By Jessica_HP1979

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CHAPTER 31-The Second Task
CHAPTER 32-Junior's Back and The Third Task
CHAPTER 33~The Love Of A Sibling
CHAPTER 34-Don't Let Go, Not Yet
CHAPTER 35-Torture, Kiss and Runaway
CHAPTER 36-Nightmares and Family Business
CHAPTER 38-Harry's Arrival and Secret Letters
CHAPTER 39-Prefects and Birthday's
CHAPTER 40-Back To Hogwarts
CHAPTER 41-Visions and Umbridge
CHAPTER 42-Detention, Photo Album and Truth
CHAPTER 43-The New Keeper and I love you's
CHAPTER 44-Luna Lovegood and New DADA Professor?
CHAPTER 45-The Hog's Head
CHAPTER 46-Black, Lestrange and Weasley Vs. Riddle's Gang
CHAPTER 47-The Lion And The Serpant
CHAPTER 48-Expelled From Hogwarts
CHAPTER 49-The Attack On Arthur Weasley And Visiting An Old Friend
CHAPTER 50-Worst To Horrible.
CHAPTER 51-A Christmas To Never Forget
CHAPTER 52-The Funeral
CHAPTER 53-Mass Breakout, Occlumency And The End Of Dumbledore's Army
CHAPTER 54-Snape's Worst Memory
CHAPTER 55-Liam's Return, Weasleys Our King and Final Prank
CHAPTER 56-The Department Of Ministry And The Battle
CHAPTER 57-The Second War Begins
CHAPTER 58-New Recruits and Voldemort's Plan
CHAPTER 59-Heart Desires, Weasley Wizard Wheezes And Wedding
CHAPTER 61-The Necklace and The Slug Club
CHAPTER 62-A Promise To Love You Forever
CHAPTER 63-Slughorn Christmas Party
CHAPTER 64-Christmas At The Burrow, Memory Lane and Announcement
CHAPTER 65-The Falling Burrow, Hide and Seek And Who Are You?
CHAPTER 66-Bloody Hands and Most Wanted Wizards
CHAPTER 67-Game Over Black
CHAPTER 68-Welcome Home Black
CHAPTER 69-Azkaban Nice Welcoming and The Confusing Memory
CHAPTER 70-All Hope Is Gone, Time To Know Your Professor and Love Potion
CHAPTER 71-The Missing Locket and The Poison Drink
CHAPTER 72-Sectumsemptra
CHAPTER 73-All You Need Is A Bit Of Luck
CHAPTER 74-The Cave
CHAPTER 75-Traitor, Traitor and Goodbye Professor
CHAPTER 76-Who's The Real Harry Potter and Oliver Black?
CHAPTER 77-The Burrow
CHAPTER 78-Reunited and It's Time
CHAPTER 79-Welcome To The Family, Wedding Disaster and He Knows
CHAPTER 80-Undesirable Nō 1, I Promise To Come Back and Mundungus Fletcher
CHAPTER 81-Ministry Break In and Splinched
CHAPTER 82-To Destroy A Horcrux, Notebook and Witnessing Their Death's Again
CHAPTER 83-The Important Letter For Later and The Sibling Quarrel
CHAPTER 84-Diagon Alley and The Awkward Situation
CHAPTER 85-Honest Man or Liar?
CHAPTER 86-The Small Dance and The Return To Godric's Hollow
CHAPTER 87-The Big Question and Time To Go
CHAPTER 88-Not The Right Thing To Say and Explanations
CHAPTER 89-The Three Brothers and Snatchers
CHAPTER 90-The Return To The Malfoy Manor and Dobby
CHAPTER 91-The Darkness At Hogwarts and The Deathly Hallows
CHAPTER 92-Breaking into Gringotts
CHAPTER 93-Aberforth Dumbledore
CHAPTER 94-Welcome Back To Hogwarts and Time To Fight
CHAPTER 95-The Battle Of Hogwarts
CHAPTER 96-The Departure Of A True Hero
CHAPTER 97-Twins Till The End
CHAPTER 98-The Chance To See Them Again and Professor Snape's Memory
CHAPTER 99-Fulfilling The Prophecy and The Final Battle

