The Serpent Princess - Riverd...

By Wolf-Girl98

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"I knew we shouldn't trusted you! You just like your father! Typical Lodge! All of you are the same manipulat... More

Prologue: The return of Calista Jones
Cast: Season 2
Chapter 1: A kiss before dying
Chapter 2: Nighthawks
Chapter 3: The watcher in the woods
Chapter 4: The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Chapter 5: When a Stranger Calls
Chapter 6: Death Proof
Chapter 8: Silent Night, Deadly Night
Chapter 9: The Blackboard Jungle
Chapter 10: The Wrestler
Chapter 11: The Wicked and the Divine
Chapter 12: The Tell-Tale Heart
Chapter 13: The Hills have eyes
Chapter 14: There Will Be Blood
Chapter 15: Primary Colors
Chapter 16: The Noose Tightens
Chapter 17: A night to remember
Chapter 18: Prisoners
Chapter 19: Shadow of a Doubt
Chapter 20: Judgment Night
Chapter 21: Brave New World
Cast: Season 3
Chapter 22: Labor day
Chapter 23: Fortune and men's eyes
Chapter 24: As above, so below
Chapter 25: The midnight club
Chapter 26: The great escape
Chapter 27: Manhunt
Chapter 28: The man in black
Chapter 29: Outbreak
Chapter 30: No exit
Chapter 31: The stranger
Chapter 32: The red Dahlia
Chapter 33: Requiem for a Welterweight
Chapter 34: Fire walk with me
Chapter 35: American dreams
Chapter 36: The raid
Chapter 37: Jawbreaker
Chapter 38: Fear the reaper
Chapter 39: Prom night
Chapter 40: The dark secret of Harvest house
Chapter 41: Survive the night
Cast: Season 4
Chapter 42: In memoriam
Chapter 43: Fast Times at Riverdale High
Chapter 44: Dog Day Afternoon
Chapter 45: Halloween
Chapter 46: Witness for the Prosecution
Chapter 47: Hereditary
Chapter 48: The Ice Storm
Chapter 49: In treatment
Chapter 50: Varsity Blues
Chapter 51: Quiz Show
Chapter 52: Men of Honor
Chapter 53: The Ides of March
Chapter 54: How to Get Away with Murder
Chapter 55: To Die For
Chapter 56: The Locked Room
Chapter 57: Wicked little town
Chapter 58: Lynchian
Chapter 59: Killing Mr. Honey
Chapter 60: Climax
Chapter 61: The Preppy Murders
Chapter 62: Graduation

Chapter 7: House of the Devil

3K 63 2
By Wolf-Girl98

It has been maybe two weeks since the race with the Ghoulies and Calista getting shot.

A few hours after the doctor announcement that she would pull through, she had woken up and FP was able to see her.

She went home a few hours after her meeting with her father, and she felt relieved that she was home.

Her boyfriend and friends wouldn't leave her side and she couldn't be more thankful that she had such an amazing friends, brother and boyfriend.

A few days later, Calista and Jughead got amazing news.

Their father was getting out of jail.

She was happy that her father was finally getting out, but she was pissed at her brother, because he told her about the job he did for Penny Peabody.

She wanted to kill him for being so stupid trusting that bitch.

But at least her father was coming out.

The only problem was how she was going to tell him, about what happened four years ago.

And she hadn't even told her brother and her friends the other part of the story.

"So, the reason we called you guys in here..." Betty started as Archie and Veronica stood in the Blue and Gold office with her, Jughead and Calista.

"Our dad is getting out of jail." Jughead told them with big smiles on both Jones' faces.

"Jug, Cali, that's... That's great," Archie told them as Betty hugged Jughead's arm.

"Yeah." Veronica agreed "What heralded this miracle?""Uh, overcrowding at the jail. I guess the judge reviewed my dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony it was...." he took a breath "A perfect storm."

Calista glared at her brother, before she turned her head and looked at Archie and Veronica again.

"What do you need from us, guys?" Archie asked.

"All of us. We have a new lead on the Black Hood case." Betty started explaining.

