Chapter 38 - Sansa Gets Her Feet Wet

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Sansa was sitting in the library on one of the chaise lounges, a book resting across her knees. She was reading the book on the Nine Realms like Loki had told her, so that she might understand what he was doing more. She had read about the Asgardians, and she knew who Odin, Thor, and Frigga were. When she read how Frigga was a Vanirian princess, and the last powerful sorcerer of the Nine Realms, she began to realize where Loki must have gotten his abilities. In the book, she read about Odin's sons: Thor, the Thunderer; Baldur, the Brave; and Loki, the Cunning. Baldur died in a childhood accident, one that involved Loki; and because of it, many Asgardians blamed him for the prince's death. Sansa felt sorry for Loki, being accused of a crime a child could not possibly commit. Afterward, Odin focused most of his attention on Thor, leaving Loki on the outside. "Even Arya wasn't treated like that," Sansa whispered to herself. She flipped the page, and saw an image of Thor summoning lightning with his hammer.  Behind him, Loki was standing, with green flames dancing in his hand. Sansa sighed, remembering when he had manipulated everyone in the tavern, and saved Lady's life, along with Nymeria. This thought brought tears to Sansa's eyes, as she recalled Joffrey having the wolf killed. She closed the book with a snap, and curled up, sobbing quietly. The Stark was lonely, and wanted another animal she might take care of. Sansa stopped when she heard the sound of the door opening, and closing in the hall. She sat up, expecting to hear Loki call for her. Instead, she heard his footsteps walk past the library, and continue down the hall. Sansa got curious, and climbed off the lounge chair. Putting her head out into the hallway, she saw that the door to his chamber was partially open. She heard him rummaging around, and the sound of him dropping his boots to the floor. A second later, Loki stepped out. Sansa choked on her gasp, as he was without a shirt, in some kind of short trousers, and carrying a towel. His hair was loose, hanging down his shoulders, and Sansa once again saw that scar on his chest. Loki did not see her, and did not call to her. Sansa guessed that he had figured she heard the door. He was humming some sort of tune to himself as he walked away from his chamber.

Sansa followed him, wondering where he was going. To sun himself? She had found a book about Dorne in the library, and they talked about the custom of sunning oneself in the afternoon, as part of a nap. That was the only think that made sense. Except for the part where Loki was so pale, Sansa thought he never saw the sun at all. Finally, he led her to a doorway that had a simple curtain hanging over it. Loki pushed it aside, and entered. Sansa could see the sunlight pouring in, and then a stone floor. She saw him drop his towel to the ground. Sansa had never seen this room before and wondered what it was. A second later, she heard a splash. "Loki!" she called, and darted into the room. She stopped herself short, as she was surprised to find a large pool, set in marble and granite in the center. The water was clear blue, and the sun shining off it, made the ceiling dance. However, Sansa was focusing more on Loki under the water than anything else. She watched as he swam below its surface, before coming back up for air. Loki flipped his hair out of his face, and turned around. Upon seeing her standing there, an expression of slight fear on her face, Loki smiled.

"Is something wrong, my lady?" he asked as he paddled over to where she was. Loki placed his elbows on the marble edge, and studied Sansa. Sansa took a few safety steps back to avoid getting water on her dress.

"I'm sorry... I followed you from the library," Sansa said. Loki nodded and pushed himself back out into the middle of the pool. He was slowly waving his arms, and pushing his legs beneath the water. Sansa was relieved to see that he was still wearing those trousers while in the pool. Even though they were rather short, only coming to his mid thigh.

"I knew you were there," Loki said casually, and Sansa made a face.

"When I heard the splash, I thought something was wrong. I came in to see if you needed any help. I... um... have a horrible fear of drowning. I think it's a terrible way to die," Sansa admitted. Loki nodded and swam back towards her. He gripped the edge of the pool and pulled himself partially out of it.

"It is a horrible way to die. But, if you learn to swim... the fear goes away," Loki said, and Sansa gave him a wide eyed look. Loki held his hand up to her, and water dripped from the tips of his fingers.

"But, how can you teach me to swim?" Sansa asked, taking another step back.

"The same way a mother teaches her child to walk. By guiding," Loki said. Sansa gasped, realizing what he was suggesting.

"But! Ser Loki! You can't!" Sansa said. Loki stuck his tongue out at her.

"Please! I know where your mind has gone. And, I'm only interested in mature women," Loki said. Sansa's jaw tightened visibly, and her eyes narrowed.

"Are you saying I'm a child to you?" she asked, a little anger in her voice. Loki lowered himself back into the water and shrugged his shoulders.

"Construe it anyway you like-"

"That's exactly what you meant!" Sansa snapped, interrupting him. With that statement, Sansa kicked off her shoes, and began to untie the laces in the back of her dress. Loki just watched her, a slight smirk on his face as he had achieved what he desired. Sansa cast her dress aside, revealing the simple white shift beneath. She took her hair, and bundled it up on her head, securing it with her pale blue ribbon. Finally, bunching her skirt up in her hands, Sansa sat at the edge, and slowly lowered herself into the water. When she was finally all the way in, she clung to the wall with one arm, and used her other to try to hold her shift down. Loki swam back over and wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulled her away from the safety of the wall.

"It's fine," he chided her gently. "This is the shallow end." Sansa raised her eyebrow, and Loki let go of her. She immediately started panicking and flailing about, while he just watched her, his arms folded across his chest. At last, Sansa put her feet down, and they touched the bottom.

"Oh," she said simply as she stood up. The water only came up to just above her breasts. Sansa wrapped her arms around herself, and blushed as she looked at Loki. He himself was studying her. When she had been thrashing about, she had gotten her face and hair wet. Red strands clung to the sides of her face and the back of her neck. Loki paused as he watched a trickle of water slide off her nose. He came back over to her, and Sansa found herself staring at his bare and gleaming chest.

"Now, swimming is like something else you do quite normally. It is like a dance. It is graceful, and beautiful. You can do it alone, or with a partner," Loki said, and he pulled Sansa into his arms again. Sansa tried to push her skirt down before they made contact, but Loki already had her close to him. He had her put her hand on his shoulder, while he held the other outstretched. His free arm encircled her hip, and pulled her flush against him. Loki stiffened slightly, and Sansa could feel his heart beating. The reason Loki had gotten so still, was because Sansa's bare thigh had touched the skin of his leg. Being in such close proximity with the source of his constant confusion, worry, and affection; Loki found himself actually at a momentary loss. Finally, he looked down at her. "Are you afraid?" he asked her.

Sansa nodded her head a little and whispered, "A little, yes." Loki smirked and gently placed his chin on her head, before he began to dance, leading Sansa along.

"There's no need. I'm right here," he said in return. Sansa followed his feet, allowing him to guide her like he said he would. "Close your eyes," Loki told her, and Sansa obeyed. Her breathing normalized, and her heartrate slowed down. Loki looked at her, and smiled to himself.

See? Spend time with her, and she's no longer a mystery, he heard Frigga's voice say in his head.

As the Midgard mortals would put it, you're ruining the moment, Loki telepathically responded, and Frigga laughed. After that, she left Loki's mind, and he continued to water dance with Sansa Stark.

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