CHAPTER 60-Arrival At Hogwarts

920 19 5
By Jessica_HP1979

It was now for the day for the trio, Mason and Ginny to head back to Hogwarts, Oliver and (Y/N) were already making their way there as they both said their goodbyes to Sirius, Lupin, the twins and Eliza. Oliver and (Y/N) apperated to Hogsmeade since it was the closest they could get to Hogwarts, Tonks and few other Aurors already being there. (Y/N) noticed how Tonks, was no longer wearing her hair a bright color hair but it was now short and a brown color. 

Tonks noticed the twins and waved at them with a small smile but didn't proceed to make conversation with them. The twins decided to leave her alone for now and talk to her later, as (Y/N) and Oliver arrived at Hogwarts they noticed how there were some professor outside talking and seeming to have worried expressions. 

"Hello, Professor Flitwick" Oliver greeted, Professor Flitwick looked at him and smiled. 

"Hello you two, i'm glad you made it..I was talking to Dumbledore the other day and when he said you two were going to help with security at Hogwarts I just couldn't believe it," said Flitwick.

"It surprised us as well, never in a millions years did I believe Hogwarts needed protection" (Y/N) mentioned. 

"Times have changed since then, with everything going on not even your own home feels safe and the amount of kids that called Hogwarts home" Professor Flitwick shook his head, "Well we'll catch up later, I need to head inside for something"

"Goodbye Professor" Oliver and (Y/N) waved. 

"Well if it isn't Mr and Ms.Black" The twins turned around to see Snape making his way towards them with Liam by his side, "Who would've thought Hogwarts most known troublemakers will be handling the security in Hogwarts, and if I may get married" 

"And who would've thought even after years your still here, i'm surprised Dumbledore kept you around, I mean aren't you tired of falling in getting the DADA position" Said Oliver. Snape lip curled into a nasty smile. 

"I think you love to hear, I actually changed positions this year..I'm now teaching DADA"

"What?" The twins asked, their mouths slightly agape. 

"Yes, now I better get going" Snape turned around and started walking away as Liam stayed behind but before he got far he turned back around to look at the twins, "Before I forget, Dumbledore will want to see the both of you later tonight".

"Why?" (Y/N) asked with her eyebrow raised, Snape looked at her for a moment then continued walking, "Thanks for the head up!"

"How come you didn't tell us, Snape is the new DADA teacher?" Oliver turned to look at Liam. 

"Because you never asked about him, and I think it's kind of rude to bring that up on your wedding day and when we're having a friendly conversation" Said Liam as he looked up at Hogwarts. 

"Do you know, why Dumbledore want to see us?" (Y/N) asked as she glanced at him. 

"I have no idea," Liam shrugged, "He wants to talk to me as well, I tired to ask but...he just says the same thing every time 'I'll see you later'"

"Wait...why are you here, I mean I don't think it's just for a meeting is it?" Oliver questioned.

"Nope, i'm helping the new potions teacher" Liam smiled, "I always like potions more, so Dumbledore said I could assist him"

"That's great" Said (Y/N), "We have to take a stroll around the school first, wanna come?"

"Sure, I already have everything set" Said Liam. 

"Great" Oliver smiled as they all started to walk around the castle before the students arrive. 


Currently the trio and Mason we're sharing a compartment as Luna was around giving out the Quibbler, Harry was telling Mason on what they all saw in Knockturn Alley.

"So, What was Draco doing with that weird-looking cabinet?, And who were all those people?, Don't you see?; it was a ceremony, an initiation" Harry implored, Mason looked at him and was thinking over his words. 

"Stop it, Harry. I know where you're going with this" Hermione shook her head. 

"It's happened, he's one of them" Harry added. Ron looked between both them, a confused look on his face as Mason looked like Harry could be right. 

"One of what?" 

"Harry is under the impression, Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater" Said Hermione with a small smile as she shook her head. 

"Your barking. What would You-Know-Who want with Malfoy?" Ron laughed lightly. 