"And Jughead, Betty and I were wondering if you guys would follow up on it for us?" Calista continued "We can give you all of the details, the articles."

"It's just that I have to be there for my dad to help with his re-entry, Cali too, which is why we didn't ask her." Jughead explained to them.

"Wait, so, you want us to be you guys?" Veronica asked.

"Essentially, yes." Jughead answered and the two glanced at each other.

"Why, is there a problem with that?" Jughead and Calista asked them at the same time.

The twins walked into Whyte Worm excitedly.

Jughead went to the center to tell everyone the news, while Calista walked towards Ace, with huge smile on her face.

He smiled at her as he pulled her towards him by her waist "Why so happy baby girl?" He asked her as he gave her a soft kiss.

"You'll see." She told him, after the kiss before she turned around and looked at her twin brother with a huge smile on her face.

"I have an announcement to make..." Jughead announced "Our dad's getting out."

Everyone cheered and clapped, some even whistled.

Ace smiled at Calista and kissed her forehead as she smiled happily.

"And when he does, I'll bring up to speed about our plans with Mayor McCoy." He continued with a smile, as he looked at his twin sister.

"That's brilliant." Tall Boy stated as he slammed his drink down.

"Do you have a problem with that, Tall Boy?" Calista asked him as she moved from her place next to Ace, and moved to stand next to her brother.

"Your old man? No." Tall Boy answered as he got up and made his way over to the Jones twins "I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the Mayor."

"I do." Jughead confirmed "He's right. I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's going to take work and it's going to take compromise."

"Bring the Southside back." Tall Boy laughed "You've been here all of five minutes..."

"Bitch please. I've been part of this gang since I was eleven years old. I know the Southside better." Calista snarled at him.

"Tall Boy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch." Jughead told him, with a glare on his face "Whispering behind my back that I'm half a Serpent or I don't belong here."

"Why don't we put it to a vote? If you guys think what my brother is doing is wrong, he'll step aside." Calista told everyone.

"All those who stand with Jughead and Calista and think Tall Boy should shut the hell up..." Toni trailed off, raising her hand.

The Martinez brothers stood up, and walked forward raising their hand too, Ace without breaking his eye contact with his girlfriend.

She send him a smile, and he winked at her.

The next day Jughead, Betty, Calista and for some reason Alice Cooper, were waiting outside the gate.

She was so nervous, that when she saw her father walking towards them, she quickly grabbed Betty's hand.

The blonde girl looked at the dark haired Jones and squeezed her hand, trying to reason her that everything was going to be okay.

FP walked closer to the gates, with officers walking behind him.

He stepped through them and hugged Jughead.

He stepped from the hug and looked at the blonde teenager "Hey Betty." He greated her with a smile.

"Hi Mr. Jones." She greeted him back.

FP's eyes then moved to the nervous girl, that stood next to Betty.

He walked closer to her, his eyes watered as he was finally able to see her clearly and not through a glass or in a hospital bed.

"Cali." He whispered and he huged his little girl.

Calista's eyes filled with tears as she was finally able to hold her father after four long years "Dad..." She whispered, as she hold him for dear life.

When they finally broke from the hug, FP put his arm around her shoulder and looked towards the car.

"Alice?" He asked confused.

Alice was leaning against the hood of her car "Is it true what they say about men who have just been released from prison, FP?"

"What do they say?" He asked her confused.

"That they're incredibly sexually frustrated." She answers and pushes herself off the hood.

"Wow." Jughead commented.

"Ew." Calista said in disgust.

FP chuckled and the five of them got in the Cooper's car, as they drove away from the prison.

The five of them drove to Pop's where they were eating in a booth.

"The Black Hood is targeting sinners, so l'd watch my back if I were you, FP. Especially once you re-join that gang of hoodlums." Alice snides across the table looking at FP.

"The Serpents aren't hoodlum--" The twins said at the same time, but FP quickly interuppted them.

"I'm not going back to the Serpents, Alice. I thought a lot about this while I was in ShankShaw, and I'm done with Serpent life. It's gonna be one last ride for my kids and I, but it's too much of a slippery slope for me." He explained to her.

