Chapter 36 - A Chained Lion

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Loki left Sansa again the next morning, leaving another note on her plate. If everything had gone according to his plan, Robb would have a guest in his custody. Loki wanted Jaime to know that he was the real orchestrator behind his capture. He left the portis satis tuto, and magically transported himself to Robb Stark's camp. Of course, all the soldiers separated when Loki appeared in their midst. He smirked at them, before he walked to Robb's tent. He moved the flaps aside and stepped in. Robb, Catelyn, Theon Greyjoy, and Ser Rodrik Cassell were all standing around the table, looking at the map. "Is that map really interesting, or am I missing something?" Loki queried mischievously.

"What do you want, sells-sword?" Catelyn asked, disdain clear in her tone. Loki shot her look, but there was no need.

"Mother! We owe Ser Loki a great deal. With the information he gave us, we broke the siege to Riverrun, and captured the Kingslayer," Robb told her. "You continue to behave like this, I will have you removed whenever he arrives." Catelyn glared at Loki, and he grinned. Turning back to Robb, he stood before the young wolf.

"Then you have him in your camp?" Loki asked. Robb nodded his head.

"The Lannister forces were unprepared, and we easily took the Kingslayer hostage," Robb answered. Loki nodded his head, and looked around at the rest of his council.

"And are you going to execute him?"

"No!" Catelyn said emphatically. Loki raised his eyebrow. "As long as Joffrey and Cersei have Sansa and Arya in Kings Landing, we cannot kill him. I recommend that we trade him to them for your sisters," the last part to Robb. Loki resisted the urge to smirk. Instead, his lips quivered slightly. Obviously, Joffrey and Cersei had nothing to give the Starks in return for Jaime. Arya had escaped (using Loki's magical tricks he had taught her), and Sansa was safe in his sanctum. But, Loki was not going to tell them that. Let the Starks keep thinking the Lannisters had their girls. Loki would reveal the news when it suited him to reveal it.

"I will see him for a little while," Loki said. Robb nodded, and Theon Greyjoy followed Loki out of the tent to where Jaime Lannister was being held in a thick, wooden cage.

"They say you're a great warrior, Ser Sells-sword," Greyjoy said, and Loki cocked his head to one side to study the adopted hostage of Ned Stark. Theon grinned, and Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you think, Theon Greyjoy?" Loki asked him. Theon cocked his head to one side, studying Loki. Loki was physically fit, but some men who were fit, were still terrible fighters.

"I have never seen you do battle. I've only heard. And my father said that a man is as good as he appears to you. Not what you hear of him," Theon answered. Loki stopped walking to look at Theon, and his were quirking up slightly.

"Your father is...?"

"Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands," Theon said, standing up a little straighter. Loki allowed the smirk to appear on his face.

"Lord of the Iron Islands... Fascinating. Well, thank you, Theon, son of Balon, of House Greyjoy; but I think I can find the cage from here," Loki said, indicating the wooden box a few yards away. Theon nodded, and remained standing there while Loki approached. The guards stood to attention when they saw him, and Loki waved his hand, magically opening the lock. Their mouths dropped open. "Excuse me," Loki said. He entered the mud pit, and looked down at a dejected and filthy Jaime Lannister. "I see the men of the north have shown you hospitality," Loki commented as he stood before him. Jaime raised his head, and looked up at the god. He chuckled dryly and shifted his place in the mud.

"Well, well! Look who it is! I always knew you had a soft spot for the Starks," Jaime said snidely.

"You're one to be making comments like that, considering your current position." Loki squatted down to his level, and they looked into each other's eyes. "But you Lannisters did that yourselves, by making me your enemy." The two men just stared at each other, before Loki smirked, and reached out, slapping Jaime's cheek. It was a light tap by Loki's standards, but his differed from Jaime's. The Lannister's head was completely turned. "I just wanted to see you in defeat. Not to gloat, you understand. I wouldn't waste my time gloating on the likes of you," Loki said to him. "I just wanted you to know that, in your death, your sister and eldest son will follow you." Jaime's head snapped up, and Loki snickered at his expression of shock.

"I don't have a son-" Jaime started to say, before Loki shook his hand.

"Now, that's a lie. I'm not only the God of Mischief, but the God of Lies as well. Besides, I saw you and her kissing in the small council chamber right after Petyr Baelish tried to rattle my cage. By the way, I rattled his. Anyway, I know that Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen are all yours by Cersei. Making them all products of incest, and therefore, illegitimate." Jaime sagged in the mud, and Loki stood up, looking down at him again. "But, I will ensure Myrcella's and Tommen's protection in the coming months, and their preservation at the end of this war. However, Cersei and Joffrey will be necessary collateral damage," Loki said.

"And you? One man? You will make all this happen?" Jaime challenged. Loki shrugged his shoulders, and his lips puckered slightly.

"Not one man. One god. One god among foolish, and easily manipulated mortals. It's almost too easy. I have to make challenges for myself," Loki said. He started turning around, but he paused slightly. "And just the straw that broke the camel's back: do not hope for rescue or trade. Your sister does not have what Robb Stark wants. Not anymore." Jaime glared at Loki, and the god smirked, stepping outside the cage. Again, the door closed of its own accord, and the lock fell into place. Loki walked around the guards, and met Theon Greyjoy, still waiting outside.

"I will bring you back to Lord Stark," Theon said. Loki shook his head, and waving his hand.

"I have my business to go back to. Simply tell him that when I have news of import, I will return to him," Loki said to Theon. The Greyjoy paused for several seconds, and nodded his head. Loki continued to walk away from him, and the moment Theon glanced another way, he disappeared from sight.

I know I am out of order with this. Technically, Robb and Catelyn already had Jaime in their custody before Ned's execution. However, I wanted Loki to plant the idea in Tywin's head, and to influence Robb in his decision making. That is why Jaime is Robb's prisoner after Ned's death. Also gives Loki more of a role, and makes him the sole puppet master in Westeros.

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