"Well, then what's he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry argued, he started to feel slightly annoyed they weren't putting this information into account.

"It's a creepy shop and he's a creepy bloke" Ron shrugged. 

"Look, his father is a Death Eater, it only makes sense," Harry paused for a second before looking at Mason, "Mason, what do you think about all this?"

"Well, I have to agree with Harry on this," Harry smirked at Hermione and Ron and fist bumped Mason, "Look, what will Voldemort--Ron!--want someone like Harvey, it just makes sense that Draco will be one as well...and whoever you saw in Borgin and Burkes have to be his new Death Eater bestie"

"Honestly you two, Malfoy is not a Death Eater..just drop this" Hermione huffed. 

"Oliver and (Y/N) will probably believe me on this" Harry uttered under his breath, "I need some air, and so does Mason"

"What?" Mason looked up from his book, Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak and gave him a look, "Oh--Yeah I do, see you two...whenever I no longer need fresh air"

Hermione and Ron gave him a weird look but Mason paid no mind as he closed his book and walked out with Harry as they closed the compartment door. As they were walking down Mason noticed how many were looking at Harry in awe as some were also looking at Mason up and down with some girls blushing and quickly looking away.

"Say, Harry where are we heading to?"

"The Slytherin compartment, I need to listen to Draco" Said Harry as they continued walking. 

"You know, i'm all in at saying Draco is a Death Eater but this sorta sounds as if your in love with this bloke" Mason snorted, Harry turned around and gave him a look, "I'm just saying"

"Well those thoughts, keep them to yourself" Harry rolled his eyes as they both leaned against the compartment door but were able to remain hidden. 

They both saw Draco walking to where he placed his suitcase to get something as Harry and Mason both pulled out Peruvian Darkness powder they got from Fred and George's joke shop. Mason glanced at Harry as he nodded to Draco's direction, Harry put his away and Mason threw his making the compartment go into complete darkness. Harry placed the cloak over both of them as they made their way over to the compartment and stepped up onto the seats as they both got on the carry on. 

"What was that? Blaise?" Draco asked as he looked around to try to catch eye of his friends. 


"Relax boys, it's probably a first-year messing around. Come on, Draco sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon" Pansy Parkinson announced. Draco looked around one more time before walking back to his seat, Pansy and Blaise sitting across from him as Crabbe and Goyle sat seats next to him.

Mason and Harry trying to stay still as they were able to look at him from above. 

"Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school. I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I had to continue for another two years." Draco scoffed, Mason and Harry sharing a look. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Let's just say you won't see wasting my time in charms class next year" Draco sneered, Mason started to move slightly but Harry stopped him. Although Draco looked up seeming as he spotted something but quickly looked away. Blaise chuckled as Draco gave him a sneer, "Amused Blaise? We'll see who's laughing in the end"

This time it was Harry's turn to move around as Mason smacked him on top of the head. This caused a bag to move slightly not that they noticed. 

"Have you read the Prophet, apparently Harry wasn't the only one to survive the killing curse" A random Slytherin said. Draco looked over at the persons direction, "(Y/N) Black has also survived it, it makes sense when Oliver came back from St.Mungos and she didn't, oh--"

"Shut up!" Draco glared at them, they glared back as they kept talking about it, "You know Harvey's been talking a lot about (Y/N)"

"What will Riddle want with Black, I mean she's gorgeous but does he know that's never going to happen. Isn't Black an Auror now" Blaise spoke up. 

"Oh come on Blaise, all of Hogwarts was in love with the girl, even her brother not that they paid any mind to anyone" Pansy rolled her eyes. 

"Who cares about that, the Black's have no idea what's coming to them" Draco smirked. 

Mason and Harry tried their best to not pull their wands and hex him right there but they were waiting for him to continue to talk.

"What are you on about?" Blaise asked, Draco smiled and let out a low chuckle. 

"It's a surprise, I mean I don't want to spoil it...soon everyone is going to find out who the Black's are really like"

"I don't like...I don't like this at all" Mason mumbled.