"The Serpents need you, dad." Jughead told him.

"Jughead and Calista needs you, Mr. Jones." Betty told the older Jones.

"And what, pray tell, will you be doing with all of your extra time, FP?" Alice asked him, looking at him with scepticism.

"Working, Warden Cooper." He informed her with a smirk on his face, Calista chuckled at the nickname her father used for Alice. "I saw a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window, thought I'd talk to Pop about picking up some shifts."

"Let's hope your plans don't come crashing down once you start drinking again." Alice snarled at him, Calista glared at the blonde woman before she continued drinking her coffee.

"Actually I'm in AA. I started in jail and I don't plan on stopping." He smirked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Well, I'm proud of you Dad." Calista wrapped her arm around his back and rested her head on his shoulder. "I think this will be good for you"

The three Jones's took their motorbikes and drove after Pop, to spend some time together.

They stopped their bikes and stood there in silence, Calista was sitting on her motorbike drawing and enjoying the peaceful silence, until Jughead broke the silence.

"Things got ugly when you were away." Jughead told their father "I asked myself every day what you would do if you were here."

"Has Penny bothered you?" FP asked his son.

Calista and Jughead shared a look before she continued her draw and Jughead looked towards FP "I figured she's the one who greased my wheels."

"I did a job for her." Jughead told him.

"What kind of a job?" FP asked him again.

Calista scoffed "What do you think dad?" She asked him sarcastically without taking her eyes from her sketchbook.

Jughead glared at his twin, before he looked back at FP "It was a one-time thing. I figured it best not ask too many questions. We're squared away, for good."

FP was silent for a moment before he started talking.

"You know, when I was sixteen, my old man kicked me out and told me to go to hell. Instead, I joined the Serpents. And then the Army, and then back again. I don't want that life for you, eithter one of you. I want you two to go to college, get out of this godforsaken town."

Jughead sighed "I ran the gauntlet. I fought with the Serpents with Calista by my side and for them. I have to stay."

"I'm staying to dad. Even if I'm not a Serpent anymore, I'm not leaving Jug's side, nor the Serpents." Calista told their father as she lifted her head from her drawing and looked FP right in the eyes.

"We wanna stay." Jughead continued "But we need your blessing."

"Just promise me you'll keep writing. I see your sister it's still drawing." FP begged him.

"I will." Jughead promised him. "I do every day."

"A party? No, no, no." FP refused as he, Jughead and Calista walked inside their trailer with take out.

Jughead and Calista were telling their father about the retirement party the twins and Betty wanted to trow for him.

"The problem is, I'm trying to keep the Serpents in my rearview mirror, remember?" FP told his kids.

Jughead took the food out and sets it on the table "It's one night. Not even, it's like three hours."

"You've done right by the Serpents, more than right. Why can't they do right by you? Come on, it's the end of an era." Calista told him, with a sweet smile and puppy dog eyes.

FP looked at his daughter, but when he saw her puppy dog eyes he quickly averted his eyes.

"Please dad..." She pouted slightly.

Jughead smirked at his twin sister, when he saw their father finally gaving in.

"Okay. Okay, let's do it, now put that pout and puppy dog eyes away girl." FP said with a small smile.

Jughead and Calista smirked at each others and high fived each other.

Just then Jughead's phone rang "It's Archie." He got up "Don't bogart the eggrolls."

A few moments later he walked back and he looked a little worried.

"I'II be back in a bit, Archie needs some help on a writing assignment." He stutters out the last part.

Before any of them could question him, he walked out.

FP then turned towards his daughter.

She had changed so much for the last four years, it was like half of her was dead.

A little before he was released he met with some Ghoulies, and he heard some things from them that he didn't wanted to believe, but he have to asked her.

"Cali..." He trailed of slightly, she looked at him "In jail I met Ghoulies... I met Malachai..."

She winced and shuddered by the name.

"He told me... that..."

"I know what you're trying to say dad... it's true." She said with a broken voice.

