Chapter 22 - Death of a Dragon

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Daenerys Targaryen saw herself rise through the ranks of the Dothraki under Loki's tutelage. He would visit her as often as he could, telling her that his duties to another certain family, were also very pressing. However, whenever he was with her, he would never let anything else distract him. He taught her how to play chess, how to manipulate men with her beautiful body (in order to do this, he shifted into the form of a woman, making her feel uncomfortable), and how to tell if a person was lying. Daenerys asked him one day why he did not select Viserys as the one to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Loki looked up from the book he had been reading to her, and his face was rather comical in its expression. "Choose Viserys over you?! It's like asking somebody to compare the beauty of a pearl to the beauty of a common rock," Loki responded. Daenerys blushed, and her hand covered her belly. She and her husband, Khal Drogo, were expecting their first child, and she could already tell that it was a boy. Loki had congratulated her when she told him, but he did not dwell on the subject of her child long whenever she brought it up.

"But, why did you choose me?" Daenerys pressed. Loki sighed, and closed the book quietly. He leaned forward in his seat, eyeing the three dragon eggs that were on a tray, surrounded by candles.

"I chose you because you've been beaten down all your life. Your brother has made you believe things that are not true. Like you killed your mother when you were born," Loki pointed out, and Daenerys got a sad expression on her face.

"But, I did-" Daenerys started to say, before Loki raised his hand, and she became silent.

"You did not kill your mother. The conditions killed your mother. A child must not be blamed for something that is out of its control. And your brother is even more of an idiot than I already know he is if he thinks that," Loki said in response, before he went back to his book. Daenerys sat back, and listened to him describe the seven high families of Westeros.

When their class was over, Daenerys invited him to the feast that evening in Khal Drogo's tent. Loki stroked his chin and pondered this. He should go back to Kings Landing, and make sure that Ned Stark was not letting his honor get him into trouble; but, his mother's journal had told him that something fascinating was going to happen at the feast that night. Besides, he had to meet Khal Drogo officially, and Ser Jorah Mormont eventually. Loki smiled at Daenerys and said, "I would be delighted to join you."

Loki appeared at the feast that night, in grey shirt, green vest, with gold vine trimming, and a long, black trench coat. The Dothraki all looked at this pale man in amazement, as Daenerys presented him to Khal Drogo. "My husband," Daenerys said in the Dothraki tongue, "this is Ser Loki Sells-sword. He comes from across the Narrow Sea to serve me.  You may remember him from about a month ago.  He defeated all your warriors in the games." Ser Jorah Mormont stood up, and came to stand behind Loki, but the sells-sword knew he was there. He turned slightly, and winked at the knight. The man's grip only tightened on his sword. Khal Drogo looked Loki up and down. He was tall, like Ser Jorah; fair skinned, like Ser Jorah; and he was dressed in similar clothes. If Daenerys trusted him, than he would as well.

"Welcome, Pale Stranger, to Vaes Dothrak," Drogo said in his own tongue. Loki bowed to him, and a smirk spread across his face.

"You do me a great honor," he responded back in the thick language of the horse lords. Daenerys looked surprised he could speak the Dothraki language, as he had given her no indication prior. Drogo waved him away, and Loki sat on some cushions with Daenerys a few feet away. Ser Jorah joined them, but kept glaring at Loki.

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