"Me neither, we just have to tell them Draco, is planning something and this has to prove that Draco is a Death Eater for sure" Harry replied. 

After a while the Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade station as students started to board off and head to the carriages. Mason and Harry still under the invisibility cloak as they were waiting for the perfect time to get off the train. The cart Draco was in, was now nearly empty only leaving Pansy, Blaise and Draco as they were both making out they turned around to see Draco not behind them but in deep thought. 

"You two go on. I wanna check something" Draco utered, Pansy and Blaise nodded as they left the compartment. On the other side of the train, Hermione and Ron were looking at the end of the compartment for a sight of Harry and Mason both concern over their friends. 

"Where are they?" Hermione asked Ron as she looked over at him, Ron biting his lip nervously as he looked at her. "They're probably on the platform, Come on". Hermione didn't seem convice but followed him as she looked back every once in a while.

Draco reached up onto the carry-on shelf, as he scanned it. Mason and Harry both trying to stay still as possible, he took his bag as he started to walk to the compartment door only to close it and pull down the curtain. Mason went wide eye as he shared a look with Harry, Draco reached inside his pocket for his wand. 

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter?". Draco quickly turned around and pointed his wand to where the boys where, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Mason and Harry both fell as one was on top of the other, both of them paralyzed. Draco smirked as he walked over to them and ripped the cloak off them, the Slytherin seeming surprise to see Mason there, "You too Lestrange". He Pulled Mason off Harry as they both laid in different places his eyes flickering between both of them before walking over to Harry. "Oh, yeah...she was dead before you could wipe the drool of your chin!"

He rose his foot, bashing it harsley down onto Harry's nose a crack being heard, Draco then turned to Mason doing the same, "That was just for fun". Blood started to pour down their faces, Draco sneered as picked up the cloak and gave them another look, "That's for my father, enjoy your ride back to London", putting the cloak over them. 


(Y/N) and Oliver where currently patting down students and checking their bags as they were to check for anything suspicious. Many students looking at the twins in awe as they were holding copies of the Daily Prophet and looking back at them to see of they were actually real. Professor Flitwick checking off students names as they came walking in. 

"What are you two doing here?" Ron asked as Oliver was checking his bag. 

"We're stationed here, thought to keep it a secret wouldn't hurt" (Y/N) smiled as she was going through Hermione's things and quickly handing them back to her, "Your cleared"

"Say, where's Harry and Mason?" Oliver asked as he handed Ron his things, Hermione and Ron sharing a look. 

"Have they not been checked yet" Said Hermione as she looked worried.

"No" Oliver furrowing is eyebrow as he started to check other students things, "I think that was the whole point of asking you two--you may go--I thought you knew"

"We don't, well Mason is probably with Luna and Harry might be with them..so no big deal" Said Ron, "We should better get inside"

"Your right, see you two later" Hermione sighed as she walked behind Ron.

"Bye!" The twins said behind them. Some more students were getting checked as there was a group of giggling girls looking at the twins. As the twins were checking on other students, a more bold looking girl with large dark eyes, a prominent chin and long black hair walked up to (Y/N). 

"Hi i'm Romilda, Romilda Vane" she smiled as she looked at (Y/N). (Y/N) gave the girl a small smile as she went through her things, "Your (Y/N) Black aren't you, one of the chosen ones, you seem to catch everyone's eyes don't you" the girl batting her eyelashes. 

"Sure--You cleared" (Y/N) handed the girl her things as Romilda pouted and looked at Oliver up and down, while he was checking over her friends things.

"Your cleared as well" Oliver smiled as the young girl blushed and took her things walking to where Romilda was. Romilda whispering something to her friends ear as she giggled and walking towards him. 

"I'm Romilda, Romilda Vane" Oliver turned to glance at her and just nodded as he started to look over someone else's things, "Your really cute--"

"And he's to old for you love, he's also married..Get going!" (Y/N) spoke up not looking at her, Romilda blushed lightly at the name but huffed as she started to walk away. 

"I'm not old, I just turned eighteen--You can go--or did you forget" Oliver looked at her. 