Her eyes watered as she started remembering what happened that night four years ago.

FP stood silent as he tried to assimilate what his daughter just told him.

"I wasn't strong enough, to fight them... to fight him." She whispered "I wasn't strong enough to come back and face you or the Serpents... and someone told me you guys won't accept me back after what happened."

She looked towards her father who was watching her with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry dad, that it took me so long to come back. I'm sorry that I let the fear hold me back." She cried out.

FP quickly stood from his chair and walked towards his daughter and hugged her.

"Don't ever be sorry for anything. It took you time for you to come back and I understand that Cori." He then looked her in the eyes "I don't blame you for anything. The most important thing right now it's that you're back home. With us."

Calista cried as she hugged her father again "I love you dad."

FP kissed her head "I love you too Cali."

He knew there was more to the story, but he coud see this was hard for her and he didn't really wanted to hear the rest.

The most important thing right now was that she was back to him and Jughead.

She then cleaned her throat and looked at her father "Ummm dad. There is something else I need to tell you." He looked at her, paying her full attention "I have a boyfriend." She said with a smile.

FP cleaned his throat "And who is that boy?" He asked her.

"Ace." She answered him timidly.

FP was quiet for a minute, before he nodded his head "Okay."

Calista looked at her father with wide eyes "'Okay?' You really are not angry or anything?"

FP laughed "Why should I sweetheart, he is a good kid and I remember how happy he used to make you." She smiled at her father.

"Thanks for understanding dad. And he does make me happy, I love him and he loves me too." She told him with a smile on her face.

FP smiled back at her, before they continued eating.

Calista pushed open the doors of the White Wyrm to reveal a sea of people.

Her ears were filled with the sound of constant chatter and her eyes skimmed across the room.

Once she found Jughead in the crowd, a grin erupted on her face and she made her way towards him.

"Jug." She greeted them with a smile.

"Hey sis. You look amazing." Jughead told her with a smile.

"Thanks Jug." She smiled at him.

She did looked amazing.

She wore leather pants, with black tank top, red heel boots and a red leather jacket.

Calista looked around the room, before her green eyes met with dark brown eyes from across the room.

Ace eyed her from head to toe with his dark eyes, before they setted on her face.

Watching her with his intence stare, his stare was so intence that she coud feel shivers going through her body.

But they weren't bad like with Malachai, no they were good, so good that the longer he was looking at her the longer she felt like her knees will go weak.

She smiled at him, and he smiled back at her, with a wink.

She blushed a bit, before hers and everyone else heads turned as Alice Cooper and Betty walked in.

She was dressed like a Serpent. It was like she never left.

"Wow, Betty." Jughead smiled as they reached them "Mrs. Cooper. You look incredible."

"Tell me about it." Alice smirked "Unfortunately, I couldn't convince this one to dress appropriately. Hog Eye," she shouted, turning her head "get me.." She snapped her fingers.

"Tequila, straight up..."

"Hold the worm." they both finished as he handed her the drink.

"I was talking to you." Jughead clarified about his statement to Betty as Alice was distracted at the bar.

Calista made her way over to Ace once she left her brother with Betty.

"Hey Ace." She greeted him with a smile.

"Hey baby girl." He greeted her back with a smirk on his face, as he looked her from head to toe again "You look... hot." He told her with a smirk.

She blushed again "Thanks Ace, and you look dashing."

She then stood on her toes and kissed him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, while his wrapped around her waist.

Just then Archie and Veronica went on stage and began to sing Mad World, making the couple pull away from each other, as Calista looked at them with a frown.

The tension between them was obvious and she couldn't help but wonder what was wrong.

As if on cue, Veronica ran off stage, followed closely by Archie.

A loud chorus of booing was heard, even from Ace.

Calista glared at him and nudged him playfully.

He grinned down at her and slung his arm around her shoulders.

When she looked up again, she saw Betty on the stage.

She continued the song and Calista's eyes widened as she realised what else she was doing.

Betty was doing the Serpent Dance.

"No. No. No. No what the hell is she doing?!" She panicked a bit.

