Sparkle Like a Superstar

By LuvMiddleEarth

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A new security guard is hired to join Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex, but not as a day guard. Oh no, as a nightsh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131

Chapter 69

128 4 3
By LuvMiddleEarth

Saphira looked at the time, it was five minutes past twelve and that meant she should introduce the animatronics to Vanessa. It was something she did not want to do, but it was necessary since the woman was here to stay. She sighed and looked up at the cameras, Vanessa had not yet returned to her office, she was in the basement checking the kitchen, loading dock, locker and dining hall right now. Saphira was glad she did not have to go down there right now. But, she knew she would have to inform her soon.

"I guess it is time," Freddy said softly, he was well aware of the time as well and he knew Saphira was not looking forward to it at all. "Should we head to the atrium?"

"Yeah..." Saphira lifts her wrist to open communication with the other animatronics. "Alright guys, now is the time to meet the new night guard. She's still down in the basement, so we should all meet her in the atrium. I'll inform her shortly."

"We will be there," Mr Hippo responded quickly and calmly. "Just make sure you keep yourself controlled. I know you have a big dislike for that woman."

Saphira did not respond and cut the communcation. "I am being controlled already."

"I know." Freddy smiled, extending his hand towards her. "We can go together. Or do you want to speak with Vanessa first?"

She stared at his hand as she pondered on the question. She hummed and stood up from the desk, taking the large, warm hand with her palm. "I suppose we can head to the atrium. There really is no hurry. Besides..." Saphira glanced back at the monitors with a slight frown. "She seems to be taken an awfully long time down there."

"She is new here, you didn't know you way in the basement either," Freddy said as he gently pulled her away from the monitors to walk towards the elevator. "Why do you think that it is suspicious?"

"I don't know, I guess...because of how I feel about her it is clouding my judgement." Saphira did know she was being judgemental, she just couldn't help it. She was too suspicious about her, and she knew the reasons why. "Plus, the stress and anxiety I have been under along with recovering really is not helping. This is just not something I want to deal with."

"I know. We are here to help you through this Saphira, do not forget that." They step into the elevator and he pulled Saphira in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her to comfort her. "I love you, and I always will. Nothing will change how I feel about you."

Saphira smiled, feeling her heart skipping a beat as she heard those words. She looked up and got onto her tip toes to kiss him, he kissed her back gently. "I missed hearing you tell me that," She said with a chuckle. "Thank you. It has made me feel a bit better."

He tilts his head slightly and kissed her again. "That is what I am here for." He rubbed her back gently and his ears twitch when the elevator dinged and the door opened. "Here is our stop."

Saphira sighed, she kept her hand in Freddy's hand and stepped out, she hated walking the long, grey hallway. Especially since she knew that Music Man could come back at any time. It made her feel very paranoid. At least Freddy was with her and it made it easier to walk through the hallway. They reach the door to the atrium and Saphira's face lit up when she saw the other animatronics already there.

"You guys got here fast," Saphira commented as they approach with a smile on her face. "I did not think you were that eager to meet the woman."

"We're not, we are eager to get it over with," Roxy responded in a bored voice. "Where is this woman anyway?"

"Basement. She's been there for fifteen minutes..." Saphira glanced at her Fazwatch to check the cameras. "Yep...though...she's been standing in the dining hall in particular. Seems she is talking to someone, but I don't see anyone."

"Really?" Mr Hippo walked closer to her with a curious frown. "May I see?" Saphira nodded and lifts her wrist for Mr Hippo to see, even though it might be really hard given the size of the Fazwatch. He peered at the Fazwatch curiously. "Hmm...I wish I knew. She is standing where the nightmare bots came up, I don't see them there with her. Maybe...she's talking know." Mr Hippo did not want to say in case they were being eavesdropped.

"Maybe..." Saphira thought it was strange that it would be made obvious on the first night...but it could also be a trick. " will let her know we are waiting for her shortly. I do apologize if I seem on edge about her."

"Don't apologize, the virus practically told you she was coming and now she is here," Monty said with a smile. "I have nothing nice to say about her. We don't need two night guards, never did and never will. She's an intruder as far as I am concerned, but we can't do anything about her."

"I agree," Happy Frog said, her arms were folded as she stood there listening. "Nothing good came from Dave. Nothing good with come from Vanessa. Be on your guard every night, especially for Saphira's sake."

