Chapter 121 - A Gathering of Chiefs

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It was painstaking, but Loki had managed to gather all the key players in the invasion of Westeros together. Daenerys was present with Tyrion Lannister and Ser Barristan Selmy; Robb Stark was with Talisa Stark and Ser Rodrik Cassel. The Queen of Thorns was present with Margaery Tyrell and her brother Loras. Oberyn Martell, Ellaria Sand, and the Sand Snakes were there for Dorne. Theon and Yara Greyjoy were representing the Iron Islands; and Jon Snow had come fresh from his defeat of Stannis Baratheon with Ygritte of the Wildlings, along with Tormund Giantsbane and Eddison Tollett of the Night's Watch. Jon had also been convinced to bring Samwell Tarly, as the young apprentice maester wanted to meet all these famous people. Sansa had wanted to make an appearance, but Loki was afraid that if she showed up, seeing her brothers after years of separation would be too much for her and she would blow it. Of course Sansa was insulted that he would even insinuate that she would not be able to keep herself together. But, Loki had been emphatically clear that she was not to make an appearance. She'll figure out a way to get in here, Loki thought to himself as he sat at the head of the table. The Targaryens and the Martells sat on the right side; the Starks and the Greyjoys sat on the left; and the Night's Watch and the Tyrells sat at the other end. Finally, when the initial shock of meeting and seeing people wore off, Loki stood up. "You have all been gathered here for one single purpose: the task of unseating of House Lannister, and the reinstating of Daenerys Targaryen as the Queen of Westeros. It is for this purpose that you have all been summoned here," Loki said.

"All well and good, but it sounds like she's the only person who will profit from this," Ser Rodrik Cassel commented and Loki glared at the man. Daenerys also shot him a look, but it was Tyrion's hand on her forearm that stopped her.

"I would almost say bring your mother, Robb; if it weren't for the fact she annoys me more," Loki stated and Robb had to smile at Loki's bluntness. Ser Rodrik huffed and opened his mouth like he was going to say something else. "Bring me the Blackfish," Loki said with a wave of his hand, and Ser Rodrik disappeared and was replaced by the elderly uncle of Catelyn Stark. "A marked improvement!"

"But it still does seem like Daenerys gets everything when all is said and done. What can we hope to achieve with this merger?" Robb asked eloquently. Loki grinned before he glanced at Daenerys.

"I want to maintain good ties with the families of Westeros, even those who did not assist in my restoration. For the Starks, they shall remain as Wardens of the North, and I would be honored if Robb Stark would be my Master of Law," Daenerys said. Robb leaned back in his chair, his eyes sidling over to his wife. Talisa smiled at him. She had come more as moral support, as she was not as learned in politics as he was, and even he was still a novice compared to people like Loki. Robb finally looked at his great uncle, and the Blackfish nodded.

"It is a worthy position for you, as the Starks are known for their honor and integrity. But, how will your men react when they find out you are no longer King in the North?" the Blackfish reminded. Daenerys shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and leaned back in her chair.

"That was a position of rebellion against the crown, and against the crown that was on a Lannister head. You can say that it was only true for as long as an imposter sat on the throne. Now that the true ruler has returned, you can hang up that mantle," the Stormborn said. Robb's eyes narrowed slightly, but he had to admit, it was an advantageous proposal.

"All matters of the North will involve the men of that territory. I don't want southern influence when they do not understand how we run things," Robb said and Daenerys nodded her head in acceptance.

"As long as you take the offered position on the council, I will be more than happy to honor those terms," Daenerys said. Robb smiled and stood up, extending his hand. Daenerys did the same and they shook hands.

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