"What the hell? She is actually doing it?" Ace asked in shock.

Calista looked at him in shock and anger "What you knew she was going to do that?!"

"I didn't actually thought she was really going to go for it!" He whisper shouted at her.

"What the hell Ace?!" She growled at him in anger, before she left him and ran towards her brother, who was leaning against the pull table, watching his girlfriend in fear.

"Jug..." She whispered with fear in her eyes.

He looked at her with same fear, before the twins looked at the stage again.

When the song finished, everyone stood frozen until FP walked out of the crowd and clapped which made the Serpents to clap too.

FP walked on the stage and wraped a Serpent jacket around her.

"Let's give her a round of applause. Show her some of that Serpent hospitality we're known for." The crowd of people cheer and clap while Jughead and Calista stood frozen.

"You know what? I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my twins. And it's been a wild ride. Good times, bad times, but through it all the Serpents stuck by my side, while most others turned their backs on me. My own family included."

FP then looked towards Jughead, before he looked around the room again.

"Now the letter of the law says I can't be here in the Serpent den. I can't associate with my friends. My real family! My blood!" People start cheering and clapping again.

"But l've been thinking about that and it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do! Northside wants me outta this gang? Well, they better bring a coffin because FP Jones isn't retiring. I am not going gently into the night! I'm here to stay! So bring the fire!"

The bar erupts into cheers and hollering.

FP then walked off the stage and over to his kids "What happened to retiring?" Jughead asked him.

"Dad what the hell are you doing?" Calista asked him.

FP only pulled his twins in closer for a hug.

"I know about the Snake Charmer and the delivery you did and the debt you owe her." He whispered to Jughead, Calista's eyes grew wide after she heard that.

"I can fix this. Let me just talk to her." Jughead tried to bargain with him.

FP pulled back and looked at them "No. I'm in, you're out. Penny's my problem now. You broke my heart, Jughead." He kissed his forehead.

He then looked at his daughter "Calista you should have stopped him, you knew better. You broke my trust."

Calista gasped and her eyes watered at those words.

"Shots! Let's line them up!"

Sweet Pea and Ace walked towards them with a smile on their faces, as Sweet Pea gave FP a shot in his hand.

Calista looked at her best friend and boyfriend with anger while they just looked confused, why she was so angry at him.

"Hail to the King." Tall Boy lifted his glass.

"Hail to the King!"

Everyone cheered and drang the shots, uncluding FP who didn't take his eyes from his twins as they watched him with teary eyes.

"I need to get away from here." Calista quickly pushed herself from the crowd, and walked outside.

She leaned against the wall, as tears started to falling down her eyes.

That bitch ruined her four years ago and now she's after her father...

Calista stood outside crying for about thirty minutes, when Jughead ran outside towards her.

"Cali?" He whispered as he walked closer to her.

She glared at her brother, as she stood up and walked towards him and pushed him.

"Look what you did Jughead?! I told you to stay away from that bitch! I told you she was dangerous! Damn it Jughead I told you to stay away from her for a reason?!" She screamed at him.

"You never told me why! And how you know about her! You never told me this!" He yelled back at her.

"You want to know how I know? Well okay. Four years ago I found out she was dealing drugs with the Ghoulies, I told her I was going to tell everyone and that I have pictures. And the next thing I know... I was kidnapped and handed to Malachai like some kind of a prize! You know who did this? Penny!" she yelled at him.

"That's why I told you to stay away from her! But you didn't listen to me! And now he is still a Serpent and he drinks again! This is all your fault, I hate you!" Calista started pounding on his chest with balled up fists "I hate you! I hate you!"

Jughead grabbed her fists and she crumbled.

Calista started full on sobbing in the middle of the Whyte Wyrm parking lot.

"I know, I'm sorry." He pulled her into him and wraps his arms around her. "I'll fix this I promise."


"I don't know but I will."

What neither one of the twins knew was that Ace was listening the whole conversation.

When he heard what Penny did to his girl, rage burned inside him and all he wanted was to make Peabody pay.

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