"Of course not, we do share the same birthday" (Y/N) rolled her eyes, "But fine next time a little girl wants to flirt with you while being a married man may I add, I won't help you"

"It's not like she wasn't flirting with you--" Oliver started. 

"I never said she wasn't" (Y/N) shrugged as Filch came down and he started to look over the things, "Good, he made it"

"You know i'm started to get worried about Harry and Mason, they haven't showed up yet" Said Oliver as he nervously played with his wand. 

"Me too, we should go look for them" (Y/N) suggested, Oliver was about to nod when Draco Malfoy came to view with a grin on his face as he walked past the twins and over to Filch. "But first we need to see if Draco, doesn't have anything"

"I doubt it, probably one of daddy's belonging. Not that anything Lucius used to carry immediate anyone" Oliver admitted. 

"Oh about time, I've been looking all over for you three--Right, names" Professor Flitwick exclaimed. (Y/N) looked away from Draco and saw Harry, Mason and Luna as both boys had bloody noses. 

"What did you two do now?" (Y/N) mumbled, Oliver looked at her and then saw what she was looking at.

"Bloody hell, it's not even really the first day and they have broken noses...record really" Oliver shook his head. 

"It's not a cane, you cretin. Is a walking stick" Draco spat, the twins looking away from them to Draco. 

"Mr.Black, I need you to check this" Filch looked over at Oliver as he nodded and grabbed the item in his hand. "Is it safe"

"Obviously, what danger is a walking stick anyways, here" Oliver passed the item to Draco. Snape making his way to them. 

"Like, Mr.Black not dangerous..i'll vouch for Mr.Malfoy" (Y/N)'s eyes narrowing on Snape, Draco looked at the cane and was able to catch Harry and Mason eye. 

"Nice face, Potter, Lestrange!" Draco snapped, Harry giving a sarcastic smile as Mason lifted up the middle finger. (Y/N) chuckled but made it sound like a cough, Snape glanced at them before walking behind Draco. 

"What is he playing at?" (Y/N) asked as they looked at them, Oliver looking back at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you find it odd, Snape just....saves Draco like that--I mean, it's not that I don't trust Snape but I really don't" (Y/N) admitted. Oliver just shrugged as Mason, Luna and Harry were making their way to them.

"When Flitwick told us you're security, I couldn't believe it" Mason smiled as he wiped his nose. 

"Come on, time to get your things checked and we'll take you three up to the castle" Said (Y/N) as she ruffled his hair, "Hello Luna"

"Hello (Y/N), Oliver, is nice to see you two" Said Luna softly as Filch was checking her things. 

"Me and Mason, need to tell you something" Harry told them as (Y/N) took out a napkin from her pocket and grabbed his face as she started to wipe his nose, "Thanks"

"Don't mention it and next time you want to play spies with Mason, do better next time" (Y/N) joked as she finish cleaning his nose and Oliver was done with Mason. 

"Let's take you three to the castle, we already checked out here it's secure" Oliver looked around as they started to make their way inside. They all got dressed in their robes as the twins walked with them to the Great Hall as they stood inside the Great Hall.

"This is weird, I mean we're not students but it still feels like we are, still listening to one of Dumbledore's speeches" Oliver muttered as he walked over to (Y/N).

"Yup, expect for the fact the gates now have a forcefield and we need Aurors to make sure nothing bad happened, still feels like we're students here" (Y/N) nodded. 

"The Great Hall sky looks dark as well, way to set the mood" Oliver commented, (Y/N) looked up to notice there were gray clouds and the sky was dark. Dumbledore stood up and made his way to the post as students started to quiet down. 

"First off let me introduce the newest member of our staff...Horace Slughorn," Everyone started to clap as the teacher known as Slughorn stood up, the twins sharing a look.

"You think we should've told them Snape is now the new DADA teacher" Oliver whispered.


"Professor Slughorn, i'm happy to say...has agreed to resume his old post as Potions master, meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be taken by Professor Snape" Many students started to whisper amongst themselves and not even teachers at the staff table seem to be clapping for him, well probably Slughorn but only just. The Slytherin table started to clap loudly for him, Harry turned around to look at the twins. 