The animatronics nod, they all would protect Saphira as best as they could. There was no way they would let what happened to her happen again. Saphira though felt there was a lot more to come. But, there was no way of knowing what would happen of course. She sighed deeply and looked at the Fazwatch again. Now was the time to tell her.

"Alright...we have stalled long enough." Saphira didn't change the camera vision and pressed the buttons to open communication with Vanessa. "Hey Vanessa, I hope you're not lost down in the basement there. But I have the animatronics out in the atrium if you would like to meet them."

"Oh, really?" Vanessa responded enthusiastically. "Wonderful! I briefly saw them when I walked through Rockstar Row, but they had their curtains closed. It must be normal for them to close the curtains just before close. And no, I am not lost, I just want to take a thorough sweep. It is creepy down here though."

"Yeah, I have been down there many times. It feels like a completely different building." Saphira definitely did not disagree with her, but Vanessa actually seemed okay. She saw on the cameras that the woman began to make her way back to the elevator to head up to the utility tunnels. "We will be waiting in the atrium for you."

"I look forward to meeting them!" The woman continued with her enthusiastic voice, which was annoying Saphira. "I was also just chatting with Mr Miller. He's very happy about how my first night is going."

"You talk with him directly?" Saphira asked in surprise.

"Well, sure!" She responded with a giggle. "I've been talking to him for a long time, of course I won't stop. He likes me enough to ask how my night is going. Plus, he is the owner, so he wants to take care of his little employee."

She cringed at that. She didn't know if that is what Mr Miller called Vanessa or if maybe he called Saphira that. "At least you're lucky to speak to him directly. He's difficult to get a hold of sometimes."

"Yeah, he is busy with a lot of other things that is why. You have no idea what he does behind the scenes." Oh, she definitely had some idea of what. But Saphira kept that to herself. "He does tell me how good of an employee you are. Apparently, he told me he hopes you get well. I didn't know you were sick...but apparently he knows." Of course he does. "But he also said that you won't let him down with your commitment to the pizzaplex. And he says there is a future project you both are planning..."

"No we're not," Saphira said quickly with a frown. "I don't know what project you're talking about."

"Riiiggghhht...oops, maybe it is one you are going to do...sorry, I might have screwed that one. He said it is between you and him, uuuhhh, no idea what that means. He, he..." Vanessa took a deep breath and continued to speak. "Anyway, I might stop talking, or I'll get into trouble. Mr Miller said I have a big mouth, he's right about that. I will see you shortly."

Saphira was left very confused by what Vanessa said. She cut off communication and shakes her head. "What the hell could she mean?"

"That is a good question," Mr Hippo said, he was frowning with concern as they all heard what Vanessa said. "You don't have a project with Mr Miller. He's planning something, I guess he's going to tell you about it."

"Maybe...but it is strange she would tell me. But...she is not coming off as smart, or she's deliberately acting that way." Saphira moved to take a seat as this was really annoying her and she also felt a little lightheaded. She pondered on what Vanessa said, that woman dropped a lot of hints it seemed, but it could also be deliberate. "I hate puzzles to solve that frustrate me."

"He never reached out to you being sick, did he?" Freddy asked curiously as he did not remember Saphira bringing him up. She shakes her head. "Um...Darren might have told him...but he never said if Mr Miller sends his best wishes."

"He might have, but I think Darren could also be protecting me from whatever Mr Miller has said. If he has said anything." She shakes her head again and buried her head into her hands. "This is literally giving me a damn headache! I just want to go and curl up in bed."

Foxy huffed sarcastically. "And miss out on ye work? That is not like ya."

"In case you haven't noticed, I have not been myself for a few days," Saphira grumbled, looking up at him sadly. "Thanks for trying to make me laugh though. I..." She looked away for a moment before looking back at him. "I am sorry. I am just in a bad mood tonight. I am trying to keep positive."

"Yer, I know." Foxy walked over to her and sat down heavily beside her. Saphira tensed slightly and felt his arm around her, pulling her in for a hug. "If I had a plank, I could tell her to walk it. With a tank of sharks...or crocodiles...maybe even jellyfish...I think that would solve the problem."

"It certainly would," Saphira nodded with a smile at his second attempt to make her laugh. "Isn't there a plank in Kid's Cove?"

"Ye, but there is a ball pit surroundin' it, not much of a plank at all." Foxy chuckled softly, lifting his right hand to spin his hook casually. "That lass would just be more cheerful than she is now. She probably will tell Mr Miller how much fun we had instead of work."

