Chapter 83 - Bargains Explained

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Loki arrived at the Twins the day after Myrcella's wedding to Prince Trystane, and saw that Robb was already moving his troops over the bridge towards the south. He watched as the Stark direwolf banners advanced, and sighed. Now he had to explain himself to the King of the North. Robb Stark would be more forgiving once he learned Loki's reasons for doing what he did. Catelyn Stark and anybody else who did not care for him? Not so much, even considering what he had just done for them. Loki cracked his neck and teleported himself inside the castle. Robb Stark was now sitting in Walder Frey's chair, with Talisa on his right and his mother on his left. The great doors boomed open, and Loki walked in. The lower commanders and captains who were present, all cheered and chanted Loki's name. Loki smirked as he walked by them, basking in the praise of the mortals. This was something that would never get old; and since he had never gotten it on Asgard, it was long overdue. Finally, he pressed his finger to his lips and they all became quiet. That was when he turned back to Robb Stark sitting on the dais. Robb Stark stood up and raised his cup. "Let us all take a moment to toast the man who made all this possible. Who brought a traitor to justice and gave us a formidable stronghold: Ser Loki Frostborn!" Robb announced.

"Ser Loki Frostborn!" the rest of the men exclaimed. They raised their cups before draining them to dregs. Loki glanced around and saw that the one person who did not drink to him, was Catelyn Stark. She poured the contents of her cup onto the floor, and Loki was not the only who noticed. Robb Stark saw it as well.

"Have her removed," Robb Stark whispered to Theon Greyjoy and his friend nodded his head. Putting his cup down, Theon Greyjoy approached Catelyn Stark and took her elbow gently.

"What are you doing?" she challenged before she glanced at her son. Robb Stark shook his head subtly, and that was when she understood.

"The king wants you to leave the room gracefully, my lady," Theon Greyjoy informed her. Catelyn colored, but she stood up with dignity. Loki watched as she was led away by Theon Greyjoy, and that was when Robb Stark clapped.

"Only Ser Rodrik Cassell, and Theon Greyjoy remain. The rest of you can leave us," he ordered, and the hall emptied itself. Talisa gave her husband a kiss before she departed. Finally, Theon Greyjoy returned and Robb waited for Loki's report.

"Thank you for clearing the room, sire. What I'm about to discuss is delicate, and I would not want everyone to hear it so soon," Loki said as he began to pace the length of the hall. Robb Stark, Rodrik Cassell, and Theon Greyjoy watched Loki for a second. Loki finally faced them and clapped his hands.

"I presume you have said something to your other nobles about who will become Lord of the Dreadfort now that Roose Bolton is deceased?" Loki asked and Robb Stark nodded his head.

"Indeed. His bastard son, Ramsay Snow, is still entrenched there, but with some skilled men and siege equipment, we can roust him out," Robb Stark answered. Loki's lips puckered for a second before he waggled his finger.

"No men or siege equipment are required. I can handle Ramsay Snow myself," Loki said and this made Rodrik Cassell raise his eyebrow.

"You can handle an entire fortress?" Theon Greyjoy queried, and Loki looked slightly insulted.

"I handled all the Freys and Boltons, did I not? What's one more?" Loki said in return and Theon glanced at Robb. "Besides, I do need to discuss land perimeters with the new lord." This made Robb Stark frown and Ser Rodrik Cassell rested his hand on his sword. Loki noticed and scoffed. "Oh, relax! The Dreadfort is not for me! I've got my eyes are a more prominent position," Loki responded.

"Forgive me if that doesn't instill any comfort at present," Robb Stark pointed out and Loki shrugged.

"In order for this whole deal to work, I made a bargain with a family that has not entered the war. At least until now," Loki said and he held out a message to Robb Stark. The young wolf took it, broke the seal, and read it. The look of pure puzzlement on his face almost made Loki smile.

"The Iron Fleet of Balon Greyjoy has besieged Lannisport?" Robb Start asked and Theon Greyjoy unceremoniously snatched the letter from him. He read it several times before he looked back at Loki.

"It was the bargain I made with Balon Greyjoy, and his daughter, Yara. They lay siege to Lannisport, strangle the trade, and otherwise inconvenience Tywin Lannister. Once Lannisport has fallen, your men can move in and hold it. Taking Casterly Rock shouldn't be too arduous once supply trains are stifled, and we cut off all means of getting help," Loki said. His cool, controlled tone of voice was eerie to Robb Stark. Since his father's death, Robb had become a formidable commander, but that was partially because of Loki. The way Loki spoke about sieges and hostile takeovers brought a chill to Robb Stark. He could tell that Loki had done this many times before, and it was not new to him. "In exchange for this aid, you get Lannisport and Casterly Rock. Balon Greyjoy gets the Dreadfort, and those lands are annexed to the Iron Islands. Since you will be getting a trade rich city, the loss of the cold Dreadfort lands shouldn't be too catastrophic," Loki pointed out as he finally stopped walking, and faced Robb Stark.

"You went behind my back and made a deal with Balon Greyjoy and offered him lands that should be mine to dispense?" Robb Stark asked. Loki shrugged and waved his one hand dismissively.

"You insubordinate, insignificant-!" Rodrik Cassell started to say before Loki interrupted him.

"Did Catelyn give you those lines? They sound like hers," Loki pointed out dryly. He yawned before he cast a cursory glance at Robb Stark. The young wolf did not seem to mind that Loki had insulted his mother. More than like because she was annoying him as well.

Rodrik Cassell was about to advance on Loki when Robb Stark said, "That's enough Ser Cassell. Loki took the initiative and gave us an edge on the Lannisters and their allies. They do not have fleet to claim as their own. Although, you could have warned me about this sooner." Loki smirked and that was when Robb Stark turned to Theon Greyjoy and put his hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Theon, son of Balon, of House Greyjoy, I give you the Dreadfort as your own to command. You will become one of my bannermen. Once Loki handles Ramsay Snow, you will become the new Lord of the Dreadfort," Robb Stark announced. Theon beamed proudly and cast an appreciative glance in Loki's direction. Loki just nodded his head before he looked at Ser Rodrik Cassell. The bigger man was shaking his head and Loki stuck his tongue out at him. Of course, when Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy faced then again, Loki looked as innocent as could be. But then, he always looked the most innocent when he was guiltiest.

Oh, how I love it when my plans come together, Loki thought to himself.

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