"Each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight, and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, who, like you...sat in this very hall...walked this castle's corridors, slept under this roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? ...Tom Riddle" 

(Y/N) and Oliver looked at each other and then back at Dumbledore, whispers started to fill the Great Hall. The mood seemed to darken even more than it was, (Y/N) walked out of the hall and looked down the corridors for anything but nothing. Oliver turned around to look at her as Dumbledore started to talk again. 

"Today, of course... he's known all over the world by another name. Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you all tonight...i'm reminded of a sobering fact. Everyday, every hour...this very minute perhaps...dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now off to bed, pip-pip"

(Y/N) and Oliver where standing outside the Great Hall as students started to walk out and started heading to their common rooms. Colin and Dennis Creevey smiled when they saw the twins both of them running towards them to give them a hug, Mason waved at them as he headed to his common room with his friends. The golden trio stopped in front of them as the rest continued walking. 

"What is you three?" Oliver asked. 

"I need to talk to you," Harry looked between them.

"Harry, don't you think you should wait on this...what if your wrong" Hermione spoke up, Harry ignored her and had a determined look on his face. 

"You two, get going...i'll meet up with you in the common room" Harry turned to them. Ron just nodded as he send the twins a small smile and walked away with Hermione next to him, "We should talk about this somewhere private"

"Let's talk in an empty classroom" Oliver started walking as (Y/N) and Harry followed behind, he opened a door as they walked inside, "What is this about, Harry?"

"It's about Malfoy, he's a Death-Eater", (Y/N) started to laugh as she looked at Harry, "What's so funny?"

"Draco, a Death-Eater...listen Harry, I thought about it too but Malfoy doesn't have the guts to do anything Death-Eater worthy unless, already having a cursed item or poison, but Death-Eaters are killers Harry, we all know that" Said (Y/N). 

"But we'll look into it, Draco Malfoy a Death-Eater isn't such a crazy thought" Oliver added, "Is that all Harry, cause it sorta looks like you have more to say"

"Draco said something about you two are getting what you deserve, Mason was with me he heard it as well" Harry went on. 

"Alright, we'll pay attention to Draco then, time for you to head to bed Har" Oliver sighed as they made their way out and walked Harry to the common room, "Harry, I think it's best you don't say this idea out loud, don't want to cause a scene" 

"Alright, Goodnight" Harry smiled as he hugged them before entering the common room.  

"We should head to Dumbledore's, don't want to keep him waiting" said (Y/N) as she started walking, Oliver behind her. They walked to his office as they knocked the door and heard a faint 'come in'. 

"Good evening Dumbledore" Oliver greeted, "Oh--do you want us to wait outside"

"No need, Professor Slughorn..you might know these two...this is Oliver and (Y/N) Black" Dumbledore smiled as the twins looked over at Slughorn and smiled as they stuck their hand out.

"Nice to meet you" said (Y/N), Slughorn shook her hand and then Oliver's. 

"(Y/N) and Oliver are Aurors, Horace, Troublemakers when they attended Hogwarts but very talented indeed. They're one of the fews protecting the school" Dumbledore explained. 

"Of course they are, Samantha Potter was the same. They're kids have to be talented as well..I know you two might be very busy with securing the school but I was wondering if you'll want to come to a dinner party--Unless it's a problem with you Albus" Horace looked away from them to Dumbledore who just shook his head.

"Not a problem at all"

"We'll love to come" (Y/N) answered. 

"Great, well I better get going. Goodnight" Horace smiled as he walked out the door the twins looked at Dumbledore as he pulled out a damaged book, Tom Riddle's diary. Which they destroyed in their fourth year with Harry. (Y/N) walked forward with her hands behind her back.

"Sir, I couldn't help and notice your hand, what happened to it?"

