Chapter 123 - Surprises

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Sansa knew the end was coming. The air was literally tingling, and her magical aura could sense it. Her aura could also sense something else and Sansa could not quiet put her finger on it. She noticed it on the day Loki left to meet with Daenerys, and Robb, and everyone else to discuss the dividing of the land and to pick the small council. She had been angry that she could not come, and she had been planning on sneaking into the meeting anyway. Sansa was going to disguise herself because she knew Loki would not say anything with her brother there. Only Daenerys and Tyrion knew why Sansa's presence was being kept secret from her family.

Sansa tried to change her form not long after Loki left and she found it hurt. "Damnit!" she cursed when she tried again, and a shooting pain went through her entire body. She hunched over and gripped onto the coverlet on their bed. Sansa placed a hand to her forehead and wiped away a thin layer of sweat. She walked to their mirror and looked at herself. She tried shifting again and watched as her hair and eyes started to change, but they stopped as the pain began. "Ah!" Sansa cried out as she fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

Stop, my dear! You'll only hurt yourself more, Frigga's voice suddenly said in Sansa's head and the young woman inhaled deeply, drawing air into her lungs. She relaxed a little before she sat up and tried to fix her disheveled hair.

"What is wrong with me, Frigga? This has never happened before. Even when I first started, it wouldn't hurt to try to shift appearances. It was tiring, but not painful," Sansa said.

It hurts you now, my dear, because your body is changing. It is no longer just your own, Frigga informed her and Sansa frowned.

"What do you mean?" Sansa asked, her heartrate already picking up.

You're smart, darling. I think you already know what I mean, Frigga said lightly. Sansa started breathing hard as her hands went down to her stomach, and she used her aura to sense anything that was strange inside her body. There was no pain in her using the medical magic to seek out the source of her discomfort. It did not take too long for her to find it. Sansa gasped and her hand went to her mouth as she realized what had happened.

"How far along am I?" Sansa queried. She was rather numb with shock, and had not moved from her spot on the floor.

Almost a month, my dear. I visited you on the night of conception.

"That was a little strange," Sansa commented as she finally pulled herself to her feet.

When it comes to my son, I can't be strange enough, Frigga responded smartly and Sansa growled.

"The only way that could be weirder is if you watched us make love," Sansa said as she walked out of her bedroom and went to the kitchen. Frigga hummed and Sansa froze. "Please for the love of the gods, you haven't?!" she almost shrieked.

No, Sansa. I haven't watched you two make love. I maybe just stop in as you lie in post-coital bliss, Frigga answered. Sansa almost felt like she really had to vomit. Sometimes, Frigga was just too honest. But, her thoughts wandered again as she arrived in the kitchen and began to pull out ingredients for the concoction she was about to brew. You shouldn't do that, Sansa, Frigga said after a moment of silence.

"I have to! If Loki returns with me, unmarried and carrying his child, he'll be hung from the scaffold of dishonor and derision! I am the daughter of a great house! Even though he has proven instrumental in Daenerys' rise to power, people will still expect him to follow standards that have been in place for centuries. He is expected to court me before asking my brother's permission to wed me. If I kill this child now, it will keep Loki safe. He will do as etiquette demands and we will be married." Sansa was mixing things together in a pestle for pounding as she spoke to the Goddess of Motherhood. "We will have other children. The loss of one is not devastating."

But the loss of trust is, Frigga said and Sansa froze in her making of the cleansing potion. When Loki finds out, and trust me, he will; he would never forgive you for making such a decision without consulting him. The child is just as much his as it is yours. For a mother who has a lover to decide to cleanse her body of such a precious gift without speaking to the father, is a crime. I am the Goddess of Motherhood, Sansa. I know what repercussions you will heap on your own head for such a sin. Tell him. My son will know what to do. You have to trust that he will do what is best, Frigga told her. Sansa looked down at the powder she had been mixing. All she had to do was put it in water, let it dissolve, and drink it. She would also have to find some spare cloths and sit in the bath for several hours while her body expunged the tiny life inside her, but it would be worth it to save Loki's honor. But, at what cost? Frigga had started the little flame of doubt burning inside her, and now, she wondered what woes would befall her if she rid herself of the baby without speaking to Loki.

She put her hand to her stomach and used her medicinal magic to seek out the life force again. This time, she felt it differently. She searched for an aura to see if the infant already had one. She smiled slightly when she was able to detect one. "Green. Like his father," she said with a hint of pride.

Tell Loki, and everything will be alright. Honesty is the best policy, Frigga reminded. Sansa sighed and rolled her eyes at that, thinking how her lover was the exact opposite of honest.

"Very well," Sansa said as she poured out the potion. She left the kitchen and returned to hers and Loki's chamber. Lying down on the bed, she suddenly felt exhausted. Finding out she was pregnant and almost disposing of the infant had tired her out. She closed her eyes and started to fall asleep. Alfie jumped up onto the bed and nuzzled against Sansa's cheek. "Not now, Alfie. I'm very tired," Sansa said to him, brushing him away. The cat meowed loudly and reached out, brushing Sansa's cheek with his paw. Sansa pushed him back and snuggled closely with her pillow. It was a poor substitute for her lover, but one she would have to make do with. Alfie just let out another lonely meow. He watched as Sansa slowly fell asleep, and once he was sure she was out, he curled up beside her. Frigga breathed a sigh of relief now that she was sure Sansa would not kill Loki's baby. She knew of Loki's natural paternal instincts, and he would find out about it. He would have been furious with Sansa and their relationship would have more than likely been destroyed by it.

They will fight about many things as couples are want to do. But, they should never fight about the life of their child, Frigga thought as she looked at the young woman who had captured her son's heart.

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