"I suppose that is true...but...oh welll. It is the thought I suppose." Saphira glanced at the Fazwatch to find Vanessa. She was walking through the utility tunnels and she would reach Rockstar Row shortly. "Hmm, still another few more minutes to go. She likes to take her time."

"That means more time," Foxy began with a smirk.

"For what?" Saphira asked, glancing at him and saw him spin his wrist to get his hand.

"Hmm...tickle bug!" He exclaimed as he moved his fingers to her sides to tickle her.

Saphira shrieked in surprise and giggled loudly as he tickled her sides, she wiggled to try and get away from him but he kept a hold of her and tickled her for a few minutes. However, Saphira felt pangs in her abdoman and began to try and use her feet to push him away.

"Stop!" Saphira said as her giggles came to a stop. "Please, stop!"

"I won't until yer cryin' with laughter!" Foxy responded cheerfully.

"I mean it!" Saphira pleaded, grabbing at his hands to pull them away. "My stomach hurts."

The animatronic paused as he looked at her in surprise before pulling his hands away quickly. " from laughter hurt?"

She shakes her head, holding her abdoman with a grimace. "Sorry...laughing like that hurt more than that."

"" Foxy looked very guilty, he didn't mean to hurt her. He was trying to make her feel better. "I'm really sorry..."

"I know..." Saphira smiled slightly at him as she held her arm around her stomach. "Great...Vanessa is going to notice I'm in pain...I don't need her sympathy."

Freddy sat on the opposite side of Saphira and placed a hand on her stomach to rub gently, the heat from his hand helped to soothe the pain. "It will be okay. She is not here yet."

"She's reached Rockstar Row, it won't be long. I think you should not be sitting next to me when she arrives." Saphira enjoyed the soothing warmth from Freddy. "Once we are done with the introductions, you and I can go back to the office and you can rub my stomach."

Freddy reluctantly agreed and stood up. Foxy had stood up already, he had a very guilty expression and he hoped she would feel better soon. Foxette took his hand gently and nuzzled his snout to comfort him and reassure him he didn't do anything wrong. Saphira felt bad for making him feel guilty. But, she was not fully recovered. She hoped it won't take longer to heal now. She wanted to stand, but she couldn't when the door from Rockstar Row opened and the woman stepped inside.

Vanessa saw all the animatronics and smiled at them. "Wow...when Mr Miller told me there was only six animatronics last year, I did not imagine the others would be fixed. He tells me you're the best technician this pizzaplex has had."

Saphira resisted the urge to frown, but she kept her hand on her stomach as she watched Vanessa approach the animatronics. "I felt it was ideal for someone else to take a look at the animatronic endos. Sometimes a second opinion is better than the first. Besides, the guests love that they are back."

"So I have heard." Vanessa walked up to the animatronics, most of them looked at her curiously while Roxy, Monty, Happy Frog and Orville all had suspicious expressions on their faces. "Hello gang, it is nice to finally meet you. I will ensure that I will keep out of your way unless necessary. I will be a great night guard."

"It is nice to meet you," Mr Hippo responded first with a smile. "We are all curious to get to know you. I hope you are aware, night guards usually don't last beyond the first week. might find yourself being one of them. Understand that we might not try to take a deep interest in you unless you get past the seventh night."

The woman chuckled at Mr Hippo and shrugged. "I was told that. But, I am not going to be doing any maintenance on you. I think I should be fine. I am just here to help Saphira."

Saphira rolled her eyes slightly. "At least you will learn what it is like to deal with difficult customers. Especially those that are drunk and want to fight back, they are the most entertaining people."

"I am sure I will be fine." Vanessa seemed to be very confident about that, but Saphira would reserve that judgement for when the more difficult nights come around. Her eyes turn to Freddy, he had a neutral expression on his face. "And here is the star of the entire pizzaplex! It is a pleasure to meet you Glamrock Freddy."

"I too appreciate the opportunity to meet you, Vanessa," Freddy responded in a monotone voice. Saphira looked at him curiously, his response showed he was not interested in her, at the very least she hoped not. "Time will tell if you will enjoy yourself here."

"Oh, I am sure I will. The way I see it, this is going to be a cushy job for me." The woman chuckled softly and ran her hand through her hair slightly, smirking at the animatronic. "Curious, is spending time with animatronics something that happens to everyone?"

"Um, no," Saphira responded at the question and the woman looked at Saphira to listen to her. "They only spend time with me because I have been here the longest. They did spend time with the other technicians too...but mostly on neutral grounds. They are my friends, but...mostly because I would be lonely."