"I think we have more important matters to discuss...Horace Slughorn. Both of you are talented, famous and powerful, everything he values. Professor Slughorn is going to try and collect you both along with Harry. The three of you will be his crowning jewel, that's why he returned to Hogwarts" 

"I don't follow sir" Oliver spoke up, "You want us to let....us get into Slughorn's good side"

"Indeed" Dumbledore walked over to a cabinet, where vials shimmered. "What you two are looking at are memories. In this case pertaining to one individual, Voldemort, or, as he was known then, Tom Riddle"

Dumbledore slowly moved one of the rotating shelves until he picked up a certain vile and showing it both of them, "This vial contains the post peculiar memory..of the day I first met him. I'd like you both to see it, if you would"

Oliver reached out for the vial as they all made their way over to the pensive. He unscrewed the cap as (Y/N) and Dumbledore stood on either side of him, he slowly turned the vile to the side. As it poured inside the water a black trail followed, Oliver and (Y/N) glanced at each other and grabbed each others hand before looking back down at the pensive and slowly lowered down their faces in the liquid. 

The black blob soon started to form into a town, a figure of someone with an umbrella making their way to an Orphanage. "I admit some confusion open receiving your letter, Mr.Dumbledore"

The scene change as two people were walking up a staircase, "In all the years, Tom's been here, he's never once had a family visitor". A woman spoke, they made their way to a certain floor as she led him down a path, "There have been incidents with the other children, nasty things"

A young version of Dumbledore gave her a simple nod as the woman knocked on the door softly and slowly opened it, "Tom, you have a visitor". Dumbledore slowly made his way inside, "How do you do Tom?"

A small boy with jet black hair and fair-skin sat on a chair in the corner of a small room. The young boy not responding as the woman left and Dumbledore looked around as he set his things down and took his seat on the bed. Tom looked at him emotionless, "You're the doctor, aren't you?"

"No" Dumbledore replied, "I am a professor".  The boy turned in his seat as kept looking at him, "I don't believe you. She wants me looked at. They think i'm different" 

"Well, perhaps they're right" he said. Tom glared at him, "I'm not mad". Dumbledore quickly shook his head, "Hogwarts is not a place for mad people. Hogwarts is a school, a school of magic". Tom furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before waiting to see if Dumbledore was joking.

"You can do this can't you, Tom?" He asked softly, "Things that other children cannot"

"I can make things move without touching them," Tom replied, "I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt, if I want. Who are you?"

"Well, i'm like you, Tom...i'm different" Dumbledore spoke softly. Tom eyed him suspiciously, "Prove it"

Dumbledore smirked slightly as he remained seated after a few seconds the wardrobe next to them caught on fire. The boy's eyes widening with a small smile, "I think there's something in your wardrobe trying to get out, Tom"  

Tom stood up and opened the doors, flames surrounding the inside as it circled a small chest. He looked at it for a bit before finally picking  it up, the doors closing as the fire stopped. He walked towards the bed and opened it and placed the items down as he turned around to look at Dumbledore. 

"Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts, Tom. At Hogwarts , you'll be taught not only to use magic but how to control it. You understand me?". The boy didn't replied as silence took over the room Dumbledore walking out but stopped when Tom, spoke again. 

"I can speak to snakes too"

"They find me. Whisper things. Is that normal for someone like me?". The man turned around with a surprised expression. 

That was all the twins saw as the vision disappeared as it turned back into a black blob. They picked up their heads as (Y/N) took a shaky breath and she kept her eyes on the pensive. 

"Did you know, sir? At that time?" Oliver asked, looking up at him. 

"Did I know I'd just met the most dangerous wizards of all time? No" he replied, "If I had--". He paused for a second thinking before speaking again, "Over time, while here at Hogwarts...Tom Riddle grew close to one particular teacher. Can you guess who that teacher might be?"

(Y/N) looked up from the Pensive to Dumbledore, "So Slughorn isn't just here for the Potion position is he, we need something from him...don't we?" 

Dumbledore looked at her and nodded, "Professor Slughorn, possess something I desire very dearly. And he won't give it up easily"

"So when you brought up, that Slughorn will want to collect us with Harry" Oliver started. 

"I did" Dumbledore replied. 

"You want us to let him" (Y/N) continued as the twins looked back down at the Pensive. 



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