Chapter 17 - Enter the Targaryens

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Loki looked out from under his hood. He was wrapped up, but the sun was beating down mercilessly in Pentos, a rich trading city across the Narrow Sea. Loki could feel his skin turning blue under his clothes, and as long as nobody saw it, Loki permitted it. It kept him cool. Glancing around, he caught sight of the house of Illyrio Mopatis, a man who was loyal to the Targaryens. Loki walked up the beige steps, his black boots echoing on the stone. His knock on the high oaken doors, resounded throughout Illyrio's house, and the servants came running. "Who tries to beat down my door?!" Illyrio Mopatis challenged as his chief servant opened them. Loki entered the main courtyard, and pushed back his hood. Illyrio Mopatis gasped when he saw Loki's face. His unnaturally pale skin, his deep green eyes, and the fact that he could see a hint of blue creeping up from under his collar. "Who are you?" Illyrio asked.

"Now isn't that the question of the age?" Loki challenged in return. His waved his hand and the servants disappeared quickly. Illyrio glanced around, and took several steps back as Loki approached him. "Where are the Targaryens?" Loki queried. Illyrio cried out as he tripped over a chair, and landed on the stone. Loki placed a foot on his ankle, and began to apply pressure.

"Slaves! Help!" Illyrio shouted. Loki waved his hand, and all the servants were frozen wherever they were standing in the house. Illyrio looked back at him, and Loki stooped down to his level.

"I don't want to kill them. I don't work for King Robert. Well, I do, but he doesn't know where I am. I am trying to reinstate them to their rightful places, but! I need to meet them and judge their worthiness for myself," Loki told Illyrio. But, the man was still stubborn. "Ah. You sad, little humans," Loki commented, right before he put all of his weight into his foot, and there was a dull snap as Illyrio's ankle cracked.

"Ah!" Illyrio screamed, before Loki covered his mouth with his hand.

"It was a simple question. It just requires a simple answer. Where are the Targaryen siblings?" Loki asked again. Tears fell down Illyrio's face, and he looked back into Loki's cold, green eyes. Loki removed his glove, revealing a blue hand, with ridges in the skin. Illyrio jumped and brought his hands up to shield his face.

"No! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!" Illyrio shouted. Loki smirked, but continued to hold his hand threateningly close to Illyrio's face. "They are traveling to the Dothraki city of Vaes Dothrak! Viserys has married his sister to the khal, Drogo, in exchange for 40,000 Dothraki riders! The road they took leads east!" Illyrio quickly explained. Loki could feel his blood boiling at that thought. The idea that Viserys had sold his own sister to some rider chief, all to obtain soldiers? Made him think of something else he heard in his past.

"You took me for a purpose, what was it?" Loki asked Odin. The white-haired All-Father just looked at him numbly. "Tell me!" Loki shouted, the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring out a permanent peace, through you," Odin told him. Loki's mouth hung open as he realized what the All-Father really thought of him. He was just a bargaining chip.

"What?" he queried in a quieter voice. Some tears slid into his mouth, and Loki could taste the salt.

"But those plans no longer matter," Odin said, looking away.

"So, I'm no more than another stolen relic?! Locked up, here, till you might have use for me?" Loki challenged.

"Why do you twist my words?" Odin asked in return.

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