"That sounds like my reason to befriend them too." Saphira felt her muscles tensing, she almost wanted to fight the woman, but she kept herself calm. "Unless I have to wait until after my first week is up of course."

"That will be up to them on that," Saphira said bluntly as she folded her arms slightly. "But...we will see. I am the first one to be a real friend to them, so we shall see."

Vanessa just shrugged, she didn't care if she was a friend with them or not it seemed by that reaction. "I suppose. I am not used to talking with animatronics. But I really love it here, so we might become best friends."

Roxy scoffs softly, though the woman did not seem to hear her. "Don't get too cocky, we don't like that around here."

The woman chuckled softly. "Oops, I apologize. Anyway, I need another coffee. I didn't realize how much I would need one even though I had enough sleep. I guess working the night feels so different than the day. Anyway, everywhere is checked Saphira. We won't need to do another sweep until later."

"Good. I need to go and rest anyway."

"I can see that." Vanessa raised a slight eyebrow at her as she observed her curiously. "Though one could argue it is just period pain. I feel you. Go and get some painkillers, it will do you some good. I will see you later." She turned and walked towards the office happily.

Saphira grumbled as she watched the woman enter the office. "Finally, that is all over with..." She moved to stand with a grimace. "Ouch..." She kept her hand on her stomach. "Painkillers might not be a bad idea..."

"I really am sorry lass," Foxy said in a very guilty tone. "I really only wanted to make ye laugh."

"And you succeeded, it is okay." Saphira smiled at him and looked at Freddy. "We should head back to the office. Everyone else should go back to their rooms. It is going to be awkward while Vanessa is here until we work out a way to keep from being spied upon."

"We don't know if she is going to do that," Mr Hippo said to her calmly. "She might just get talking with Mr Miller again."

"I suppose." Saphira doubted it, but it was possible. She didn't care though. Freddy locked his arm with hers and she smiled at him. "Still, we can't be like we were before. I wish we could, but...we can't. I hate it."

"Hey, we are still a family," Mr Hippo said to her gently with a smile. "No matter what, we will do what we can to ensure we stay together."

"He is right," Pigpatch said confidently, placing a hand on Mr Hippo's shoulder to support him. "We might not have been here long, but I can see how strong the bonds are. I am lucky to know you Saphira." He leaned in and kiss Mr Hippo's cheek gently. "In any case, we are free to go back to your room. She can't stop us from being together."

Mr Hippo giggled at him. "Yeah, yeah, I know." He placed his hand on Pigpatch's hand on his shoulder. He looked at Saphira and gave her a thumbs up. "Let me know if you want to talk. Even if it is over the Fazwatch, it is better than nothing."

"Thanks. I appreicate it." Saphira shifted to lean on Freddy slightly. "We should go, I really should go and relax."

Freddy nodded. "Very well. I was surprised by how quick and smooth it all went...but, I am glad. Still...I thought you said green eyes are rare in humans."

She blinked for a moment before frowning. "And how many other humans have you seen with green eyes Freddy?"

"Um...oh, just you and her now..." Freddy shrugged slightly, he thought it was a harmless comment. "I just was not expecting her to have green eyes. Though, they're not as nice of a shade as yours. Yours actually look like emeralds, like the emerald earrings in the romance store."

Saphira was relieved. Vanessa did have lighter green eyes than hers. However, the fact is, she still had green eyes. The virus and Mr Miller both knew Saphira had green eyes, Vanessa already hinted she wanted to befriend the animatronics and she tried to catch their attention by running her hand through her hair. It failed it seemed...for now. But Saphira already spotted red flags.

"I know, that is why I love my eyes so much. I don't like comparing them to anyone else." Saphira smiled at him and tugged him towards her office door. He complied and walked with her towards the door. "I wonder what will happen when the lights go out. It hasn't gone out for five nights."

"Probably because the virus is controlling Moon, that has become apparent it is in full control," Freddy responded. "Don't count him to go after Vanessa. Although, if he did, that would be interesting."

Saphira agreed. Though she didn't really know if that would happen. She certainly wouldn't do anything to help Vanessa. She was quite happy to allow it to happen. Nonetheless, she had to to think about that since Moon can come back at anytime. Saphira wished she had the mental capacity to work on trying to free him from the virus's grasp. She did not blame him for what happened. Sun had reached out already to apologize, and he's insisted Saphira stay away from the daycare for a while. At least Vanessa covered that area tonight.

