Chapter 4 - Meeting the King

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Tywin Lannister was fascinated with this young man to say the least. He had bested several of his soldiers, not to mention his strongest fighter, without picking up a weapon of his own. His clothing was strange, yet rich looking. He was obviously a wealthy bastard, wherever he was from. But, he was very mysterious. As Tywin kept him close the next several weeks, he would try to pry out of Loki where he was from, who his parents had been, and exactly what his skills were. Loki guarded all his responses, and Tywin got clipped and sometimes, monosyllabic answers. All that Tywin had gleaned from him thus far was that: both his blood father, and foster father were wealthy; the land where he was from was far away, and did not worship their gods; and his skills were varied and valuable. Tywin offered to make him a member of his elite guard, but Loki said he wanted to keep his options open. The head of the Lannister house wondered how he had this much patience with Loki, since almost everything he had ever asked of him, had been turned down. Well, Tywin contented himself with the knowledge that Loki would have to show case his skills soon.

Loki was sitting on the highest wall of Casterly Rock. He was reading his mother's diary, pouring over her words with all the attention he could give it. Her soft, and loving language touched him deeply.

My dear boy, if everything went according to plan, you should find yourself in that world. The secret. It was once the eleventh realm. You know that Heven was severed from us, because of an insufferable crime committed by its queen. This realm, the Known Realm, was cut off from the rest of us because of one family's sin. The Targaryns were incestuous, and became mad because of it. Bor, Odin's father, told them to cease, but they refused. Said it would make them immortal and keep the line pure. And so, Bor banished them and their realm, to be forever parted from the rest. That was right, at the time. But now, it needs guidance, and a firm hand. Be that hand, Loki. Set it on a righteous path, and Odin will have no choice but to accept its reassignment with the other realms. And know this, my mischievous scamp, I always love you.

Loki closed the book, and cast it into the Nether Realm, the pocket dimension only he could reach. Resting his chin in his hand, he thought about his mother's latest entry. It was like she knew exactly where he was in time, and what he was doing. Odd, and rather disconcerting. Letting his legs down, he stared at the forest, taking up most the horizon. He noticed that birds were disturbed, flying up to the heavens, and Loki leaned forward. A sound of trumpets, horses' hooves, and clanking armor reached his ears. Loki squinted, and soon saw an approaching retinue. The banners were different from the Lannister ones. These ones were yellow, with a black stag, and a crown over its head. A crown! "Tywin, you bastard!" Loki hissed as he teleported to the council chamber where Tywin was. The Lannister looked up at Loki striding towards him, his long legs covering the distance between the door and the table in seconds. "You invited the king it seems. Figured it was time I show off for him?" Loki queried, his voice bordering a snarl. Tywin remained nonplussed by Loki's outburst, and instead, finished handing off his papers to his squire.

"The king is on his way North, to meet the head of the Stark house. He is stopping here before he continues his journey. No scheme here, Ser Loki," Tywin responded with his usual calmness. Loki knew he was not lying, but he was being very smug while telling him the truth. Something that irked Loki. The doors to the chamber burst open at that moment, and both men looked up. The Mountain was standing there, in full armor, glaring at Loki. The God of Mischief waved to him, and Tywin rolled his eyes at the immaturity. "Speak, Clegane!" Tywin ordered.

"The escort of King Robert Baratheon has just been seen. They shall be arriving at Casterly Rock shortly," the Mountain said. Loki huffed, blowing a strand of black hair that had fallen across his forehead. Tywin glanced at him and raised his eyebrow.

"Well? You better prepare yourself. I suggest those fancy clothes of yours," Tywin said. Loki's fists clenched, and he was half tempted to shift into his armor right there. Except for the part where he was trying to hide his magic. Nodding, he walked out of the room, stepping wide around the Mountain. Once out of sight, he teleported to his chamber, and shifted into his usual armor. Loki checked to make sure the knives were up his sleeves, and in his boots. Everything was in order.

"Watch me knock this king on his ass!" Loki muttered, as he made a green cloak, and pulled the hood over his face.

Portly, and boisterous King Robert Baratheon came riding into the courtyard of Casterly Rock, with Ser Jaime Lannister by his side. Tywin smiled at his favorite son, before his eyes slid over to Loki, who was on his right, a green hood shielding his face from the curious. With the aid of a stool, Robert Baratheon dismounted and approached Tywin. Loki watched how everyone went down on their knees. He simply bowed, and this slight lack of deference, caught Baratheon's eye. "Who is this gangly elf?!" Robert Baratheon bellowed. Loki raised his head slightly, his green eyes glowing in the darkness of his hood. Another huge man, with a helmet shaped like a dog's head, came forward, his hand on his sword. Loki saw him moving, and he immediately closed the space between them. He kicked one of the man's legs out from under him, thereby knocking him off balance. The knight fell down, and Loki placed one foot on his sword hand, pinning it down, and the other on his windpipe. A dagger was hovering dangerously over his throat. The entire procession went quiet, but Tywin stood up, and began to whisper in the king's ear.

"He's my sells-sword. A very skilled young man. Beat the Mountain, if you can believe it," Tywin told King Robert. The Baratheon was staring at Loki, who stepped off of the knight, put his dagger away, and came right back to Tywin.

"Well, he just beat the Hound as well! I can believe it! Ser Jaime! Come here!" the king ordered. As the big knight now called the Hound stood up, another man dismounted, and walked over. He removed his helmet, revealing a head of golden hair. Loki's mouth crimped up immediately, as he could not help but think of Thor. Jaime noticed it and he frowned as well. "This man has been the best swordsman in Westeros for a long time!" he announced.

"Has he? Well, he's about to be dethroned," Loki commented dryly. King Robert chuckled, as he duly noted Loki was only armed with one knife, to his knowledge.

"You challenging me now, ser?" Jaime asked as he stepped forward. Loki's green eyes sidled over to him and he chuckled.

"Only if you have a death wish," Loki responded. King Robert stepped back, as did Tywin. That was their silent order for them to fight. Jaime's hand closed on his sword, around the time Loki turned, and did a running flip off the wall. Ser Jaime watched him in amazement as Loki landed behind him, and delivered several crippling nerve punches to his entire body. Ser Jaime fell down, and his sword had not even cleared its sheath.

"Hound!" shouted a female's voice, and Loki turned just in time to see the big man he had felled a moment ago, charging at him. The blade went whizzing over him, and Loki had to smirk. His tongue even came out and touched the cold steel as it went by him. Standing back up, Loki took out a knife he had made to look like a scythe. He caught the sword as it descended, and twisted the blade out of the Hound's grasp with the hooked hilt. The huge weapon fell to the ground, and Loki kicked it away. Turning, he put all his power into kneeing the Hound in the stomach. As the Hound was falling, Loki kicked him in the chest. The loud thump he made as he hit the ground, seemed to echo throughout the courtyard. Loki stepped back, twirled his knife, and slipped it back up his sleeve. A clapping reached his ears, and Loki turned to see King Robert Baratheon walked over, his fat hands smacking together. Loki bowed to him again, and that was when a flash of scarlet caught his eye. Turning, he saw a beautiful blond, in a thick red traveling robe, climbing out of a carriage. She walked over to Ser Jaime, and looked down at him. Then, she turned to him, and Loki thought she might explode.

"You are no man!" she accused and Loki smirked.

"You are right, madam. I am no ordinary man," Loki responded, and he stood beside Tywin.

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