, and he chuckled derisively.

"Why, to Joffrey's coronation! Congratulations, by the way. Although, I think that crown was not meant for so large a head," Loki insulted snidely. The nobles teetered, and Sansa had to quell her own smile. Joffrey's face became as red as a tomato, and Ser Meryn stepped forward.

"How dare you insult the king?!" he challenged, and he reached for his sword. Loki simply looked at him, and Ser Meryn was frozen where he stood. Everyone gasped, and Loki walked towards him.

"I've already defeated you once, knight. Are you so eager for a second helping?" Loki asked. Turning back to Joffrey, he walked passed Ser Meryn, pushing him to the ground with his finger. "You have just been crowned king; your coffers are empty, and whatever you have, is not enough to pay for an army. You have declared war on half your realm, and you don't even have half the support of the southern nobles. They are either declaring themselves for King Renly, or King Stannis. You're playing with fire, Joffrey Baratheon. Take care, lest you burn your fingers," Loki warned him. Joffrey's grip on the arm of his throne tightened with every statement Loki made, till finally, his knuckles were white. Loki was soon standing beside Sansa, and she was looking up at him, her eyes fixated on the helmet. Now she knew what the symbol for the handkerchief was.

"You dare?! How dare you-!" Joffrey started to say before Loki cut him off.

"You're but a boy. Trying to prove yourself a man," Loki said, using the words his own father had applied to Thor.  Aptly used at the time, as they were here.

"Hound! This thing insults me, and you stand idly by?!" Joffrey queried. Loki shifted his gaze to the Hound, and the brute of a man, started to step down from the dais. Loki's hand went out, and he picked up Ser Meryn with his mind, throwing him at Sandor Clegane. The Hound smacked Ser Meryn to the side, sending him flying into a pillar. Loki let Clegane draw his sword, and he waited. His finger flicked, and the blade caught on fire. Faced with his worst fear, Clegane dropped it to the floor. It clattered loudly, and the flames died out. Clegane glanced up at Loki, and the god smirked.

"I know what you fear," Loki whispered. He lightly tapped the side of his face, and grinned. "You lie and kill, in the service of liars and killers," Loki said to the entire court, but mostly to Petyr Baelish and Varys. He turned around, facing the rest of the nobles. "You all pretend to have your own code, something that sets you apart, to make up for the horrors!" He lightly placed his hand on Sansa's shoulder, and she shrank away slightly. He looked at her, and she saw pity in his eyes. "The horrors," he reiterated, "of a perverse, and inbred boy beating a young girl!" Joffrey straightened up at Loki's insinuation to his parentage.

"You insolent dog! I shall have your head on a spike! I will have your innards cut out, and your cock sliced off!" Joffrey threatened. Loki snickered, and suddenly Joffrey found himself staring right into Loki's eyes. The man had somehow traveled from the center of the throne room, to right before the throne itself. Loki's hand was around Joffrey's throat, and his grip was unbreakable.

"I'm not allowed to touch you. Your death is not my honor. But, I will tell you this: it will be painful, and slow, and you will know the fear you've instilled in Sansa Stark before you breathe your last," Loki growled in a low, and deep voice to Joffrey. Nobody could come forward to help the bastard king. If they were even thinking about it, they found themselves frozen. Loki squeezed Joffrey's pretty skin extra hard, marking it before he stepped away. He looked at Petyr Baelish and Varys, and the expression he bore was deadly. Stepping towards Sansa, he pulled her into his arms, picking her up with ease.

"Who are you?" Baelish asked. Loki held his head high, and when he answered, the entire throne room could hear him.

"I am Loki, God of Mischief! And I am burdened with glorious purpose!" With that statement, he and Sansa Stark disappeared in a blast of green flames.

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