Freddy opened the door into the hallway and closed it behind them. "Are you going to be upset if I go and recharge? I think I should before I get settled with you for the night."

"Umm..." Saphira considered that question before she became worried. "I'm well enough to go with you to Parts and Service for it. I really don't want to be alone with Vanessa around."

"I doubt she will do anything stupid," He responded. "If she has a good enough relationship with Mr Miller as she says she is, she won't do anything to you."

She whimpered slightly, that was exactly why she was worried. She shakes her head, she genuinely wanted to stay with Freddy this time. "Sometimes I wish that stomach hatch was bigger."

He looked at her in surprise at the comment. "Why is that?"

"So I can sit in it, than I can be with you all the time," Saphira responded, shrugging slightly. She had been tempted to try a few times because she felt she was small enough, but she didn't want to end up stuck. "Plus, no one else will know I am with you. So it would be perfect."

"I would not allow it anyway. It is reserved only for birthday cakes, pinatas and balloons, it is not a safe area for anyone." Freddy shakes his head, the very idea just sounded so strange to him. He has never considered the possibility of a human sitting within his stomach hatch. "You come up with the weirdest thoughts sometimes."

Saphira giggled softly as they reach the elevator and step in. "Yeah...I do. Besides, no matter how weird I am, you still stick by me. I am very lucky to have that." She turned to face him as they wait for the elevator to go up and wrapped her arms around his neck, although she almost couldn't lock her fingers together. "I don't know too many people who could ever put up with me."

"I suppose Monty and Roxy would say the same thing," Freddy said with a smile and Saphira nodded in agreement. "Although, I don't think she's realized that Happy Frog is interested in her. I am surprised you realized nearly right away."

"It was obvious to me. I think it will be good though. Roxy needs someone to make her feel beautiful, that way she might change a little...although given her programming, I doubt it." Saphira didn't know if the programming in their system could change based upon their experiences, but the AI is intelligent, so it was possible. "That leaves Chica and Orville, they're the only two who are single now."

"Yes, it seems that way. Although, I don't think those two will be together. I think Chica and Orville are happy being single, maybe." Freddy could not answer that, those two could end up together, but it was hard to say at this time. Neither one has shown interest. "There isn't anything wrong with that. I mean, I never knew what it was like to be in love since I was created. And I didn't worry about it."

"They may, after all of their friends are in relationships. So, I think something will happen." Saphira felt confident about that, although she didn't know the outcome of it of course.

The door opened to the office and Saphira smiled slightly, stepping out with Freddy. He glanced around as he walked her over to the bed. "I suppose you can come with me. I'll get you some water and the aspirin for the pain. After that, we can go."

Saphira smiled at him. "Thanks. I actually don't feel as panicked about you disappearing today...I hope it stays that way. I kind of feel like a child when I am like that."

"I hope for that, but I understand the fear completely." Freddy filled a cup with water from the machine and walked over to the first aid kit to grab out the aspirin box. He walked over with the cup and box to give to her. "I suppose we won't know until the next shift."

Saphira did not disagree. But she also assumed with her mind preoccupied on other things, she might not be panicking about it because of that reason. Nonetheless, she took the aspirin and drank some water before Freddy helped her back up to head to the recharge station in Parts and Service. When they got there, Saphira stayed to the side of the recharge station closest to the doors. She had noticed that the air coming from the warehouse seemed warmer than it was before. That frightened her. She knew the virus was doing something again in the warehouse. She knew she would refuse to go there no matter the reason. If Vanessa asked her to go there, that woman would be on her own. Once Freddy was fully recharged, they return the office to finish the rest of the shift with nothing else happening during the night. Well...except for her panicking when she was half asleep and felt as if the bed suddenly tilted and Freddy disappearing from beside her. She clutched his arm until closer to six when Vanessa reached out to her and Saphira casually walked around the pizzaplex until six. She stared at the cameras to see where Vanessa would go, however, when Vanessa made her way to the lobby the camera screens would static and block her vision.

Fantastic! The virus is hiding Vanessa like it did Dave!

Saphira was unfortunately not able to see if the woman left the building or not. But she was not able to find Vanessa anywhere, and she ended up going to bed paranoid about it. So much so she almost could not sleep and simply returned to the monitors several times before she gave up. There was just so much that Saphira feared could happen that she couldn't let herself to want to like and trust Vanessa. Not at this point anyway.

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