Chapter 89 - The Erie

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Loki was glad to have spoken in private with Olenna Tyrell, despite Sansa's original desires to be present. He had been especially descriptive to Margaery in order to scare her, and then send Sansa after her. All quite smooth. He had discussed what he needed to discuss in the presence of Olenna Tyrell without having to worry about Sansa's opinion of him. If there was one thing he wanted it was to stay in her good graces. He knew that some of his methods would disgust her if she knew. But, that still did not stop him from carrying out his own desires. His desires were going to set the realm to rights. And at that moment, Loki had another new stop to make. He was standing in his bed chamber with the door closed, about to teleport himself to the Vale. He knew that the Erie would be falling under his sphere of control soon. Petyr Baelish was the Protector of the Vale, and once Loki's plans were finished, he would have control of everything Baelish had ever touched.

Closing his eyes, Loki concentrated his magic and transported himself to the Erie. Opening them, he was greeted by jagged rock cliffs, and a cold wind. Loki inhaled the high mountain air and smirked. "Oh, these poor souls that haven't met me yet. Still so many to count," Loki said to himself, chuckling as he walked down the road. This was not his first time at the Erie. He had been there before in disguise and not revealed himself to a single soul. That had simply been a clue gathering venture. This was a 'stomp on your toes because I can' mission. Loki enjoyed those immensely. As he neared the gates, he made himself invisible and watched the guards, who were supposed to be protecting the entrance to the Vale. They were on alert and vigilant, just not vigilant enough to catch him. Loki phased through the gates before he teleported to the main council chamber. Glancing around, he saw the fabled Moon Door, a circular opening that allowed the Protector of the Vale to throw any and all offenders (basically anybody who annoyed him) to their deaths hundreds of feet below. Loki stepped out of the shadows and looked up to see a not very attractive woman sitting with a skinny, sickly boy on a throne.

The woman straightened up and shouted, "Guards!" instantly, without giving Loki a chance to even open his mouth.  Loki glanced around as the doors burst open and men in silver armor and royal blue cloaks entered. Loki yawned, barely restraining the obvious boredom he was feeling. This was definitely not going on his Top Ten list of confabs. "Who are you?" the lady asked, holding her son protectively to her body.

"The question of the hour! The question of the century! The only question that seems to inhabit your tiny minds whenever I appear," Loki said, his voice reaching a monotone level with that last statement. That was when he began to tick off in his mind the people who asked him that question. Stannis, Viserys, Illyrio, Petyr Baelish...

"You insolent insect!" the woman said, and her boy laughed weakly.

"Make the skinny man fly!" he ordered. Loki felt his blood boil at that little shrimp call him such an undignified name. He took a step forward and waved his hand, making the first guard's armor crumple in on him. The man screamed in agony, and the sickly boy's mouth dropped open.

"Call me the 'skinny man' again, and I will ring your skinny neck faster than your mother can suckle you at her breast," Loki hissed, his voice dripping with venom. Loki glared at the woman before turning his attention back to the soldiers. He waved at them and one advanced. Loki waited until he was close, ducked his swing, and plunged a dagger into his stomach. The woman shielded her son's eyes while Loki dragged the knife out. The soldier fell to the ground, blood spurting out onto the stone. Loki turned to face the woman, pointing the bloody dagger at her. "Your lover must have told you about me, Lysa Arryn. When he thought he killed me, he must have been boasting to the world," Loki told her. The woman, now addressed by her name, straightened up. Loki smirked before he glanced at the guards, who were all still encircling him, but clearly terrified of attacking him. "Oh, piss your pants already," Loki mumbled as he waved his hand and they collapsed to the ground, asleep. Lysa Arryn looked at Loki, the fear clear in her eyes.

"What do you want? Petyr is not here with us," Lysa Arryn explained and Loki shrugged his shoulders. He began to pace, but was still holding the dagger in his hand. Some of the blood had slid down over his fingers.

"No, Petyr is not with you. He is plotting and scheming down in Kings Landing, still mooning over his lost love," Loki said dramatically, and Lysa Arryn's eyebrow went up. Loki glanced at her, his face a picture of mock innocence. "Oh? Didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Lysa Arryn asked stiffly, her grip tightening on the arm of her chair.

"That he has obsession over your niece, Sansa Stark," Loki stated and he could see from where he was standing that Lysa Arryn's face turned a few shades redder. "Ooo! Was that a low blow?"

"You come here merely to insult me?!" she asked, her voice outraged, and her son cowering by her side. Loki shrugged his shoulders before he suddenly became very interested in his knife. He raised it up so that they could see it.

"Insult you? No, madam! I insult people I view as challenges. I'm merely teasing you," Loki said snidely. "But, I do know your dark secret," he informed her.

"Mother, what does the bad man mean?" Robyn Arryn asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Good lad. You learned your lesson," Loki congratulated. He clapped his hands mockingly, blood flying.

"Leave Mother with the bad man, my sweet Robyn. Go on, go play," Lysa Arryn said, pushing her son off her lap. Robyn Arryn gave Loki a suspicious look, and Loki simply waved his hand. Of all the younger people Loki had met since he had come to Westeros, Robyn Arryn was second on Loki's child dislike list. Joffrey still had number one. When Robyn did not leave the room fast enough, Loki leaned forward very suddenly, scaring the boy and making him depart quicker. Turning back to Lysa Arryn, he stepped forward.

"You and Petyr Baelish are actually the first dominos of this whole fiasco," Loki said and she tilted her head. "Wonder how I know that?" Loki suddenly snapped his fingers and a leather bound book materialized in his hands. Her eyes widened at seeing the book in his hands.

"Where did you get that?" she asked, standing up from her seat and Loki snickered.

"Oh, this? Why, I stole it from your chamber the last time I was here. Didn't you notice it was missing?" Loki queried. He opened the book and found a page. Altering his voice till it sounded exactly like Lysa's, he read, "I have made a decision. In order to hold the man I love in my arms, I will kill my own husband. Jon Arryn is a good man, and the father of my son, but he is not the man I desire. The man who has my heart, is Petyr Baelish." Closing the book with a snap, he smirked at her. "Foolish woman! A paper trail? You couldn't have made it any easier for me," Loki told her as he made the book disappear.

"And what is it you want in exchange for that book and your silence?" Lysa asked, her voice tremulous. Loki tilted his head as he thought of what he really wanted.

"What I want in exchange for this book..." he said, his voice trailing off. Loki suddenly raised his head and he smirked. Lysa blinked and Loki was before her, his green eyes mere inches from her own. She gasped but that was when Loki's hand encircled her throat and started to squeeze. "Your silence is what I want. You see, Lysa Arryn, you're not important enough of a character to last in this story. And for your treachery in the murder of your husband, Jon Arryn, I sentence you to death." She stared at him like he was a madman, and maybe he was.

"You're insane!" she hissed. Loki just smirked and with a slight flick of his wrist, he snapped Lysa Arryn's neck.

"I suppose I am," Loki muttered. He opened the Moon Door, and deposited her body out of it. With a wave of his hand and a whispered spell, the guards forgot his face and the entire fight that had happened between them. They would take the blame for Loki's wrongdoings that day. Loki surveyed his work for a second before he teleported back to the portis satis tuto.

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